The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 17, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ma V. 1941
Demonstration 8t A demon
stration of slipcovers will be
held In the Aluuma community
hall, Muy ID, at 1 p. m. You
re to bring the chair you w!h
covered to the hall o It can
be measured to ace how much
material you will have to pur
chase. May 20 you purchaae
the material. May 21 at 0
o'clock you bring the material
to the hall and learn how to
make your dip-cover. All ladlea
that are Interested In brighten
ing up their chain, now la the
time, tiring a sack lunch.
Visits Mrs. R. Harper, Rose
ville. Calif , spent Wednesday
visiting Mrs. Charles M. Rey
nolds. 2110 White avenue. Mrs.
Harper ia the mother of Mrs.
Ralph Burke, MIS East Main
street. Mr. and Mrs. Burke
and daughter, Lavllla, left Wed-
nesday morning for Rosevllte
and missed Mrs. Harper who
waa en route here.
Visiting rrom Tacema Mr.
and Mrs. William Brebner Sr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Breb
ner and daughter, Mary Ann,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Saether of Modoc Point. They
attended the wedding of their
grandson and nephew, W. A.
Brebner Saether, to Miss Del
phlne Olson on Saturday, May
Visitors Hare Mr. and Mrs.
Wllhum A. Brebner of Tacoma,
Wash., spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olson of
1DSS Del Moro street. Mr. and
Mrs. William A. Brebner are the
parents of Mrs. Paul Saether of
Modoc Point.
Past Oracles The Past Or-
aclea of the Royal Neighbors of
America will meet with Mrs.
Ed Robinson, 818 Spring street,
Friday, May 23, at 7:30 p. m.
All members and visiting Past
Oracles are Invited.
Jackson Court Pay
Visit to Klamath,
Make Inspection
Members of the Klamath coun
ty court on Friday played host to
Jarkson county court members.
The Jarkson men came to re
pay a visit of the Klamath group
to Jackson county some time ago.
The visitors were taken on a
trip through the valley and ln
spected the county road shops,
various road projects, the Infirm
ary, and other spots of Interest
to the officials of the two court'
SHIRLEY Born at Klamath
Valley hospital. Klamath Falls,
Ore., May IS, 1041. to Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon L. Shirley, 804
Delta street, a girl. Weight: 8
pounds 12 ounces.
YANCEY Born at Klamath
Valley hospital. Klamath Falls,
Ore., May IS, 1941, to Mr. and
Mrs. Carl E. Yancey, 2728 Kane
street, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds
1 2 1 ounces.
Returns Here Dr. O. G.
Guernsey will return to his of
fice Monday after an absence
of the past five weeks when he
waa confined to hia bed In a
Portland hospital. Dr. and Mra.
Guernsey returned here Thurs
day night.
Improving The condition of
frank Card, Pelican City youth,
who auffered severe facial Injur
ies In a motorcycle accident re
cently, waa reported Improved
at Hillside hospital Friday.
Assumed Name J. R. Peebler
has filed with the county clerk
the assumed business name of
Office Supply company.
On Business District Attor
ney L. Orth Sisemore was In
Salem Friday on county business.
In North Deputy Sheriff
Dale Walloon spent Friday In
the north end of the county on
Klamath county will furnish
28 men for the US army under
terms of the Selective Service
act on June 4, service headquar
ters aaid Friday.
From board 1 there will be 11
selectees departing for Portland
on the night train on that date,
along with IS from county board
Although there are a few vol
unteers on hand for the call,
Major Ted Case, local director,
said most of the men will be
called to service.
Read the Classified Page.
MERRILL Lost River Gar
den club members will meet
this month on Monday, May 26,
rather than May 27, the regular
meeting date which Is being set
ahead to permit those Interest
ed In flower arrangementa to
attend an all day meeting in
Klamath Falls at which Mrs.
McCulloch, Altadena, Calif., west
coast authority on arrangements
will speak.
The all day meeting to be held
in the basement room of the
Klamath Falls library which Is
being sponsored Jointly by the
Klamath Falls Library club and
the Lost River Garden club
starts at 10 a. m. with an in
formal discussion during the
morning. Those attending are
asked to bring a lunch and the
main lecture will start promptly
at 2 p. m. The guest speaker
will analyze arrangementa made
by anyone Interested and odd
vases difficult to use for grace
ful arrangements may be brought
for a lesson.
Mrs. U. A. Krausc, pupil of
Mrs. McCulloch, highly reconv
mends the speaker and anyone
Interested In arrangementa of
blossoms for every use and every
room may attend. Particularly
are garden club members invited
to be present. A charge of 33
cents will be made for the lec
The Lost River club meeting
at the home of Mrs. M. A. Bow
man will answer roll call on
"Wild Flowcra I Have Found
in This Locality," and will com
plete plans for the annual flower
show to be held here probably
next month. Plans for the an
nual picnic will also come up.
A spenker will discuss prepar
ation of flowers for exhibit.
For Your
9m anas aevtrtisifif hi Ties
tilinws, aims IIM
Partly cloudy north with show
ers In extreme north portion and
fair south portion tonight and
Saturday; slightly warmer In
south portion; moderate to freah
northwest winds off coast except
moderate south to west from
Cane Mendocino northward.
OREGON Mostly cloudy
with ahowera west and north
portions tonight and Saturday;
little change In temperature;
moderate to freah southwest to
west wind off the coast.
Extended forecast for far west
excepting southern California,
period of May 16-23: Occasional
moderate frontal ihowera in Pa
cific northwest and extreme
northern California, extending
Into northern Nevada about
Monday; otherwise fair or part
ly cloudy; cool in Pacific north
west and near and or alightly
above normal temperature else
where. Mall Closing Times
Southbound: 6:00 a m.
