THE NF.WS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ITVB 4 1 T i An affnlr of the month of May It Fremont school which has bo rome an annual nrmnlon when Hi teachers entrrtiiln the ninth Ira of Fremont students will he held Friday afternoon, May 2, It l announced hv the prlnrlpal. Autfuita Parker and an Invitation! la lurd to all mothers of chil dren attending thin school. The teacher will bo aHslstcd by a number of tho studrnts who will present a program In the auditorium at 3.49 o'clock, after which tea will be served by the teachers. In connection with this Moth ers' Dny affair, Leroy Krdmann, In chariie of the manual training department, announced that open house will be held In the manual training quarters both afternoon and evening In order that par ents may seo what the boys have accomplished. Development of Magnesium Urged To Match Nazis WASHINGTON, April 30 (P) Representative Leavy (D-Wash.) has urged congress to develop magnesium deposits In the Grand Coulee area of Washing ton to match military lines made by Germany of the light metal.! He told house committee in testimony made public today on the Interior department's 142 appropriation bill that Germany had produced 100.000,000 pounds of the metal last year and that It was used largely in aircraft and munitions manu facture. . ' He reported that this country produced only about 12.000.000 pounds of magnesium and urged that Dr. W. C. Mendenhall. di rector of the geological survey. investigate the extent of Wash-! lngton deposits. I The committee recommended ; congress appropriate 11 95.000 ! for the survey to continue work on strategic and critical minerals , Investigations. The amount was , $90,000 less than appropriated ! for the present year. Geological survey officials said they had planned an ex tensive survey of Washington de posits but bad delayed It because the state's own geological de partment wi making a survey. Trade News laterettieq Note if Herald smm) Newt Advertfsers, Their ad Activities PENSION PROGRAM In statement released' today by C. . Wlckman, president of the Greyhound corporation, it is stated that after extended atudy of the pension problem the Grey- hound corporation has recom mended to the operating com panies comprising; the Grey bound system, the adoption of plan designed to supplement the provisions of the. social se curity laws, and will among ether benefits make provision for employes who find It neces sary to retire before government and state benefits become, effec tive. " . . The pension plan will be. op tional for the 10,000 drivers, mechanics, clerks, station em ployes, and personnel of Cen tral Greyhound, Pennsylvania Greyhound, Capitol Greyhound, Richmond Greyhound, AtlanMaj .Greyhound, Northern Grey hound. New England Greyhound, Southwestern Greyhound, Pa cific Greyhound, Western Canad ian Greyhound, and other-line comprising the Greyhound sys tem. It Is hoped that this plan will be In effect by July 1, m. .Looking for Bargainer to the Classified eae Tor I I tv J 1 J CLOSEOUT! SLIPPERS vsM x i aUL FOR WOMEN 41 J L VaL c 50 pairs. Broken sizes. Narrow Oxfords with composition soles in wide widths. DOWNSTAIRS . 50 PAIRS LADIES' SHOES REDUCED TO Pumps; ';: Oxfords ARC FOOT COMFORT PEASANT -TYPE PLAY SHOES Natural colored leather and white, clev erly criss-cross over your toes with hidden side gores for better fit. DOWNSTAIRS WOMEN'S - SPORTY SADDLE OXFORDS 108 Supple whit glove leather with brown trim. Sporty cork and rubber soles. DOWNSTAIRS Broken sizes. Assorted colors. Soft soles. The really comfortable slippers. Close-out price! , DOWNSTAIRS ' WOMEN'S PLAY TIME STEP-IN F8 "Wild West" fringe and shiny brass studs! Natural leather with brown embossed de signs. Cork and rub ber soles and heel. DOWNSTAIRS ", CTiTT7Trra 1:11 ITril