The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 29, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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April 2!. 11)11
Published mm morning
News Publishing Company at
atB rail. Oregon.
Seattle. Loa Angeles, St Louis,
B C Ccptaa of The Nawa and
Information about the Klamath
for the asking at any of theae
Entered aa eecond elaa matter at the port office at Klamath
rails, Oregon, November 13.
Official raaar at on a tiaaaia rate t aavaas 0 la.
I fc aarriar. par oath
Miwn by aarriar. pf raar
Dalian by Ball. Mf w. Klamath,
Dainraa by mad. 1 awalka
D9ltw4 by mail, t
Relief Costs Should Dwindle
KLAMATH county welfare bureau expects to enter the
month of May with no employables receiving aid. The
number Retting assistance in April has been limited, and
increasing; spring labor demand is expected to cut the fig
ure to zero within the next few days. For several years
there have been short summer periods when the bureau
had no employables on the assistance list, but the time has
come earlier than usual this year and signs indicate it
will last longer.
This situation reflects the trend toward employment
of all who are willing and able to work in this district,
and that in turn reflects the general condition in the west,
if not in the country as a whole.
The relief bureau is receiving fewer applications for
help from transient families. This is probably because
many of these people are attracted to communities where
there are defense industries, and others are finding work
nearer their homes.
The state employment offices here report a particularly
strong demand for skilled labor, and it is a known fact
that many skilled workers have left this district for work
in defense industry. Farm labor demand, also, is strong,
and it appears at this time there may be a shortage of
farm help before the busy agricultural season is over.
It is plain from this news that the time is at hand for
reduction of the drain upon the public for relief assistance,
and for all able-bodied men to get to work. The costs of
operating defense industries are so enormous, and the
prospects for heavy taxation for this purpose so certain,
that there can be no justification for continued heavy ex
penditures to take care of those who do not take care of
themselves. The stepped-up industrial program, stemming
for the most part from government outlay, should largely
solve the relief problem that has figured so heavily in
public budgets for nearly a decade. The burdened tax
payer deserves this comparatively small offset.
Boys Club Open House
AN example of outstanding community effort in behalf
of its youth is the Boys club, which occupied its new
quarters on Klamath avenue
The Boys club was established in April, 1940, after
years of idle talk here of
where adolescent boys could find wholesome recreation
and companionship. Numerous Klamath business houses
and individuals gave their support to the project and
brought it at last into reality under the leadership of
Gerald Murray, then city recreation officer. His successor,
David Bridge, is carrying on, and again the club has found
widespread support among public-spirited citizens.
' The new location on Klamath avenue is a vast im
provement over the old quarters in the basement at Fifth
and Main streets. It is roomy, light, newly-decorated and
remodeled. It offers increased opportunity for real service.
This week the Boys club is going to have an open
house. It is set for Thursday night Klamath people
should turn out in large numbers to visit the Boys club and
learn what is being done through this fine establishment
in behalf of the city's youngsters.
Gritting Teeth Helps Ease
Pain, Says Clinic Report
NEW YORK, April 28 (The
Special Newi Service) Clench
ing the fiats, wringing the
hands or gritting teeth in pain
are not signs of nerves, but
actual protection against the
Studies of pain, showing this
to be true and measuring Just
about how much pain is re
duced, have been completed at
the New York hospital Cornell
medical center here. They are
reported in the Journal of Clin
ical investigation by J. D.
Hardy, H. Coodell and H. G.
The trio tried experiments In
pain on themselves. They are
respectively a thickset man, a
tall, well-developed woman and
a tall man that Is, a fair av
erage of humans.
Foreheads were blackened
with India ink and a heat ray
turned on the black area un
til pain was just felt. The in
tensity of heat sufficient to
cause pain, or the pain thresh
old, was found to be constant
from day to day under normal
circumstances, and approximate
ly the same in all individuals.
This threshold of feeling pain
could be raised In various ways.
Gripping a metal bar tightly
as possible raised It by 7 to IS
per cent. This was equivalent
to reducing the sensation by
that amount.
Binding the head firmly with
a bandage was worth 4 to 6
per cent pain reduction. Pain
In another part of the body al
so reduced the hurt. If this
other pain was intense, the fore
head pain could get as much
s 35 per cent greater before
It was felt
An extremely loud nolle
raised the pain perception by
14 to 82 per cent. That Is, the
pain was felt less easily. The I
. Editor
Mining Editor
except Monday by The Klamath
Esplanade and Pint (trwta, Klaia-
nationally by
San Francisco, New York, Detroit,
Portland, Chicago. Vancouver,
Herald tofftthar with complete
Falli market may be obtained
1933. under act of March 3, 1878
Telephone 1114
laia. Moaoa aaa lUlljaa Coaattaa.
