THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN ISAD S AND WE ARE NOT FOOLIN' EITHER! EVERY CAR ToW Yes, It It realty true wo are sacrificing; many thousands of dollar worth of beautifully SUPER RECONDI TIONED AUTOMOBILES. Everybody talks about our beautiful cars - unquestionably they art tha bttt that Klamath Falls has eer Stan, and btcauta of tha Immtdiott nttd of cash wt art offering theia cart at tre mendous price reductions, from $30.00 to $175 below their actual value. Wo hare only hod one car-load of now can within the past ten weeks, and have only 16 Do Sotos left in stock. With dtftnto production stopping up daily, wa are taking steps now to insure you of 100 oil CHRYS LER PRODUCT SUPREME SERVICE. Wo aro ordering NOW to Increase our inventory of Chrysler Product Ports by $10,000.00, and wo really nttd tha money to meat our obligations. Give us a chanca to show you we de servo this money by the TERRIFIC SACRIFICE wt aro willing to takt on our prttent used car stock. They aro not AS-IS or ust ORDINARY used cars ... but thoroughly RECONDITIONED to poss the most rigid Inspections. One glanca at our stock will convince you that no ono could aver expect to find USED CARS in such splendid condition at such TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES as listed here. COMPARE OUR MONEY RAISING PRICE REDUCTIONS HERE Select Your Choice Bargain Then Check It Oil Yeer Description '36 Ford Tudor w . w. u s hwwi (,,,,.! M,ck, ry fooi Hrs O '36 Terra Brghm. Sup ,.., ,lght mo, O '37 Ods Tudor '8' Exc.pttB., , O '37 Plymouth Tudor A Ilr. b..u,y O '37 Plymouth Coupe Good eoBdltlOB. Extr. CU.B Original Block Price Was 395 425 600 475 445 Now Money Raiting Price 295 275 465 395 395 Down P'm't Install Caih or manta Trada-in 90 90 755 735 735 Mo's. 75 75 78 78 78 O '37 Ford Tudor O '37 O '37 O '37 O '37 Good condition Buick Sedan 8m .,. Cyl H Dt, 0r,g own. Good Plymouth Coupe 0,i, ni.h. o,d motor Plymouth Sedan Bl.ek 0rlg fln,,h. v.,y euen Plymouth Sedan Htr. .,. Ex. vry ,.. 425 600 475 495 500 295 495 375 425 395 95 765 725 740 735 78 78 78 78 78 O '37 O '37 O '37 O '37 O '37 De Soto Coupe Rld. Htr, D.,. M.r0CB 1InUh 560 DeSoto Coupe Rld. ;.,.,. c. D. Exe. 560 Plymouth Sedan Ex1UBt e0Bdll,.n 525 500 Plymouth Coupe TwoToBt. Ex,. .Try w.y Plymouth Tudor 0rlgIn., eood ,,. Low ,... 525 445 445 425 395 425 750 750 740 735 740 78 78 78 78 78 O '37 O '37 O '37 O '37 Olds Brougham O '38 Plymouth Sedan 8upr R.e0BdItl0B ..,. D(. 600 Dodge Coupe .wly f. tt Blu4. Co0L Ci.. De Soto Sedan .,... .wly ..,, De Soto Sedan Qrlg Blk, ,d ,, .,. ad e8Bd Heeler. Defroster, Very Clean 495 565 550 600 395 445 425 465 495 735 78 750 78 740 755 775 O 38 Plymouth Sedan Low mlI9.. ..., eond. 625 O '39 Olds 'Six' Coupe A H... B..uty . 700 O '39 Plymouth Sed. Rld. Ht, D.f. 0rIgtBll 775 O '39 DeSoto Coupe G. D. .d. 8pt ,nd rog , P.. 850 O 39 Nash-Laf Sedan 0rlg Blut. c. D wthr Ey. 850 525 595 645 775 695 780 795 275 260 235 O '39 Plymouth Coupe Exe..Bt eondltl8B. Low mlIfl. 695 575 795 78 O '39 Plymouth Coupe 0Hg Blu EKe.1UBt e.BdlMoB 650 550 790 78 O '39 Plymouth Coupe 0llg Cr. Exc..B, eondlOB 650 550 790 78 O '40 Dodge Sedan ntAlei Knt,atm.0wi 990 875 285 24 O '40 Plymouth Pkup 0rIg C(y ...,. P.rl.rt 675 575 795 24 O '40 Plymouth Coupe R.dl, ..,, o,,,,,,., X.B 800 695 O '40 Plymouth Sedan RldIa, ..,.,. 0rllu ,. 