THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Aprtl A 141 PAGE SIX Colonial Tea Event At Schallock Home Prospective Members of Eulalona Chapter, Daughters American Revolution, Entertained The charming horn of the Fred Schallock was the let ting (or the Colonial tea given by Eulalona chapter. Daugh ters of the American Revolution. Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Schallock was assisted by Mrs. Earl Reynolds, Mrs. John H. Martin, and Mrs. Warren Hunt Mrs. Q. Logan Black, chap ter regent, planned the tea as a compliment to pros pective members and high school girls selected for the Pilgrimage contest. Spring flowers In artistic arrange ments were used about the rooms. The dining room and table were especially lovely. Pouring were: Mrs. H. A. Nitschelm. Miss Virginia West, Mrs. Alfred Collier, and Mrs. Warren Hunt. Guests Included Mrs. Fred Hauger, Mrs. L. O. Mills, Mrs Ida Grimes, Mrs. Eliza beth Saunders, Mrs. Ralph W. Stearns. Mrs. Mackey, Mrs. J. Royal Shaw, Mrs. J. C. Hunt, Mrs. Clarence Humble, Mrs. R. D. Rakestraw, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Joseph W. Peak. Mrs. F. Cecil Adams, Mrs. A. N. Wenner. Miss Jerrr Ann Denehie, Mrs. H. F. Murdoch, Mrs. R. E. Wright, Mrs. Allen Sloan, Mrs. A. J. Voye. Mrs. Virginia LaForge, Mrs. Sarah H. Fos ter, Mrs. H. M. Parkhurst, Mrs. J. L. Olsen. Mrs. C. G. Merrill, Mrs. Norval. Members present were Mrs. S. B. Evans, Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, Mrs. D. V. Kuyken dall, Mrs, R. E. Wattenburg, Mrs. Harry Ackley. Mrs. G. Logan Black, Mrs. Alfred Col lier, Mrs. Z. W. Dixon. Mrs. Warren Hunt, Mrs. John H. Martin, Mrs. H. A. Nitschelm, Mrs. Earl C. Reynolds. Mrs. Fred Schallock, Mrs. Robert Sloan. Mrs. Bert C. Thomas, Mrs. Helen Mueller, Miss Vir ginia West. MRS. ARNOLD HOSTESS AT SPRING PARTY Mrs.' Wilbur Arnold enter tained with, another delightful bridge luncheon on Tuesday for a group of friends at her home on Crescent avenue. Luncheon was served at a quarter past one o'clock fol lowed by cards with high honors held by Mrs. Carl Rey mers, second by Mrs. Ches leigh O. Moore. Hyacinths centered the tables with snapdragons and tulips arranged about the rooms. Guests bidden to the affair included Mrs. Carl Reymers, Mrs. Chesleigh O. Moore, Mrs. W. H. McPherren, Mrs. Lillian Hagman, Mrs. Elmer H. Balsiger, Mrs. Minnie Hammers, Mrs. Vernon Norval, Mrs. Roy Rakestraw, Mrs. Ted Snoop, Mrs. Carl Schubert, Mrs. Gus Anderson. Mrs. C. H. Underwood, Mrs. E. M. Chil cote, Mrs. Arthur Schaupp, Mrs. Carl Steinseifer, Mrs. Harry Peltz and Mrs. Walter Webster. NURSES PLAN DANCE IN WILLARD HOTEL An Interesting affair of early May will be the dance sponsored Saturday, May the tenth. In the Willard hotel ballroom by the Oregon State Nurses association. District No. 8. with Mrs. Earl Heuvel in charge of the party. Mrs. Heuvel is also this year's pro gram chairman. Funds derived from the dance will go toward sending delegates to the annual nurses convention to be held in Port land the first week of June. A part of the money will also go into the tuberculosis fund for national research, into the flower fund, and a donation to the Florence Nightingale, and scholarship funds. Mrs. Jack Campbell is presi dent of the local organization, first vice president and parlia mentarian is Mrs. Joseph Whistler, Mrs. Mark Howard is secretary, and Mrs. Ray Ruger. treasurer. Baldy Evans orchestra will play and tickets may be ob tained from any member of the organization, or at the door. GOLFERS START DERBIES AT REAMES FRIDAY The first of a three weeks' series of 27 and 54-hole der bies got under way Friday at Rcames Golf and Country club, and after a morning of golf a number of women stay ed for cards in the clubhouse. Six tables were in play. In cards last week north and south honors went to Mrs. John H. Martin and Miss Ada Chrlstopherson, east and west to Mrs. Lawrence Slater and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Hostesses Friday afternoon were Mrs. J. Hardin Carter, Mrs. Ray W. Oldenburg, and Mrs. Te Medford. Showers Benefit Outlook Excellent for Fine Display at Flow er Show Klamath gardeners who plan to take part in the annual spring flower show scheduled for Saturday, May the sev enteenth, in the Fremont school auditorium, w e r pleased with the looks of their gardens following the heavy thunder shower Wednesday, and the lighter