Tm Eiamath News PICTURES! Associated Press TiUmiti. MEA Telesho to and live local aewspleture and en graving ((all provide Mawi and Harald taadari with comprehensive photograph to service. WEATHER NEWS Fair Hit Mi Law 4)i Mldnlflht ( 24 hours to 6 . m. , , , , ,,, M Soesoa to data Normal precipitation " Laat Tu to da to 11.11 IN THE SHASTA-CASCADE WONDERLAND Vol. 18. No. 139 Price Kivo ConU KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1941 (Every Morning Except Monday), F.D.R. Demands Air Supremacy Of Democracies In The 1 DayV News By FRANK JENKINS TN his aurpriaa apcoch on Sun- day, Hitler mutt have been - gunning for Churchill, who goe on the pan before the houae of commons thli week. Otherwlae It la a little hard to understand why he went to the trouble to summon the relch atag which la merely window dressing In the German govern mental scheme. The speech seems a bit too mild to have been worth the -ffort. unless der fuehrer lust isd one In his system and had to get It out which sometimes happens in the case of orators. TF ha was gunning for Church- ill. the heart of his speech was tha sutement that only 1151 German officers and men lost their Uvea In tha Balkan bllU krlrg. That Is either a colossal He or colossal achievement. If the latter, it brlnga out startltngly the superiority of German arms and military skill and empha sizes the unwisdom of the Brit ish effort in Greece. Churchill is responsible for that effort, and It may bo that Hitler was speaking to tha Brit ish house of commons rather than to the German rolchstag. . .-rrHIS ihotuthTruiiurally arises: if he wants to get rid of Churchill, he must FEAR him. If the British Balkan campaign were as bad as Hitler says, he would want to keep Churchill in power to make other mis takes. So ha may have been talking to Russia and Turkey, conveying to them the thought that he can lick them with, one hand tied behind his back if they get ob streperous. CROM London today comei a r report that Turkey has of fered, or will offer, to mediate the British-Iraq war. It Is thought in London that Britain will accept if the offer is made. Turkey is Moslem, and is also friendly to the British. If she could head off the Moslem Arabs from making too much trouble Q)r the British she would have proved her friendship In a useful way. TT Is dangerous to draw con elusions from rigidly censored news, but it does look as if the British have been extremely mild In their fighting In Iraq. That Is understandable, for they have troubles enough on their hands without getting tho Mos lems In their hair. India has a heavy Moslem population. Britain doesn't want the "holy war" the Germans have been trying to stir up and naturally ' wants to go as easy as possible on the Arabs. A NOTHER hint today: Spain Is said to have assumed control of customs at Tangier, Q the former internationalized one on the African side of the narrow strait of Gibraltar. Spain has to dance when Hitler fiddles. With long-range coastal guns at Tangier the Germans could close the Gibraltar strait. . ALSO the Germans ire re ported today to be bombing Crete, the new seat of the Greek government and only 73 miles from the Greek mainland. Crete has been heavily fortified by the British navy. The news today Is generally quiet. Don't expect this quiet to continue. Hitler won't let much grass grow under his feet this spring and summer. Looking Backward By The Associated Press -L. May 8. 1940 Norwegian fortress of Hcgra falls after; two weeks German siege. May 5, 1916 Lord French becomes Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Stimson Called Upon To Increase Output Of Heavy Bombers By RUSSELL TURNER United Press Correspondent WASHINGTON. May 8 (UP) President Roosevelt tonight de manded aerial supremacy for the democracies and called upon Sec retary of War Henry L. Stimson to Increase production of heavy bombers "with all possible speed. ". . . Command of the air by me acmocracics must and can be achieved." Mr. Roosevelt said In a letter to Stimson. "Every month the democracies are gaining in the relative strength of their air forces. We must sea to it that the process is hastened and that the demo cratic superiority In the air be made absolute. The president did not specify by what ratio he was ordering heavy bomber production speed' ed up. But he left no doubt that the objective