PAGE FIFTEEN PINI ana ISPLANADI Bring your di to The Herald ind Newa office, and git the low Pld In Advance Rates. Peid-m-Aelvance Ona day par word Jo Three dayi -.. per word Be Weak ............ par word 7 Month ......par word lOe GlaUifced AdwzsittiUuf Section TILIPHONI 31X4 Phone in your "want ad" for convenience ... by 13:00 noon for regular classification. Chrf Rate Each day par word la Minimum charge , , , l $3 Mall ordera ,, , cash THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 14 Apartmenta For Bant FURNISHED court apartment. Two roomi, private bath, fuel and water. Summer rata. In quire Meeker Dairy, 2000 So. . sixth, a-a VACANCY Small furrflihed apartment. Suitable for two. Private bath. Adulta. 32S Commercial. 474tf THREE-ROOM nicely furnished apartment, corner Erie and llasklns. Phone 3888. 8 8 FURNISHED APARTMENT Wash room. 501 Market. 8-8 3 ROOM APARTMENT Etac trie stove. Frlgldalre. $20. 321 1 Vt Blehn. Call after B:S0. 6-1 THE ROOSEVELT Vacancy with olano. Adulta. Dial 3817. 18tf FURNISHED APARTMENT Adulti only. No pcta. Wood and water furnished. Frigid aire. 337 1 E. Main. 5-1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS cloae In. Reasonable. Phone 7058 84 TWOROOM APARTMENT 813 Pine. 8-3 CHARMING Meant heated apart ment, aullable employed cou ple. Electrically equipped. 333 month. 121 So. 7th. 5-3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Ga heat. lights Included. 14. SO par weak. 318 Main. 5 3 THREE-ROOM furnlihed or un furnished. Water furnlihed Reasonable. Inaulre at 1408 Main. 5-3 LARGE partly furnished apart ment near Ewauna Box Co. Heat, water, wood. $40. Phone 1340 or 3025 after 8. 2986tt LARGE housekeeping room. 813 Pine. 4-30 OUTSIDE ROOMS Housekeep ing room. Greer Hotel, next to Pine Tree theatre, 710 Main. 51 CLEAN APTS 20JS Darrow. 5-1 PARK APTS. 1843 Esplanade. sleeping rooms. 8-3 VACANCY, everything furnish ed $3.30 and up par week. 1404 Klamath. 3-3 READY MONDAY 5 rooms and bath, ground floor. 2121 Vine. Phone 3343. 200tf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Low rates. Utilities. No pets. 419 N. 10th. 8-21 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT Marlon Apartmenta. 3248tf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 4-30mtf CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day week or month. 4-30mtf R1VERVIEW Four nicely furn ished rooms, modern. Garage. Phone JJ817. 4718tf FURNISHED APT. Garage. 331 Spring. 4-30 SMALL APT. Electricity fur- nlshed. Corner Pine and Cedar. 28tt 1$ Houses For Rent FOR RENT Two-room furnish ed house on Summers lane. Phone 3839 after B p. m. 8-1 THREE-ROOM furnished house, garage, $20 month. 1231 Adams. 8-1 TWO-ROOM HOUSE, partly fur nished, $12 month. 3440 Boardman, half block off Alta monk 4-30 FIVE-ROOM modern, unfurnish ed to responsible party. 1911 Gary. 4-30 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE for rant. 1820 Johnson. Inquire at 1310 Carlyle Street. 4-30 TWO-ROOM modem, furnished house. 1919 Portland. Dial 4833. 4465tf FOR RENT Beautifully fur nished five-room home In Hot - Springs. References required. Phone 4354 after 7. 4215tf 3$ - Miscellaneous For Rent TRUCKS FOR' RENT Move yourself, save H. Stiles' Bea- 1 con Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 9031. B-7mtf 90 Real Estate Per Sale ' FOR SALE Modern 4-bedroom suburban home on Irrigated soli. Phone 3291. 5-3 .FOR SALE Four rooms, mod ern, Eldorado and East Main. Close In. Ideal for railroad. . Phone 4333. 4106tf FOR SALE BY OWNER 4-room modern house, helf acre Irri gated soli. 1847 Fargo. Phone 4044. 3975tf FOR SALE Four room furnish ed house. Basement 133 . Nevada. . 