SOCIETY By LOIS STEWART ( ) 4. I- ft ui V liili iWM MRS. JAMES KERNS JR. ' J I V sXx. X X ? ix x s V X x -HI fc XX V 1 J - vX SXs SX xi ?X V . ,kU x- -1' f " f X Is - - :-; ' v t . 1 x -J, s, ;.x " 1 : f f 4 ; r s - x' ' t " ' ; " ! . J- V v 1 '.'-?-sxtx - - r 5, ,t , - MRS. J. TRUMAN RUNYAN W )Jp.ajW'-yirylyx -c -'. -r ;r '' ii ' - xj"v-. ., I Vn if 1 ? j.-y MRS. JOSEPH BALLY Hostesses making plans for the entertainment of women visitors ot th state convention of the junior chamber of commerce here this weekend, are pictured on this page. Chairman is Mrs. James Kerns Jr., assisted by Mrs. Runyan, Mrs. Gaily, and Mrs. Swanson. Kennell-Ellli picture. ,.l 'J Ml MRS. MARTIN SWANSON