The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 02, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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May 1941
Nazis Threaten Twin Kingdoms of the Near East
U.S.8.R.S '
. The bullrt which killed Henry
Mllot lint Sunday ranted up
ward Instead of down, and waa
tired when the gun fell and
truck the running board of the
car he wan leaving at the time,
according to Charle Evana, local
unmaker, who waa with Mllot
on the "rock chuck" hunting
t Evana, In a letter to The Her
ald and News, recounted the
event of the tragedy and hla
dltcovery of the cause of the
accident. On the trip were Mllot,
ehta wife. Janey, Ray Billing!
and Evani. They drove to the
ridge that parallrla Habblt flat
on the eait.
About 200 yarda before reach'
Ing the top, Evana aald, the car
waa atopped when aaveral "bob
aqulrrela" were alghted. Mllot
took two or three ahola from the
window of the car with hla left
hand, remarked he could not hit
anything with hla left hand, and
got out of the car. lie and Bill
Ingi walked a ihort distance up
the road and bacK.
"Once while near the car,'
. Evana recounted, "Henry (Mllot)
waa starting to aim at a squirrel
whan hia revolver went off a
little before It was completely
aimed, as the trigger pull waa
pretty light, and he remarked
how light the pull was. The bul
let did not go Into the ground
near hla foot, but off Into the
- hillside away from the car."
Evans said that contrary to
first reports, the gun used by
Mllot waa nut a Ai automatic
pistol, but a single action army
Colt of .45 calibre, frequently
referred to as the "Frontier"
'model. The gun may be exam-
lned at Evans' shop.
Alter making the short stop
. Motioned, the party drove on
ta the top of the hill. When a
stop was made there, Mllot got
'out by the left hand door and
Evana by the right door, and had
hla back to the car when he
beard a shot.
Evana said ha thought at first
Mllot had fired at a squirrel un
til ha heard him say "Oh!" and
even then he thought Mllot had
atumbled. When he heard him
repeat "Oh" Evans ran with
Billings to the wounded man.
"When wa lifted him," Evans
. aald, "Henry said 'my leg' and
never spoke again." Ho was
placed in the rear seat and rush
ad to a hospital in Klamath
rails. Evana paid tribute to the
driving of Mrs. Mllot, who took
the wheel. Mllot died at the
hospital before a doctor reached
him, hla companions being star
tled because the wound had ap
peared to ba only of the flesh
type and not serioua and they
had believed him unconscious
because of shock and fright.
Both they and a nurse thought
a stimulant would revive him
but ha passed away before the
stimulant could ba administered.
Evana said ha at first thought
Mllot had pulled the gun off as
ne waa drawing it from hla hoi
ater. He aald there were two
marks made by the bullet and
at first wa all thought the bullet
had entered at the groin near the
igCrotch and had passed out seven
4wr alght inchea below and well
toward the back of his left leg,
However, the gunsmith, upon
further investigation, found
there were no powder burns on
the clothing and only one hole,
And "that waa whore wo at first
thought the bullet had emerged."
Evana aald he became convinced
the bullet had entered where It
had been thought it emerged,
Ha aald ha later examined the
wounds, and found he was cor
rect, the bullet had gone up in
alead of down anr had lodged in
the abdomen. In Its upward
course. It had "all but emerged,
making an oblong wound" and
then passed on up into the abdo
men. "It had severed the large ar
tery and all the bleeding had
been Internal which alone would
Jiave brought death In a very
.hort time even If the large bul
let had not entered the abdo
men," aald Evans. "The location
of this upper wound would ren
der use of a tourniquet impos
sible and no earthly power could
have saved his lifo .... Ho was
almost gone when we laid him
on the hospital bed and not
more than 20 or 25 minutes had
elapsed after the accident before
we had him In the hospital bed.
and had there been a surgeon
with the party he could not have
aaved his life."