815. Real Estate tot gala YOU'D LIKE TO LIVE HERE We would like to show you an unusually attractive new one bedroom suburban home on wall located half acre, complete ly and tastily furnished for $3,000. House has fireplace, knotty pine living room, con crete foundation, adjoining ga rage and neat out buildings, beautiful lawn. Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1809 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4584 4-30 FOR SALE OR LEASE $0 acres and five-room modern home, air conditioned, 12 miles on Merrill highway. Box 4828, News Herald. 5-3 MODERN dairy and grain ranch In Langell valley. Electricity, good roads, cheep water. Take house In town part payment. Box 5, Route 1, Bonanta. 5-4 TWO ACRES, lawn, trees, house partly built. Tile Irrigation, ground ready to seed. isu down, balance like rent. 5980 Delaware. 8 2 FOR SALE M acre on Inde pendence Tracts. City lights and water. Vary good son Price $375. Terma. Christ Huck, 408 Main. 5-8 GOOD building lot on Grant street, trade for car, pickup preferred. Phone 23F13. 5-5 FOR SALE Four-room house, bath, 2 lots. $1000. 1921 Sar gent. Phone 6708. 22tf BARGAIN LOT 75x188. Last ona. Southeast section, near highway. $325. $10 down. $5 month. 830 Owans. 4-30 2-BEDROOM Insulated house. new. See Lloyd W. Rusk, 1548 Sunnyland. 5-1 GARDEN TRACTS Sandy soil, near Shasta school, city con vcnlenece, bus service. E. Gray. 118 N. 7th. 5-15. THINKING OF BUYING A HOME? See Gerhard Kllnk hammer, Superior Home Building Co. Houses now un der construction, one com pleted every few weeks. Eli gible for FHA. First Federal loans. Phone 3004. 5-28 FOR SALE 160 acres timber land In Scott River valley, Siskiyou Co., Calif. Will ex change for Minnesota prop erty. A. T. Backlund, 4231 Washburn St., Minneapolis. Minn. 4-30 23 FT. LOTS In Second Addition. $73 to $100. Nothing down, build, pay later, ona or two years. 18 Main. 5-11. ONE AND ONE-HALF ACRES, small house, on Shasta way $1400. Must have good down payment Also I acre on Ivory St. Good location, $373. Christ Huck. 408 Main. 8-1 34 Automotive FOR SALE BY OWNER 1931 Nash sedan. Good running condition, six good tires, 1941 license. Phone 7192 after 6 p. m. 5-3 $40 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, ex cellent condition. 235$ Vine. 5-1 FOR SALE 1937 Ford coupe. Very reasonable. CaU 1749 Oregon Ave. 8-1 TRUCK Ford 1937. Tlmken rear, Brownllpa transmission. Fish-plated frame, extra heavy duty overloads, new 13 ft bed. $900. G. E. Smith, Star Rt, Malln, Ore. Phone 136. 4-30 FOR SALE Reasonable, 1933 Fonuac tudor, perfect condi tion. 2033 White. 5-1 38 Miscellaneous For Bala THOROUGHBRED black Coekar spaniel. Phone 8737. 5-1 FOR BALE Nice house furnish ings. Phona 8536. 6-8 BABY BUGGY and bathlnetta. Phona 6304. 8-1 CREAM SEPARATOR, Economy King, 600 lbs. com., nearly new. Good leather harness and collars $20. 2238 Main 8-2 FOR SALE Wedding rings, platinum, white gold, 10 dia monds. Cost $135. Sacrifice $50 cash. Box 328, News-Her ald. - 4-so TRACTOR John Deere Model A, digger, two-way plow, cul tivator attachments. G. E. Smith. Phone Malln 136. 4-30 FOR SALE Certified Netted Gem seed potatoes, $1.26. S. C. Masten, Olene. 5-9 FOR SALE Certified seed po tatoes, Netted Gema and White Rose. Llskey Bros., telephone 7914. 3699-tf 16-INCH wood, $1 per-cord at bin. You haul It. Inquire at the wood bin, Ackley Sawmill, corner First and Klamath, or phone 6149. 6-13 30 39 MUesllanaous lot Sale Some Real Bargains In DAVENOS Saaly No. 1000 Apple green. n....ur asa.DS $2a.S3 Council Crest, with pillows. Rust. Regular ovo sm.w Oswego, with pillows. Fairway rust. Regular fee . An nna will make a fine liv ing room addition, plus a fine bed when needed. All new floor samples. EASY TERMS Hurry, they won't last long. EAST SIDE APPLIANCES 401 S. 8th Across from Turner Chevrolet 5-2 16-INCH GREEN PINE SLABS Delivered 8 double loads $17.50. Dry box factory blocks $4 single, $8 double. Frank ford Fuel Company. Phona 4511. 