MaV '."1941 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FTVS Attend Installation Ella Mul llm, Feye Meyers, Mabel Brock Irup, Naomi Kurti, Florence Mil ler, Ethel Prarle. Gladys Lot dahl, Ruth Schortgen and Grayce Crump attended the Joint In stallation of the Walter Philips Poet, No. 3433, end Creter Lake pojt, No. 1833, and auxiliaries nf the Veterana of Foreign Wars, held In A.hl.nd April 3U. To Portland Mr. and Mm. Arthur Schaupp left Thursday afternoon for Portland to attend the wedding of thrlr daughter, Irene, and Donald H. Law, alto nf Portland. The ceremony will take place in Westminster Pres byterian church at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. A recep tion will follow, The Schaupps plan to return home the first of the week. Otrls Friendly Members of the Girls Friendly society of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet Monday, May 12, at 4:30 p. m. There will be a paper sack supper, with adjournment at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Van Evans will conduct sing during the first hour. The girls will discuss par llameotary procedure and flag etiquette. c Bherlii's Posse The regular drill practice of the Sheriff's Posse was called off Wednesday night due to rain and Is now scheduled to meet at 6:30 p. m. Friday at the fairgrounds. Plans are complete for the breakfast ride for posse members and their guests. Riders will leave the fairgrounds at 1 a. m. Friday and go past Crystal Springs about one-half a mile to the reservoir where breskfast will be served. Drive North Mrs. Henry Vandenberg and Mrs. Marie Lawton left Wednesday morning by motor fur Portland where they will visit before returning here within a week or 10 days. Mrs. Vandenberg will visit with her son's family, David R. Van denberg. and Mrs. Lawton will continue to her home In Los An-geles. Frances Reynolds Gets PEO Office BEND, May 8 UP) Mrs. Nsr clssa Shaw of Portland was elect ed state president of PEO Sis terhood at the state convention which ended yesterday at Bend Portland was selected for the 1042 convention. Other officers Included Mrs. Frances Reynolds, Klamath Falls, recording secretary; Mrs. Helen Kaser, Grants Pass, cor responding secretary. Gasoline tax revenue of the states In 1840 exceeded the total pay rolls for the year of all the automobile, body and parts fac tories In the United States. For Your Information r earn MwtMMs at TMs CMiaPJ RM SIM WEATHER NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Partly cloudy tonight and Fri day, with low overcast and fog and occasional drizzles near the coast; showers In the moun tains; continued warm In in terior south portion; gentle to moderate variable winds off coast. WASHINGTON AND ORE GON: Partly cloudy with local Point and Ashland, all close 7:00 showers tonight and Friday; little change in temperature; gentle to moderate variable winds, mostly westerly, off the coast and over Inland waters of Washington; considerable fog near the coast, morning valley fogs west portion. Mall Closing Times (Trains) Southbound: 6:00 a m. Northbound: 9:30 a m. Southbound: 8:15 D m. Northbound: 8:30 p m. (Stages) Alturas. L k I w. Rocky Suburban Auxiliary Tha Suburban league auxiliary was to hold a pinochle party Thurs day afternoon. May 8. A dessert lunch was scheduled at 1:15 followed by cards at 1:45. The public was invited. Program Time Changed Neighbors of Woodcraft have changed their broadcast stories from Tuesday and Thursday morning to Friday evenings at 8 o'clock over NBC. Rehearsal Set Rehearsal of the civic chorus was set for 7:30 p. m. Thursday at the Klamath Union high school auditorium. Eagles Auxiliary The Eagles auxiliary was to hold regular meeting at 8 p. m. Thursday in tha Eagles hall, with the drill team to practice for the Moth ers' day exercises. Suburban League The regu lar business meeting of the Suburban league will be held Friday, May , at Shasta school. The possibility of incorporating a fire district will be discussed. Compeers club The Com peers club wilt hold its annual Mother's day tea and program Friday, May 8, at the home of Mrs. C. S. Robertson, 535 Lin coln street, at 2 p. m. Winsma Club The club of Pythian