PAGE TWO Many Turn Out For Exhibition Match Muriel Veatch and Marian McDougall Play Excel lent Golf Thursday at Bundles for Britain Benefit Klamath Fall responded to the Bundle for Britain ex hibition golf match given Thursday afternoon at Reames Golf and Country club when two topnotch northwest champions, Marian McDougall of Portland, and Muriel Veatch of Long view, Washington, took part in the match. Playing with them were Harry Weimar and Howard Scroggin. Reames golfers. The two girl, who are touring the state in exhibition i I matches for the benefit of W 6 Clin CI Bundles for Britain funds. 3 left Friday morning for Bend where they were scheduled to appear, and on the heels of that benefit were to ap pear at The Dalles on Satur day, and at Pendleton on Sun day. According to Miss Veatch and Miss McDougall. the Klamath Falls turnout was the best thus far in the state and close to four hundred tickets were sold by the com mittee. Mrs. W. O. Smith is head of the local unit, and expressed appreciation to those who worked diligently to add to the ever growing fund for Bundles for Britain. Thursday at twelve o'clock a no hostess luncheon was given for Miss McDougall and Miss Veatch at the clubhouse which was beautifully decor ated with a profusion of tu lips, appleblossoms, iris and other spring flowers. Mrs. Smith was assisted in arrang ing flowers by Mrs. Harry Weimar, Mrs. Guy Hancock. Mrs. Jacques J. Steiger, and Mrs. Peter A. Albertson. Coven at luncheon were placed for the honor guests and Mrs. George H. Merry man Sr, Mrs. Steiger, Mrs. William Grove of Merrill, Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver, Mrs. Beauford E. Hayden, Mrs. Frank Jenkins. Mrs. Harry Weimar, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Al bertson, Mrs. Roy Rakestraw, Mrs. Charles G. Hovey, Mrs. Dick Reeves of Lebanon. Mrs. Guy Hancock. Mrs. E. A. Geary, Mrs. Earl Weimar, Mrs. Charles V. Rugh, Mrs. Mahr Reymers. Mrs. O. B. Gates of Hillsboro. Mrs. C. C. KeUey. and Mrs. Neal Stewart. Tea was served later In the afternoon in the clubhouse, and arranged by Mrs. G. A. Krause and Mrs. Hugh Camp bell. Mrs. Kelson Reed enter tained at dinner Thursday for the visitors and guests in cluded Miss Veatch. Miss Mc Dougall. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Smith. Dr. and Mrs. George H. Merryman Sr., and Dr. and Mrs. George H. Merry man Jr., Mr. John Merryman and Mr. Scott Reed. MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM SET BY ALOHA OES Neighbors of Woodcraft met Monday evening at the KC hall when Mr. Charles Spind ler was accepted into the order. A Mother's day pro gram followed the business meeting. Mrs. Stella Drydeh was chosen the official mother and was presented with a beautiful plant from Ewauna circle by Patsy Ruth Miller. A song appropriate to the oc casion was sung by Sylvia Thompson, accompanied by her mother. Phyllis Clemson presented an accordion solo, a reading by Nov McDaniels and a sorg. "Little Play mates," by Patsy Ruth Miller. Those in charge of the af fair were Willan Floetke, Mildred Smith, Ida Mochat tez and Ruth Daw. The next meeting will be held at the hall Mondav eve ning. May the nineteenth, at eight o'clock. Those on the en tertainment and refreshment committee are Mary Black stone. Evelyn Patterson, Mrs. Ramsey and Bessie Spindler. The installation program held April the twenty-fifth should have included the names of Meredith Ezell, elected Installing officer, with Noy McDaniels as first assist ant: Effie Redkey. second as sistant and Myrtle Dunham, third assistant. Each was pre sented with a corsage by Mamie Steinseifer and Pearl Boye. Music was furnished by Myrtle Dunham. MRS. HOVEY HOME FROM TRIP NORTH Mrs. Charles G. Hovey re turned the early part of the week from an interesting trip north at which time she en Joyed hearing Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt speak at McArthur court, Eugene, and Jose Iturbi, famed pianist, play in Salem as one of the concert series. Mrs. Roosevelt spoke to a particularly enthusiastic audi ence and the title of her ad dress was, "Cultural Rela tions with the Countries to the South of Us." Plans Told Roger deWeese To Marry San Francisco Girl May 17 Of interest to the many friends of Mrs. R. E. deWeese of this city is the following story of the approaching mar riage of her son. Dr. Roger E. deWeese of San Francisco, and Miss Patricia Boin. also of the Bay city, which ap peared this week in the San Francisco Chronicle's social page: "With her cousin. Rev. Father Patrick O'Brien of