The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 10, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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NeuPl off KlatnatlA QltuAcltel
Church el th
Sunday school begins at 9:45
with Mrs. H. L. Russell as able
superintendent. There are inter
esting classes for all ages from
the cradle roll to the adult.
Morning worship at H o'clock.
The Rev. H. L. Russell, pastor.
Young people's service from
8:20 to 7:30 p. m. Our aim is (or
an interesting service each Sun
day evening, and we would like
to invite all young people to
come enjoy our service.
Evening services which begin
(t 7:30 are evangelistic, with a
good rousing song service and
special musical numbers are
Midweek prayer services are
on Wednesday evening at 7:30
each week.
Pastor. Rev. H. L. Russell, 620
Martin street, phone 4870.
Church of the Naiarcne is lo
cated on the corner of Martin
and Garden streets in Mills addi
tion. Church of
Christ .
The Church of Christ meets
every Lord's day in the com
munity room of Shasta school.
Bible study, 10 a. m. Worship
and communion, 11 a. m. Eve
ning service, 8 p. m. M. Lloyd
Smith of Grants Pass will again
b here, May IS, at 8 p. m.
Everyone is cordially invited to
attend all sen-iccs. R. X. Meads.
First Presbyterian
The First Presbyterian church
is located on North Sixth street
at Pine street. The pastor is the
Rev. Theodore Smith, telephone
at the residence 435 North Sec
ond street, 54T7, and at the
church 7311. Guy Bates directs
the choir and Harold Ayres is
the organist.
The morning worship opens at
11 o'clock and is a special moth
ers' day program. The organ
prelude is, "Andante," by Bee
thoven. "Holy, Holy, Holy," is
the processional. Choir and con
gregation unite in singing the
"Doxology" after the call to wor
ship, and "The Gloria Patri,"
after the Lord's Prayer. The
choir response to the prayer is
"Mother Love" by Bell. Anthem,
"Memories of Mother" by Parks.
Organ offertory, "Andante" by
Guilman t. , Solo, "Mother
O'Mine" by Tours will be sung
by Guy Bates. The pastor will
speak on, "One Mother." The
service closes with the benedic
tion, the choir dismissal, Whelp-
ton's "Lord, Let Us Now Depart
in Peace," and the organ post
lude, "Prelude and Fugue in A
Minor" by Bach.
Evening worship, 6 o'clock,
opens with the organ prelude,
"Song Without Words," by En
gelmann. The offertory is, "Ave
Verum," by Mozart. Special
movie films of home mission
work of the Presbyterian church
In Arizona and New Mexico will
be shown. The organ postlude is
Luther's great hymn, "A Mighty
Fortress Is Our God."
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. with
Mylus P. Winninghara in charge.
There are classes with teachers
for every member of your fam
ily. The Christian Endeavor soci
eties meet at 7 o'clock in the
evening during the spring and
summer months. All young peo
ple are welcomed to these inter
esting gatherings.
Th Apostolic
Mothers day will be featured
in music and song Sunday, May
11, at The Apostolic Faith, Klam
ath Falls' progressive downtown
church, 228 North Eighth street
Two services will be held at
10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m., with
i Sunday school at 9 a. m. In ad-
dition we have services Tuesday
! and Friday at 8 p. m.
Why not come to these meet
ings and enjoy them with us?
Special songs and testimonies
are a feature of each sen-ice. A
program of music by our 18
piece orchestra is presented at
the beginning of the Sunday eve
ning service.
Everybody Is welcome, a col
lection is never taken.
Rev. C. Robert Lambert, local
First Covenant
823 Walnut avenue, Gottfred
J. Anderson, pastor. '
Bible school assembles at 10
a. m. under the leadership of the
superintendent, Peter Eastman.
There are classes for all ages.
The morning service is held at
11 o'clock. The pastor speaks
on the subject, "Praying for
Others." The mixed choir will
sing "Joyful Joyful, We Adore
The young people and juniors
assisted by the choir will ren
der a Mothers' day program at
7:45 p. m. The program is as
"When Love Shines In," au
dience. "I Love to Tell the Story,"
Scripture reading and prayer,
Phyllis Anderson.
"There Is a Land of Pure De
light," choir.
Selected reading, Richard
Vocal solo, Mrs. Birger Daluzn.
Selected reading. Iris Nelson.
"O Glorious Day," choir.
Mothers' day talk, Martha
Piano solo, Marian Anderson.
Select reading, Wilbur Ander
son. Vocal duet, Dorothy Currier
and Marilyn Lester.
Announcements and offertory.
"My Jesus I Love Thee," au
dience. Benediction, Fred Reinoldson.
Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., mid
week service.
Thursday, 1:30 p. m., monthly
meeting of the sewing circle at
the church.
Thursday, 7:45 p. m., junior
social. Iver Strid is the host.
Snow Forms Cross
The Mount of the Holy Cross,
in Colorado, is 14,000 feet high
and is a triangular peak. The
great cross itself measures 2000
feet from top to bottom and is
formed by deep ravines, which
are filled with snow almost the
year around.