sprinkling of Friday evening. Blossoms looked more prom ising and flowering shrubs benefited materially by the April showers which, if the old adage proves true, will bring May flowers. But three weeks remain un til the flower show and there Is time for the reading of flow er arrangement books and some suggested by Mrs. Ern est D. Lamb, flower show chairman, and available at the city library, are the fol lowing: "How to Arrange Flowers," by Dorothy Biddle, (suggested for beginners); "Arranging Flowers Through out the Year," by Carey; "Ar ranging Flowers, East and West," Conway; "Flower Ar rangements in Color," Rock well and Grayson; "Flower Ar rangement," Rockwell and Grayson; "Flowers Their Arrangement," Gregory Con way, (considered very good as it shows arrangement step by step); "Japanese Flower Ar rangements," Mary Averill; "Japanese Flower Arrange ments," Alfred Koehn. A page of interesting tips is being prepared for those who plan to take part in the show, these tips to appear the week of May third in these col umns; the entire schedule to appear again on May the tenth. Organizations planning to enter the exhibit are asked to contact Mrs. Lamb. SOJOURNERS PLAN DINNER DANCE SOON Sojourners met at the Wil lard hotel Wednesday, April the twenty-third, with the president, Mrs. Dwight Gil christ in charge. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Rus sel Peterson, chairman, Mrs. W. B. Yates, Mrs. Loyal Over ton, Mrs. Fred Konschot and Mrs. George Batch. Plans for the annual spring dinner dance were discussed by Mrs. C. A. Lundy, chair man of the dance committee. The dance will be held at Cal Ore on May the fifteenth and all reservations must be made before May the twelfth. After the business meeting bridge was played. First prize was won by Mrs. Paul Ang stead. consolation by Mrs. L. P. Pennington, and guest prize went to Mrs. Ethel Storm. Hostesses for the May four teenth meeting are as follows: Mrs. E. B. Hamm, chairman, Mrs. W. D. Miller, Mrs. Matt Finnigan, Mrs. Lon Hunt and Mrs. M. L. Weatherford. Mrs. Elton Mooney of Prine ville. formerly of this city, viited briefly in Klamath Falls on Thursday. CHAIRMAN Mrs. C. A. Lundy will serve as dance chairman of the So journers party planned for May the fifteenth at Cal-Ore tavern. Comart if- r ,,J Guests 1 IK I . V ' el. 1 ' 1 V MRS. H. A. NITSCHELM 1 1 't-'Sm;! MRS. WILBUR JONES, Past Regent, DAR. KLAMATH GIRL ATTEMDS MEET OF PI BETA PHI Miss Margaret DeBolt of Klamath Falls, president of Pi Beta Phi sorority at Eu gene, left Thursday as a dele gate to the Northwest Province conference of the sorority be ing held at Spokane, Washing ton this weekend. Miss De Bolt will be one of the speak ers at the banquet and will participate in the discussions. Miss Mary Louise Vincent of Portland and Miss Elizabeth . Daggett, formerly of Klamath Falls, will accompany her. The trio will return to Port land and attend the Founders Day banquet to be held there Monday evening. Active and alumnae chan ters will be represented at the Spokane conference from Al berta, Canada, Montana, Ida ho, Washington and Oregon. Mrs. Ruth Barrett Smith, na tional vice president of the sorority, will be the main speaker. Mrs. Willard Peyton and daughter, Patricia, have re turned to their home on El dorado street after a six week's trip during which they visited in southern California, in St. Louis, Chicago and other mid western points with relatives and friends. En route home they spent a short time in Portland and at Vida on the McKenzie river with Mrs. Peyton's son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Prince Hel frich. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dennis have returned after spending several days in the north, visiting in Seattle and with their son. Junior, at Camp Lewis. v i h-r;,,l 'I it 11 , ! ,:!S I 1 If ?v : lv tfW'- f I.;. 