he has fixed will strain this country's production facilities to their utmost. Authority Granted He gave Stimson virtual carte blanche authority to take what ever steps necessary to achieve the goal. One source said the chief executive was demanding peak production of 300 bombers a month, or 6000 a year. Com' bined with tha British output this would give the United States and Britain superiority over axis production, it was said. Mr. Roosevelt, who is in al most constant touch with Slim son. apparently made the letter public so as to impress upon the public the gravity of the British position and to re-emphasize his frequent warnings that. United States must gq on ao.3-"Ut de fense production Uaaia. It was also seen as a real! Lr ma tlon of his determination to pro vide Britain with "the tools" to Insure a German defeat OPM Gets Orders The president told Stimson he was ordering the office of pro duction management to provido "appropriate" priority ratings to cleer the way for all-out produc tion. . . His letter left no doubt that (Continued, on rage Two) Bodies of Two Canal Victims Found Sunday The bodies of Thomas G. Smith and Theodore McKlnley Walker, Beatty Indians, who lost their lives with three others when the car In which they were riding plunged into the government canal at Main street Wednesday morning, were re covered early Sunday afternoon a short distance from the scene of the tragedy. Special Indian Officers John Arkell and Jack Hope found the bodies on the fifth day of the search. Smith's body was recovered at 2 p. m. some 400 yards from the canal bridge, and Walker's body SO , yards further down the stream one hour later. Smith, 48 years of age, was life long resident of Beatty. He Is survived by three sons, El win, Raymond and Clifton, and two daughters, Thomasine and Phyllis, all of Beatty. Walker also lived his entire (Continued on Page Seven) Hitler Declares Germany Can Withstand All Enemies BERLIN, May 8 (VP) Ger many and her allies form a mightier combination than .any other possible coalition in the World today, Adolf Hitler de clared Sunday,- and "neither force nor . time will make us yield, let alone break us." What Germany has won. he cried, cannot be wrested from her "by any power in the world." Better Weapona "If already the German soldier possesses the best weapons in the world- he will receive still bet ter ones this year and next." the fuehrer shouted to a cheering relchstag. ' ' A WUhelmstrasse Bourccs said today that Hitler's reference to "next year" was made in answer to "English and American propa Above, a section otb Step Forest Fires parade held at noes Mondaf to . direct attention to the need for public vlgflance against fire in the corning dry' Mason. Selew. a striking view oi a susmatn tiro the great the background of Saddle mountain. G. MS STRIKE THREAT GROWS Mediators Announce Truces in Defense Industry Disputes By UNITED PRESS The government's defense me diation board ended a month-old strike of 300 CIO workers at the Arcadia Knitting Mills. Allen town, Pa., Monday and obtained a temporary truce in a threat ened strike of 1200 CIO em ployes of the Allis-Chalmers company's plant at Pittsburgh, Pa. The Arcadia mills has orders for army mosquito netting and the Allts-Chalmers plant is pro- continued on Pago Seven) Man Suffers Neck Fracture in Crash Joseph Farley, 91, 1021 V, Main street, is In Klamath Valley hos pital suffering from a fractured neck. His condition Is said to be serious. Farley was unable to give hos pital authorities details of the automobile accident In which he was Involved Sunday morning. He was admitted to Klamath Val ley at 4:20 a. m. Farley is -un employed. ganda that Germany would col lapse if the war was not ended this year" and should not be taken as Implying any predic tion as to when the war would be over. "Secondary Question" .These sources said Hitler had never set a date for tho end of the war, although he asserted and reasserted last night that 1941 would be a "historic year" of the nazl revolution. (Hitler said in a New Years message to his troops: "The year 1941 will bring comple tion of the greatest victory of our history.") A spokesman said Hitler's ref erence last night to "next year" was made "entirely independ ent of the war." When the war (Continued on Pago Seven) They Marched 9 t To Stop This Indian resorvanoa