Farabla m Adraaaa
the need for some such place
noise probably acted like an
other pain.
When oniatec wen, takn if
was found that even though the
pun inresnoia was raised, very
severe pain was still felt. But
it no longer bothered the ex
perimenter because of an al
tered mental attitude Induced
by the drug.
The alteration. It was ex
plained, was a change In men
tal pattern. There was lack of
the ordinarv fM, nsni.. with
drawal and flight from' pain.
iius son ot pattern, the re
port itates, probably explains
why neonln tin nf jm
during excitement of games or
of combat, or during hypnotism,
religious or mvstical
and sexual excitement.
u explains the indifference
to nain often wifnMawi ri.4
childbirth In women who have
confidence In their physician
and are desirous of having a
Man Wounded in
Knifing Fray
McMINNVIT.T.F an.H la in.
An abdominal knife wound that
required 40 stitches to close
kept Harvey Lockwood. about
40, in a hospital here today.
Sergeant Ralph Grenfell of
uie state police said Lockwood
was wounded in a Saturday
night fracas nai M kM. i
Grand Ronde. An arrest war
rant was being prepared, Gren
fell added.
PORTLAND Anrll II tir.
Charles Leo Wlngard,, 74, pio
neer nonnwest electrical engi
neer Who Installed ah. 4 I . .
lighting systems at The Dalles,
Walla Walla and Pendleton,
died Saturday of heart trouble.
Hitler Conquers
On the surface there Is a dis
crepancy between what this
government is doing and what
it it saying.
State Secretary Hull demand
ed action to assure the arrival
of American cargoes in Britain.
Navy Secretary Knox said the
same thing, only stronger, add
ing: "This Is our fight," and
implying that we should be In
it. Even Mr. Roosevelt said, we
are going to fight for the. demo
cratic processes.
But when the action was
taken none of these suggestions
was fulfilled on the surface.
Quite the opposite, Mr. Roose
velt only extended "the Atlantic
patrols to protect the western
hemisphere," as he explained it
The area limits ot the expansion
were not given, but as Mr.
Roosevelt further explained
them, they had nothing to do
with convoying, and were not
even directly Joined with aid
to England.
The deeper you go below this
surface, however, the discrep
ancy narrows sharply.
One Inch below, officials are
saying off the record the ex
pansion of patrols is part of a
modern substitute for convoy
ing. The old system has been
found obsolete.
The British have been meet
ing with our officials here late
ly, particularly our naval ex
perts, and have worked out a
new shipping scheme. London is
going to follow the advice and
experience of our navy, convert
ing several fast merchantmen
into auxiliary aircraft carriers
by construction of landing decks.
Enough planes will be carried
to fight German bombers on the
convoy spot At least one such
ship will accompany convoys
along with a surface destroyer
and a courvette.
And as has already been an
nounced, fast merchant ships
will go across singly, slower
vessels being grouped according
to speed in convoys. This should
Rosalind ,
Brion AHERNE . '
1 WIFE" 11 1
"EWS rQlT I DIAL 5414
Greecel Hitler Threatens Gibraltarl
Me a ...-
take care of the German threat
to shipping.
Mr. Roosevelt's action would
furnish eyes for this new system.
As Interpreted sub - officially
here, American fighting ships
would scout the seven seas for
"threats against this hemi
sphere." Wherever an axis ves
sel is sighted, whether beaded
toward American or not, they
will inform the British as well
as Mr. Roosevelt.
In this semi-official interpre
tation, Mr. Roosevelt is setting
up a world spotting system, not
only to defend this hemisphere
but to help the British get our
goods across, and in ultimate
purpose to defeat the axis.
Deeper down in authentic
private official comment there
is reason to believe the action
reaches even further to the ex
treme to which Mr. Knox point
ed, namely that we are ready
to fight
The orders to our scouting
patrols have not been divulged,
but one report from an official
quarter suggests their behavoir
Is to be much stronger than
merely reporting any time they
see an axis vessel. There is rea
son to believe they may if
occasion demands intervene
I uicmseives oeiween any spoiiea
axis ships and any British mer
chant ship carrying our goods
! to Britain; they will not fire
first, but may fire back if at
At this point the discrepancy
vanishes. What Mr. Roosevelt
has done, becomes precisely
what Messrs. Knox and Hull
recommended in their speeches
(which FDR read before they
were delivered).
If this interpretation is veri
fied by future developments on
the high seas, the expansion of
the sea patrol really consti
tutes a dare to Germany to fire
the first shot.