'i; f ox Mi 1 : U and Hostesses Left to right, Mrs. Warren Hunt, post regent; Mrs. Fred Hauger, Mrs. C. Logan Black, regent of Eulalona chapter- Mrs. H. A. Nitschelm, junior past regent, and Mrs. Z. W. Dixon, mm Over the tea-cups, left i smssM i Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg, (right), chots with Mrs. C. Logan Black, Eulalona regent. Mrs. Wattenburg was organizing regent of the chapter and served for four years in that capacity. All pictures by Wesley Guderian of The Herald and News. DR. DUESNER TO SPEAK AT GARDEN MEET Dr. Duesner, horticultuct located at the Tulelake CCC camp and working with the Lava Beds national monu ment, will be the speaker at the meeting Monday at two o'clock of the garden study group of the Klamath Falls Woman's Library club. The meeting will be held In the small clubroom. All members are asked to bring plants or bulbs to ex change during the afternoon. OREGON MOTHERS SLATED TO MEET MAY 5TH Oregon Mothers will meet Monday, May the fifth, with Mrs. William Ganong at her home on Summers Lane. Des sert wftl be served at half past one o'clock with a program to follow with Mrs. W. C. Van Emon as leader. Mrs. Rby Rakestraw enter tained the group early in April with eleven members present. Sunday Dinner Guests at Home Mr. and Mrs. R. Henry An derson entertained at Sunday dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Goeckner and two chil dren, Kent and Thirza, Mrs. Anice Anderson and Larry and Martin Snyder. at DAR Colonial Tea AisW to right, Mrs. Bert Call Thomas, Mrs. Helen Mueller and Mrs. Syd Evans. 5 Wti MISS JONES HOSTESS TO AAUW BOARDS Miss Marycarol Jones, re tiring president of the Klam ath county branch, American Association of University Wo men, entertained Friday eve ning at her home on Huron street for members of the old board, and those of the new. Bridge was enjoyed fol lowed by coffee. Miss Jones' guests included Mrs. G. C. Blohm. newly elected presi dent; Mrs. Dean Miller, Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. James Kerns, Mrs. Harry Weimar, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. James Busch, Mrs. Robert Hart, Mrs. Samuel A. Mushcn, Mrs. J. Truman Runyan, and Miss Virginia Fick. Among those entertained here last weekend during tho state meeting of the Grand Council of Job's Daughters were Miss Marjorie Beau riclle, Miss Marjorie Hansen, Miss Marjorie Simpson, Miss Marjorie Miller and Miss Mary Brown, all members of the Portland Bethel 3. who were guests at the F. II. Co fer home on High street. The Mothers club of the Sacred Heart academy will meet In regular session Mon day, April the twenty-eighth, at half past ono o'clock. All members are urged to be prompt. 1 v ;v III is .' -fV -v. y W'. Betrothal Announced Charles Scharfenstein Jr., To Wed Connec ticut Girl in May Romance in spring and from New London, Connecti cut, comes the announcement of the engagement of Miss Veronica O'Connell to Cadet Charles F. Scharfenstein Jr. Date of the wedding is set for Monday. May the nineteenth, in St. Joseph's church. New London. The bride-elect is the charm ing daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. O'Connell, and the granddaughter of Mrs. Carolyn Shattuck Backus, South Windham, Connecticut. Mi.'S O'Connell was graduated in June of last year from the Connecticut College for Wo men. Mr. and Mrs. Scharfenstein and son, Talmage, will leave for the east coast within a very short time to attend the grad uation of their son, Charles Jr., from the United States Coast Guard academy at New London, the week of May the fifteenth, and will remain un til after their son's wedding on Mny the nineteenth. Cadet Scharfenstein has asked his brother. Talmage, to be his best man. SPRING DANCE GIVEN WEDNESDAY BY ST. PAUL'S The annual spring danca given by the vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church was enjoyed Wednesday evening in the Willard hotel ballroom. Chairman of the affair was Mr. Lou Langworthy, assisted by Mr. Jack Keating, Mr. John Schubert, Mr. Percy Webb, Dr. D. J. Recs, and Mr, Roy Prcmo. Mrs. Helena Sandon re turned Friday evening from Portland where she has spent the past month with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Terry Mackie. Mrs. Sandon makes her home here with another daughter, Mrs. Percy Murray. I- V I WE OFFER 9 LOVELY SPECIALS TO CHOOSE FROM 75c TO $7.50 . 