blase of 1138. Borrow Pit For Airport Job Okayed Discussion of a proposed bor row pit at one corner of the air port expansion site brought the city council's approval last night of a small additional pur chase of land for the 6254,000 project. Ordinances for Instituting con demnation proceedings to ac quire certain lands for the air port also were introduced at the weekly meeting. The city fathers were dubious when City Engineer E. A. Thomas told them the borrow pit would be about IS feet deep and possibly 20 acres in area, five acres of which lies outside the land now being bought for the airport, but approval for the purchase of the five acres was given when Thomas asserted that this land contained the only suit able gravel for the airport run ways and that the government had already been forced to pare its estimates to fit the $254,000 allotment. Small Hasard Use of material located on the site would help cut costs, Thomas said, but admitted he didn't know who would be required to fill up the hole which in his opinion wouldn't constitute much of a hazard anyway. "The council should have free use of the place for a duck pond," Councilman R. H. Buss man remarked, and Councllmen John Keller and Rollin Cantrall chimed in that the mayor could have it for a swimming pool, or a skating rink. Beside attending to thick sheaf of property sale ordi nances, the council referred to the city attorney a protest against the city's ban on auction sales. Attorney Fred O. Small (Continued on i uge Seven) Relief Fund Asked For California SACRAMENTO, May 8 (UP) Governor Culbert Olson tonight asked the state legislature to ap propriate $2,575,000 to continue the SRA until July 1, and warned if funds were not allo cated immediately state unem ployment relief operations would cease Saturday, May 10. In addition to the SRA funds, Olson asked the legislature to set-up a revolving fund to re lease $650,000 appropriated for the federal stamp plan. 6 .wits ut with smoke billowing up against KLAMATH MAN DIES JNCRASH Truck Jack-Knifes On Pollock Bridge, Kills Driver, B. W. Lees Benjamin Wesley Lee, . 46, Klamath Falls trucking opera tor, was instantly killed about 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Pollock, 20 miles north of Red ding, as .his truck plunged through the guard rails of an elevated roadway above the Sac ramento river. - Mr. Lee was driving a semi trailer truck loaded with empty beer cases and had left Klamath Falls at 8:30 a. m. Sunday en route to San Francisco. The trailer jack-knifed when Mr. Lee applied the brakes as he neared the end of the bridge, and the truck catapulted through the railing to the ground 60 feet be low. The trailer was thrown 75 feet from the truck cab in which Mr. Lee was pinned. Death was attributed to a crushed skull. Mr. Lee was driving alone at the time of the crash. He held a trucking contract with a num ber of Klamath Falls firms in cluding Lost River Dairy and the M & S Bag company. He is survived by his widow. Hazel, who resides on Manzanlta street. The remains were to be brought late Monday afternoon to Klamath Falls by Ward's Klamath Funeral home. A num ber of local residents, en route home after a visit to Shasta dam, came upon the accident. Coastguards Board Yugoslav Vessels NEW YORK. May 8 mV. S. coast guardsmen today boarded Yugoslav ships In New York har bor as a "precautionary meas ure," coast guard officers said, after having received "certain rumors." . Two ships were boarded, the Sreca and Netl, in Brooklyn, and a third, the Predesednik KopaJ pic, was said to have been board ed off Stapleton, Staten Island. The coast guard several times denied that the ships were seized," but indicated that they either were placed in protective custody or were being watched closely. Britain Threatens To Bomb Baghdad U. S. READY TO 'FIGHT' AGAIN, F.R.ASSERTS Speech Inte rpreted As Aid Boost Not Declaration Of War WASHINGTON. May S m President Roosevelt's declara tion that the American people 'are ever ready to fight again for democracy was interpreted in high administration quarters today as carrying a new. prom ise of virtually unlimited assist ance to nations resisting re gression. . , This view was taken by some members of the party which ac companied the president to Staunton, Va, where he made the statement yesterday in ded icating the birthplace of Wood