UIDHEID C'MON FOLKS Our Pelicans, the baseball kind, begin to open up this week end fully equipped with mate rial, sponsors and uniforms. Indications arc also they're not lacking in either enthusiasm ! or ability. Only thing problematical is, team support that's up to you, , you. and you including me. i First requisite in most base-1 ball towns lor continued high at tendance is either a strong team or a colorful one. We don't definitely know yet whether we have a passel of Brooklyns, a Cincinnati squad, a team of Phillies, or nine old men, but we think that inas much as team enthusiasm de- fl. 1. Jl pends Hi a large measure on n jt e tod aJ mj Portland team support, all of us ought to ma(c3 b , a n k e d the Oakland hang with the home team until Qaks jn a pacifie coast we've given them a chance 0,eaRUC baseba game. W , ..uc, j.J Portland decided the issue in ; . They're playing both Saturday ... , ,;.. i-..k iu. LEB STEERS (Continued) Dave Sanderson of the Eu gene Daily News, still on the Les Steers bandwagon, asks if we have any foldin' money about that seven-foot jump. Today, David, we've posted to Dick Strife, sports editor of the Eugene Register-Guard, a five seed piece for safekeeping until after the National AAU meet this summer. With this towel we say that "California's Les Steers, Univer sity of Oregon trackman" we quote Time magazine will not leap seven feet or better in an official attempt this season. Do we hear the glad sound oi leaping sports editor? Speculation Rising Over Grapple Card Speculation was rife and ris ing up and down Main street Saturday as to the probable lineups come Tuesday night's grapple show at the armory which will feature a battle royal, Many of those who guess at that sort of thing thought it likely that Cowboy Dude Chick, the new world's Pacific coast Junior heavyweight wrestling champion, would match up with Gtu Johnson to form a scien tific merger against the more roisterous and rule-careless lads. Othen thought, with equal facility, that Gil Knudsen and affable Ernest Piluso would ' Messrs. TarolU,. and Cowboy Jim Heffner, a I roughhouse pair, before tackling . Chick and Johnson. There were several opinions offered. other I 400 1 .391 Cleveland Chicago Boston . Detroit .. New York Washington .. Philadelphia St. Louis 9 COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. .737 1 .564 .513 .475 j .447 .447 .4101 Sacramento 28 Seattle 22 San Diego 20 San Francisco .. 19 Hollywood 17 Los Angeles 17 Oakland 16 Portland 15 .405 WESTERN Spokane Yakima Wenatchee . Salem INTERNATIONAL W. L. Pet. -II) 2 .833 ... 8 3 .727 -.6 6 .. 5 6 .500' .455 ; Tacoma .. 3 8 .273 Vancouver 4 H .267 ' NORTHERN DIVISION STUNOINCS Wathlngton - . l 4 Or Ron fit ate . s a '""si I'laho WftahiQton State . : -Civilian pilots of all classes have grown in number from 20,000 to 55,000 In two years. There now are more than 700 schools In the United States for flight training and about as many schools for teaching affil iated activities. . Private flying hung up anoth er all-time record in 1940, when nearly a million miles were Sown per fatal accident. The Greek "deinos," meaning terrible, or fearful, and "sauros," meaning lizard, form our word dinosaur ' BASEBALL STANDINGS I NATIONAL LEAGUE W L. Pet. ' Brooklyn 22 7 .759 St Louis 19 8 .704 New York 15 11 .577 Boston 12 15 .444 Chicago 10 15 Pittsburgh 9 14 Cincinnati 10 17 .370 Philadelphia 9 19 .321 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. 23 9 .719 15 11 .577, 13 12 .520 14 14 .500 15 16 .484 14 16 .467 10 18 .357: 17 .346 ! I 1 Pelicans Set For X Two Weekend Tilts Sleet Calls Redding Tilt; Locals Face Mount Shasta Sunday Afternoon When the brace of practice games scheduled for the Pelican baseball club is completed late Sunday afternoon, Klamath dia mond fans should have a better insight as to what to expect from the local baseball artists for the 1941 season. First game of the weekend scries was to be contested Satur day night under the lights of Recreation park against the Redding I Tigers, strong Northern California league nine. The second tilt. Portland Blanks Oaks Son Diego Defeats L. A. Angels, 8-3; Twinks Bcot Suds; Seals Take Sacs OAKLAND, Cal.. May 17 (VP) Rvrnn Simkmh r.t-hfH A tlirrfv- ed and was sacrificed to second by Thompson. An error by Due zabou. Oaks' third baseman, of Owens' roller put Escobar on third and Owens on second. An nunzio's single scored Escobar and Owens. Portland nh ...: w...R ii mi """' JT. .T? . . """""organized league, feature ngn r-oruano. KOl seen ... from Darrow. j , TNtr-r-.