V" PAGE TEN THE NEWS AM) TrTB HERAI.P. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 1841 - 4 i i f. Mabketi and inancUal RALLY PUSHES STOCK MARKET NEW YORK, April 19 MV The stock market took another nip of rallying stimulant today and favorites bounded as much as a point or so before the affect of the potion tapered. Transfers were around 300, 000 shares. Credit for the extension of Monday's belated comeback was given mainly to settlement of the soft coal strike through in tervention of the president This, brokers said, offset to a con siderable extent persistent bear ishness over the war news and the lookout for burdensome taxes. Moderately optimistic business indicators also were helpful. Stocks up most of the session Included U. S. Steel, Bethlehem. Santa Fe, Southern Pacific. Great Northern, Atlantic Coast Line, Gulf Mobile & Ohio pre ferred. Union Carbide, Air Re duction, Loft, N. Y. Shipbuild ing, Texas Corp., Standard Oil of Cal, J. C. Penney. United Aircraft, S perry. Sears Roe- buck. U. S. Rubber and J. 1. 1 Case. Nickel Plate preferred touched a new high for the year. Today's quotations: Air Reduction 371 Al Chem tc Dya 1471 American Can Allis-Chalmers 251 80 1 Ane Car & Fdy 25J - 61 - 131 37 153 68 41 Si - 231 4i 271 2i - 131 34! 701 .. 131 191 18i Am Rad Sta San - Am Roll Mills Am Smelt & Ref Am Tel & Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zinc Y & S . Anaconda , A Armour HI , . Atchison 4, Aviation Corp i Bald Loco t Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Airp . Borden Borge-Wamer FAVORITES UP German Army Team 'Mops Up' in Radioed from Berlin, this picture shows, according to a German-censored Infantrymen on a mop-up de tall "somewhere to Mars Now Turns Eyes Toward Franco's Spain Consolidating conquests In the Balkansi Hitler now It rumored making new demands on Spain for passage of troops and arms for long-expected attack on British citadel, Gibraltar. Man who'll give answer Is Generalissimo Francisco Franco, shown here on reviewing stand, third from left. In new picture just arrived in America. Tanks are passing before him in celebration of Day of Victory of Franco's Spanish rebels. . 1 51 Canada Dry Canadian Pacific Cat Tractor 121 31 - 40J 21i 381 - 581 - 2i 10 Celanese Chcs & Ohio Chrysler Col Gas St El Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth St Sou Consol Aircraft ... Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can Corn Products .... Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright I 252 . li . 5i . 341 451 . in 81 69 1401 126 11 291 36 38 121 17 261 101 8 91 44 28 641 2 Doug Aircraft Dupont De N ..... Eastman Kodak El Pow & Lt General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel St Tel Johns Manville 581 321 321 22 301 311 4 161 13 171 151 121 131 13 61 71 71 Kennecott .... Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew's Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat l Biscuit Nat l Dairy Prod Nat'l Dist National Lead N Y Central No Am Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Gas & El . 261 - 21 . 101 111 Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways . Paramount Pic Penney (J O Penna R R 781 24 261 391 521 231 24 Phelps Dodge . Phillips Pet . Proctor 4 Gamble Pub Svc N J Pullman Radio 311 Rayonier 111 171 81 371 681 121 91 Republic Steel Richfield Oil ... Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum I Callahan Z L Calumet Heo 1 s (W 231 . Ill . 321 . 51 . 201 . 28 . 35 . 51 . 51 . 81 , 371 41 651 131 79 111 371 I 31 63 21 87 521 241 31 201 891 271 Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone Webster . Studebakcr Sunshine Mining Texas Corp Trans-America Union Carbide ..... Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines . United Aircraft United Corporation United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union Westinghousa ' Woolworth Portland Produce PORTLAND. April t AP BCTTKR Print. A grmd. Kc lb. la parrfcisviit rp prn, i'e In cartons; K grtJ 36c in prctf mrnt r -((". ST la carton, BITTKIIKaT Firt in-!it? natimtita of 1 pt-r cvnt acidity, JrhTd w trt land 3u.;c lb.; pmniuro quJit. num of Ji of 1 pr rrnl niitv. C, -J.- tb. i alley rutrs an-1 court tnr p. int. rrnti It or s.ic lb. ; mvnd tjuaiitv, 1 cr&U uvirr tim nr y - -Ixr. HAY !M!ini pnem on track.: Alf-lfa. S". 1. U.7S loo; vit-Trtch, HO Uwt ; W il UmMte a I ley civcr. i0 too; Umolj. eastern Orpjon. 917 ton. IlKKsK SHling pru- to lVrtland r taikrs; Tiliitm-- triplft. c lb.; kuf. SS frnta f.o.b. tillamook, EtiUS Pncrs U prorhtrm: A Itrj. r; B lart. 21c; A medium, tit; B iwdliim. 2tV dnx. ; rlm to rtailT. 4c hirhr for : 5e hishe-r for carton. LIVK PntLTRV B'ljlrtf price; No. t rrl Leghorn broiler, 1 j to lb., 17c; tryrrt under 3 lb., Iv; prin(ir, 1 to 4 h.. 0e; master cwr 4 lb ile: cororH hu orrr i lb.. I9e; hraj. 4 to 5 lb.. 0e: Leghorn under tb.. H-I4e; orer 3, lb.. IV lb.; old Poter. Tr lb. DRKSSFD TI'BKEVS .minI. aetling priee: hen. TO-Zie lb. OS ION (irfgtm Danger, repiltr X i. s lorn ani iarr. sj.r.vs M lb. ie'.. -w California wax 35 big. POTATOES xw California Ua$ white. No. l. i no : grad B iO.ra-M per .VJ lb. hg. Old rVaehntea 1. JI.S.V1.M; eleeted Ierhte brand 1. 45; Klamath. rental; -elected Klamath. $1.54. nU STRV ME KTS Selm prie to re- tai!er; ronntrr killed bo. beat buteher. Its to !W lht IJ-WUc; tealrn, fsnrr. 154-lrV; light, thin. 1-I4e; heaT IS He; yearling lamb. I S -7c lb. ; 1MI pring lamfi nomiaallT 19 iv lb.; ew -c lb.; ood nittr cow. i; iJc lb.; canner cow 111: lb.; bull H-H4e lb. WOOL 1M1 contract , Or"g"0 raneh nominal. IS!c lb.; tmo eaitern Oregon range. Sfl-He lb.; croaahred. M-ASc lb.; Willamette TalUy ll month. 34 3e lb. Sou Cal Edison i Southern Pacific Sperry Corp Standard Brands War-Blighted Jugo-Slavia Y"1 aW 1 caption, 'nw! crciT aruSeryand Jugo-Slavla." 3 Carload Potato Shipments Day of II Month Season of 1940-41 Season of 1939-40 Apr. to Season Apr. to Season Apr, Daily Date to Date Daily Data to Data 1 33 35 8322 27 27 6488 2 18 51 8338 37 64 6523 3 49 100 8387 33 99 6360 4 35 135 8422 27 128 6387 8 47 182 8489 33 159 6620 6 I 3 185 8472 35 194 6635 7 I 47 232 8319 3 197 6638 8 34 266 8533 21 2ll 6679 " 9 I 45 311 8598 29 247 6708 10 34 345 8632 27 274" 6733 11 36 381 8668 23 299 6760 la I 40 421 8708 19 318 6779 ' 13 I 0 421 8708 17 335" 6796 14 D 30 451 8738 5 340 6801 15 D 37 488 8775 17 357 6818 16 42 530 8817 3 360 6821 17 30 560 8847 8 368 6829 18 33 593 8880 14 382 6843 19 28 621 8908 H 16 398 6859 20 0 621 8908 9 407 6868 21 20 641 8928 3 410 6871 22 22 663 8930 12 422 6883 23 26 689 8978 13 435 6898 24 18 707 8994 10 443 6906 25 10 717 9004 12 457 6918 ' 26 TT 728 9013 14 471 6932 27 0 728 "9015 19 490 8951 28 16 744 903 1 4 49A 6955 29 14 508 6969 30 6 514 6973 31 Shipments by Truck Grand Totals POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO. April 29 (A P-USD A) Potatoes: 1 Califor nia, S Oregon arrived; 7 un broken, 9 broken cars on track ; market dull; Oregon Klamath district Russets No. 1. $1.10-1.23, occasional car higher; No. 2s, 70-80c. LOS ANGELES. April 29 (AP USDA) Potatoes: 3 California, 6 Idaho arrived; IS unbroken, 17 broken cars on track; by truck 23 California, 2 Idaho, 1 Utah arrived; market dull for old stock, firm for new stock. No Oregon quotations. CHICAGO, April 29 (AP