"As I have stated, the gun Is
a Colt, .4.1 calibre single action
and the hammer must be cocked
by the thumb before firing when
the gun la in proper working or
der. Someone, perhaps before
Henry had bought the gun, had
either by 'fanning' the hammer
or in an attempt to lighten the
trigger pull had done away with
the safety catch on the hammer,
fVhlch would permit the firing
pin to rest on the head of a 'live'
primer and in some manner
when he stepped from his car the
gun slid from the holster and
the hammer spur struck on the
aluminum step on the running
r.,., UM.Ui:
At i (zi.eoe so.
mL. m times Tens;
ramus for rtrsUa
nun export weal.
milt, cotton, epl
15? "se8$!V VSV
I m cu iicTTuman ova i ginm Mnan M rk. A r
canal A 0Z3tr rrT''tti'"t lC?" "S
I ,Y, ,,j f - JwWtl. en India le Iran
' ' . iftlf'T W4T hard fee Invaders - i
1 ' A ' lds, aema of world's . . I yf , 1 01 oi ' 1
. in 1 1 1 i I laraost. whoae aatpot as '; '-.'..XT Oman I fc
EZlcoloU vlUI le werahlpe. pUnee. V"""" Beale 1 Miles
loionno Unas In Mediterranean are. , . I ' .U
moil Pipe tinea 1 ' 3 ' y, tj a ate
Iraq and Iran have a lot bi common: their names are alike, they both produce ell, both are kingdoms,
and both are likely targets of a Oarman drive into the Near East Map shows oil field! and etrstegio
location of these two countries at gateway to the Orient
She Doesn't Like Her Picture sTaken
Roaelda Jackson Hood and
Agnes Codowa Chocktoot, both
of Beatty, pulled from the US
government canal near the Main
street bridge in mid-afternoon
Wednesday after they had
lumped into the water at the
scene of the quintuple drown
ing earlier in the day, appeared
in police court-Thursday morn
ing and entered pleas of guilty
to the charges of being drunk
and disorderly. Both were fined
ISO and sentenced to 25 days in
the city jail.
Fifteen drunks, and four
others charged with being dis
orderly, appeared before Police
Judge Leigh Ackerman.
Looking for Bargainer Turn
to the Classified pace
Airplane production In the
United States nearly equals that
of Germany; but the output of
soma war materiale must be in
creased five-fold to meet the
challenge of the axla powers,
business leadera of the country
were told Wednesday.
Addressing delegates to the
annual convention of the cham
ber of commerce of the United
SUtes, Col. John H. Jouett,
spokesman for the aircraft in
dustry, reported combined
American and British produc
tion of war planes substantially
exceeds the German output. He
aald the American planes equal
or surpass the performance of
foreign aircraft.
Production Director John D.
Blggers reported progress of the
huge armament program, but
he said the effort must be ex
panded. Before the end of 1941,
he said, production of power
must and win again ba trebled
monthly production of military
planes and rifles must be
doubled; tank production quad
rupled; small arms production
trebled and machine gun pro-
auction increased five-fold.
Jouett said March plane out
put was 1200; that 18,000 would
be turned out this year and
30,000 in 1942. He revealed that
existing plans call for a total
of 44.000 new planes, of which
10.300 will go to the army,
8500 to the navy, 18,500 to Brit
ain and Canada and 3600 bomb
ers to be distributed among the
tnree groups.
UN ALASKA. Alaska. M.w
W A sharp earthquake tremor
of 32 seconds duration at 11:11
p. m. (PST) last night shook
ouildlngs and rattled dishes in
this Aleutian ialanHa Mmmnnltv
Dishes were broken in several
He's Crowing About This
in fltmigmmmt M cut
Bantam rooster apparently takes over town of Bagneil, Mo., as
Osage river floods town. Foxy fowl Is shown Bos ting down main
street, giving deserted village store the go-by.
Carl K. Cook was elected
president of the American Le
gion drum corps at a recent
meeting of the organization. Dr.
M. E. Cooper is named vice pres
ident; Wyatt Peck, secretary;
Jack Benner, quartermaster;
S V. Pickett, music instructor;
Joe Sollenberger, drum Instruc
tor; Carl K. Cook, drill instruc
tor. The drum corps members will
meet at 12 o'clock noon Sunday
in preparation for the trip to
Redding on June 1, at which
time there will ba a competition
between California and Oregon
corps. It la understood that the
Klamath Falls group, state cham
pions, will represent Oregon.
The northernmost point in the
United States 1 Lake of .the
Woods, Minn.
The month of A pry. Just re
moved from the year'a calendar.
waa outstanding In a number of
ways aa far aa the United State
weatherman waa concerned. In
the first place the precipitation
was 'way below normal, as a
mean temperature in the 48
years' record is .89 of an Inch,
and this past month chalked up
just .80 of an inch.
In the second place, April had
a minimum of 27 degrees, which
is the highest minimum on rae
ord and occurred in the many
years recorded by the weather
man only in the years 1923, 1939,
1940 and 1941. The April rnaxk
mum on record was 83 degrees
in 1934, and the lowest mini
mum on record was 14 degrees
in 1911 and again in 1918.