Executive mirrors here reflect
the grimness of this unofficial
interpretations, but most ad
ministration congressional lead
ers prefer the milder official
possibilities. Even those senate1
democratic leaders who are op- j
posea 10 going to war nave Deen
somewhat placated by what they
have heard in councils as to Mr
Roosevelt's new determination
to refrain from actual convoy
ing or direct Involvement in the !
conflict. Among them the view j
LAKEVIEW Lois Clause has
won the honor of being valedic
torian ot the 1941 graduating
class of the Lakeview high
school. She Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Clause. Els
worth Clcland. son ot Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cleland of Adel
will be salutatorian. Both stu
dents have made better than a
l.S average during their four
years here of high school train
ing. Graduation exercises will be
gin with the Junior-senior prom
which will be held on May 16.
On Saturday afternoon, May 24.
the members of the A. A. U. W '
will hold a formal tea at the
home of Mrs. Forrest E. Cooper
for the senior girls. Baccalaur
eate exercises will be held In the
high school auditorium Sunday
evening. May 25, with Rev.
Eugene Nelson of the First Pres-
sermon. Graduation xrria I
will be held in the high school
auditorium Thursday night. May
Camp Fire Girls
Mark Nature Trail
At Moore Park
Klamath Falls Camp Fire Girls
have marked about 23 plants and
trees along the nature trail In
Moore park recently, it was an
nounced Saturday.
The trail, which starts at the
right of the animal pens and
winds around the hill below the
view point, is being posted with
labels for various points of in
terest and new signs will be
added as new plants appear, ac
cording to the nature club of the
is common that Mr. Roosevelt
is really working their way and.
therefore, should not be har
assed or questioned too much
on detail. The hemisphere de
fense motif suits them.
I "owPUyia,- 1 1 StejMM
- -mr fl af ana . m H X -sw r ! BS1
I j g VTjifl-V , f ' ! 'ij nanli nova baan VaXki
iatsUbaVjajaaC 1 ,.. 7 . r Greatest Love Story . L&WJt ,c-
liYVi.- T en J$J 2i
I'lIlM Win ( BCTTE GEORGE , itlW&iii aKsCTV 2
' :XtffiiE2a MiraitDAHiavV. j MIRANDA K
- .1 taa5:fCTilCTgi f t ff ' '-cassoinaish mini At4Kv
'AafrMaasasssWjasBeB f t rfcatf - mmtmoN . uTMAnNt 4si77rl
e FofHitar Solanaa, "San,. 111 1 I ( UOf .llOMOnNKIY ISTfl I
j .1 ' Sal Spart, Nawa ( " , I ft l CHM&.PIN martin lyliN
PlflE TREE II PELiCAll IjEfflBga
SANTA MONICA. Calif.. April
28 ) The Evening Outlook
Mid Saturday that "from all
available information" it appears
impossible for the giant Douglas
B-19 which the company says
is the largest airplane ever built
to Uke oft on a test flight be
fore July.
Earlier Information had Indic
ated the test might be made early
next month.
The newspaper reports that
the craft's 82 tons Is too heavy
for the four-Inch, 3.000-foot
asphalt runway and that a con
crete runway 200 feet wide and
4.000 feet long, varying In depth
from six to nine Inches, must be
poured before the takeoff.
The pouring Is estimated to re
quire 48 days, with another SO
days for curing.
The plane, the paper says, was
moved 17S feet a few days ago
and so badly cracked the asphalt
that 15 tons of paving material
was required to fill the ruts. The
craft's main landing wheels are
98 Inches In diameter, the balan
cing nose wheel 54 Inches. The
B-19 has a 212-foot wingspread
and Is designed to fly distances
equivalent to crossing the Atlan
tic and return.
Douglas officials had no com
ment. Clark Declares
Democracy Immortal,
Lauds Roosevelt
THE DALLES. April 28 (Pi
Americana were admonished
here Saturday not to lose faith
in democracy because of recent
events in Europe.
Gov. Chase A. Clark of Idaho
told delegates to the annual con
vention of Oregon Young Demo
crat clubs that the "spirit of
liberty and democracy are im
mortal." He urged faith in American
leaders, declaring President
Roosevelt "a rock against which
the angry waves ot the opposi
tion beat in vain. President
Roosevelt stands for civilization.
for liberty and for democracy.
He Is all that Hitler Is not."
Delegates reelected without a
dissenting vote Paul N. Plank,
Junction City, as president. Don
Davis, Washington county, was
named treasurer.
The 1942 convention was
voted to Tillamook and the fol
lowing congressional district
vice presidents named: Nels
Peterson. Lincoln county, and
Olive Fraser. Clackamas, first
district; Marguerite Misner, Des
chutes, and Lennart Benson,
Grant, second; Jake Slckel and
Ann Sambuck, both Multnomah,
third: E. C. Leum, Coos, and
Florence Krugg, Lane, fourth.
