THK NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FTFTEFtf Douglas Motor Co. Wins DeSoto Service Award! MWfE'RE mighty proud el the new plaque that's en dlsplsy , .In our service department. IT0 WIN It we h.dlo tcere 100. retina: In Factory Trained Peraonnal, Proper Tooli. Parti Stock, Cleanliness end Courtesy. MWE hare not had shipment of new cere lor 10 weeks end have only It new DaSotos left. With defense production stepping up delly we ere taking ateps now to Insure you of con- tlnued 100. service. WC ere ordering sow to In , crease our Inventory ol . .Chrysler . p r o d u c t perls by .IIP 000. . (tWE'D like e chence to show you we deserve this ewerd ... by giving you FINEH ' SERVICE on your cer" JIM DOUGLAS Oenerel Meneger 1 L-m,a 1 11 I ,. W. C. Clerk Office Mgr. KM I riff i -;-J r k Sutherland Jack Morris Shop Supt. Used Car Mgr. 'I 4 - At k. Bay Morris Fluid Drive DeSoto Men E. R. Nance Used Cer Salesman Jell Herri Fluid Drive Salesman f 1 L. B. Kinnee Used Cer Salesmen F.'anels Harris Used Cer Salesman fCea Wellen. Used Cer Service Foreman Welter Oliver. Perts Meneger Eerl Merr, Front End Expert Jefl Korsen. Tune-Up Technician Bud Warflold. Specialised Mechanle Eddie Cuyger. Service Mechanic Clerk Woetfell. Lub Reck Men Art Hoist, Lub Reck Men Welly Leurent. Body end Fender Man Floyd Dowd, Body and Fender Men Roy Studebeker. Used Cer Dep't. Ass't. Douglas James. Steem Rack Man Carl Ralston, Lot Mechanic I APOLOGIZE TO THE ABOVE EMPLOYEES THAT DO MOT HAVE THEIR PHOTOS LISTED HERE FOR LACK OF SPACE Signed JIM DOUGLAS. - .Vf - ' - - ... . , i m ' - - a r . i- , . I a . I 0j W- . 1 I v aanaw tnrrvA inTOim"i l-Asl if i - nx - ism- llinr H"t .fce-iete- 744 KLAMATH AVENUE, MAIN ENTRANCE TO OUR 100 SUPREME ALL CHRYSLER SERVICE DEPARTMENT 744 Only 1 1)0 Supreme All riiryaler Proiluet Serviee V Ileltveen Portland and Saeramcmto il j ' jb(UiflcU Motoi Co. I 711 oawoauoa v,-jt :j ' ffll 50ST337 . 113333333!. $ VW. jik eTigj5af Cited lor Its excellently equipped service deportment and line service lecillties. the Dougles Motor Compeny wes presented with this beeutllul plaque by Fred Langdon oi the DeSoto Motor Compeny. In presenting the pleque. Langdon prelsed the Dougles . Motor Compeny lor providing better cer service for Klem ath motorists. 'The award," he said, "represents your willingness - and ability to provide service as modern ju the cart you sell." Douglas Motor Co. : DESOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALERS 734-744 Klamath Ave. ' Bus. Phone DOUGLAS MOTOR COMPANY Lot Phone 4310 724-34-44 Klamath Avenue . 6512 Klamath Falls, Oregon Dear Irlendsi These trying times can place anyone In. Inevitable pre dicaments. My predicament like all other new car dealers is lack of new cer stock, lor the luture, so I only know ol one way to secure enough money to purchase ample perts end material and that 1 by sacriiicing my entire used cer stock. At this time, I em offering more then $40,000.00 worth ol SUPER RECONDITIONED USED CARS In order to secure enough money to purchase parts and material so ; vitally needed in our new 100 SUPREME ALL CHRYS LER PRODUCT SERVICE DEPARTMENT to eneble us to ' give you supreme service regardless ol what mey heppen in the very neer luture. . . I hate to predict price raises and taxes, etc., but thet lime seems to be right at hand. The price reductions that I am offering here at this MONEY RAISING SALE should ..seriously prove to you the necessity oi my needs. .One needs no loresight to know that prices can only go higher . and not lowen .so let me urge you to teke advantage of perhaps the lest and final opportunity to purchase a better . car at such little cost as offered by me now at this MONEY RAISING SALE. No matter who you are or where you live. It will save ' you money and time to attend this urqent SACRIFICE SALE. . . Hpping to see you all real soon. I remain, ' Very sincerely yours,- ' DOUGLAS MOTOR COMPANY. J. E. Dougles -734724 