USDA) Potatoes: Arrivals 93; on track 373; total US shipments 431; old stock, supplies moder ate, demand .for Idaho Russets moderate, market steady; west ern Triumphs demand moder ate, market slightly stronger; northern stock, all varieties, de mand fairly good, market steady. Idaho Russet Burbanks US No. 1, $1.40-60; new stock, supplies moderate, demand for Texas Tri umphs very good, market strong er; California Long Whites, de mand moderate, market slightly stronger; Texas Bliss Triumphs 50 lb. sacks US No. 1, $1.50-75 per sack; California Long Whites 100 lb. sacks US No. 1, $2.25 2.321 per sack. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. April 29 (AP-US DA) Hogs: salable and total 400; market unevenly weak to 25c lower; mostly 10-1 5c lower, quality considered: good 170-200 lb. drive-ins $9.00-10; several lots good-choice around 180-210 lb. weights $9.10-25; one carload unsold; medium grades down to $8.75; 230-270 lb. butchers $8.50 75; light lights mostly $8.50; medium grades down to $8.00; packing sows 7.50-8 25; good 111 lb. feeder pigs $9.50; choice quotable to $10.00 or above. Cattle: Salable and total 100; calves salable and total 35; mar ket steady, few common-medium steers $8.00-9.50; fairly good fed steers held above $10.00; strict ly good lightweight quality to $11.00; common-medium heifers $6.75-8.35; odd head beef heif ers $9.15; good light fed heifers quotable to $10.25; canncr cut ter cows $5.00-6.50; fat dairy cows $7.00-50; good beef cows salable $8.00-75: medium-good sausage bulls $8.00-9.10; beef bulls quotable to $9.25; common bulls down to $7.25; good-choice vealers steady at $11.00-12.50; common-medium grades $7-11. Sheep: Salable 20; total 350; market steady; good-choice 77 88 lb. spring lambs $10.50; me dium grades down to $9.50: few medium early-shorn lambs $8.00; good slaughter ewes salable $3.50-4.00. WOOL MARKET BOSTON. Anril 90 (AP. USDA) Only a few scattered sales were being closed in the Boston wool market today. Graded combing three-eighths and quarter-blood bright fleece wool was sold occasionally at prices ranging 44-46 cents, in the grease, delivered to users, for shipment from the country. Bulk French Pnmhlntf fin tor. ritory wools. In original bags, were receiving a very moderate demand at $1.00-1.02, scoured basis. 227 741 7202 8. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. April 29 (P) (Fed. State Market News) Hogs, salable 400; weak with yesterday's 15c decline: few cars 200-215 lb. butches $9.40; packing sows $7.00-50. Cattle Salable 50; nominal bulk steers Monday $10.23-11.25; few packages heifers $8.50-9.50; grass cows $8.00; today, largely nearby she stock; few weighty Holsteins $7.00-25; cutters $6.00 50; canners $3.00-50; bulls nom inally $8.00-50; calves salable none; steady; late Monday; bulk vealers $12.00-13.00. Sheep; salable 500; around steady; 3 decks medium, good and choice 77-82 lb. lambs $10.75; sorted 10 per cent shorn ewes quoted $4 50-5.33. Sport Briefs Br EDDIE BRIETZ NEW YORK. April 29 (The Special News Service) More than half of the boys on Snorty Luster's Oklahoma U. grid squad are looking for their draft num bers to go up . . . Did you know that the only time Whirlaway whipped Our Boots In four tries last year was the only race in which "The Boots" wasn't rid den by either Carrol Bierman or Eddie Arcaro? . . . New York boxing commission is listing fighters who are consistent los ers and will revoke their li censes. Yep, a heap of small fry managers are mighty Indig nant and are getting ready to go on relief . , . First serious foot ball casualty is Steve Juzwick, Notre Dame's high scorer last year, who