Committee chairmen included:
Elsie Schroeder, Salem, creden
tials; Robert F. Cronen, Wheeler
county, constitution; Ethan New
man, Eugene, rules and order;
Lee Crawford, Salem, resolu
tions. Extensive Campaign -To
Sell Bonds Opens
WASHINGTON, April 28 (A1
Five thousand separate radio an
nouncements today inaugurated
the most intensive selling cam
paign in the peacetime history
of the nation, as the treasury
began its dime-to-thousands de
fense savings drive.
It is expected to rival and
perhaps surpass the now historic
Liberty bond campaigns of the
World war days.
The new securities, of which
the treasury hopes to sell at
least $3,000,000,000 In the next
18 months, go on sale Thursday
morning in 16.000 postoffices
and several thousand banks.
Later department stores and
thousands of other places may
handle them.
Trv the Classified Arts Tm
If aa a i
coaa ta, a, at aacavief wc T m atfl y
"Slop suying; 'Wow!' every
price of
Plans have been completed by
the officers of Klnmath Lodite
No. 77, AF & AM. for a visit
from the Masonic lodge of Ma
lin Monday night when the lo
cal lodge will confer the Master
Mason degree upon a candidate
from Malin.
This meeting will be preceded
by a crab dinner served at 6 30
p. m. at the Masonic temple
Fred Flock, senior warden, has
I charge of the dinner and li look
I Ing forward to a record attend
The local lodge has been very
active In the past fow months
and is planning several such oc-
1 casions as the one to be hr''l
I Monday evening. An Invitation
i from Mcdford lodge Inviting the
i Klamath lodge to confer the
Master Mason degree has been
i accepted and May ninth has
been named the date. In late
i June Provident lodge No. 609 of
j Sacramento. Calif., will visit
here. This will be a return visit
for the one made to Sacramento
by the local organization about
three years ago.
Mrs. Otto Smith, past regent
of Court Klamath, Catholic
Daughters of America, was
elected state monitor at the
convention of Oregon Catholic
Daughters held Saturday and
Sunday in Woodburn, Ore.
Attending from Klamath
Falls were the Rev. Father
Timothy Casey, chaplain of
Court Klamath, Mrs. John Gal
lagher, regent of the local court
Mrs. Otto Smith, Mrs. Stanley
Pieser, Mrs. P. J. Lesmeister,
Mrs. John Holzgang, Mrs. J. A.
Kennedy, and Mrs. Wulter Han
non. Using a series ot mirrors, a
machine gun that fires backward
is now in use in the British
royal air force. The navigator
fires the gun which Is mounted
under the plane's nose In such a
position as to guard the tail.
i' Vl ' 1 f
' o"
lime a clerk unnounces the
a hull"
Man Employed Full
Time Caught After
Drawing benefits
Filing a claim for unemploy
ment insurance while employed
fulMime as a llnolrum-layer cost
Alexander C'lnrke ot Portland
nut only iZJ2 T In benefits but
also a 60-day Jail term Imposed
by Judge Lowell Mundorft ol
; the Multnomah district court,
I unemployment compensation of
ficials who investigated the case
revealed Monday.
When Clarke made full resti
tution to the unemployment
fund, the fudge suspended the
Jail term. The benefit checks. It
was shown, had been drawn dur
ing a 26-week disqualification
for falsifying a claim for com
pensation. Vigorous Investigation of aim
liar cases is promised by offl
cinls. British Bombers Hit
German Destroyer
LONDON, April 26 (Brit
ish bombers left a German de
stroyer "snouting a great volume
of smoke" after an atuck off
fhi flittf-h fkl. mnrn.. I.
which the RAF lost four planas,
sn official announcement said.
Two vessels of 2000 and 1300
Ions also were hit and are be
lieved to have been sunk In at
tacks on shipping off the Dutch
coast, the air ministry said.
Other attacks In addition to
the daylight raid on Emdcn by
a lone Stirling bomber Included
the bombing of a factory and
rail yards at Keppel and the
Dutch naval base clocks at Den
lli'lder and at Drknoy In The
know it isn't such a bad world
after all and here's a case in
A half-dozen school boys,
learning of the plight of Rich
ard L. Hedge who has been 111
j.uia ,mi ur-Miaai man
of that time, came from their
school six miles away to spade
the most of his garden.
They knew his only source
of lncnm uma (mm Uk k,.IUa
and flowers he sells from his
small pint.
Stay Shout
5 Big Acts
On world' tat
Otrmen Miranda unit
ffuyoel oomady dir.
l Oirxtlnn Itara from
yyV Iroedwaif'i hit "Thtj
yr am BONQER It
nooie-poaM mutual
eaportj novelty.
JV Orlanlal masla. M
i Screen trj