The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 07, 1941, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Klamath News
High t( Low 29i Midnight 47
24 boura to a p. m. .. . .01
Saason to data
Normal praeipltatlon 10.24
Lait year to data
Associated Press TilimiU, NCA Telephe-
Im and a local newspleture and en
graving stall provide Nawa and Harald
iiidm with a comprehensive photograph
le service.
Vol. 18, No. 140 l'rice Five ConU
(Every Morning Except Monday)
Stimson Urges
Use of Navy To
; Guard Aid Ships
In The
WAR newa l stall scarce to
W day.
The killing of civilian and
the destruction of property, null
la ry and otherwise, by bumbers
goes on, but that is a part of the
dally pattern of modern war.
Like a dull toothache. It goes on
anil on, taking the Joy out of life
but not Mopping ordinary dully
AT the Libyan-Egyptian bor
drr, where the Germans are
threatening Alexandria und Suet
s;iim the west, a heavy sand
Vurm Is temporarily holding up
military operations.
In lru. the censorship pre
vents us from knowing what
goes on, but one guesses that
the British ara proceeding with
great caution. They have to
light off the attacking Arabs,
but obviously they wunl to do it
as gently as possible so as not to
make them TOO mad.
The possibility of a - holy war"
isn't all talk. The British DON'T
London, the house of coin-
taking account of Churchill's
stewardship. The action amounts
to what we know as a congres
sional Investigation with this
VITAL difference:
If tha commons refuses him a
vote nf confidence, Churchill will
Cc OUT ond a" new govcxrunent
nil be In.
Here, governments change
only as the result nf an election
TN Germany, Italy, Russia and
throughout an increasing area
of the world, governments
change (if at all) only as a result
World war No. 1 was fought
(we were told) to make the world
safe for democracy. Somewhere
a cog slipped.
THE war today Is in a lull, but
don't let It fool you. The
lull won't last long. The next
atorm Is merely GATHERING
It won't be long in breaking.
f TNLESS a miracle happens,
tho result of the breaking of
the next storm will be the driv
ing of the British out of the
Mediterranean. Their hold is
Hiurily shaken already.
But the battle of the Mediter
ranean won't be tho LAST bat
tle. The last buttle will be
fought when the morula or the
resources (or both) of one side or
the other arc gone,
i ...
TN our own country, peppery
Senator Pepper wants us to
get tough.
In co-operation with Great
Britain, he says In a speech in
the senate, we should occupy
Greenland, Icclnad, the Azores,
Cape Verde and Canary Islands,
should supply American bomb
ers and volunteer American
filers to China, he thinks, and
tho US and British navies should
Join in the Pacific to "shut up
lhe Japanese fleet in its lair.
JIle adds:
"A FEW bombers flown by
American pilots wouldn t leave
enough of Tokyo to build a bon
CINE, senator, If that's what
we have to do under our com
mitments. But let's not talk about A
FEW BOMBERS and a short and
easy war. When we start shoot
ing, the war that will follow will
be long and hard.
Short and easy wars have been
TALKED since history began
but seldom have happened.
"TALK of paralyzing the enemy
with a few bombers Is mere
ly wishful thinking, and when
one Is starting Into a war wishful
thinking is an extremely bad
BANDON, Ore., Moy 6 (U.R)
E. R. Osmundson, 62, drowned
in the surf here late yesterday
when ho dived after a billfold he
had dropped Into tho water.
U. S. Will Not Flinch
And Allow Munitions
Sunk, Says Warning
Secretary of War Henry L. Stlm
son tonight advocated use of the
U. S. navy to safeguard ship
ments of war supplies to Britain
and warned Germany that the
United States will not "flinch and
permit these munitions to be
sunk In the Atlantic ocean,
Stating that "we have taken
our place definitely behind the
waring democracies and against
the aggressor in defense of our
freedom," he declared:
"If today that (U. S.) navy
should make secure the seas for
the delivery of our munitions to
Great Britain, it will Tender as
great a service to our own coun
try and to the preservation of
American freedom as it has ever
rendered in all its glorious his
Germany, he said, has confront
ed the world, Including the Unit
ed States, "with tho alternative
of abject surrender or uncom
promising resistance." adding
that "I cannot recall that the
United States throughout its hist
ory has yielded to such a de
mand." His speech, broadcast nation
ally by the Mutual and NBC net
works, had President Roosevelt's
tacit approval. White House Sec
retary Stephen T. Early confirm
ed this, stating: "you may assume
that he (Stimson) talked to the
president about the speech."