Northbound: 9:30 a m.
Southbound: 8:1S o nv.
Northbound: 8:30 p m.
Alturas, L.ikevlew, Rocky
Point and Ashland, all close 7:00
a. m.
Lady Eagle The Lady
Eagles club will meet at the
home of Lucille Ruge. 1605
Siskiyou street, Monday, May
19, instead of Wednesday, May
Drum Corps Member of the
Eaglea auxiliary drum corps
are asked to go to Penney's
for shoe fittings as soon as possible.
TULELAKE M. V. Maxwell,
Siskiyou county farm advisor,
was guest speaker at this week's
Rotary luncheon. Introduced by
L. E. Tillotson, program chair
man, Maxwell offered an inter
esting resume of agricultural In
terests covered by his office.
later presenting a number of
colored pictures taken of the
Tournament of Roses in Pasa
dena. Earl Ager, first president of
the club, presided in the absence
of President Floyd A. Boyd.
Luncheon guests were W. A.
Lorenz, Paul Mathews, H. E.
Hauger and Pat Patterson, Klam
ath Falls, and Vince Courts, Al
turas. Card Club Meets
Wednesday at
Fort Klamath
lard Beckman and Mrs. Harold
Wimcr were Joint hostesses on
Wednesday at the home of the
former, for the regular weekly
play of their pinochle club. Fol
lowing luncheon served at 12:30,
four tables of pinochle were In
play during the afternoon. High
score for the game waa won by
Mrs. George Kendall, and second
high by Mrs. Beckman.
Guests of Mrs. Beckman and
Mrs. Wlmer were Mrs. Clarence
Blakely, Mrs. Fred FrUble, Mrs.
Ed Cross, Mra. Joe Taylor, Mrs.
Pearl Baker, Mrs. George Ken
dall, Mrs. Spencer Radcllffe,
Mrs. Tom Dyche end Mrs. Tod
Deffenbacher. Mrs. Deffen
bacher and Mrs. Cross will en
tertain the group on Wednesday
of next week.
Airport Expansion
Deeds Put on File
Deeds to two pieces of proper
ty to be used in the Klamath air
port expansion were filed with
the county clerk Friday.
One transferred to the city
89.9 acres of land owned-by
E. G. and Dorothy Born, at a
consideration of $9000.
Another transferred property
from Mike and Anna Zupan for
a sale price of $7750.
LAKE VIEW As a special as
sembly Wednesday afternoon,
awards were presented to the
outstanding members of the
senior class of Lake view high
school. Lois Clause, valedic
torian, and Elsworth Cleiand,
salutatorian, were awarded cups
for having the highest grade
average for their four yeara in
high school. Joan Smith and
James O'Connor received the
citizenship plaques. BUI Buell
and Bernice Gunther were
awarded medals for being the
most active seniors. The agri
cultural medal was given to
Gordon Dunham and Louise
Adamson received a medal for
serving aa student body treas
urer and Harriet Devore alee
received an award for serving
as student body secretary.
There are almost no illiterates
in Germany and Switzerland.
Yesterday Won't Help You
Next Year!
The Dollars You Place In Insured Savings Will Be
Her Plus Interest When you may need it meat
next year.
Member Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
Sixth at Main Dial S195
I awfi ml
flffiP'YRi $1198 fill
sfSi ill I Sssns sees
-Z 'fit Chi m I IS A SliI W 1 fc 7 dr"- I I
Mot hoi deyi smart doyi with on I I &ZvA
You'll like the smart of A.. lev. Sfc..r.. Tn.r. or. I l0JMtai,l,w.sL " EpSiitSS: ytftfV J-
styling of these suits ond 10 cooling .1,1., in tM, .oll.cfion. w. J" SSS -
the choice selection of j Efcfic Sfir, J Cordtd Vofst fhiudta... d,i .r.i.rf ut.. ifti j ( " 7'"'
new moteriols ond pot- . nat 2 Monty lowas oil of lhm . ZVZCL V s4shP&$3W l?Ji
,crns- "' ". "'" - zxrnmts. Stii$i:4
fresht'np fabric nofsi yt tlnek. Tns'r i I ' Vjsfvj' 'Jr V
xpniiv of covne, but our Junt ' tt 'fZH Vi
11 i r- i love Pon of now ilyltt arriving . i?Jrfitc'fJltf .... ...
We're feoturmg Curlee mei,(ny p.rmm.rf . ,o r 1 4fo&h ft
ple'te ronge of Ts, '- p 10 Styles in A1I-5 ar illustrated CT?Mj Kit
sizes ond models. Come THY LAUNDER BEAUTIFULLY 2 Junior Styles 11 lo 17 SrXTa iC- Jfcil "
in ond see them. 4 Misses Styles 1 4 to 20 Ai It jSfl
$24.50 to $35 . 4 Women's Styles. . . 38 to 44 1 CL Jl 4
S5SK2 Ho" JMSSS Wis?
733 Main m ;
Take all of the drudgery
out of Mondoy Wosh Days!
Try Our Economy
Professionally d o n and
priced to enable you to do
other things on Monday!
Call our Driver!
: FE VET?. . . WMM
Slack Suit
Rainbow Colon at
U.O.. tCrr" Spun K.
AM un
Tha. - .
-"iianr sun Color ng w.'
rr in
Whether you play hard or
Wrt 12.20,
-a-U , Ot5-42.
TV7 n tt)
110 aoWolor. Til
tons- tlroe. " Wrn
s u
" 5 T Zt
w 1 Hane
Dial 5188 i