St. Joseph's parish, Bradcnton, Florida, officiating. Miss Pa tricia Boin will be married May the seventeenth at St. Agnes church, to Dr. Roger E. deWeese, both of San Fran cisco. "Miss Anna Marie Boin, sis ter of the bride-elect, will be maid of honor, assisted by Miss I na belle Doolan, and Mrs. John Bazzano. (Georgia Thierbach), as bridesmaids. Best man will be Dr. John Bazzano, and ushers will be Lee Nicholson of Richmond and Dr. Ambrose Cowden of Santa Cruz. "Miss Boin is a daughter of Mrs. Anna Boin and grand daughter of the late Mrs. Kerns of Watsonville. "Dr. deWeese, son of Mrs. R. E. deWeese of Klamath Falls, Is a graduate of e University of Santa Clara and received his medical degree from the University of Cali fornia where he was a mem ber of Sigma Chi and Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternities." LOCAL GIRL TAKES LEAD IN CAMPUS AFFAIR Miss Lillian Davis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Davis of this city, will take the lead in the weekend ac tivities at the University of Oregon when she plays Scherezade in The Arabian Nights, theme of the canoe fete planned for Saturday. Music for the fete will be taken from compositions by Rimsky-Korsakoff. A number from Klamath Falls have mo tored north to be with stu dents at the university. BREAKFAST RIDE PLANNED BY POSSE The first breakfast ride of the year for the Sheriff's Posse and their guests is sche duled for seven o'clock Sun day morning when the riders will leave the fairgrounds and continue about one-mile past Crystal Springs. A crew will have breakfast waiting for the group. Other rides are being plan ned for later in the season. HONORED From Whitman college in Walla Walla, Washington, comes word that Miss Patri cia Gallagher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Robert Olds of this city, was one of five Whitman junior women tapped Saturday night to Mortar Board, national senior honorary. Miss Gallagher was chosen president of the or ganization for next year. ..CD V: L .fvr li u- -r W-V' .rt INTERESTED GALLERY And an exceptionally interested callcry it was. watchinR Marian McDougall of Portland and Muriel Veatch of Longview play splendid Rolf at Reames in the Bundles for Britain exhibition Thursday afternoon. Upper picture, the camera man catches expressions of spectators as they keep an eye on the ball. Center left. Miss Veatch in the white coat, waits her turn. Right. Marian McDougall appreciates an opponent's drive. Be low, Mrs. Dick Reeves of Lebanon, Mrs. Charles Hovey and Mrs. Charles Rugh are part of the gallery following the foursome. Pictures by Wesley Guderian of The Herald and News. BRIDE-ELECT ANNOUNCES WEDDING DATE Miss Ethel Fenwick, who will become the bride of Mr. Charles Fa i rail of this city at a nine o'clock ceremony to be read Tuesday morning. May the twentieth, in Sacred Heart church, was compli mented by members of her bridge club Thursday evening when Mrs. Wendling J. Kess ler entertained at her home on Lincoln street. A personal shower was given for Miss Fenwick, and during the evening games were played with honors go ing to Mrs. R. C. Dale, and Mrs. Floyd Henriot. Miss Fenwick is the daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Fenwick, and has taught for a number of years in the Altamont schools. Present Thursday evening were Miss Fenwick, Mrs. David R. Vandenberg, Mrs. John H. Houston, Mrs. Elmer Hosking, Mrs. Glenn C. Lorenz, Mrs. E. M. Igl, Mrs. Mike Lavenik, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. Henriot and the hostess, Mrs. Kessler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Peltz Jr., of Portland were expected here this weekend to spend Mothers' day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Pcltz of the Audley apartments. They also plan to remain for a week or ten days vacation. Junior Matrons of the First Methodist church will enter tain with the annual after noon, May the twelfth, at two o'clock. All women of the church arc invited. THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON .- ft ' i I Many Attend State Meet ' Bend PEO Chapter Hostess to Oregon Groups This Week Klamath Falls women at . tended the state PEO conven tion held in Bend May the fifth, sixth and seventh with Chapter AI as hostess group. Present were Veda Jones of Portland, president of the su preme organization; Harriett Wolfe, president of Washing ton state chapters; Governor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, and others. Mrs. Sprague is past state president of PEO, and the governor was among those speaking during the three-day convention. Mrs. Francis R. Olds and Mrs. M. P. Winningham repre sented Chapter AU. and Mrs. Warren Hunt and Mrs. And rew Collier. Chapter U, of this city. Motoring to Bend Tuesday to attend the session were Mrs. Elmer Hosking, Mrs. D. E. Van Vactor, Mrs. F. E. Drake and Mrs. N. B. Drew. Mrs. Earl C. Reynolds was elected to the office of state recording secretary. She is a member of Chapter U of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Beauford E. Hayden has returned to her home in the city after a visit in Wash ington, DC, with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Milliken and Infant daughter. Mrs. Hayden also visited members or her fam ily in Texas before return ing to Klamath Falls. a i - I V - mm If "..t va IRENE SCHAUPP MARRIED IN CHURCH RITES Of interest to their many friends in this city was the marriage Saturday afternoon at four o'clock in Westmins ter Presbyterian church, Port land, of Miss Irene Schaupp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schaupp of this city, and Mr. Donald H. Law, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Law of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Schaupp left Thursday by motor for Port land to attend the wedding, Mr. Schaupp giving his daughter in marriage. A re ception followed the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Davis were among the par ents leaving for the Univer sity of Oregon to attend Mother's day weekend as guests of their daughter, Lillian. i m. . w al .- . . . a t ft I If J ... 2 r 4;.;..fe' - VJS!i PLANS MADE BY WEDNESDAY CLUB MEMBERS Mrs. Russell Leevcr and Mrs. Harold Shaffer enter tained for members of Wed nesday club of St. Paul's Epis copal church on Wednesday evening. Following the busi ness meeting coffee was serv ed in front of the fireplace. Plans were made for a no hostess party the evening of Wednesday, May the twenty first, when supper will be served at seven o'clock fol lowed by dancing and games. All members of Wednesday club arc invited and may bring guests. The nominating committee was appointed by Mrs. John Coppage, president, and in cludes Mrs. Vernon Kuyken clall, Mrs. Percy Webb, and Mrs. Frank Tarr. Reports will be made at the June business meeting. rm -' He-- - ' Final Plans Made 1 For Flower Exhibit Klamath Falls Woman's Library Club To Present Show in Fremont Auditorium May Seventeenth Plans are complete even to the final arrangements of miniature exhibits, and all that Klamath gardeners desire l several davs of sunshine as they look forward with anticipa tion to the annual spring flower show of the Klamath Falls Woman Library club scheduled for Saturday afternoon. May the seventeenth. In the auditorium of rremonl school. - As this Is definitely a conk munlly affair sponsored by MflVDO f3 the Library club, it is hoped TL., I eA4 cl,y ,nd count wl" "nd In66rn6 USCU some lime during the after noon or evening hours to vis- Nile Members Attend ,h' "ow,r l,ow ' ' 1 u , promises to be even more Temple Meeting at lovely than In past seasons. Ashland Saturday E"'"1 D- ,Lm u ' general chairman of the show The maypole theme was with Mrs. Tranklln L. Weavl carried out at the luncheon r as chairman of tea which .. . .. . ,fc -.. will be served during the at- meeting of the Klamath Tails tnooni AuMint , w; club held Tuesday afternoon wm members of her at the Elk hotel with Mrs. committee, Mrs. Francis Rob Harry Wayne, Mrs. Carl Stein- ert Olds. Mrs, Jacques J. aeifer. Mrs. John nenonei and Mrs. Charles Gilbert pre- siding as hostesses. Miniature maypoles center- ed the tables and at the end of each ribbon was a clever. eV(. Similar figures, all wear- lug tiny hats, dating from fashions of the gay nineties to the present, were placed about the tables on which tu- lips were also used. Bridge was In play after a short business meeting, with awards going to Mrs. R. O. Mrs. J. H. Carter. Hostesses announced for the Tn. BuMm,n Uo h wi,. June which will be t, y , lh final mMl ni M th ..ItiK " the final meeting of the club until after summer vacation, are Mrs. George Hillls, Mrs. .',.! trj numii, ill II. rf. v,. ON.,., and Mrs. Eugene Lar- Thirteen member, of the Klamath rails club motored to Ashland Saturday where they attended a meeting of Zulelma temple. Daughters of the Nile, at which the past p- ..dent, were honored Old- fashioned costumes were in order a. a special feature of the day. A Twelve o clock luncheon wa. .erved. Those attending from here were. Mr.. Ed O.tendorf. Mr.. Leo N. Huls. Mrs. J. H. Poppy. Mr.. Jerry