5-5 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $3.50 delivered $2.50 at mill. Phona 8882. B-19mtf GREEN SLABS, delivered, fir $3.00. plna $4.00, edgings $2.50 Farmers price, slabs $2.00. edgings $100 Peyton Si Co Phone 5149 6-4 CLEAN-UP-AIDS Linseed oil soap. Insta Kleen, Cutter Wa terless Cleaner. Solloff. Dic-a doo. Laborlitc Goeller'a Across from Wlllard 5-1 FERTILIZER $2.00 yard. Sandy loam $1.50 2 yd. load. Sandy fill dirt 60c per yard. Roy Schmeck. Phone 6817. 5-20 FLOWERING SHRUBS Plant now hardy, acclimated trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses, flowers and fruit trees. For landscaping lawns, also yard service by the year, call 4082. Lakeshore Gardens Nursery, t mile west Moore park. 5-3 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 620 Klamath. Phona 8671. 4-SOmtf BARGAINS In new and used furniture. Visit Upstairs Furni ture Store, 9th and Main. 6-22mtf SPECIAL $2.95 Oil Permanent Wave, $1.50. Northwestern Beauty College. 4-30mtl FOR SALE Recleaned galgalls seed wheat. Free from rye or- other grain. Oren Storey, Rt 1, Box 660, Klamath Falls, Ore., on hill road five ' miles west of Merrill. 3-3 FOR SALE Washed sand and gravel for concrete. O. A McCord. Phone 6433. 5-18 LAWN DIRT, fertiliser, red and gray cinders. Sherman Maher. Phone 7825. 5-1 FOR SALE Alsike clover seed, test 9975. 12c lb. R. J. Hamil ton. Tulclake. . 5-8 FOR SALE Graded seed pota- toes, 100 sacks. Harry R. Frai ler, Bonanza. 5-1 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CATTLE Model T-20 tractor with scooper and 2-bottom plow. J. Bernardl, Rt. 1, Box 780, Spring Lake road. 4-31 WAXES Old English, John sons Waterspar Goeller'a 5-1 We Get the Buyer$ What have you to aellT Chas.' K. Wiese Auctioneer Phona Tulelake 22 or 67 8-20 FOR SALE Bicycle, bed and dresser. Phone 7826. 8 1 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveway. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sunday. Howard Graham. 3041tf 16 IN. GREEN FIR SLABS, de livery at once. Double load $5.00. a double loads $9.00. Peyton It Co. Phone 5149. 6-4 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage. 101 Klamath Ave. Phone 5672. B-4mtf FOR SALE Netted gem seed potatoes from certified seed and new ground 80c. Adams Ranch, Merrill. 4213tf. USED OAK DESK and several chairs Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co., 124 So. 9th 4-30 FOR SALE Baby buggy and crib. Phone 7441. 8-1 W ATKINS PRODUCTS 2510 ShaMa way. 5-17 38 For Bale or Trade FOR SALE Equity half acre. four-room house. $800 cash or trade for part cash and trailer house. P. O. Box 303, or call 4438 Winter Ave. 5-3 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE $100 equity In Kimball Consolette piano for good boat and 2-wheel trailer. Floyd, Pelican theatre. 8-2 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE BUY used bags. Peoples Warehouse. 2902U 94 Automotive TAXES? The croDOsed taxes on automobiles will pay the Interest for one year, on a car purchased today Better buy now. '39 I-aSalle 5 Pass. Snort Coupe, a ouality car that Is very smart, with radio, heater and spotlight $848 '38 Bulck Special Sedan, original paint and upholstery immaculate, excellent motor, new US Urea $633 '38 Dodge Sport Coupe, very clean, former owner gave excellent care, radio and heater $485 '36 Bulck Special Sedan, motor has new rings, paint and upholstery spotless, radio and heater $429 '36 Dodge Touring Sedan, good motor and Urea $365 '36 Plymouth Sedan (deluxe! good motor $325 '35 Plymouth Coupe, heater and radio $245 '35 Chevrolet Coupe (master) $283 34 Chevrolet Master Coach $193 '35 Bulck Deluxe Sedan, one you'll be proud to own, ideal family car. very clean , $325 '33 Bulck Sedan (light series) motor is new from erank- shaft out and car generally In top shape, truly a real value - - $243 '33 Chevrolet Master Sedan, sport wheels and good tires $193 '33 Ford Tudor Sedan, special today $123 Trucks -- Pickups - Etc. '37 CMC. "4-Ton Pickup, solid mechanically '35 Ford 'i -Ton Plckuo. farmers friend . 