Sisters will meet Friday evening, May 9. at the home of Mrs. Alfred Erickson, 420 Oak street, at 8 o'clock. A potluck lunch will follow the business meeting. Ladle Aid The Ladles Aid of the First Covenant church will hold Its May meeting oa Friday, May 9, at the church. The hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. Birger Dalum and Mlaa Grace Bordal. Friends art) In vited to be present. The meet ing begins at 7:45 p. m. ill J I Farewell Dinner There will be a farewell potluck dinner served at the Zlop Lutheran church Immediately after the morning service In honor o( Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Hoffman end family who are leaving this coming week for Rupert. Ida., where Rev. Hoffman has accepted a call. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. George J. Walton returned Wed nesday from the Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance convention held this year at Dorchester Uuiim-, Ocean Lake, Ore. Their daugh ter, Katharine, accompanied them to Ocean Lake and is re maining for a week's holiday on the coast. J Lady Eagles The Lady Esgles club will meet Frldsy at the home of Minnie Bundeson, 1202 Division street at 1 rj. m. for a pot lurk luncheon and business meeting. All members are urged to attend. In Klamath Mrs. J. A. Frank lin and children of Ashland are spending a few days in Klsmath visiting with Mrs. Franklin's sister, Mrs. Ann Hayes, and other relatives. From Ashland Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hogden of Ashland were visiting in Klsmath recently with Mrs. Hogden s brother, Charles Weeks. In Ashland Dorothy Gross man from Klamath Falls spent Sunday In Ashland visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. V Grossman. Lady Frazer Dies Ftw Hours After Husband's Death CAMBRIDGE, Eng., May OP) Surviving her noted hus band. Sir James George Frazer, by only a few hours, Lady Fra zer died during the night. Sir James, 87, was well-known as an anthropologist and author ity on folklore and gained wide attention as the author of ."The Golden Bough," a vast collec tion of the beliefs and customs of savage and civilized peoples. His wife, the former Mrs. Lil ly Groce, a native of France, al so was known as a writer. It was understood that both deaths resulted from the infirmi- Atles of old age, Lady Frazer, who also was In her eighties, had devoted the latter part of her life to helping her husband overcome the handi cap of failing sight and was his chief link with the outside world. Only a few years ago they col laborated In writing a children's Christmas book, "Baba, the Imp." Sir James died yesterday af ternoon and his widow approxl mately 12 hours later. Meeting Held Plans were discussed for the Mother-Daughter tea to be given this month by the Camp Fire girls at the board meeting held Wednesday night in the chsmber of com merce. Mrs. Percy Murray, president of the board, presid ed. Chairman of the tea will be Mrs. John Kenoffel. Oil Found Merchant police found eight quarts of oil in front of the Lakevlew service station, Oregon avenue and Blehn street, and fearing the oil might be a temptation, removed It to the city police station where It was later recovered by the owner, G. E. Blackburn. From Mershiteld Wslter Chlene, head of the Marshfield water system, was an-out-of-town business visitor in Klam ath Falls Wednesday en route to Coos Bay from San Francisco. Returns Home Mrs. E. M. Igl has returned from a stay of several weeks In Portland, ar riving here Tuesday morning by train. It's the thought you put into your MOTHER'S V T y , DAY GIFT that counts. Whether it's for her COMFORT ffi&j. JVQj3 or purely PERSONAL, select it carefully and leisurely. J0 .... SS23gJ5 . Last minute rush shopping is disappointing. CHOOSE f mMB&S.y TODAY! OK LOVELY SHEER f Qifa SUe 9l e&taut to Welcome! cHUp QcufmOtie. & w .sure igs tt HE t . 5v Famous Cynth,a s ffifff ladies- . V U T Returns Home Mrs. Francis Kolkow of Malln, with her in fant daughter, returned home Wednesday from Klamath Val ley hospital. FUNERAL FRANK SCHMECK Funeral services for the late Frank Schmeck, who passed away In thia city Wednesday, May 7. 