Altamont Community
Presbyterian Church
Services are hold in the Alta
mont junior high school on South
Sixth street Rev. Hugh Bron-
I 5UII O UIB .... ....... . , ... . .... w..
v..,.... ilimMiiF nf mii.ii, mrA ni.
anist; A. C. Olson, superinten
dent of the Sunday school. A
gift will be presented to each
Sunday school begins at 9:43
a m. Attendance last Sundav.
! 120
Morning worship begins at 11
o'clock with the instrumental
prelude, "Nocturne," by Chop
in. The offertory will be "Deep
River;" choir anthem "Lead Me,
Saviour;" sermon, "Greater
Love;" postlude, "La Cinquain
tine." Junior church at the hour of
morning worship.
Sigma Pi Christain Endeavor
meeting at 7 o'clock.
Choir practice at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Olson on Wednes
day evening at 7:30 o'clock.
The church service at Mt. Lakl
will be in charge of Rev. Hugh
Bronson this Sunday, and begins
at 9:45 a. m.
First Methodist
"In the Heart of the City" at
North Tenth and High streets.
Rev. Victor Phillips, minister.
Residence, 1005 High street,
telephone 3688.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Mrs. S. Meade Badger, director
of music; Mrs. E. S. Veatch, ac
companist. The prelude, "My
Heart At Thy Sweet Voice,"
(Samson and Delilah) Saint
Saens, and the offertory, "Cradle
Song," Kreisler. The choir will
sing the anthem, "O Come to
My Heart, Lord Jesus" by Am
brose. Mrs. Erma Badger will sing a
solo, "Lullaby" by Cyril Scott.
The minister will be in his pul
pit and his sermon theme will
be, "Mother."
Church school will meet at
9:45 a. m. with Mrs. T. J. Ev
ans, general superintendent, and
an eu'icient staxf of teachers in
charge of the various age group
classes. There is a class for all
and all will be welcomed.
Epworth league meetings at
6:30 p. m. Wesley league for old
er young people and Asbury
league for young people of high
school age.
There will be no evening serv
ice as the minister preaches the
baccalaureate services at Keno.
First Christian '
"The Downtown church" Pine
street at Ninth, Arthur Charles
Bates, minister.
Mothers' day services. This
Sunday is given over to honor
ing our mothers. The services
are prepared with this thought
in mind.
The day begins with the Bible
school session which convenes
at 9:45 a. m. C. S. Robertson is
the superintendent and Dean
Stephens is the song leader. Spe
cial numbers for the opening of
the school.
Communion and worship be
gins at 11 o'clock. Prelude,
"With Joy and Gladness," Ash
ford, Mrs. Buford Howard. The
doxology by the congregation
followed by the Invocation. Pray
er response. "Response," Elvery,
by the choir. Scripture. Open
ing hymn, "Hail to the Bright
ness." Communion hymn, "More
Love to Thee," followed by the
observance of the Lord's Supper.
Anthem, "To Mothers Far
Awav " Mund. bv the choir.
Prayer dedicating the tithes and
offerings. Solo, "Mother Ma-
chree," Olcott and Ball, by Dean
Stephens. Sermon. "Spiritual
Qualities of Motherhood." by
the minister. Invitation hymn.
"Open Wide the Door." Bene
diction and the "Threefold
Amen" by the choir. Postlude,
"Melody in G," Gampfer, by
Mrs. Howard.
Evening services begin at 7
o'clock with the Endeavor meet
ings. The evangelistic service
begins at 8 o'clock. ' Tha young
people will have charge of the
worship service. Everett Esgat
and David Reynolds are mem
bers of the committee to arrange
for the worship. The sermon
this Sunday evening will be de
livered by Norman Fraley. A
hearty welcome is extended to
Zloa Lutheran
1025 High street, O. W. Hoff
mann, pastor.
The Sunday morning service
begins at 11 o'clock. The pastor
has accepted a call to Rupert,
Ida., and will deliver his fare
well address at this service.
The Lord's Supper will also
be celebrated at this service. The
preparatory service for the com
municants begins at 10:30 a. m.
This year's class of children
will be confirmed Sunday morn
ing. The members of this class
are, Marion Nelson, Myla Jean
Petrick, Lorraine Korte; Richard
Sunday school meets at 9:30
a. m. The Junior Bible class will
not meet with the Sunday school
this Sunday.
The service on Sunday, May
18, will be in charge of Rev. E.
Becker, of Portland. Informs
uon regarding all services after
May 18, will be given by xvev.
W. F. Georg, who has been ap
pointed vacancy pastor by the
The special congregational
meeting called for this Sunday,
May 11, wiU be held at 2:30
p. m.
Salvation Army
619 Walnut street.
Sunday, 8 a. m, men's Bible
9:45 a. m, Sunday school.
11 a. m., holiness meeting.
6:30 p. m, young people's
8 p. m salvation service.
Wednesday. 7:45 p. m, prayer
and Bible study.