Stimson s speech as one of the
most outspoken utterances yet
made by a responsible govern
ment official concerning the war
Secretary of State Cordell Hull
and Secretary of tha Navy Frank
Knox, in speeches April 24, bulh
hjutcd'trmt Meps should be taken
to protect war shipments but
neither mentioned convoys by
r. R. Silent
President Roosevelt has kept
studiously silent on the explosive
Stimson said the United States
fleet, supplementing the British
navy, "can render secure all of
the oceans, north and south, west
and cast, which surround our con
tinent." "In that way," he said, "It can
help to hold in check the on
ward rush of the tide of nazism
until other defense forces of all
the democracies are completed.
This would eventually and perm
anently confine the malign forces
of despotism until the virus has
run its course and the tide of
freedom has begun to rise again.
"On the other hand, If our
navy's assistance should be with
held until the power of the Brit
ish fleet and nation is broken, Its
own power of execution would at
once shrink to but an impotent
fraction of what it could do at
the present moment.
"If we should allow the present
strategic moment to pass until
the power of the British navy is
gone, tho power of our navy
would become a secondary power
(Continued on Page Two)
ATHENS. Via Berlin. April
27 (Delayed) (VP) A single well
aimed German aerial bomb sank
17 steamers In Pirascus harbor
and wrecked $10,000,000 worth
of harbor installations on the
first night of the German attack
on Greece.
Ozark Teachers, Physician
Held for Flogging Athlete
CAMDENTON, Mo., May 6 (U.R)
Two vengeful school teachers
and a physician who wants to
marry one of them were charged
tonight with the "honor lashing"
of a young Ozark athlctct.
Their victim was accused of
criminally attacking one of the
girls. While the doctor brought
him to their cabin on Lake of the
Ozarks, near their school, and
made him lie on the floor, shirt
less, the teachers wielded a crude
cat-o'-nine- tails.
For 45 minutes, alleged Max
Caldwell, 23, Hilda Rhodes, 23.
his accuser, and her roommate,
Aldythca Keith, 26, flogged him
until they were exhausted.
Accepts Rids
Caldwell told Sheriff H. J. Wil
liams that last Thursday night
Dr. Robert Murrcll, 35, of Eldon,
Asks Convoys
Secretary of War Henry L,
8timson In a speech Tuesday
night advocated usa of U, S.
navy to insure safety of muni
tions transport to Great Britain.
Tha a p a c h had President
Roosevelt's tacit approval.
'War Cabinet" Gets
Together For Talk
On Defense Changes
President Roosevelt and his prin
cipal advisers on defense and
war aid met for en hour and a
'half today In a conference which
the White House said centered
on speeding the production of
heavy bombing planes.
None of the participants would
discuss the parley, called by Mr
He also designated Major Gen
eral James H. Burns as an as
sistant to Harry L. Hopkins to
handle much of the detailed
work under the British aid bill
and in another step directed the
secretary of agriculture to set
up a special division to handle
work previously assigned to the
agricultural division of the de
fense commission.
Bomber Request
Mr. Roosevelt, who asked Sec
retary Stimson last night to ob
tain a "substantial increase in
heavy bomber production," fol
lowed that up today by calling
in to conference along with
Stimson, Secretaries Hull, Mor-
genthau and Knox; General
George C. Marshall, chief of
staff of the army; Admiral Har
old R. Stark, chief of naval op
erations; Harry Hopkins, super
visor of the lease-lend program:
and Major General H. H. Ar
nold, chief of the army air corps.
Arnold has Just returned from
England and has made a prelim
inary, oral report to Hopkins.
Today's conference was to pro
vide an opportunity. White
House officials said, for Arnold
to give a "full and complete re
port" to all members of what in
some quarters has been called
the "war cabinet."
Increased Output
Tho White House said a major
purpose would be to consider
the needs as outlined by Mr.
Roosevelt in his letter to Stim
son, of increasing the output o
(Continued on Page Two)
Mo., called for him at his Bag
nell home. He knew the doctor
slightly, and accepted his invita
tion to motor to the girls' home
at nearby Osogc Beach.