1941, following an ill ness of but a few days, will be held in the chapel of the Earl Whltlock funeral home. Pine street at Sixth, on Friday. May 9, 1941, at 1:30 p. m. with the Rev. Arthur Charles Batea of the First Christian church of this city officiating. Commit ment services and interment family plot in Linkville ceme tery. Friends are invited. VITAL STATISTICS M G1NNIS Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls. Ore., May 8, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. El mer A. McGinnls, Bly, Ore., a girl. Welcht: 7 pounds. COFFEY Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls. Ore., May 7, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Coffey, 610 Upham street, a girl. Weight: 8 pounds 2 ounces. TROYER Born at Klamath Valley hospital. Klamath Falls. Ore., May 8. 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Troyer, Spring Lake district, girl. Weight: 8 pounds S ounces. HOLD EVERYTHING 0 1 QiJfjti SUe 9 GeAtaUt to Welcome! LOVELY SLIPS c Straight or bios cut mode to fit smoothly under your slim mest dresses. Firmly woven of rayon crepe or sotin. LACE TABLE CLOTHS Size 72x90. Marly beautiful de signs. Ecru color, locey, luxurious. For Mother's table. 98 LADIES' PAJAMAS Made of quality broadcloth or cotton crepe. Qttm Sizes 15, 16, 17. 70C CHAIR BACK LACE SETS. lace. For . 49 c Made of ecru Mother's chair. Set of three OIL SILK UMBRELLAS Well made with sturdy 16-rib frame in a size most con- Oft a" venient to carry OC DUCHESS HANDKERCHIEFS Fine lace Swiss etching, affc JP spun hanky, floral designs. AmmfKi DRESSER SCARFS Size 15x42. Add color to 49c 3-THREAD CREPE CHIFFON 2-THREAD SHEER DRESS CLEAR AND SHADOWLESS FLATTERING SLENDERIZING m. For dress. For every day.' Absolutely clear and shadow less and always perfect! . Pure silk chiffon. Twisted', silk rhot is snag-resistant! , . Mother's dresser. Several shades... Embroidered HANKIES 10c Pastel, shades with colored embroidery PILLOW SLIPS 49c Embroidered. "His", and "H e r," "M r." and "Mrs." designs. Wrapped in cellophane. One pair. MAIN FLOOR LUNCH CLOTHS $1.00 Size 54x54. Colors will stay bright after tubbing. Give Mother a Lovely j)ean Ne&ia DRESS SIZES UP TO 52! 9ft REDINGOTES PRINTS, PLAINS s) Of the new Catolina spun rayons, pretty prints, cool sheers in lovely soft colors, Sizes l to oz. QU W FROCK LADIES' OVERNIGHT CASES 21 inches long. Lined with long wearing rayon. Leath er trimmed $sk98 for service .... Am LADIES' GOWNS In satin or crepe. with lace FOR MOTHER Tea APRONS Trimmed 1 M.J Penneys COLD CREAM SOAP Delicately scented. AP. 6 .bars in box Am mf V Ladies' 3-Thread HOSE Sheer, ringless chiffon hose. Full fashioned . 'ft heels TrC Ladies' FABRIC ' GLOVES ; v Pastel or dark J colors. Sizes 6 to 8."t Jr C MAIN FLOOR GIFT WRAPPED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE A perfect gift. Fast color prints 25c SIZES UP TO 52! ALL STYLES All of fine rayon fabrics. All un Sizes 12 $98 If w m v I x-lrjl 1 usual at this low .price! YARD SKIRT '. - HOUSECOATS In beautiful blue and pink floral designs.. 4fJOft Sizes 12 to 20.... Brentwood FROCKS. They won't fade in the tub. In sheers and spun $19S rayons. Sizes 1 2 to 52. I : SECOND FLOOR r 1 SAV-T-i aaMatajMaaaai :- A V- Mother Will Appreciate a Betty Coed HAT A wonderfully successful collec- mm QA tion of hots . . . for everyone's T TO mother! Hats with gentle lines I and softened with veils. r VENETIAN TYPE PLATE-GLASS MIRRORS. $288 Thick plate glass In lacy, semi-venetian style frames, with antique gold . color finish. MR & MRS. Pillow CASES embroidered in 79c Hand colors. ' Nicely . boxed Pr. SELF-ADJUSTING CARPET SWEAPERS $298 . Removable dust, pans and automatic adjustable brushes. Silhouette . PLAQUES Frame mode of Oregon ' Juniper. Two matched plaques to o AB. set 2 for 70C MAIN FLOOR Rayon Gabardine SkirU In new pastel shades. Sizes 24 to 32. Excellent for summer Oft outing or dress wear .......... OC SECOND FLOOR i Hosiery Mending Operated en Penney's Savings C- 3CC Policy ... ,JJV' Be Thrlltyl Use Otir . ( Lay-Away Plan 0 No Interest No Monthly Cash Prices Statements "The army mny be making men out of us. George, but woy oo mey Keep paying u wnB... ll a . v-y - -