broke an arm in scrim mage the other day. TODAY'S GUEST STAR Ralph Allen, Toronto Globe and Mail: "Can it be the Inter national league is going dramatic on us? . . . Jersey City's Saturday battery reads: 'East, Lynn and Blacmire' . , . Next week: Uncle Tom s Cabin." GADDING ABOUT Harry Stuhldreher already has picked Minnesota to win the Big Ten football title again next year, with Northwestern and Ohio State second and third . . . Columbia is looking for some one to fill the role of Forest Evashcvski in the forthcoming movie, 'Tom Harmon of Michi gan." Well, Ed Trevor of the Broadway hit, "Lady in the Dark," is a dead ringer for Eva shcvski in the face, anyway . . . Each of the 15 rooms in Joe Louis' ranch house boasts a juke box. But that's nothing. When King Levinsky trained at "Peg's Haunted House" in Chicago for his 1935 bout with Louis, the joint sported 50 slot machines. ONE-MINUTE INTERVIEW Dizzy Dean: "There's been some talk about what I'm a throwin' this year . . . Well, I got a slow ball that's so slow the inficlders can come in and auto graph it before it gets to the plate , . . Then the batter's a swingin' at a souvenir." TONIGHT'S FIGHT WINNERS Buddy Walker to outbox Buddy Knox at Columbus . . . Harry Jeffra to win as he pleases over Al Brown at Wilkes-Barrs. WHEAT INS D01 AFTER FLUCTUATING CHICAGO. April 29 W De spite strength in the deferred contracts, May wheat turned downward in the final hour a f t er fluctuating nervously throughout the session. At the close May was i-t cent lower, or slightly above the day's lowest but the new crop con tracts finished with gains rang ing up to i cents. Strength in the deferred de liveries was attributed to reports that the house was about ready to take up the Fuhner farm aid bill which would grant loans on agricultural products based on 75 per cent of parity. A better showing by surrounding commo dities and by securities also had a bolstering effect much of the time. War news was virtually ignored. Closing prices for wheat were i cent lower to I cent higher than Monday'a final quotations. May 914-tc; corn was t cent off to Ic up, May 681, July 681-tc and oats were ic lower to ic higher. CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Rent . Automotive Business Opportunities Educational Financial -.24 .34 .4B 12 -.46 38 4 13 14 For Sale or Trade General Notices Health Help Wanted. Female.. Help Wanted. Male Houses For Rent Livestock and Poultry Lost and Found Miscellaneous For Rent Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous Wanted Personals Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Wanted Room and Board Rooms For Rent Services Situations Wanted 16 26 -44 2 28 -.38 -.42 6 30 32 20 22 ..10 -18 -.40 To Exchange Transportation Lost and Found LOST Evening bag containing keys at Reames club. Reward. Phone 3626. 4-30 General Notices HOUSE MOVING, raising, ce ment work. R. B. Hadley, 203 Michigan Ave. Phone 7231. 8-16 FREE MARCELS every Mon day, Tuesday and Wi inesday. Northwestern Beauty College. 4-30mtf Transportation Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Fares to Northern Points One Round Way Trip Spokane .$l 1.00 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 9.95 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Greyhound Depot Phone 5521 S-20mtf GOING TO PENDLETON Sat urday, May 3. Will take four passengers. Phone 6677. 5-1 10 Services GLASS Duplate Safety Glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, re silvering. Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Phone 7378. 3-6mtf FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING We generate our own power. C. DuFour. Phone 3906. 