9 OUR NEW SXOLUSIVI UNI OP III W C0L0 PI-ITS FRAMII -THI PINItT M C?et IVIR OPPSRID IN KLAMATH PALLS COMART Qui PluUtuiapiuf. Til MAIN STRUT Dancing Party At Club Opens Season Spring Affair at Clubhouse Given Saturday Eve ning by Committee of Ten Memberi On of the gayest parties of the year Is scheduled for Saturday night, (tonight), at Reames Golf and Country club as the first spring dance of the season is given for members and their guests. This Is the first party at the clubhouse since the New Year s dance. Tea Given Daughters Interesting Affair En joyed During Jobs Convention On of the most Interesting vents of the past week when the annual convention of Job's Daughters was held In Klam ath Falls, was the tea spon sored by Past Honored Queen's and honorary members given In the Masonic hall on Friday afternoon from three o'clock until five o'clock. An all white decor was used during the afternoon with the tea table beautifully arranged with a white swan holding stock, freesiaa and tulips and flanked on either side by tall white candles in silver sticks. Mrs. Melvln McCollum, (Ed na May Thomas), was chair man of the affair assisted by Mrs. Merle Long, (Barbara Soule), Mrs. Fred Konschot, (La Vena McCollum), Miss Gladys Park, Miss Betty Mer rill, Miss Betty Buchanan, Mrs. Ermcl Hoslcy, (Margaret Templar), of Chlloquln, and . Miss Barbara Palmer. Pouring during the afternoon were Mrs. Hosley and Mrs. McCollum, with Mrs. Kon schot. Miss Buchanan, and Mfss Merrill serving. Other host esses assisted about the rooms. The affair was given after the Daughters' hour. FRENCH CLUB ENJOYS DINNER AT BATEAU Le Cercle Francals of Klam ath Union high school held its annual banquet In the Com pass room at the Bateau Wed nesday, April the twenty, third. The feature of the French dinner was Marseilles bouillabaisse, sea food soup traditional to southern France. It was served in the French manner from a huge bowl in the center of the table. Large red bibs added to the gaiety of the occasion. Officers elected for next year wore Merlon Albrecht, president; Ruth Pennington, vice president; Betty Yadon, secretary; Lucy Kimball, treasurer; Dorothea Ellingson, sergeant-at-arms, and Lois Schultz, Krater reporter. Members present Included Merlon Albrecht, Janice Bubb, Bettilu Cramer, Thelma Howard, Lucy Kimball, Mar garet Lewis, Pat Loomls, Betty Merrill, Ruth Pennington, Lois Schultz, Jean Wiesendan ger, Betty Yadon, Virginia Howard, Glessle Welters, Dor othea Ellingson, Bonnie Robin. Wtlamae Lehto and Mrs. Blanche Waters, club ad viser. Gaiety Club With Miss rtnwlck Members of Gaiety club were entertained Thursday evening by Miss Ethel Fen wick at her home on Auburn street. Bridge was played fol lowed by supper. Guests In cluded Mrs. David R. Vanden berg, Mrs. Floyd Henrlot, Mrs. Elmer Honking, Mrs. W. J. Kesslcr, Mrs. G. C. Lorenz, Mrs. Mike Lavenik, and Mrs. R. C. Dsle. Mrs. Kessier will entertain in a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Anderson returned home this week af ter an enjoyable ten-day mo tor trip through Yosemlta park and to other California points. tf- ts, lite jbeatelt afMQiU FOR MOTHER'S DAY MAY 11TH TSLSPHONI till Chairmen of the affair are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerber, who are being assisted In making plans by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Medford, Mr. and Mr. Marshall E. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Martin, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Royal Shaw. Supper will be served at midnight by the committee hostesses. Herb Cochran's or chestra played. A number of large cocktail parties were given before the dance which officially opened the social year at Reames. SALEM MAID ANNOUNCES BETROTHAL SALEM. Ore. (Special) Of much interest to Salem and Klamath Falls society Is the announcement being made by Mrs. Freda Starey of the en gagement of her daughter. Miss Patricia Noonan of Sa lem, and Darrell Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick R. Miller of Klamath Falls. The wed ding will be an event of ear ly August. The brldelect la a graduate of Salem schools and a popular jnember of the capital's younger set. Her fi ance Is a graduate of the Uni versity of Oregon law school and a member of Alpha Tail Omega. He Is now In busi ness with his father at Klam ath Falls. Mrs. W. R. Nelson enter tained members of the Con gregational Community circle with a neighborhood tea at her home on Reclamation ave nue Thursday afternoon when the hours were spent In Red Cross sewing after which re freshmrnta were served to Mrs. Helen Eltlng, Mrs. H. J. McGllvray. Mrs. W. L. Larson. Mrs. E. L. Mitchell. Mrs. W. C. Little, Mrs. C. M. Reynolds and Charlene Reynolds. Comart's BOYS AND GIRLS 10 TO 16 INCLUSIVE CLOSES SATURDAY MAY 3RD Many Grand PRIZES CAMERAS TENNIS RACQUETS THEATRE SCRIP BOOKS WINNING PICTURES : WILL BE SHOWN ON THE SCREEN OF THE PELICAN THEATRE ENTER NOW I COMART