Thursday, 8 p. at, praise service.
Fundamental Bible
North Second at Pine, cen
ter of Bible missionary work.
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
special Mothers' day message,
G. W. Wheatley speaking on the
subject, "Old Fashioned Moth
era of Yesterday." taking the
text from Eieklal 19:10 "Thy
mother was like a vine In thy
Evening song service at 7:43
o'clock. Verse by verse study
of "Tha Gospel of John." All
who are Interested In th study
of God's word are Invited to
come. No public collection
ever taken at th Bible center-
Mid-week prayer fellowship and
Bible study Wednesday, 7:45 p.
m. All Bible classes for men,
women and children will resume
their regular class schedules in
both Klamath Falls and Merrill.
A cordial invitation Is extended
to all who are Interested In th
study of God's word. Bring
your Bible and bring friend.
Community Congregational
"Th Power of Her Influence"
Is th Mothers' day sermon
them of Rev. Eugene V. Haynes
as he speaks at th 11 a. m. wor
ship service. At this service the
Laurenson trio, piano, violin and
marimba, composed of, Mrs. Lela
Laurenson and her two daugh
ters, Maxine and Dorothy, will
play two numbers, "Forgotten,"
by Rissland and "Mother Ma
chree," by Olcott and Ball. Ewart
S. Edwards, bass soloist, accom
panied by his mother will sing,
"Mother of Mine" by Kipling.
Church school at 9.45 a. m.
will have a special Mothers' day
program in tha church auditori
um for th primary. Junior, In
termediate and senior depart
ments. The beginners will meet
as usual in the parsonage.
Sunset circle, 5:30 p. m.
Comrades of The Way, 6 p. m.
Church of Progressiva Psychic ,
and Dlvin Healing Center
162 East Main street Sunday
service's open forum and mes
sages, 2 p. m. Open to all to ex
press your views.
Evening service, 7:30 p. m.
lecture by Rev. Kathleen Kris.
Subject, "Light and Understand
ing." Guest worker, Iva Barr.
Wednesday, p, m. message
Thursday, 2 p. m. Tea and Sew
ing circle at 700 Mitchell street.
All are welcome.
St. Paul's
Eighth at Jefferson street, Vic
tor E. Newman, rector.
Holy Eucharist at 8 o'clock
Chlldrena' Eucharist at 10
Morning prayer and sermon at
11 o'clock.
"Forward In Service" meeting
on Monday evening at 7:30
o'clock. The vestry will hold
its regular monthly meeting on
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
The vestry will hold It regular
monthly meeting on Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
Immanuel Baptist
J. Clarenc Orr, minister.
Eleventh and High streets.
9:45 a. m., the church school.
11 a. m., morning worship.
"Mother's Responsibility."
7 p. m., young people's meet
ing. 8 p. m., "Th Ministry of
Wednesday evening at 7:30
o'clock mld-weck service.
The public Is cordially Invited
to worship with us.
Bible Baptist
Located on Wlard street at
South Sixth, Just north of ldel
la's store. Dr. C. B. Cassel, min
ister. Mrs. Gladys Cox, pianist
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Our
Bible school has had a fine
growth this winter, both in
scholars and teachers. You will
find this a fine place for th boys
and girls, and young people as
well as the older folk. All are
Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
This Is a restful inspiring serv
ice, just what the jagged nerves
need with spiritual food for th
Young peoples' mooting at 7
p. m. Hr la a fin place for
young people to train for leader
ship, and Christian study.
Evening service at 8 o'clock,
whole-hearted singing, and Chris
tian fellowship. Strangers and
visitors (specially welcome.
Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock
Wednesday evening In t h
church, also Bible study and tes
timonial meeting.
"What Is Your Goal?" will be
the lesson topic of Marlon Clif
ton, at the regular meeting of
Unity Center in the banquet
room of the Elk hotel, Sunday
May 4. at 11 a. m. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock. Th public
Is cordially Invited to attend
these service.
East Bid
Baptist Missies
923 East Main atreet above
the East Sid pharmacy. Bible
school each Sunday at 9:45 a
m. with classes for all ag
A Little Bit of Sweden
Sot., May 10 6 to P. M.
' First Covenant Church
Its Walnut SI.
groups. Th mission I sponsor
eo oj nm iirn napiisi cnurcn
under th supervision of Mrs.
Earl Britt and th people of tha
community ar Invited to at
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints hold meeting
In th auditorium of th publlo
library on th corner of Fifth
street and Klamath avenue.
Sunday school aarvlc con
vene at 10 a. m. and at 11 a. m.
departments are separated for
priesthood classes and a special
women's class and the children'
Sacrament meeting Is held
each Sunday evening at 1:10
p m.
The Relief society hold meet
ing! each Tuesday afternoon at
2 p. m. The second Tuesday of
each month Is devoted lo a work
and business meeting.
Th Mutual Improvement aato-' J
elation meets each Tuesday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock. Th publlo
Is cordially Invited to attend eacB
and every meeting.
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