3!&fL A. BDPIGID PACING ROUNDUP R, C. Woodruff, the active nan behind this second year Klamath effort at horse-racing, reveals that over 200 camels save signed, with exquisite pen- nanship, to race nere iwixi 'una, 11 nnrl June 21. inclusive iates of the Klamath Jockey tlub meeting. This virtually fills the local 133 horse stable capacity. Of the owners who last fall raced at the Fairgrounds, most have re-entered Indicating satisfaction with the way the thing was run. In addition Woodruff has received entries irom stablemen as far south as Phoenix. Aril. Thus far we have lined up Art G ruber from San Mateo, cur rently racing eight head at Bay Meadows; Will McPherson from John Day, Ore.; R. G. Vantatta. Chico; M. D. Wilson, Phoenix; R. A. Hume, Bakersfield; C. C. Conley out of Red Bluff; Jack Hudson of San Mateo, now rac ing at Bay Meadows; and Jack Miller, owner of Fervorita which last fall paid off well and often locally. The June meeting this sum mer should fare far better than the weather-hampered attempt of 1940. On that occasion, only the hardiest of Klamath followers braved icy Fair grounds winds with any de gree of consistency and the consequent take was smaller than expected. With fine weather a practical cinch, the coming meet should draw a full house through its entire run. FISH FACTS The first of D. H. Peoples' Bend Tourist Greeter guides for this year came lurching off the press over the weekend. Peoples, with the assistance of Myra Loeber, discloses that the best "hot spot" of the young season is SutUe lake, "with lim its being taken all over the place." The best time of day for bluebacks, claims the Guide, is either from 9 to 10 in the morning or from 6 to 7 in early evening. Lures being used are salmon eggs and worms. Mrs. Minnifer of Prlneville on opening day bagged a giant Eastern Brook measuring 271 inches and weighing almost 12 pounds. The Deschutes is paying off well, says the Bend dope, but nothing much is known of lake fishing other than at Suttle. Joe Wharton reports from Grants Pass that salmon fishing is still not up to seasonal nor mal, due principally to con tinued discoloration of the water. Several fine fish were caught recently, however, along the Grants Pass section of the Rogue. HE'S IN AGAIN "Lean-shanked Lester" Steers, the Oregon boy pro tem, final ly busted the world's record last Saturday when the chips were down and we get a great big "Nyaaaaaaah" from Dave Sand- M M00 To. ratantad air coih too in Porto-Pad Shoal green you In. aim. nail Wacy aa a cal'a paw soft TUtdlaf: tread that cam., roe buoy anily through aQ root landing and walking bourn. Nothing lifc. It lot ALL-DAY COM FORT. fin. quality laafhaa at popular prion. AIR CUSHIONED SHOE 6y PORTAGE SHOE DEPT. THE SUN STORE 714 Main 8MUIML---, 7 World Record Tumbles When Steers pisjML. i.i ,,i ,,., mi inn m. ii'l'. 1 1 "" 1 ' " Officials didn't need to stretch the tape to make this jump a new world mark, bettering as it did the old record of feet Inches by more than an inch. Les Steers. University of Oregon Jumper, whose record was .officially established as feet 10 25 32 Inches, previously had won first in high hurdles, third In shetput in a meet with the University of Washington at Seattle. KUHS Girls Named for Tourney; Weed Team Jerry Ann Denehle. Vir ginia Howard, Joanne Hamil ton and Roberta Tucker of Klamath Union high school have been selected as candi dates for the title of queen of the ninth annual 20-3u track meet next Friday, May 2, it was announced Wednes day. One of the number will be named queen on the basis of the greatest amount of tick ets sold. The winner will be determined Wednesday night Meanwhile 20-30 club spon sors of the cinder tournament have revealed that the strong Weed nigh school team from Northern California will send big squad to Klamath Falls. erson of the Eugene Daily News. Rather unkind of you. David, and slightly unfair. After all. we didn't say Lester wouldn't break the record. We said, and any careful reader should have caught it. that "Mr. Steers is probably a fine boy and the best high Jumper in the country today. But h. did not and will not soar over seven feet this year or any other year, notwithstanding the publicity efforts of all Ore gon." We still say it. but congratu lations anyway to Oregon's Les Steers, whs grew up in Call fornia. Portland Pin Tourney Opens With Big Entry PORTLAND, April 30 W) Tenpins drew the vanguard of 311 mens and 16S women's teams to Portland