875 765 O '40 Plymouth Pkup 0rIg BUeW. Exetl eondUleB 675 550 O '40 DeSoto Sedan 0rIg. Blu.. c. D. Rtd, tr. D., I Ply 7000 895 $995 $795 '40 Nash-Laf Sedan 0Hg Blk, wth Elt, Ex Cen 230 280 780 295 $265 S T O P c H A S I N G R A I N B O W S H E R E I S w H E R E T O B 24 U 24 Y 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 24 24 N O 24 W OPEN TILL 11 O'CLOCK NITES Wo hota to predict price raises and tax Increases, but that time seems to bo right at hand. Tht prtca re ductions that wo aro offering hero at this MONEY RAISING SALE should seriously prove to you the necessity of our needs; so we urge you to attend this GREAT MONEY SAVING EVENT IMMEDIATELY! Ono glanca at our SUPER RECONDITIONED USED CARS will thoroughly convince you that nothing but a great urgent need for money could persuade us to SACRIFICE such beautiful cars at such TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES. Many Blue Moons will knock at your door before you will ever have another chance to participate in such MONEY RAISING EVENT ot offered in this MONEY RAISING SALE; so no matter how important your time . may be, it will pay you well to be here first to take advantage of the lost opportunity you will over havo to savo from $50.00 to $175.00 on such REALLY FINE CARS. So, whataver you do, STOP CHASING RAINBOWS and coma to our MONEY RAISING SALE first to select the bargain of your choica whila our stock is still complete. Every car is plainly priced in PUBLIC VIEW. All terms aro simply outlined in this ad Tha balance of our stock, not listed hero for lack of space, is also TREMENDOUSLY REDUCED IN PRICE. COMPARE OUR SUPER RECONDITIONED CARS WITH ALL OTHERS Select Your Choice Bargain Then Check It Oil Yeer Description Orlglnel Stock Price i0" nailing Price Was Down P'm't Cash or ' Trede-ln Install ments Mo's. O '37 Buick Sedan Extr. goed e0BdltIen 775 725 65 72 O '32 Pontioc Cooci Soed eondilien 775 95 45 72 O '32 Ford Coupe h 45 45 Cuh O '33 Ford Tudor Exe.IUnt eondltlea 205 750 50 72 O '33 Chev. Sedan Coed eonditlOB 795 725 50 72 O '34 Chrysler Sedan Exe.1Unt eondltlea 275 775 ,75 72 O '34 Dodge Sedan Fllr , 225 765 65 72 O '34 Ford Sedan stncmiixl0Bti 225 765 65 72 O '34 Plymouth Sedan Cood e0BL. orl9iBml llnUh 275 775 65 72 O '34 Ofds Sedon Suptr ,.ceBditleBtd 295 795 75 72 O '34 Pontiac Sedan Run, flB. 300 785 75 72 O '34 Plymouth Tudor NHdlvu,ull u 65 c ch O '34 Dodge Coupe Goed eondiUea. orlg. 265 745 50 72 O '35 Dodge Coupe ori, bUek. Mdi0. b..t 325 260 80 72 O '35 Plymouth Sedan Good eoBdlUon, .. flBbh 345 275 85 72 O '35 Plymouth Tudor R.poii.Ion 300 125 - 75 75 O '35 Hupp Sedan ... eyIlBdr 300 795 95 72 O '35 Ford Tudor hSBlei fp.clal, ta a. i. 75 75 ch O '35 Plymouth Coupe Suptr t.e0Bd wmih . 300 245 85 72 O '36 Chev. Trucfc 1HTon, fl.t M 300 775 75 72 O '36 Plymouth Sedan 8upr wonditiOB.d 385 295 95 75 O '36 Plymouth Coupe 375 295 95 75 O '36 Chev. Sedan ..,. M n.wly , 465 375 725 75 O '36 Plymouth Coupe Supr eondlUoB.d 395 325 770 75 O '36 Ford Tudor SupCT wendltl0BJ 390 295 95 75 O '36 Plymouth Sedan Supr r.eendltIontd 385 295 95 75 O '36 Plymouth Tudor Cood eoadltIon 385 295 95 75 O '36 Ford Coupe Sup.r W0BdltleB.d ..o,,,, 395 295 95 75 O '36 Dodge Sedan R.dl, ,uptr wondltleB.d 445 385 95 75 O '36 Plymouth Coupe 0rlg. tlnUh TWT goeJ 375 295 95 75 O '36 Dodge Coupe .. 385 285 95 75 O '36 Packard Sedan Good tl uor rKOad- rldl0 495 375 725 75 O '36 DeSoto Sedan Ai u 350 265 90 75 O '36 Chev. Panel ai; flnUh, geed eoadltIoa 390 295 95 75 O '36 Ford Sedan Rid atr dif- xe.1UBt eoaHtIea 445 375 725 75 S T O P c H A S I N G R A I O W S 'A L L C A R S R E D U C E D $ 5 0 ; To $ 1 7 5 OPEN TILL 11 O'CLOCK NITES W) Cheap Cars As Is From '28s to '31s First Here Gets His Choice $3 A95 " . .J : ; J v v. ' s- 1 1 Jk A. if- lSs Full Price TO Eech Our 9Ioney-nnlsinf Sale In w Going On at (hp Above Twin Lot ConvcniiMifly Locntrd 1129 and 1133 Main Street Next to The Elk Hotel - FLUID DRIVE DeSOTO - PLYMOUTH DEALER WE WANT TO TRADE FOR LATE MODEL TOTAL WRECKED CARS TO WRECK FOR FUTURE USED PARTS DEMAND Stop Chasing Rainbows ' See Jim Douglas First