row Wilson as a national shrine. Intent Argued In Washington. Senator Nye (R-N.D.) commented that "if the president is making a feeler for a declaration of war he will be quickly surprised to see that the people of America do not want to be involved. Officials In the presidential party noted, on the other hand, that he did not say Americans were ready to go to war and drew a distinction between that and , bis actual words. In the present instance, they said, "fight" ww a broad term cov ering' strong material support of 'demeonfje' nation rather than military Javolyment in Aid Pressure While the president spoke On ly of , principles,' development in . Washington. Indicated ' a growing pressure -" for ' further specific action on the problem of delivering war supplies to Britain, and the whole subject' apparently was due for an early and thorough airing in the sen ate. "We are meeting-here today to dedicate . a new shrine of (Continued on Page Two) Judge Denies Dismissal of Bridges Case SAN FRANCISCO, May 5 (UP) Harry Bridges' defense at torneys asked for dismissal of deportation charges against the California CIO director today on grounds the government "delib erately" discriminated against him. but Judge Charles B. Sears rejected the motion and ordered the defense to proceed with its esse. Judge Sears said he had no power to quash . the warrant against Bridges which charged him with affiliation and co-operation with organizations seek ing overthrow of the govern ment (communist party) and ad vocating property damage and sabotage (Industrial Workers of the World) during his 21-year residence . in the United States. The government seeks to deport Bridges to his native Australia.. Double Jeopardy Miss Carol King oi New York, (Continued on Page Seven) National Defense Talked As JCC Convention Ends Here National defense keynoted the closing sessions Sunday of the state junior chamber of com merce convention, ' with the draft-age delegates stirred by an inspirational and patriotic ad dress by Mark Matthews, na tional junior chamber president. Resolutions adopted by the convention favored ' total na tional defense, unity in "our in dustrial defenses" and confine ment of U. S. military action to the western hemisphere. Defense Committee On a proposal from John Har ris of Klamath Falls, the con vention voted to set up national defense committees in each junior chamber community in the state. Other convention business Sunday -included tbe acceptance Nazi Warships Given Heavy British Raid LONDON, May 8 W Heavy armor - piercing bombs scored direct hits on the 26,000-ton German battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau last night, the air ministry reported today It was the fifteenth RAF assault on the surface, raiders at Brest, France. "Sticks of the heaviest bombs also fell repeatedly across the drydock in which one of the vessels is berthed," the' min istry's news service account said. "Many bursts accompanied by flames and smoke were observed on and about the jetty where the other is tied up." It added that the two battle ships sought shelter In Brest to refuel and take on ammunition after their last Atlantic raids in March.- That is 24-hour job. the min istry said and the presence of the big warships- "after five weeks suggests either that by coincidence they each develop ed some grave defect while at sea or. what is far more prob able, Brest proved a very poor shelter from persistent bombing by the RAF. - "If of late there has been a sense of monotony In the report of attacks on Brest it may safely be said the monotony is fully shared by the Germans," the re port concluded. - - BELFASTAREA Raids Oyer;. Ireland Considered Lighter "Than Sunday Night's . : BELFAST, Tuesday," May '6 (UP) A small force of German bombers early today subjected Belfast and other districts of northern Ireland to a short at tack. It was much lighter than the three-hour aerial bombard ment of Sunday night. "It is believed that casualties were comparatively light, al though some unfortunately were fatal," a communique, issued jointly by the ministry of public security and the royal air force. said. One raider was reported shot down by British night fighters, bursting into flames and plung ing into the sea. - More Intense The Sunday night attack had been described as more intense than that of last month