today for the opening of the 10-day North western International Bowling congress. The tournament starts tonight mainly with Portland teams competing. Thursday night again will see the alleys occu pied chiefly by home-town quintets although the Bruns wick Mineralites of Los An geles will bowl. Outside teams from as far south as California, east as Mon tana and north as British Co lumbia more or less will pre empt the maple fairways Fri day and for the concluding eight days. Co I Crew Set For Poughkeepsie BERKELEY, Calif.. April 30 &) A 10-day battle by Coach Ky Ebright ended today when two University of California crews were assured of compet ing in the intercollegiate re gatta at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in June. The executive committee of the Associated Students of the university voted unanimously last night to appropriate $4271.95 to send the varsity and Junior varsity crews to the regatta, de spite previous intimations by student body officials that the fund would not be voted. At the same time, the varsity rowing club of the university announced it had donated f 1S00 to round out the expenses of the trip. Chemawa Boxer Held for Robbery SALEM, April 30 (P) John Cobell, 25, Chemawa, Ore., thought things were going bad ly when he lost a six-round de cision to "Boxcar" Cline of Portland In a boxing event here last night. Then he walked into his dressing room and was arrested by Salem police. Sergeant Jack Cutler said Cobell and Roy Elli son, his second, were wanted on Tacoma robbery charges. Pacing the Weedmen will be two point winners of last year's meet, a brace of 2:10 half-milers and a strong re lay quartet. Looming as a hot favorite to cop the shot put is George Meline, who has been tossing the iron ball better than 45 feet this spring despite poor weather and practice condi tions. Steve Argyris. a dash man who placed in both the 100 and 220 in 1940, is back and faster than ever, accord ing to California reports. Jim Mallory and Clarence Cardoza both have been step ping the 880 In around 2:10. Klamath fans will be look ing forward to seeing for the West-Midwest Cage Card Set For December SEATTLE, April 30 HP) The West's best college basketball team this year, Washington State, and the University of Washington will be co-hosts to two outstanding middle west basketball fives in "double head er" exhibition games here next December. The Missouri and Kansas State fives will be here for the series December 19 and 20 at the Uni versity of Washington pavilion, Washington athletic authorities announced today. The first night Washington will play, one of them, followed immediately by Washington State facing the other. The next night the two state teams will switch oppon ents. "Iff an experiment, but one which should be highly success ful," Carl Kilgore, Washington athletic manager, said. Sprague Homer Licks Bonanza SPRAGUE RIVER A scream ing home run by Sprague River's Wilfred Barkley, with two run ners aboard, spelled defeat for the Bonanza high school team in a game played at Sprague River Monday, April 28. The score was tied at 10-all when the Sprague lads came up in the last half of the last inning. Two runners got on base, when the lanky Indian stepped to the plate after going hitless all after noon. On the second pitched ball he connected with one that sailed high over the fielder's head and clear out of the lot. Both teams were erratic In the Whirlaway's Stock Rises Despite Blue Pair Defeat By SID FEDER LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 30 (P) In spite of his defeat in the derby trial mile, Whirlaway's Kentucky Derby stock rose to day as the most unusual field in the memory of the oldest in habitant was rounded out for Saturday's 67th running of the Blue Grass classic. Every one of the 12 horses expected to go to the post before an anticipated record crowd of 100,000 at Churchill Downs in this renewal of the chase after the rainbow of roses had a "yarn" behind him to make this the "different derby," with any colt in the race given a chance to hit the Jackpot. Whlrlaway, hope of Warren Wright of Chicago, was the No. 1 question mark. No one ar gued his right to that, title after the way he picked up half a dozen lengths to overhaul Tom Bragg's blue pair rounding the stretch turn in the trial yester day, and then tossed away his Betters 6 Ft. 10 In. 20-30 Looms first time Racln Ray Johnson, stellar Mcdford quarter-milcr, who has turned in a :49.3 time this