35 Ford 1 '-Ton. flat bed '35 Chevrolet lH-Ton 31 Chevrolet 1 Va-Ton 39 Indian Motorcycle, like new H. E. HAUGER Seventeen Years The House Of Bulck 1330 Main OPEN EVENINGS Phone B151 Turner's OK'd Cars -Honestly Rebuilt -Priced Fairly -An OK That Counts That's Why, We Never Run a Sale! -Today's BestBuys: 1936 Chevrolet Sedan .... $275 1935 Chrysler Sedan $175 ' 1934 Plymouth Coupe $175 1932 Pontiac Sedan .....$ 65 Turner Chevrolet Co. Main and Esplanade 410 S 6th St Tulelake 4 Locations 4 42 Miscellaneous Wanted RELIABLE PARTY desire fur nished 3-bedroom home. Hot Springs, June 1. Best refer ences. Phone 6939. 5-2 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Dead and worthless animals disposed of free of charge. Klamath Animal By-Products Co. Phone 5713, our expense. 8-3mtf WANTED Alive poultry of all kinds. Martin Produce Phone 3372. 5-7 KAY'S Used and New Store buys used household goods, stoves, etc. 012 Main. Phone 6309 4-30mtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 61 head feeder hogs, weight 75 lbs. to 150 lbs. Seven red brood sows, six have pigs two to four weeks old. Sows 16 mos. old. Lo cated across road south of Me morial Siskiyou cemetery at Medford. 8 1 NEW LOW PRICES on Jenks Superior Chicks and Poults. White Leghorns $7.95. Pullets $18. Cockerels $2. New Hamp shire, Barred Rocks, Reds, Brown Leghorns $8.95. Buff Orpingtons $9.95. Bronze or ' Narragansett turkey poults $30-$33. 100 pullorum tested. Live delivery guaranteed. Free catalog. JENKS HATCH ERY, Tangent, Oregon. 5-28 AT STUD Golden Lark, beau tiful Palomino stallion. Sea son at National Stock Yards. Fees $13 at time of service, return privileges. H. K. Lav enner, owner. Phone 8428. 4-30 WE BUY. LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds. Trulove's Market Phone 42S2. 919 East Main. ' B-15mtf. 34 Automotive ... $429 ...$295 Duke O'Neal Lot At Bly 44 Livestock and Poultry Wards a Warranted ( Baby Chicks EVERYONE of Ward 2 Chicks are from U. 8 approved hatch eries! Warranted absolutely true to name and breed! So healthy and vigorous that past year has proven 93 alive at 6 week. WARDS FARM STORE BASEMENT Montgomery Ward 4606tf FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal. hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 8361 Midland road. 4-30mtf FOR SALE Good old team and harness, $115. 1938 Dodge pickup for sale or trade. 2238 Main. Phone 5389. 4-30 46 Financial $50 to $1000 on your ear 1933 to 1941 model ear and light truck 1 to 18 month to repay. Consumers Credit Co. Div. of Pacific Finance Corp 724 Pine M-235 Ph B600 4-30rotf AUTO LOANS Borrow money on your ear or refinance your present balance Easy terms. Cash Immediately TRI STATE ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION M-258 THE LANDRY.CO. REFINANCING Phone 5812 313 Main 4-30mtf 30 Real Estate Pe Sale LOMBARD MOTORS BLUE SEAL USED CAR SPECIAL FOR MAY NO INTEREST OR FINANCE CHARGES ON ANY CONTRACT OF 12 MONTHS OR LESS1 THE FOLLOWINC ARE A FEW OF OUR RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED USED CARS TO SELECT FROM: 1938 Buick Sedan .....$625 1940 Dodge Sedan , .