5-27mtf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, no tary public. Eda Lee Besson ctte. Elk Hotel, phone 4181. 5-14 TRAINED NURSE. Phone BOIL 5-1- PAINTING Kalsomining. H. L. Brown. Phone 4226. 5-19mlf SHARPENING, repairing lawn mowers, tools, welding. Bod enhamer Saw Filing, 351-3 E. Main street. Phone 4872. 5-10 FLOOR SANDING and refintsh ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3922. 4-30mtf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 709 South Sixth. 4-30mtf WELL DRILLING and pumps. Arthur Stewart, 1848 Bisbee. 5-20 ELECTROLUX CLEANERS Sales and service. Phone 5917. P. O. Box 814. 5-20 CRATING, packing, moving, storage. Call us for estimates. Peoples Warehouse. 2904tf WHO'S YOUR MOVER? Dial 7425. Local, long distance. 2903tf FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is SOUND. Conner Ser vice Co., 2007 So. 8th. Phone 8878. Just south of viaduct. fi-8mtf Imlm SEE MRS. HARNEY for Alter ations, Remodeling. Whytal's. Phone 8222. SBmtf KALSOMININO paper hanging. Phone 4886. Tainting. Mac McGurr. 818 WINDOW CLEANING! We also clean paper, kalanmlne and painted walls. A, M. Rhoads. Dial 4768. S 24mtf DRESSMAKING, Hemstitching. Buttons, Buckles covered. Al terations on new and old cloth ing. Mrs. H. M. Allender, 731 Main, room 216. Phone 7263. S16mtf WALLPAPER CLEANED, $1 00 per room. Painted walla wash ed right and reasonable. Work guaranteed. Phone 5329. 4 29. CURTAINS home laundered and stretched. Reasonable Mrs. Shafer. Phone 8647. 5-3mtf PAPERHANGING. PAINTING. Kalsominlng. Dial 6848. Mi l vln E. Frost. 5 13mtf ARE YOUR RUGS CLEAN? Call Doremus Rug and Furni ture Cleaners. Dial 5875. 2012 Orchard. 8-11 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 810 Main. 8-24mtf FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflnished. Norman Fralry. Phone 4001. 3-24mtf CALL SHASTA CLEANERS for quality cleaning at lowest prices. Phone 7036. 8441 So. 6th. 5-24 Educational AXTID AT OXCl MK f l AagU Cuuatf AIRCRAFT FACTORY II In at. ftsllt hn. wfctu. ho em mt rnp4.,fn"l iiKlirirBlltw AMDFMliX M'HIXUI of l. AniWx plarrri IHoo.aMfc li (Mir pUml t1t of I ku job m nr ApfUratlott mw bring Uk l IhU fft If yuit r -rrl. Ui.n jmi pv n i.t ti mux Anna ri.rsiKT In amtll narmrnu itartlnf K d)l After yia r oa lit Job. rii4 am Ton tv ir vntj ik qtiftlirtratlnna tor IhU Wnrk. IW Mlta MrKinti-;, rrltrao htl. Klam ath rail. as WHEN YOU THINK OF SUC CESS think of Northwestern Beauty College. One of Amer ica's exceptional training schools. 4-30mtf 13 Health DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED Usually 1 to 3 hours. Dr. Gordon Ledlngham. 4-30mtf 14 Help Wanted, Pamela WANTED capable housekeeper and care of child. Inquire 511 Main. Phone 4268. 4 29 WANTED Woman for house work and care of childrrn. 433 N. 10th, Apt 8. after 6 430 WANTED Housekeeper. Home and wages. 2004 Orchard. 4 29 WILL GIVE RENT, lights and water furnished and $13 month on groceries to couple in ex change for care of elderly lady. 2210 Wantland. 4-29 WANTED Housekeeper for small adult family. May go home or stay nights. Write Box 85. News-Herald, or call at 320 No. 4th street after 7 p. m. 85tf BEAUTY OPERATORS Free employment service. North' western Beauty College. 4-30mtf ; 16 Help Wanted. Male WANTED Young farm hand. single. Joe Brandejsky, two miles south of Mac's store, routo 1, box 624. 3-5 WANTED Ranch hand, mar ried. Rt. 2, Box 590. 4-29 WANTED Farm hand with some experience with power tools. Santford Jones, Bonan 7. Ore. 4-30 IS Situations Wanted HOUSEWORK WANTED R. L. Williamson, Stayton, Oregon. Rt. 1, Box 20. 4-29 CAPABLE young man wants work. No farms. Phone 5817. 