Mean maximum for tnis month
was 39 degrees; mean minimum,
33.1 degrees; mean, 47 degree!
maximum, 71 degrees; mini
mum, 27 rlegreea. Wannest day
waa April 23, coldest, April 17.
There waa the greatest daily
range of temperature, 38 degree
in all, on one day during the
month. Precipitation totaled M
inches; greatest 24-hour precipi
tation waa .44 Inchea en April
snow total for the month, J
During the month there were
nine days with .01 precipitation
or more, 12 clear days, 10 partly
cloudy days, eight cloudy days.
April of last year showed a
mean temperature of 48.2 de
grees as compared with 89 de
grees this year.
Try the Classified Ada.
Jmbrlle Mrrsmrr, IdtnUOrd by flnsrrprlnta as a "female DilUnicr," killer
of a btAPiMll player In Texas and a fusttlve from Justice In two states,
wildly battles three men and one woman court attendant In 6an PrancUce
where aha waa arrested. Main object seemed to prevent her picture
, being taken.
Major Test for Mortar
irrT-Mfii ten i
1 1 w
mJ. 1. u. nauaclliiiU kill Ull-IUUU Ubuuuuuu aovul .u,y's
new 10-mm. trench mortars by placing shall in gun tube. 'Looking
on la J. T. Duffy, head of Erie, Pa, company manufacturing them.
William Scigmund, about 39,
for the past 14 years employed
aa machinist at Ewauna Box
company, was found dead in his
room at 410 South Fifth street
shortly before 6 o'clock Wed
nesday night. Mr. Seigmund
was first noticed by a newsboy
who stopped at his room. The
body was in a half-sitting posi
tion on the bed with the head
on a rocking chair. Death was
attributed to natural causes.
Mr. Seigmund was a member
of the Willamette Valley Union
of Machinists, and Is survived
by a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Carte, South Bend, Ind. The
remains are at Ward's Klamath
funeral home.
board of his car and there being
no safety catch on tho hammer
caused it to fire. There Is a
distlnc' mark on the aluminum
step where the hammer spur
Evans asked that his account
be given to clear up any confu
sion or false impressions con
cerning the accident.
moment, please," telephone girls
say, in mo winx 01 an eye.
Whot o mrfll to arrive at
Hie new tlx. million dollar
depot. ..and only a few
minutes later enter the
beautiful tlltmere Hotel,
largest and llneit la
Western America, it Se
delightfully different, yet
to convenient to everything
worthwhile seeing
in the Southland.
DOOILIS from 14
Klamath Variety
n n aK n rm nvv t m
rri if 11 iv II is. Vii T
mi3si affc,w
I Special
Lunch Cloths
Ideal Gifts for Mother
Rayon and cotton damask. Drawn thread
and all ever floral designs. Solid colors
with contrasting borders. White and pastel
SO-lncVsquares . 49C-98C
Beautiful Evenknlt Hosiery. Sheer
three thread and 48 eauqa that in
sures long wear. All the new Spring
, shades. Sues 81 to I0H. A tl value.
Salad Set
Four piece crystal. 11-inch bowl, 13-Inch
plate, heavy fork and spoon Aft
Special SetYOC
Boxed seta of 50-lnch cloth and six napkins
Set 81.49
R If A0
S! K fr) Lovely spun rayons in print pat- fill IT IP
iX.JL5s5S5j' tarns and solid colors. Also at- llWl
j i tractive new styles in sheers. f I 1
1.1 I New shipment of half sises just II f Al
II II received for the short and stout Ul ILJJ
Afternoon and street frocks, .
Lovely spun rayons in print pat
tarns and solid colors. Also at
tractive new styles in sheers.
New shipment of half sises just
received for the short and stout
ladies. Sises 18 M to 241. Reg.
sises from 12 to 32.
to 1.95
Klainniatilh) Vanietty
38-838 Main
Phone 7134
URDAY only you may deduct
merchandise not already reduced.
SUITS.... $8 and $10
OTHERS $12 and $16
Far Trimmed
QieotLf. Reduced!
VALUES $12.95 to $16.95
BLOUSES . . . $1.79
SPECIAL GROUP Values to $3.95
A special group. Regular
values ..... 79C
a palra 11.50
Tailored and
Trimmed ....
And Many Other Anniversary Surprises
... shop Long's before you buy!
We hove adopted the new store hours 9 to 6 dairy.
719 MAIN y