There, Caldwell said, Murrcll
held a revolver on him and gave
the "home-made" whip to the
teachers. It was described as hav
ing six or seven long, heavy
leather strips bound to a stout
Afterward, Murrell took Cald
well home, he said. Caldwell re
ported to Sheriff Williams Sat
urday, had his "black and blue"
back examined by Dr. E. G. Clai
born at Camdcnton, and hud it
photographed. i
Camden county Prosecutor
Lieu Cunningham charged the
doctor and the teachers with
(Continued on rage Two) J
At Least Four Firms
To Increase Wages
Five Cents An Hour
A five cents an hour horizontal
raise for lumber employes of at
least four companies was an
nounced here Tuesday.
It was learned that at least
three other companies are work
ing on wage revision plans, and
officials of others could not be
The raise was made effective
as of May 1, and is believed to
affect about 3U00 employes in
the four operations. The com
panies definitely announcing the
pay boost are Weyerhaeuser
Timber company, Algoma Lum
ber company, Big Lakes Box
company, and Ewauna Box com
pany. All Affected
Pelican Bay Lumber company,
Chiloquin Lumber company and
Shaw Lumber company are
known to be considering wage
The increase will affect all
workers equally, skilled and un
skilled, and will make the base
pay for sawmills and woods op
erations 70 cents an hour.
S3S.000 a Month
In view of the general aspects
of the wage revisions, it was
believed at least 4000 employes
will be affected. That will add
at least $35,000 month to the
lumber payroll here.
The Klamath wage raisa fol
lows a 5 cents an hour Increase
in the Spokane pine area, and
keeps Klamath's wage level on
a par with the highest In the
pine industry. A S cents an hour
increase was Incorporated in an
AFL contract recently negotiated
with ont of the Spokane mills,
according to word received here,
British, Nazi
Forces Trade
Bomb Raids
LONDON, Wednesday. May 7
(UP) For the sixth successive
night German raiders oombed
the Liverpool-Merseyside region
last night. The attack was not
heavy in its early stages.
Incendiaries were scattered in
one district, starting fires. The
anti-aircraft barrage was heavy.
By The Associated Press
strewed bombs up and down
Germany s industrial Rhincland
last night while the luftwaffe
churned up destruction and in
flicted heavy casualties in Brit
ain's sprawling Clydeside ship
yards from Glasgow to the sea.
"A great weight" of incendi
aries and high explosives pos
sibly including the new super
bombs were dumped on much
bombed Mannheim, the air min
istry announced.
Industrial Centers
Frankfurt -Am -Main, various
manufacturing centers in the
middle Rhine area and Bou
logne, Cherbourg, St. Nazare, on
the French coast, and Stavanger.
Norway, were other reported
targets of British raiders.
Informed sources said t h at
while the Mannheim attack was
on a large scale, it was below
the proportions of raids made
heretofore on such objectives at
Kiel and other German cities.
The Germans coupled their
fierce pounding of the Clyde
side with night raids on other
parts of England, Scotland and
northern Ireland. Twelve per
sons were killed when a heavy
bomb hit a Belfast shelter.
Much Damage
Today they made hit-and-run
machine-gunning attacks on Do
ver's balloon barrage. Three of
the big bags were downed In
Anti-aircraft batteries at that
"Hell's corner" threw up a tre
mendous barrage and RAF fight
ers chased the Germans back
across the channel. It was an
nounced that one German craft
was shot down and one RAF
(Continued on Page Two)
Looking Backward
By The Associated Prais
May 6, 1940 Allied troops
besiege between 3000 and 4000
Germans at Narvik.
May 6, 1016 Pope Benedict
exhorts President Wilson and
Kaiser Wilhelm to avoid diplo
matic break.
New Premier
Josef Stalin, at 62. last night
achieved tha same vast leader
ship and power held by Lenia
before he died In 1S24. Stalin
was "appointed" premier of
Russia alter the resignation of
Viacheslav M. Molotov.
Bombers For Chinese,
Bottling Jap ' Fleet
In "Lair" Requested
Declaring that "It is time for
the United States to get tough."