4-29 WANTED Small child or baby to care for in my home. Close In. 321 N. 6th. 4-31 SHIPMAN NURSERY Chil dren cared for. Day, week, month. Phone 7365. 1913 Wantland. 8-21mtf GENERAL CARPENTER wishes work. Address Rt. 3, Box 295, Keno road next to E. G. Schcrcr. 4.30 WOMAN WANTS HOUR WORK Phone 5846. 4-30 20 Room and Board ROOM Board If desired. Very nice home. 1426 Crescent. 5-1 ROOM, BOARD for gentleman'. Phone 6814. 504 N. 10th. 4-30 ROOM, BOARD, LAUNDRY 348 N. 10th. 5.3 RO'OM, BOARD 514 Walnut. B-26 ROOM AND BOARD. 1018 Wash ington. B.J 10 Room and Board BOARD, ROOM. LAUNDRY. Phone 7272. 700 Mitchell. 81. BOARD, ROOM private home. 332 N. 9th. 6 B WANTED working girl to share room, board if desired. 410 No. 9lh. rhone 4647. 4-20 VACANCY 1034 High. 55 ROOM 4 BOARD Private comfortable home. Excellent' table. Close in. 1028 Jetfer son. Phone 4765. 8-4.- HOARD, ROOM 1345 Sargent. 5 24 Rooms For Rant LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Util ities furnished. Inquire 1403 Main. 33 10 ROOM ill modern home for gen tleman. Phone 4667. 84 CLEAN ROOM 134 N. Thtr 47991 f-K SLEEPING ROOM. 421 Oak. 8 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 325 N. 6. 4-20 ROOMS FOR RENT Furnace heat, plenty hot water. Close in. $3 per week. 1123 East St. i block across 1 1th street bridge. 4-29 CLAREMONT 228 No. 4th. All outside, newly decorated modern rooms. Free parking. 8-6mtf LAKE HOTEL Clean, modern rooms. Reasonable rates. 61 ROOM FOR RENT 314 Wajh Ington. 48U8K FURNISHED Lincoln. ROOMS. 020 2030tf CLAREMONT Summer rates. Some four dollars. 3 14 X) 24 Apartments For Rant 3 ROOM APARTMENT Elee trie stove. Fngiriatre. $20, 2211W Biehn. Call after 8:30. 8-1 FOR RENT Modern 3-room furnished apartment in du plex. Close In. Cool for sum. mrr. Phone 4233. 916 Lin coln. 731 the roosevelt"--" vaTinTy with piano. Adults. Dial 3817. 18tf FURNISHED APARTMENT Adults only. No pets. Wood and watt-r furfTishrd. Frigid aire. 3371 E. Main. 5-1 3-ROOM furnished apartment, downtown. Phone 8438 after 4 28 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS close in. Reasonable. Phone 7058. 4 30. TWO-ROOM 813 Pine. APARTMENT 83 CHARMING steam heated apart ment, suitable employed cou ple. Electrically equipped. $35 month. 121 So. 7th. 5-3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Gas heat, lights included. $4.50 per week. 216 Main. 8-3 THREE-ROOM furnished or un furnished. Water furnished. Reasonable. Inquire at 1403 Main. 5.3 LARGE partly furnished apart ment near Ewauna Box Co. Heat, water, wood. $40. Phone 1540 or 3025 after 6. 2988tf LARGE housekeeping room. Pine. 813 . 43Q OUTSIDE ROOMS Hniu.araT- ing room. Greer Hotel, next to Pine Tree theatre, 710 Main. 3 1 CLEAN APTS 2023 Darrow. 81 PARK APTS. 1842 Esplanade, sleeping rooms. 8-3 FURNISHED APT. Heated. 203 Washington. 4.20 VACANCY, everything furnish, ed $3.50 and up per week. 1404 Klamath. .3-2 READY MONDAY 5 rooms and bath, ground floor. 2121 Vine. Phonos 3343. 200U FURNISHED APARTMENTS Low rates. Utilities. No oet 419 N. 10th. Vat APARTMENT Two blocks from Main, $20. Just remodel ed and painted. Phone 4272. 214tf NICELY FURNISHED 3-room apartment. Private bath, util ities and wash room furnished. 501 Market. 4.2s 3 ROOM DUPLEX, unfurnished. , Phono 6856. 4588U UNFURNISHED APARTMENT Marion Apartments. 3248U VACANCY -Furnished. Esplanade Courts 4-30mU CASCADE Apartment Hotel -.umiiiciciy iurmsned. Con venicnt hotel service. Day week or month. 4-30mti niVEKVIKW-Kotir nicely furn Ishcri rooms, modern. Garage Phone 5817. 471BI i FURNISHED APT. Garage 221 Spring. SMALL APT. Electricity fur nished. Corner Pine and Cedar 255tt JO