ENTIRE DOUGLAS MOTOR COMPANY SERVICE AND NEW CAR SALES DEPARTMENT M Select Your Choice Bergaln Then Check It Off Yeer Description O '40 Nash Sedan O '40 DeSoto Sedan O '40 Plym. Pickup O '40 Plym. Sedan O '40 Plym. Coupe Original Stock Price Was 22i.E $1000 Heater. Del. 1AQC 6-Ply Tiros IU73 Orig. Black Excel. Cond. Radio, Heater, Grille Guards Rndio, Heater, Original Tan 675 945 845 Now Money Down P'm'tlnstall Railing Cash or menu Price Trade-in Mo's. $895 $295 24 995 335 24 595 195 24 825 285 24 745 245 24 jnJUd - Select Your Choice Bergaln Then Check It Off Year Description O '36 Terra. Brghm. O '36 Ford Tudor O '36 Ford 4-dr. Sd. O '36 Plym. Sedan O '36 Chev. Panel Original NW Stock Price nWr WaS Price Super Recon. CACft Tight Motor "w Orig. Black, Very good tires Rad, Htr, Dei. Excel. Cond. 385 460 425 Green Finish, 41 A Good Cond. ' Down P'm'tlnstall Cash or menta Trade-in Mo's, $365 $125 12 325 110 12 395 135 12 365 125 12 345 135 12 O '40 Plym. Pickup O "39 Plym. Coupe O '39 Plym. Coupe O '39 Plym. Coupe O '39 Nash-Laf. Sd. Orig. Grey Henter. Perfect Orig. Greenj Excel. Cond. Orig. Blue, Excel. Cond. Excel. Cond. Low Mileage OriR. Blue Radio, O. D. 695 675 675 695 900 625 210 24 18 595 195 595 195 625 210 795 265 18 18 18 O '36 DeSoto Sedan O '36 O '36 Dodge Coupe O '36 O '36 Packard Sdn. -Super Recottd. Heater Plym. Coupe Very good cond. Dodge Sedan Raot Becbnt 435 365 575 445 425 325 395 345 135 12 195 110 v 12? 120 r 12 465 . 395 135 f ir O '39 DeSoto Cpe. O '39 Plym. Sedan, O '38 Plym. Sedan O '38 Plym. Sedan O '37 DeSoto Sed. O.D., Radio, Htr., 5-Pass. Radio. Heater, Del., Orig. Fin. Low Mileage Excel. Cond. Super Recond. Heater, De'. Orig. Black Rad.. Htr.. Del. 900 745 645 675 595 795 265 685 225 575 185 575 185 495 175 18 18 18 18 15 Dlw 1-T- C I Good S I y. e dCUi O '36 Ford Coupe O "36 O "36 O '36 O '36 Ford Tudor Super Recond. Motor Condition Plum Carlm Super J WWMMM Reconditioned ws a wvm Reconditioned Super Reconditioned 395 335 425 365 425 365 395 335 395 325 120; 12 125 12 i 120 12 120 12 110 12 O '37 DeSoto Sed. O '37 Dodge Coupe O '37 Ford Tudor O '37 Plym. Coupe O '37 Ply.2-Dr.Sdn. Green, Radio, Htr., Del. Newly Refin. Light Blue Two-Tone, Excellent low Mileage Orig. good Cond 585 560 450 535 500 495 445 375 445 445 175 150 125 150 150 15 15 15 15 15 O '36 Plym. Coupe O '36 Plym. Sedan O '36 Chev. Sedan O '36 Plym. Coupe O '36 Plym. Sedan Super Reconditioned Rad., Htr, Fog Lights Super Reconditioned Super Reconditioned Super . Reconditioned 395 425 445 395 425 345 375 395 350 365 115 12 125 12 135 12 120 12 120 12 O '37 O '37 O '37 O '37 O '37 Plym. Sedan DeSoto Cpe. DeSoto Cpe. Plym. Sedan Plym. Sedan Excellent Condition Radio, O. D. Heater Rad., Htr., Def. Maroon finish Htr., Del., Extras Orig. Black, Very Clean 550 595 595 550 550 475 495 495 475 475 160 175 175 160 160 15 15 15 15 15 O '35 Plym. Coupe O '35 Plym. Tudor O '35 Ford Coupe O '35 Plym. Coupe O "35 Plym. Sedan Super Recond. Mew finish Good Tires, Htr., Runs good Orig. iinish Fog lights, good Good Cond. Green finish 325 395 295 325 345 275 235 235 275 295 95 95 95 95 110 12 12 12 12 12 O '37 O '37 O '37 O '37 O '37 Plym. Coupe Buick Sedan Plym. Coupe Ford Tudor Plym. Coupe Orig. Black, Good Motor Sm. 8-Cyl. Htr., Def. Excellent t Condition wt Good v Condition ' Good h Condition 475 650 500 460 495 395 565 450 395 135 185 150 150 15 15 15 15 425 145 15 MANY. MANY MORE o o o o o '35 Dodge Coupe '34 Dodge Coupe '34 Pontine Sed. '34 Olds Sedan Good Cond. Orig. Black '34 Plym. Sedan TO CHOOSE FROM Good Cond. Orig. Finish 345 245 300 275 295 295 195 195 195 225 95 12 75 12 95 12 85 12 75 12 - You to Come Enrly A.s Possiblo To Avoid Disappointment 0MMI ?TI1I 1 1 OYIo. k Kvory IViglit Sunday) a i s WB8B I ? Am t I jfuh a. " t.zLi frp:r . 1 D Our Moiipy-ltnisiiig Sale Is Now Going On at the Above Twin Lola Conveniently l ocated and 1133 Main Street Next to The Elk Hotel . FLUID DRIVE DeSOTO -PLYMOUTH DEALER S