mt iy 941 THE NKWS AftD THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ASSOCIATED PRESS PJCTUR NEWS ' ; - V I ' ' ' 1 feo Cb a v III ? f V . "1 ' y tf f s-v SIX ' ;1 7 PAGE ELEVEN J 4 f f I . XOi ' 7 5 r '.1 TO' ,T r tor'.- - WfM. ' :5IL ; M b " C " -s" 2 i. LOOK BEFORE LEA P I.pfro( nu amonf recent Rrc rrdlon Dr ciprn (or Midlers at Arllngion cantonment, Vliflnia. SCRAMBLE TWO I Only one of Iheae three Midlers at Arlinrton cantonment in Vlrrlnia seems to have the nonchalance and skill needed to transport an eat in a spoon, dnrlns a recent race event. Disaster is brewing to the rif ht and left. F 'fie.""""1" I. V,., " . i, 1 PERISH THE THOUCHT-Deflnllelr the 1941 beach "" 'IH not n aeelnc anr such swim suits as the one at tbo left 1014 edition but the briefer model on the rlahl. all rubber and a flrl wide, is apt to be much in evidence. v.. J; V f aatfc. Z NEWS AT ZO 0 EmU Llers of Homer. Minn., pose at the Philadelphia zoo with Mme newlr-arrived Ihree-jrear-old otter whose rare claim to fame is this: they made the trip to Fbiladel phia from the middle west in station wac on. if BERMUDA HA R BAD r c u e ened lntert in Bermuds. Trinidad and the uTt'inHi" "t "HPSV' on ,he ha. sharp- In this view of the h.rboJ .T' llam'lloS tUmud. ire O.r Jhl'-18- to bU.'.ld"" M""t bl5"- t t St 3 IN VE N E Z U E L AGen. Isalas Medina Anrarita. who has been minister of war and navy of Venezuela, was elected presi dent of that country by the eon. "Sf". r "-"" erm. He will take office soon, haa visited the United States. -v. r L . HAIRCUTS. MISTERS ? Four Hawallans arrived In Honolulu with food excuses for the lone hair: they'd been on lonely Jarvis, Kndrrhury and llowland Islands. Left to rlahl: John Toomry, Lawrence Clilng. David Kalama; front, Mike McCorrlslon. 1 atfir . ' F . i t- J IMAGINE THEIR S U R t R I S En.m bnt mH were exchanied when Mrs. Wallace Gibson (left) of Detroit and April Ames, a dancer, discovered each other In a N.Y. nirht club weirlnr Identical Swiss orjandle eyelet embroidered boleros. m,m st " - -ijp' If " 111 I EH,-. . , J? : - 1 I Y MATERNAL INSTINCTa lamb app,nU, take. from its mother by this hound rratifles the doi's maternal Instinct on a farm near Excelsior Springs, Mo. The hound's two puppi aa were born dead: she carried the lamb into a bay mow. V- 51! .! M I? . FJ ? S T-R'M t cve service with ,',7: ?if' '?r,Ma,'.B2b N"rna- Tennessee football coach, puts aay the plaskin at Knoxvllle and starts to wind up his affair there. He'll report for duly at Norfolk, Va. I, .v . . U I 2 Twelflh oa.l.lanl -. vtiiun, BIIU., WHO KM hM8"'cs the President's 25n WW Ihe office of em. to "''Wltement. He tlves , i . f "'tant administrator " (rdttril security 'ifency. , JUT. Ta 4v , w- it--. .jC? AK'a. O'J , 'JaKSL f ill T - J pa,,';: 7 .. -.4 DININC ON WIN C A plane wins; served as luncheon table for Canada's air marshal, Wllllsm A. Bishop (third from left, faclne; camera), when he Inspected Consolidated Aircraft plant in San Dlrio. Note circle marking plane for Britain. V H "V it rif . J?? Xtr - i V l 1X.5 E S ? ? 9 C E-Ten "",e 0IMMs dint-inr to their mother added nothing to her agility and may have explained her capture, along with the stowaways, in a Kansas City chicken house. One 'possum hangs to the mother' tail. AX XT y it, v , ; Or A I i. . ... -r H a nasi tosea stn l.M..?T0R'ZED INSPECTIO N Motor scooters were used to whisk Canada's air marshal. William A. Blshoo (front sidecar), and party on tour of Consolidated Aircraft plant In San Diego. FEATHERED FRIEN Dit took time to reach this under (landing, admits Pvt. Walter Stamper of Fort Monmouth, N. J., who haa been helping train homing pigeons for army messenger service, but at last the pigeon eat from hi mouth.