year. Johnson last year copped the state title, setting a new Oregon 440 rec ord as he did it. Locally, Coach Paul Deilcr of the Klamath host team promises to upset consider able dope with his upcoming Pelicans who last week trim med a good portion of South ern Oregon in capturing the Bend relay championship. Hurdler Chuck McCandllss, Marion Reginato, Roy Berg loff. Doug Ernst, and Ralph Foster will probably garner points for KUHS. early innings, but settled down as time wore on. Sprague River collected 12 hits off three Bo nanza pitchers, while the Antlers touched George and Barkley for only five hits. In an Interesting preliminary to the high school game the Bonanza and Sprague River jun ior highs battled to a 5 to 5 tie in a speedy well-played game. Sprague River plays ita next game Friday, May 2, against Sacred Heart academy of Klam ath Falls on the local diamond. Cougars Wallop Beaver Nine, 9-2 By The Associated Press The Washington State Cou gars moved into the victory col umn in the northern division. Pacific Coast conference base ball campaign yesterday when they defeated the Oregon State college' 9-2 in Corvallis. The Cougars manufactured six runs in the opening inning and then coasted the rest of the route, holding the Beavers scoreless until the seventh. The Washington Huskies strengthened their hold on first place when they won their fourth straight by beating the Idaho Vandals 4-3 in Seattle. It was the Vandals sixth consecu tive setback. soxino Sy The AMOtttd Prea. COT.rMM..", O. cn.rle, lB.l.ry Knot. 1'9, Dayton. O.. and Jack (buddy) Walker, Vti. ('Iiimhit. .rear dm. rLKVELAND 1,-tiny rrioota rVom Manrlnl, IU. Yiiinat'. n. o., ontpolnt'd Billy Marqnart, n;, V!nnlp-r. M0) : Mail Beraer, 142. Mintr.nl. mjt-iint.d Peta IK Riiia, 1 M.rnnron'tk, '. Y. (10). WII.KF3-B ABBK. flarry J'lln. m. Raltlmore. eiopped Al Brown, I27K, Philadelphia (7). NEW YORK rl'illWroo Pnrntea. 11W4. rnliimnlii. ontpe-lnted Juli. Koion, IS7, New Hav.n, Conn.. (1). NF.W YORK SeheiliiM eltbt-ronnn bout between Anteinli r'-rnanflet, 1M1., Pantlaro. Chile. ann Ed-lle Pierre, 167. Patrreon, N. oeetare,! no couteet 10 flftn be Referee, Steve. Himu. whole edge and some six lengths to boot to finish second by three-quarters of a length. Trainer Ben Jones still was confident, however, pointing out the stretch running little chest nut with the flowing tail prob ably had in him half a mile of faster running than any other horse in the field, and that it was up to the Jockey to unhook that speed when it counted most, in the stretch. Plain Ben was relying on Eddie Arcaro to do this Saturday. Wendell Eads, who had the leg up on the colt yesterday, had Whlrlaway run ning outside of horses rounding the bend. When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anne Earley Proprietors Dodgers Beat Reds For Third Straight Mathematics Kind to Cardinals, However, for Pace-Setting Spot By PAUL SCHEFFELS United Press Correspondent The Brooklyn Dodgers made all the necessary moves Wednes day and brat the Cincinnati Reds for the third straight time but baseball's mathematical magic was kinder to the St. Louis Card inals who gained the pace-setting spot In the National league by beating the New York Giants. St. Louis now has won five straight and Brooklyn nine straight, the latter equaling 1040 s longest Dodger winning string but figures side with the Cards, whoso 10 won and three lost give them a percentage of .769 compared to Brooklyn's rending of 13 won, four lost for .765. Shut out for seven Innings by John Vandermcor's rekindled BOSTON. April 30 (UP) The new owners of the Boston National League Baseball club, holding th.ir first stock holders meeting. Tuesday night retained Bob Quinn as president of the club and de cided to return to the name "Braves" which was changed to "The B.es" five y.ars ago. The stockholders also elect ed the following officer.! Vice president, Francis Ouimet, amateur golfert treasurer. Jos eph F. Conway of the Horace Partridge Sporting Goods com pany and assistant treasurer. John Quinn. the president's son. fireball, Brooklyn rushed over four runs in the last two innings to defeat the Reds, 4-3. Doubles by Mickey Owen and Peewee Reese drove home the winning run in the ninth and Dixie Walker and Joe Medwick slam med out homers In the eighth, the latter's with one on, to tie the score. Relief Pitcher For the second successive day Ira Hutchinson's effective relief pitching with the tying run on base, enabled