$850 1936 Chevrolet Sedan $365 Only 8000 milt. 1936 Chevrolet Sedon $355 "37 Chrysler Coupe $475 1939 Ford Sedan $625 1937 Plymouth Sedan $445 1937 Ford Sedan $375 1938 Plymouth Coupe '. $495 1937 DeSoto Sedan $445 1935 Lafayette Sedan '. $195 1936 Dodge Sedan $365 1937 Plymouth Sedan. $475 1936 Dodge Coupe $350 1939 Hudson Coupe $595' 1937 Dodge 2-Door $475 1938 Bulck Sedan $625 1937 Dodge Coupe $450 " 1938 Olds Sedan .$595 1940 Dodge 1-Ton Pickup .., $675 1938 Dodge Sedan $595. 1935 Chevrolet 2-Door $245 1939 Chevrolet Sedan ..$595; LOMBARD MOTORS DODGE Customer Approved Reconditioning We employ trained mechanics to recondition our used care to meet with eonv y plete customer satisfaction furthermore we guarantee these car to be -est represented. Every sale must be 100 satisfactory to the buyer. 36 DODGE SEDAN Exceptionally good condition. Avon green body finish, has all of its original lustre. ' Upholstery has always been covered. Radio and heater add to the value of this car. 39 FORD SEDAN Low mileage and in tip-top radio, heater, electric clock, and deluxe - steering wheel. Paint and upholstery In perfect order. J? PONTIAC COACH ... $423 Ideal unit for a family with small chil dren, no rear doors to open. Complete deluxe equipment plus radio and heater. Mechanically OK and with good tires this if a top used car value. S9 FORD COUPE .. $69 New tires, new rings in motor and new seat covers. 49 USED CARS IN in an omitn Kontiac 9th and Klamath 4$ Financial LOW COST Automobile Loans See "Dinty" Moore to " Refinance present contract Finance personal car sale Obtain additional money Reduce payments Finance new or used car purchase A LOCAL COMPANY 12 Year Serving in Klamath FaUs MOTOR Investment Co. 114 N. 7th Ph 3329 Lie. M-273 4-30mtf L O A N S OX TOt AVTOMOBILI Cash At Once! Tow Cu ITM4 Rot ( rultj htt tot ... See Us Today Commercial Finance CspporttrtM in sou u it, limits ram Pfcoat SMI lieasM M RS Automotive 521 SOUTH 6TH PHONE 3136 ..$595 Has shape. 84 "38 PLYMOUTH SEDAN STOCK WE WILL ACCEPT YOUR CAS IN TRADE i r Lt"11 "Believe It or Not" You Can Buy a Used Car That Runs for Only 15 We need room on our Used Car Lot and have severql used ears that we must move quick. You will find q ear here just the thing for your fishing and camping trip to use and save wear and tear on your good car. McCulloch Motor Co. STUDEBAKER 322 S. 6th St. 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 4-year-old Palomino gelding. Box 4827, News-Herald. 5-3 4 Business Opportunl' FOR RENT Small lunch room nd gas pumps. Phone 3710. 9-1 FOR SALE Apartment house. Good income. Terms to suit purchaser. Call 7919. 6-3 $4 Automotive PLYMOUTH 36 FORD SEDAN Deluxe 4-door with radio, heater end overdrive rear axel. This unit has been - thoroughly reconditioned and is guaran teed. Original Jefferson blue paint shows fine care this car baa received. 37 PONTIAC SEDAN $448 Silver Streak 6-cy Under 4-door sedan. Body refinished in beige color with red stripe. Radio, beater, clock, defroster are part of extra equipment. Motor A-l- ..$329 Plenty of eye appeal with new gun metal paint job. Mohair upholstery ahows no sign of wear. New rubber and a fine motor like this a used car leader. 29 ESSEX COUPE $60 Traded from original owner. Good eleaa low priced car. A-l rubber. WAITl WATCH FOR OUR BIG USED CAR SALE! Starts Tuesday, May 6' 117 Really Fine Used Can Will Go on Our MONEY RAISING SALE See Them at Our Twin Lot 1129-1131 Main St. Watch for Our Full An nouncement Ad in The News-Herald For Further Information DOUGLAS MOTOR CO. DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer 4 Business Opportunities FOR RENT Building on E. Main, centrally located. In quire 2110 Applegate. 4466tf FOR RENT OR LEASE Palace Beauty Shop, fully equipped. 626 Main. 4399tf FOR LEASE A-l trailer site oq 97.- Fine opening. Dial 4933. ir 4t