-, T .. 1 , -. Mai 17 (VP) Al (Lefty) Olsen, young San Diego Padre southpaw. nunra 1 1 v e-iui uiu immv iu whip the Los Angeles Angels.' O IU Oken's fourth win of the sea-i ",v lu " """" son was scored at the expense1 Directors of the Klamath of his equally young Angeleno ! Fall tcam- headed by Bob rival. Jes Flores. who was touch- j Howard, president, have under ed for four runs on five consecu- taken and practically completed tive hits in the first inning ! remodeling job on Recreation Olsen struck out seven batters ' field with the idea of improv and also singled with the bases ing the athletic enclosure for loaded in the fifth to drive in players and spectators alike, two runs. j Dirt has been hauled in to cover the infield, weeds have been HOLLYWOOD, May 17 fUP) pulled and a newly-wired back John Dickshot, former New stop has been erected for the York Giants outfielder, poled a games this week. Seating facili home run over the left field , ties for close to 2000 spectators fence in the third inning today are available, to give the Hollywood Stars a 1 1 Manager Sanders was to send to 0 victory over the Seattle Virg Havncs to the mound Sat Rainiers in their Pacific coast Urday night against the Tigers league game at Gilmore field The game developed into a ; pitching duel between south-1 paw Roy Joiner of the Stars and syl Johnson of the Rainiers. Hollywood got only three hits' off Johnson and Joiner limited the Rainiers to four singles. j Aside from Dickshofs homer ' the only hits obtained by the winners were two singles by Bob ' Kahle. Not until the ninth inn- ig did . Seattle player get as far as second base. SACRAMENTO. May 17 a'P) Jake Powell's two-bagger with two out in the ninth inning turn- the same manner with the ex ed defeat into a 7-6 victory for ception that Orin Davis will the San Francisco Seals over the draw the starting pitching Job. Sacramento Solons here today Lawrence Granger, catcher, and before 1043 fans. Powell's blow off Rookie Ed- die Green drove in two runs, Credit for the win went to Hub Kittle. the third Seals oitcher to see action. The loss left Sacra- mento with a three to two lead in the series. J"hiioo ra.'l fiiioo; Joiner irA Jivm'-i. Port lap 4 Oakland - (I'ttce tM Ann n Fran. r.-inrn" . n.1 Kpi-'l. KlUI.. In ; I; ipliiigT, (jn- o ft Connie Mack Day Held In Philadelphia PHiT.Anrr phta nt 17 m This is Connie Mack day in Penn- sylvania, officially dedicated to 1 svivania. n ina v the man reennir-H as hsehair grandest character I Celebrities of the game from Judge Kencsaw Mountain Lan- Hie r4r..t,n I i - n.i- i.' " ",J ' ,.r nrf V ' ? y g' i " K i y high school principals. A bit flustered by all the j Officers elected by thc or praise, Connie declares: Ranization were: Dwight Adams, "I hardly know what to say. j Albany, president: Jim Carr, It's more of a tribute to baseball, j Hood River, vice president; 1 hope to Drove Woi'thv nf it i Franf O'Neil. Scannoose. secro- all." GREG RICE WINS HOMETOWN RACE MISSOULA, Mont., May 17 (UP Greg Rice, world's dis tance title holder, running be fore his hometown crowd -Friday on the field where he start ed his career as a high school youth, led Dixie Garner and Me. Trutt the full two miles but failed to shorten his record time of 8.51:1. His time todav was 8.13.1. Garner ran second also to be staged on the local I field, will get underway Sunday afternoon with the Mt. Shasta Athletic club team as the opposi- tion. The Oregon State league Peli cans reputed to be one of the best A cold, driving sleet that popped eight lamps of brilliantly-lighter Recreation field caused the scheduled Klamath Falls-Redding baseball contest to be called in the last half of the fourth inning last night with the visitors leading, 5 0. The game goes as no contest since less than the required four and one-half innings had been played. Weather permitting the Peli cans will tackle the Mt. Shasta Athletic club nine on the local diamond this afternoon at 2 p. m. all-around squads ever to rep- a resent Klamath Falls in any closl,.knit defense together with hjttil,s po-p,. at the piate and , I niffhinf mtvtt M.n.nn, ! v j . . . r ' ........ Rod Sanders h.-liovo that the Mavbe it's th chance in Ctcvr- one of the best semi-pro outfits I . , . . , , , ..'.' utut :in j he state, provided however i . , , . i 1 1 r . ...... , with Clvde Carlstrom tn relipve him if nwrv V,'arrtn Wah. ncr was t0 open at tne catching position. The smooth-working infield of Amhol Riney on first base, f lc 1?"hP n sfcnd' ,Babe , " . V , . . . . . f shortstop was slated to start '?i':.. "V"u"" c ' " ;" wdh Marsha. Eye- stone in center and Carl Read in right field. For the Sunday engagement the Pelicans will lineup in much Jack Lloyd and Earl Brooks, in i fielders, also are to see some duty over the weekend. Paul Crapo, first baseman, likely will be held out of the two games to allow his injured index j finger to heal completely. Game time for the Saturday i contest was to Be 7:30 p. m. while Sunday's fracas will get started at 2 p. m. State Cage Tourney May Be Changed EUGENE, May 17 'T'i Thc ' Orrgon High School Coaches association passed a surprise resolution at its meeting here I last night, held n conjuncuon ; with the running of the fifteenth ! annual track and field cham pionships. ! The coaches voted that unless j Willamette university makes im j mediate plans to improve their I basketball facilities, thc associa j tion would recommend to thc Slate High School Activities as sociation the staging of thc an- nuo1 'elball tournament, A schools at Corvallis for and Eugene on alternating years. Ju5t hnw m,lch wriSh' he rccommenoauon win carry ap pears problematical, but no ac- tion is expected until the next December meeting of the Portland when all legates will be present most- tary. Various committees were also named. Thc wireless telegraph station at Mexico City is equipped to communicate with all countries of the world. ing over Jerusalem before Its destruction may have been Hal ley's comet. Use a tablespoon of milk in which a little brown sugar has been dissolved to glaze cakes and pastry. Versatile Eddleman Tops High Dwight Eddlaman. remarkable all-around athUU of Centralla. seemingly sails o'er roof topi breaking 6 year-old Illinois high jumping record for high school athletes in qualifying for state meet with mark of 8 teat 5W inches. Eddleman hat scored 89 out of pouible 90 points In dual competition. He broad Jumps and runt quarter mile. He averaged 21.5 points a game for 45 for total of 969. bettering by 227 all time Illinois preparatory school batkotball record established decade ago by Bill Haarlow, who went on to star for Chicago. Knee injury forced him to giro up football. Jeff Heath to Former Rv UnitH Pfm " land's manaRcrship or it might that Indians outltelder jetf Heath is due for a climb back to tit hitj -1.. h tctiiiii ivpii nis former niiiini; promuirrHC, but the fact remains that he has become his team's leading slug-! eer since the ouster of Oscar Vitt. Heath, who batted a lowlv .IIS tmrior Vitt lat venr has pome back this season under Manager Roger Peckinpaugh's supcrvis- ion. hitting for an average of .365 in 29 games among the American League's leading bats- men. He hit two homers that were good for four runs Satur- day to lead the Indians to a 12 to 9 triumph over the Boston Red Sox. ! Powerhouse The league-leading I n d I a n s, with a powerhouse attack that also included homers by Hal Trosky and Ken Kcltner, ran Cronin Crosses Critics By Measuring Major Macemen SEW YORK. Mav 17 - , r- .u " u Joe Cron ,rw ,h e 34 ma - whose critics expressed doubt that he could continue playing shortstop this season, is the leading hitter in the major leagues at the ' moment, j His effective land defiant an- s w e r to en- croaching years and aging mus- cles has been to bat .405 in 22 games. As of today he is the only regular In either major league with an Wenotchee Chiefs Hold Third Place By The, Associated Press The home-owned Wcnatchee Chiefs, generally picked before lhi cpnvnn n Ihn rliiK libnl,! in ih nr mi the year, still rode in third 1 pace Saturday in thc W.I.N. : rimnitn a dr.f...