the Cardinals to whip the Giants, this time 6-4. Hutchinson arrived on the scene with runners on first and second and nobody out, got Frank De maree to foul out and then forced Johnny Rucker to hit an easy double-play ball back to the box. The Chicago Cubs pushed over four runs to nick the newly rechristened Boston Braves, 9-4 Cy Blanton won his second game for the Philadel.hia Phillies with an 8-4 decision over the last-place Pittsburgh Pirates. In the American league, the Cleveland Indians won their sixth straight when Ken Keltner homered in the ninth with one on to defeat the Philadelphia Athletics, 6-5. Filth Straight Two walks and three wild pitches by Ken Chase helped the Chicago White Sox win their fifth straight, 3-1, over the Wash ington Senators. Ed Smith tamed the Senators with eight hits to become the 11th pitcher to go the full route for the Sox in the 13 gsmes played this season. An 18-hit attack enabled Bucky Newsom to gain credit for his first victory of the season as the Tigers defeated the Bos ton Red Sox, 12-8. Newsom led the Tigers with two doubles and a homer. . Home runs by Joe Gordon and George Selkirk spotlighted the New York Yankees' 71 de cision over the St. Louis Browns. Marlus Russo allowed eight hits for his third victory. AMCRICAH LIAOUI R. H. t lloetrtn 13 0 Detroit IS U a Warner, JuM. Haih. ti'ilfcenn and P-t-lak; Newaoa, Glebell. Bentoa and Tebtelta. niitanviphia , I leeeianT MrTMrir, nnd Itavee: RaibT. EUemtata and Deaantele. CM'ai . 7 I rha,e. Z'lher and Ferrell; Smith and Treih. . Tor 1 " 1 St. tra ' . 1 R'laao and Dlekey : SlKiellns and f,rnba NATIONAL LSAOUS B. IT. f. .. Tonla 12 0 Ne York - ' I Cooper; rV-humarhef and linnnina. . H. T. ClnHnnall Brmkhn ennoer .,ir, ,r,P i.i.i..- . Brnn, Orl,lra. Ca.ey and On-en. Frenrh. f-rlelrenn and MrTiillminh: Saleo. Jortnana. Strtneevkh, Jaeery and Berrlea. Mail. Pirt.hnrefi tn FntladepMa ID niete. Lanahaa and Ipei: Blanton and Warren. INDIAN CAPTAIN DUBUQUE, la. Bert Lesak, an Indian from Metta Katla, Al aska, will captain the Dubuque university basketball team next season. (TMI WHISKCy It 5 YEARS 04.0 In, j i 1 ' Angling In California Begins Today SAN FRANCISCO, April 30 (UP) A hundred thousand fish ermen more or less will start whipping California's trout streams at dawn Thursday, Conditions were reported good, particularly In smaller streams which are high but clear. Warm weather In the next few weeks Is expected to melt snows In the higher mountains and spoil fishing in those streams. New regulations provide that angling licenses must be worn on the outer garments above the waistline while In the field, and every fisherman over 18 years of age must have one Various stream conditions In clude: Marin county streams clearing fast, plenty of water: Santa Clara lnke fishing good but probably slow. Monterey- streams probably too high for good fishing now. Lassen-Plumas small creeks good, larger streams high. Dirt roads blocked by snow or in bad condition Shasta streams and lakes at high altitudes not available for opening. Butte good fishing un less further rain. BASFBALL STANDINGS . NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet St. Louis 10 3 .769 Brooklyn 13 4 .763 New York 8 a J71 Cincinnati 7 8 .467 Chicago 5 7 .417 Boston 6 9 .400 Philadelphia 3 10 .333 Pittsburgh 3 10 .231 AMERICAN LEAGUE V. L. Pet. Cleveland 11 4 .733 Chicago 9 4 .692 New York 10 6 .623 Boston 7 6 .338 Detroit 6 7 .462 Philadelphia 4 9 .308 Washington 4 10 .286 St. Louis 3 8 .273 PACIFIC COAST (Aft.r Tuesday's Sacramento Hollywood ... San Diego Seattle San Francisco Portland Oakland Los Angeles ... MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS . By Tha Aaaoeiateet avaaa AMERICAN tSAOUa Bitting liana, WaAhlaatun. Crania, lln.toll. .IM. ltini-lMaie. New York, it; Ton. Bn.t..n. II. Homo Rnne-niMagslo, Mew York, li Doerr. Roalon, 4. Pttrhlnat Dl.lrlrh. ehteafn. So; Bon ham. Vr Vrk. Hon-lra. Wa.hlniton, Hard er, Cleveland n.t llrldge.. Iielroll, I NATIONAL LSAOUS Battnff-I.aeartl... Siuoklja, .IMl Hand l.v. rttt.biirall. .400. Run Lai e-lto, Brooklyn, IT; Canllll. Brooklyn. 