Rick.r. Mrs. Ted Shoop. Mrs. Harrj Bathiany. Mrs. Charles Mar- tin. Mr.. E II Mr. V. J, Josephs. Mr".. John Kenoffel. Mr.. Lawrence Bert- V- . e " ram. Mr.. J. C. O N.lll and G,rl ,couu- y Seouta. Mr.. DeLo. Mills. ?'her w " 1 Probably enter 4 , 4 tn" cl". making It one of PORTLAND :,own,0, 'n,'r'"n, ,n RESIDENT PAYS ror of those vicit ucdc wno n,v not studied the VIOl I HtKt .chedule. it will be reprinted Monday. Mrs. Willis Mahoney. who , is a former resident of Klam ath Falls and has been here MRS. MILLS for the past week as the UPlCTCCC TO houseguest of Mrs. George r1VJ3IC3i IU Burger. High street, was en- ANW MEMBERS tr ruined at a number of small informal parties during Member, of the Art Needle her tay. Mr.. Mahoney re- Work club motored to the turned north Friday. country home of Mr.. Lyle O. On Monday evening Mrs. Mill, in the Pine Grove dis- Burger invited Mr. and Mr.. trlct. Wednesday afternoon, Brady Narey, Mr.. Lou I. Ser- for the regular meeting of the ruya. and Mr.. Mahoney to club. The all-day drizzle of dinner. Mr.. Narey alto en- rain only added to the fresh tertalned for her Informally. beauty of the green thing. growing all over the country TOURNAMENT ld ,n ,ni pringtlme in the PLAY CONTINUES K';nL..t ,0 th. AT REAMES embled guests were paint- ings which hang on the walls Golf players among the ' Mills home, done by women of the Reames coun- Mrs. Mills some years ago. try club continued tournament Some were copies or enlarge play Friday morning of this ments, but others were entire week with luncheon served original in subject, and all at one o'clock to twenty- very lovely, five members. Members present were; Mrs. Seven tables of bridge were Charles Joseph Martin, presl- in play Friday of last week den': Mrs. J. J. Parker, Mrs. with east and west honors Lyle O. Mills, Mrs. J. F. Goel- held by Mrs. George H. Merry- Mrs. Harold M. Brown, man and Mrs. Oscar Shive; Mr- w- P. McMillan, Mrs. north and south, Mrs. Guy Rufus Moore, Mrs. George Hancock, and Mrs. Peter A. Hum, Mrs. Marion Hanks, Albertson. Mrs. Robert E. Wattenburg, Mrs. Z. J. Powell, Mrs. Mrs. Murdoch George Wlrtz, Mr.. J. Calvin Entertains Club Hunt, Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, Mrs. Hiram T. Murdoch Mr- George Chastain, Mrs. entertained members of Group D- V. Kuykendall. one of the Eastern Star Soc- Special guests were; Mrs. ial club at her apartment In c- w- Murdoch, Mrs. Susanna the Murdoch building on Wed- Homes Carter, Mrs. DeLos nesday afternoon. Contract Mills, little Miss Marcla Mills, followed the dessert hour, nd Master DeLos Mills Jr. with high score won by Mrs. On May the twenty-first, Mrs. J. H. Poppy and second high Rufus Moore will entertain by Mrs. G. Logan Black. the club at her home on South Other members present be- Riverside avenue. Election of sides the hostess were Mrs. officers for the ensuing year George R. Lindley, Mrs. C. C. will be held at this meeting, Kcliey, Mrs. Fred H. Cofer, which will also be the last Mrs. Mclvin R. Henry, and meeting before summer vaca- Mrs. Jerry Ricker. tion. 4 Girls Friendly Former Reiidtnts Society to Mtet Visit Klamath Falls The Girls Friendly Society Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gates of St. Paul's Episcopal church of Hillsboro, Oregon, former will meet Monday afternoon residents of Klamath Falls, at half past four o'clock In were visitors here this past the parish house at which time week. Mrs, Gates was a guest Mrs. Van Evans will conduct at the Reames luncheon on a song hour. The girls will Thursday given for Miss Mar study parliamentary proce- lan McDougall and Miss Mur dure and flag etiquette. A lei Veatch who appeared in paper sack supper will be en- exhibition match for Bundles Joyed later in the evening. for Britain. M.yfJ 1941 ......... ...... ouit j- nT. ' Claude 11. Davis. Mrs. R. C. Woodruff, and Mrs. J. Royal Shaw. Following la the general committee: Mrs. Umib, chair- m,n. Mr, Hu(h Campbell, pUCng; Mrs. L. D. Stephens, .cut,,,,; M. rrederlck W. Hamilton and Mrs. J. F. King, KhrUu. o( .rU,Uc ,rrln mrnl. Mn x B w,tte horUculturl, Kheau,; M Syd B t Mri. wull.m publicity. snow, going to the arrange ments Judged best by the Judges. . , t, w T and" "5 J!'tedMby "",'' ' J ' M' L"l' unr W br k- h "' J4' ,V Cum- m'7V '?' NJ, U"T'n? sL. u o ?- L;.r f" M,r' H A?"- Mrfc $ Houl- ,nd ,. , . ... " ".;..Cmb; .f1"'"1 ,nMcd"- M".G- il mT'd . ' . A" )?-?Uul J0,Xr,T-DMn ' ,0.r- Ro"' "'""' J,, ,nd Ml" McMillan. . r ?n1,"Un ,1which, wl "h'b'L '.nclu.d th 'ollowlng: - iwanis. so- ABV. ''