-.t Prirlnv niiht in the only league game. The cellar-dwelling Vancouver I sv; . 4 I mm Jot Cronin Menu WannttedlS Thousands of men with MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, RADIO and AIR CRAFT SHEET METAL experience needed for Dcfcnso Industry! Special training necessary. National Schools The oldest and best equipped institution in America can prepare you for one of these positions in shortest- possible time. Hundreds of local ref erences. TWO PLANS Go at once, or tako part of training at home. A representa tive will be in Klamath Falls for the next few days to select men that can qualify. Call Cascade Apartment Hotel for appointment, or inquire there for ( Mr. Day. I National Schools is licensed with the Department of Education of the Stat of Oregon. -.,..,'- a..i . '- W May Climb Bat Prominence ; their currtMit winning strcnk to i .1 i.w tory. liob tviivr was crottiica vim n s r un to was sm-i. irm u in the seventh inning after giv-! r wniK: The amazing Chicago White Sox maintained their second spot position in the standings by ek- ing out a 3 tn 2 decision over the New York Yankees. Myrl Hoag paced the Sox to victory with timely hitting that scored two of I Chicago's runs. j A five-run rally in the eighth j inning, featured by a home run ' by York his seventh gave the j Detroit Tigers an 8-5 victory over j the Philadelphia Athletics. The Washington Senators, pushed over halt their runs in ! ' a sixth-inning splurge that gave them a 12-7 triurrpb over the St. Louis Browns. Each team used four pitchers and the octet yield- ed a total of 2" hits. erage above .400. He whipped the Chicaco White Sox Thurs- Chicago Wutc T cd for tnr,.c of hls team s seven hits against Cleveland. Cecil Travis, the Washington Senators' shortstop who set the pace previously, skiuuvu uuiii .459 to .3'J8 during the week u.wnu ,u said today, the select society of American: Tnc ,tate , , whole wm league batters. 'probably offer the best fishing Arky Vaughan of Pittsburgh, , sincc thc trout scason opened ianonai onuing league cnam pion in 1935, ascended to first place in thc senior circuit with .392, a 19-point advance over last week when he was third. Enos Slaughter of the St. Louis Cardinals, who was in front last Saturday, av-'from .391 to .374. dropped club downed Wenatchee, 7 to 12, in thc apple city while rain j washed out the Tacoma-Spokane and Yakima-Salem games. Thc one game did not interfere with club standings. i am i.,r,.,i:, ;i,,,i;., I our own, arc suspect, not for their nationality, but because ii. nr.. imri,,iim. shnrrv Mang.in in "Fortune" on South American feeling toward thc US. I School Athletes Back Thr-Run Homer . ine BrotiKi.vn Lhwinen. J- ; though their game with the Pitts- buMh Pirates was postponed, . - were handed another half game mariiin in their Niitioiwil It-aiiur lead when the second -place St. i Louis Cardinals dropiied a 12- j Inning game to the Boston Braves, 6-3. A three-run homer by Babe Dahlgren in the 12th gave Boston its margin of vie- lory. The fading Cincinnati Reds dropped their sixth straight loss to the Phillies, who unveiled bc- spectacled. 21-year-old Walt Podgajny In a starting role for the first time this year, lie held the Reds to six hits as Phlladel-j phia marked up a 2 to 1 decision. A double by Bob Bragan drove in : both the Phillie runs. Cliff Melton pitched five hit ball as the Giants blanked the , j Cubs, 9-0. The New Yorkers . I reached four Chicago mounds-1 Oregon Fishing Prospects PORTLAND, May 17 V Anglers looking for hot npntx this weekend should try the Me-1 nc"nzic Deschutes and Itnguc rivers, the stute gnmc comiius- fishing bulletin EUGENE. May 17 (IP) A 15 pound 2 ounce rainbow trout was displayed here yesterday by M. M. Kimball of Trent who landed it while trolling in Crescent lake, 75 miles from here in thc Cascades. Measuring 29 inches long and 22 inches in girth, it is reported to be the largest rain bow ever taken by hook and line from Crescent lake. Only 15 minutes was required to land it. an(1 coastal prospects generally lurn ftiir in middling ti, iMillnlin hv rmintie In. eluded: MARION Lakes good but UirKumi nnor. Some fish taken in