Senator Pepper (D-Fla.) urged
today that this nation, in co
operation with Great Britain,
occupy Greenland. Iceland, The
Azores, the Cape Verde and Can
ary islands, Singapore and
Dakar, west Africa.
Pepper's "get tough" program
also carried these recommenda
tions: "Shut Up Flaet"
That U. S. and British navies
"Join openly" in the Pacific "to
shut up the Japanese fleet in its
lair, and that long-range bomb
ers, manned by American pilots
enlisting voluntarily, be made
available to China.
"A few bombers flown by
American pilots wouldn't leave
enough of Tokyo to build a bon
fire," he commented.
The Florida senator, consist
ent administration supporter and
early advocate of aid to Britain,
(Continued on Page Two)
Pacific Fruit
Strike s End
The four-day AFL teamsters
strike of Pacific Fruit and Pro
duce company drivers and ware
housemen, which had developed
into a statewide sympathy strike,
was settled late Tuesday after
noon in Portland, it was announc
ed last night.
According to Earl K. Edsall,
local business agent for the
union, a new contract was signed
granting drivers a 50-cent daily
pay boost to $5.75, and ware
housemen a $25 monthly in
crease to $125. The agreement
called for a 40-hour week with
time and one half for overtime.
The agreement automatically
brings into force similar con
tracts negotiated with Mason
Ehrman company and Safeway
stores, other grocery firms which
approved terms recently.
Called last Friday when neg
otiations between Pacific Fruit
and the union broke down, the
strike Monday spread through
the firm's 12 other branches in
Oregon and threw 350 men out
of work.
According to the United Press,
settlement was brought about
through the services of Rev. Ray
mond B. Walker of the State
Board of Conciliation. It was the
first labor dispute heard by the
board in several years.
Stalin Takes Over
Russ Premiership
British Consulate In
Damascus Wrecked
By Moslem Radicals
LONDON, Wednesday. May 7
(U.R) Fears of a German engi
neered coup d'etat In French
Syria, similar to the one which
touched off the "war of oil" in
Iraq, developed early today after
disclosure Syrian Moslem nation
alists had virtually wrecked the
British consulate in Damascus.
Hostilities in Iraq were re
ported spreading over larger
areas after a breakdown of
neutral peace feelers with Brit
ish bombers blasting Iraq mili
tary positions and weakening the t
five-day seige of Habbaniya air
base, 65 miles west of Baghdad.
British quarters took a grave
view of reports from Syria
where Germany's seizure of air
dromes might prove the blow to
drive the British out of Iraq and
might yield to Adolf Hitler's fuel-
hungry war machine the oil of
Iraq. 1
Possible Revolt
Wrecking of the British con
sulate in Damascus, presumably
on Sunday, was taken by some
British quarters to indicate that
Germany is attempting to stir up
a revolt throughout the Arab
world. It was said that the French
authorities appear to be unable
to keep the Syrian extremists
Germany, it was added, may
not even find it necessary to
instigate an anti-British coup in
Syria if pressure now being
brought on the vichy government
gives Germany the foothold Hit
ler is reported here to be de
manding in the French colonies.
The shelling of Habbaniya air
base by Iraq artillery was said
officially to have slackened off
considerably as result of new
RAF attacks.
Barricade Sat Up
Axis reports said 3.000 Brit
ish troops within the besieged
base on the Euphrates, including
Australians, were completely en
circled, but the Iraq forces were
unable to storm Habbaniya be
cause it is surrounded by electri
fied barricades
Iraqi artillery is constantly
shelling the base in an effort to
destroy the power house pro
viding electricity for the barri
cades. It was admitted by the German
radio tonight British engineers:
had succeeded in blowing up a
number of oil storage centers be-
(Continued on Page Two)
Iran, Too Has
m ,,,,,,,,, ,T . j v--r-T j
These oil lines lead to refineries at Abadan. Iran (Persia).
near Basra. Iraq, at tha head of
neighbor of Iraq, is tha world's fourth largest oil-producing
nation. Iraq's oil flow was reported shut off and British quarters
In London predicted possible axis move Into Iran.
Shipments To
Russia Halted
By U. S. Order
The United States, it was
learned authoritatively today,
has halted all exports to Rus
sia of machinery or equipment
which can be utilized in defense
The policy was adopted, it
was said, despite strenuous
soviet diplomatic efforts to ob
tain the necessary export per
mits and despite the fact that
some of the machines involved
had been ordered and paid for
by the Russians months ago.