I El t i ;J LIlJ 3 i:inni.nt it ia vitnni lifiiin i.i n 1:1 till pumps ; 4 MEN'S SMART SHOES TWO-TONE TAN OXFORDS O08 n Two-tone grey calf skin. Sizes S to 11. Widths B and D. Oak tan soles with rubber heels. DOWNSTAIRS TWO-TONE OXFORDS FOR MEN 008 In two rich tone of brown with the popular antique finish. A smart shoe for dress. sTv aTV DOWNSTAIRS VENTILATED OXFORDS 2 aw. A In two handsome tones of tan, with leather soles and rubber heels. Hun dreds of 'breather' holes let air thru to cool off your feet DOWNSTAIRS SPORTS OXFORDS FOB MEM 3BB aTV. . WOMEN'S Flexible Shank OXFORDS 08 Supple white glove leather with top grade leather soles, leather heels and rubber taps. Med ium heels for com fort. DOWNSTAIRS STREAMLINE TRICYCLES jzsm ism llli) WOMEN'S Cynthia ARCH OXFORDS s5R,r'5,Vlfvs:,tw,w 98 Kid leeather, steel arch health shoe, with rubber heels. Shoe for comfort. In dressy white or black. Sizes 4 to 10 and widths 3A to E. DOWNSTAIRS WOMEN'S Celeste SPECTATOR PUMP i98 Clean cut brown and white spectat or of. clinging elasticized suede. Turf tan calf trim and bow. . DOWNSTAIRS New moccasin type sports model in two t o n a . of tan, with leather sole and rubber tap heel. For cool feet all day thru. DOWNSTAIRS CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT SANDALS BOYS' OXFORDS - WESTERN STTU. " ' . i :n wrfi ! g; :n 1141 j irnirmin i II j Single Bar Type Tubular Frame Rubber Pedals Rubber Grips Bright Red Wheels Just the thing to give those kiddies the safe exercise they need. Made of sturdy tubular steel. Will give many year of service. Wheels are a bright red with black and alum-. Inum finish. 8-in. front wheel and S-in. rear wheels. SECOND FLOOR STREAMLINE TRICYCLES FOR OLDER CHILDREN EXTRAORDINARY VALUES MEN'S SLACKS I Pleated Fronts Plain Fronts Zfl8 2.98 lame as above but with Same as above but with 12 Hargcr wheels. 10-in. front inch front wheel and 8-in. wheel and 7-ln. rear wheels. rear wheels. SECOND FLOOR mil if JL Gabardines Bedford Cords Twill Tweeds Worsteds Blues Ci Brown Green Greys Teats Men's Smart Two-Tone Sweaters 5g08 COME IN SOLID COLORS, TOO f Come In many styles and colors. Button or zipper front coat styles in two tone combinations or in solid colors. Made of fine quality rayon, and cotton blends. Some, with leather trims. . . ...... .. MAIN FLOOR- NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED I PLUS Slocks From Suits ' .In Stock! So many styles and colors to choose . from) A color to match any coat or sweater. A wide assortment of suit pant are added to these values that would sell for much more. ' Made of the 'finest grade wool.' Come in button or xipper front coat styles. Two-tone and solid colors. Many different styles. i ' : , MAIN FLOOR Hosiery Mending Expert Service. Prompt Service. Reasonable Prices ' - 7 Glove leather san dals with cool cut outs! In brown and white. Markless composition sole and rubber heels. S DOWNSTAIRS Branded desJcnson vamp and saddle in the cowboy tradi tion! Sturdy brown er soles and rub ber tap heel, DOWNSTAIRS .- "' ; ' .. -. -. .. i . . ' CHILDREN'S - T '. -'.'.v WHITE OXFORDS Sturdy little stitth. downs o f supple white glove leath er. Markless com position sole, rub ber heels. .DOWNSTAIRS Men's Fur felt MARATHON Hats j SUPREMELY STYLED. ,. . LIGHT WEIGHTS FOR SPRING I , Our Marathon hats -lead on every count for smart style, lasting shape and sensational economy! A style hat to suit any taste! In many assorted colors. MEN'S ALL WOOL ; DRESS SWEATERS ' - : v ... .- 'r-. S.I MAIN FLOOR o3oa ; USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN! ; No Carrying Charges No Monthly Statement Choose Now Pay Later . Cash Prices i Se-35e I ' . 1 l Easy Payment '- '"' ' MAIN FLOOR - ' : .m . i . f . . . .. ; , . - ; t j a IMIIhiMtt U'llellfH U -:f -l L irrnn