when about 500 persons were killed. Casualties and damage were re ported lighter, however. Eirean fire brigades forgot their neutrality and rushed across the border to help fight fires which turned parts of Bel fast into a sea of flames. Dublin appeared to be rushing all pos sible aid to stricken Belfast. Hundreds of those made home less by the raid left for Eire as well as the northern Ireland countryside. The Germans dropped many delayed action- bombs which rocked the city through the morning. DUBLIN, May S'OP) A plane of unidentified nationality (Continued on Page Seven) of Portland's bid for the 1942 convention. Warm praise was ac corded the Klamath junior cham ber men for their successful en tertainment of the 1941 state meeting, and Truman Runyan, convention committee chair man, reported that despite the heavy expenses involved,, the committee had come, through with the books very near bal ance. Matthew delivered ' his. con vention address at a public breakfast at the Willard hotel, attended by the entire conven tion registration and a number of townspeople. . ' Right To Question Pointing out that the junior chamber of commerce age quali fications are exactly the same (Continued on Page Threef IRAQ, TOBRUK FORCES FIGHT CIRCLING FOES Moslem Indignation Over Fighting Shows Possible War Spread LONDON, Tuesday, May 6 (UP) Great Britain today threatened to bomb ancient Baghdad and destroy Iraq's rich flow of oil unless Iraqut forces cease their four-day siege of Habbaniya air base as an "es sential prerequisite" to peace negotiations proposed by Turkey and Egypt. British reinforcements landed at Basra on the Persian gulf , have reached Habbaniya, 78 miles west of Baghdad on the Euprhates, to relieve the im perial garrison hammered by Iraqui artillery fire since Thurs day night, Cairo dispatches said. Relief of the air base. Dresum- ably by a mechanized column speeding 370 miles up the Eu phrates valley, came as both Turkey and Egypt threw their moslem influence into urgent ef forts to mediate a settlement be tween Great Britain and the pro German Baghdad government of Premier Rashid All Beg Gailani. Siege Must Step ' The British government said the siege of Habbaniya air base must be lifted before there can be any consideration of negotia tions. " - . Thousands of "pamphlets .have been dropped, ob ntbled-Ba.hdad . by RAF planes, warning Rashid AH Beg's regime will be blasted out of its government buildings there unless fighting ceases. Britain studied means to pre vent Iraq's annual 4,000,000- ton flow of oil from falling into Adolf Hitler's hands if it is de nied to Britain because of the Iraqi resistance. Either the oil wells will be sabotaged if they cannot be held for Britain or, as is more likely. the Mosul pipeline to Haifa on the Palestine coast will be wrecked to choke off the flow of the Iraq oil, it was said. The British government last night formally announced Tur key's offer to mediate the Anglo Iraq hostilities but there was considerable pessimism about the chances of any real settle ment with the pro-nazi Rashid Ali Beg. By UNITED PRESS Britain's miniat'.u-e war with Iraq appeared Monday night to be growing in both scope and In tensity. Skimpy communications and profusion of propaganda cloud ed the situation in Iraq and the whole near east. Moslem indig nation over the fighting seemed to be spreading and already was said to have worked up to a vio lent pitch in some places. " British sources said reinforce ments landed at Basra had reached Habbaniya to relieve the (Continued on Page Two) Man Draws Three Years for Forgery Antonio Martinez Alientos, 21, was sentenced Monday in Klamath county circuit court to serve three years In the Oregon state penitentiary for forgery. Alientos signed the name W. E. Janette to a check in the amount of $14.70 which he attempted to pass in Merrill. Klamath Legion Post Gets Mention INDIANAPOLIS, May 8 (UP) National headquarters of tho American Legion announced to day that Euclid post 343 of Euc lid, Ohio, had won the 8100 first prize in the 1941 post history contest. A certificate of honorable mention was awarded to Klamath post 8, Klamath Falls, Ore., among others. News Index City Briefs Page 8 Comics and Story Page Editorials Page 4 Information Page 4 Courthouse Records .... Page 2 Market, Financial Page Pattern - Page 10 Sports ..... Page 7