Santlam river. I.INN Lakes yielding fair I'M'.K TWKl.VK Medf ord Track Team i Sweeps State Meet Rcginato Scores Five Points for Klamath With Long Discus Throw F.l'GKNE, Ore.. May 17 (IT) -Medfnrd won the Oregon statu lilgli school truck ami field meet today, iuritig ;I0 mints, nearly twice that of their closest opponent. Mucin, runner up, rollnliil III points, I'orvallii IS, C'hem liuil II'. Heml II'., Molnlln II. In Grande III. Kedinond, llciiv. el'ton. and Alscn H, Ontario and Grant Puss li, Seaside, Kllinialll Falls, Adrian. Toledo, anil Mil- waukie ft, Park lio.se, ('lat-.k.inle and Vale 4. Siileni, Cottage drove, Siherton, Arlington, and Imhtcr :1, ltoM-hurg ami Kugene 2, verouia and Matipin 1, Maker ann newoerg t, ni. iieieus, im'w- port, and Sandy, i ncsults inrlutlfd Fituhioii d( Knurnt t'tok fiui tli in tho 100 -yard d.i-h, won by Still of Mac Hi in tm second- (int. Krauxe of Cnttnuc Grove was third tn the 440 yiird dti. won by Johnson of Mrdford In arc onds. ncgionato. Kinmain rails, won the discus with a toss of 13a feet, S inches, men for 13 hits that were good for two four run inninK'. NathMMl LlalKtM R York .... ........... XI -.1 II 1,llrrl!,hU I It' I'lilh l I IV'U!my ' Mimii, Aiwrhin LtJIu, I'Mrtfrt lllgnry an.l Trr.h; ( li.m.ll. p n. r ml lit qurl n I:, Thirty -three states now have laws requiring eye tests for ap plicants for drivers' liceiiM-s. I The Great Pyramid is 480 feet 1 high. catches of trout. Streams proving. KENTON Trout fn.hing in Alsea river only fair. LANK MrKeniif river good. particularly in upper part. Wil- lamette fair, as are coastal riv- ers mid tidewater JOSEPHINE Herent rains have made fihliig poor in Kogue river near Grants I'ass. DOUGLAS Itu.:ehurg dis trict stream fishing improved um inn iiiHi. i.aKes yielding some good catches of trout. JACKSON Salmon run In but fish not hitting. Trnul ang ling excellent in upper Kogue. LINCOLN Sea -run trout catches good. Smaller streams returning to normal. COOS Angling fair through out county. CURIIY Rogue river clenr enough for s.'ilniiiii fishing Lakes good. KLAMATH All streams and lakes good except Sprngue river. Tuesday, J PHONE FOR TICKET RESERVATIONS The Rialto Phone 5777 Waggoner's Drug Phone 3263 Louie Polin'a Phone 6865 Hershhcrger's Phone 6578 Jlny 13, 1941 ------ i ; .fc a I ft I I J 0 LdjCjGjl - SMfwArWmr I j vine t t 4-4 VIRGIL HAYNE8 Virgil llaynrs, 21 -year-old' riKlitlumiler, is a recent addition to the Klamath i'ellcan mound stuff and is new to most local (nm Vrgil has not had a rhlll) y,., , rxhll,it his slants 'with the Pelicans but Manager Sanders planned to start him against Krdilmg Saturday night. j The mx foot 1 HO pound luti came t the wnt cimt from Qitiiuy. III., five years ago. Vir gil graduated from Qitincy ttigU M-hon w here he starred in foot l.ill. Id uImi phtvrd third buNQ ;iml ciimtht with the Qtilucy ' Anterieiiu Junior Leg ion bull team. After moving out west, Haynri . entered Siirniinento Junior col t'Hf and participated in lwic hall. footiall and boxing, lie took the college title in the light heavyweight department and pitched on the hall teum. Dui. j ing his fird season, Virgil won 5 and lot 2 and the second year X . ; 3 Plays at Rdtport r ..ii ...A-.., Virgil later transferred to tho n y ' University of Oregon and played . i ii ii hall in 11)40 utuler Coach lioW irU ri Ilohson. He won five out of vLIi mY'i' ' six games pitched, two of them ; being conference games. Ilaynes gathered semi-pro ex perience at Heedport, Ore., when this town was represented in the Oregon State le.'iKue, hold ing down third base. In HWU he played with both Ahland and Med fort) in the Southern Oregon lenKiie and for a time was ll member of the Medford Cratrr , squad in HMO. V Virgil ban had considerable Softball experience also, travel ing to the .stati' tournament at Salem in l!37 with the Marsh field club. His team was ell- ' initiated in the quarter finals. At present, Ilaynes is em 1m ' ployed at the Rig liiiMn Lumber t company. j Wet leaves on pavements form a major driving haard for m tons!, One week's supply of boots for F.iiL'land's iirmv is eininl tn 1 H moiitlis' entire peacetime output, I There are no volcanoes In Aus traja 8:30 P. M. Thrills Spills n