During the past several
months Russia has been success
ful in securing licenses for the
export of machine tools and
some other manufacturing
equipment previously ordered
here. This was the result of
negotiations between Constant! n
Oumansky, the soviet ambassa
dor, and Undersecretary of
State Welles.
Recent developments, how
(Continued on Page Two)
Ban On Transferring
Seized Ships Beaten
By 161 to 131 Vote
The house defeated today an at
tempt to prohibit the transfer
of any ship the United States
might take over for its own de
fense from one belligerent to
By a teller vote of 161 to 131.
the members rejected that pro
posal, sponsored by Rep. Culkin
(R-N.Y.), as a restricting amend
ment to a bill authorizing Pres
ident Roosevelt to take over any
idle foreign-flag tonnage in
United States ports for the na
tion's commerce and defense.
Culkin and others argued that
a possible transfer of two Ger
man and 26 Italian ships to
Great Britain would be a "clear
act of war." But democrats, say
ing that they had no knowledge
that such an exchange was con
templated, added that the trans
action would be no different
than the transfer of 50 destroy
ers to Great Britain last year.
The legislation would apply
to S3 foreign ships.
House republicans sought and
failed today to force an imme
diate vote on the question of
whether the United States
should convoy shipments of sup
plies to Great Britain.
Its Oil Lines
the Persian gulf. Iran, eastern
'Appointment" Made
By Supreme Soviet
As Premier Resigns
MOSCOW. May 6 (UP) Josef
V. Stalin tonight became Prenv
ier of Russia, his first govern
ment office although he has been
the soviet strong man for 17
years, after the resignation of
Viacheslav M. Molotov.
Molotov becomes vice-premier
under Stalin as well as retaining
his direction of foreign policy,
the announcement said.
By assuming the premiership,
or chairmanship of the council
of people's commissars, Stalin at
62 achieved the same vast lea.
dership and power held by Nic-
olai Lenin before he died in
Vast Power
The quiet-mannered, pipe,
smoking Stalin, son of a Tiflia
cobbler and a revolutionary since
he was 17 years old, now is mas
ter of 200,000,000 persons as
leader of both the government
and the communist party.
Molotov, who retains his post
as foreign commissar, had long
been urging the supreme soviet
to accept his resignation as
premier because of the pressure
of duties in handling the affairs
of both that office and directing
Russia's foreign policy, it was .
stated officially. -. .r... -Jv-
The supreme soviet has accept
ed the resignation of the 51-year-old
Molotov as premier a posi
tion he held for 10 years as the
titular head of Russia and "ap
pointed" Stalin to the office. It
was said.
The official announcement
blared over all Russian radio
stations late tonight, said Molo
tov had been "over-burdened" in
his dual role and had "repeated
ly asked" to be relieved of the
The President of Russia is
Mikhail T. Kalinin, president of
the presidium of the supreme
council of Ussr created under
the soviet constitution of 1936,
but the office carries little auth
ority. Little Change Due
It was indicated although Sta
lin's formal authority is now as
broad as it can be there will be
little change in Russian policies
inasmuch as Molotov in handling
both internal and foreign affairs
had worked in close cooperation
with Stalin and under his super
vision. In many recent developments
of Russian foreign policy, Stalin
appeared as the key figure in the
ceremonies and has sat in on fre
quent international conferences
Tonight's announcement came
as a surprise.
The announcement stressed
Molotov will remain in direct
supervision of Russia's foreign
policy at a moment when all
Russian leaders are warning of
the threatened spread of the
"second imperialist war" and its
(Continued on Page Two)
Mercury Falls to
29 Degrees Tuesday
The mercury fell to 29 de
grees, three degrees below freez
ing, in the early hours of Tues
day morning, coldest since April
19 when it was 28 degrees. All
this happened Just when Klam
ath Falls residents had decided
that old Man Winter had taken
an exit from the local scene
and gardeners were busy put
ting out tender plants.
Little damage was done to
gardens, however, and little if
any hurt was suffered by farm
ers throughout the county where
the frost was general.
News Index
City Briefs Page S
Comics and Story Page 8
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I Sports Pages 6, 7