1. Horn- Bnna-Camllll. Brooklyn, S; XMmI on. Clilrafo. a. hteblna llamll. and Caery, Brooklyn, JO. DROPS DEAD PHILADELPHIA, April 30 (?) Turned down as an army selec tee because of a bad heart, 31-year-old Andrew W. Laro was sitting in an automobile waiting for friends last night when he fell over the wheel, setting the horn ablast. A doctor found him dead, victim of heart disease. Looking for Bargains? Turn to the Classified page . . . keeping time with ether smart folks who recognise and appreciate good food, properly prepared and pleasingly served. LEAGUE Games) I W. L. Pet. 19 S .792 13 9 .391 13 10 .365 13 10 .365 11 13 .438 8 13 .348 8 IS .348 7 13 J18 nmwM PAGE EIGHT Oaks Pound 7 to 5 Win Over Stars Solveson's Pitching In Nlghr Gam Does Trick Padres Win Over Seattle OAKLAND, Calif., April 90 (UP) Oakland won the first gam of Its Pacific Coast league series from Hollywood, 7 to 8 tonight, principally through the fine relief pitching of Jack Sal veson. Although Stanley Corbett was credited with the win. the Stars chased him to the showers In the eighth Inning. Leading 7 to 3. Corbett gave up three hits and two walks, permitting two runs to score. Salvesnn came In with the bases loaded and retired the aide. In the ninth, Hollywood again filled the bases with two out, but Salveson struck out Cliff Dapper. Oakland got to Wayne Os borne In the sixth inning for four hits and three bases on balls which, coupled with an error, gave the Acorns five runs and finished Osborne. Fred Gay finished. SEATTLE. April 30 (UPV Mel Mazzera's home run in the ninth inning tonight scored the winning run for the San Diego Padres as they took a 7-3 de cision from the Seattle Rainlers to even their series. The teams entered the ninth tied 2 2 on the strength of a Rainier rally that drove San Diego's starting pitcher. Fay Thomas, from the mound in the eighth with Outfielder Bill Matheson's homer followed by three singles. After Marzera's circuit blow. San Diego scored two more runs on a walk and three singles. Bit beck, who replaced Thomas, was credited with the victory. .Acirie coast lsaous n-lttwrn4 II 4 OaVlmnd T IS t inborn, flay end Dapper j Cornell, Sal eeaoa and W. Halmonnl. RAH Tl0 . ... t 1 ntlbs-rk ttrt'l Otor) : HfrtU. Thrttna". Brow a. and Campbvtl. Faltoe. SaeramentA at Furtlaad. aoatponed. wet around. HOME RULE ON COURT CHICAGO, III. Western Conference basketbn.ll teams scored an average of 44 1 points at home and 38 3 on strange courts. Big Six combinations i averaged 40 at home and 37.2 traveling. HITS FOR CHARITY CINCINNATI, O Every time Witt Guise gets a hit off a left-hander, the Reds' veteran recruit southpaw gives a dollar to the Salvation Army. IT3 a a (VALUABLE -4 FORD - MERCURY OWNERS RING SPECIAL Install New Rings Tune Motor Inspect Connecting Rod Bearings Cut Out Cylinder Ridge i. 2. Regular Price SAVE with this COUPON . . 141 u u a a a Cost of Labor PARTS DUE TO DEMAND THIS OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL MAY 15TH Clip Out and Present This Coupon by May 15th, and SAVE $4.00 Balsiger Motor Co. MAIN and ESPLANADE a D SAVE THIS COUPON Q Q - Uerald May 1. 1911 Bar Fracas Perils Sight Of O'Doul HOLLYWOOD, April 30 WV Frank (Lefty) O'Doul, manager of the San Francisco Seals, wag siruca in ma.., .... m, it it . hnt. r tie early today I In the cocktail i room of the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel. Doetors at Hollywood! rate.lvinK' hospital saldj. inejr irai rvnmil would'! Ii.ait alilht of his'"" left eye. He was tttr OTVotU rushed to Good Samaritan hos pital for an operation. Edward Ramies, a friend of O'Doul, told police a stranger approached and began kidding O'Doul about the Seals' 12 9 loss to Us Angeles yesterday. O'Doul asked the stranger to leave and a fight followed In which. Ramies said, the man hit O'Doul with a bottle, then fled. Police are searching for a man named by Ramies as the assaU ant. Farm Bureau Givts Okay to Limiting Of Parity Payments WASHINGTON. April 30 (;D President Edward A. O'Neal said today the American farna bureau federation would not ob ject to limiting farm parity payment appropriations to $212, 000,000 if congress authorised the agriculture department to support farm prices at 83 per cent of parity. Mandutory 83 per cent parity crop loans by the government together with $212,000,000 In narltv navmenta and 3300.000.. ! 000 In soil conservation pay ments would give agricuitur "full parity'' with labor and In dustry. O'Neal said. In his budget message, Presi dent Roosevelt recommended $212,000,000 for parity pay ments. The house accepted this fitriir hut Ihi aamata railed it j to $430,000,000 on new tax leg islation urged that hn Item be held to the budget recommenda tion. COUPON . . $19.85 . 4.00 n o c o z a a a a Only . $15.85 EXTRA I l-a XV. fx A . HAS THE X I llfit a u 0 a a n in m c3