' April ' 191 TIIB NKWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS. OBEGOS page Tnxrrsr Spring Building Continues On Active Basis Here REMODELING HEADS UK'S PERMIT LIST Klamnth't spring building pmiiram continued on in active basis In Ilia punt week, with re modrllnl Jobi featuring the week's new permits Issued (ram the office of Building Inspector Harold Franry. Completion of the Tower !ieatre on South Sixth street was he building highlight of the week. Good weather brought progress on other Jobi, both large and small and both In and outside of the city. C. S. Kobcrtaon, 822 Lincoln treet. remodel residence, 12000. H. E. Wattenburg. remodel business building at 022 Main treet. ' H. E. Hauger, remodel Bulck Garage on Main ttreet, adding to stock room and office, f 800. J, R. Newman, business build ing on Market street, lot 9A, block 8, Railroad addition, :noo. Bert Paulson, remodel resi dence at 1320 Lakevlew street, - A. C. Steward, remodel resi dence of G. T. McDonald, 420 Michigan avenue, $40. Cecil Green, remodel Buster Brown Shoe store, C33 Main ftreet. 1300. A. C. Erickson, double garage, 2841 Front street, 1200. Klamath Iron Works, Spring street, remodel foundry, 1300. F. A. Cook, 828 Tunnel street, garage, flSO. J. R. Stevenson, reroof Earl Whltlock building. Sixth and I'ine streets, $73. L. A. Whittenburg, remodel residence at 214S Applegale avenue, $73. Axel Florin, residence, Dar row, addition, lots 4 and 3, block 303, $3700. Soft Shoulder on Rood Causes Crash Kenneth Aust. IS, Seattle. Wash., reported to the motor ve hicle office that a car ha was -j ..... : - i , . . 4 Hiving buulk a sun mourner Mm highway 07 about 13 miles T.Y . u,.la north of the city Sunday, hit a post, swerved across the high way and came to rest in the ditch. No one was injured, Aust snid, but the car was damaged to the extent of $230. Pop Green of Modoo Point re ported his car struck a workman on a highway construction Job north of Klamath Falls Wed nesday after a flagman had giv en "the all clear signal." Green said ho stopped after the car hit the workman who stepped in front of it, but the man refused to be taken to t hospital, saying he was all right. Fire Razes House On Miller Ranch TULELAKE Fire of unde- Yrmlned origin, discovered by vmscrsby about 9 o'clock Tues day evening completely de stroyed a frame houso on the Hurry Miller place on the line between Siskiyou and Modoc counties. Occupant of the house, whose names were withheld by authorities here, had moved out at noon on the day of the blaze and electric power to the build ing had been ahut off, it was snid. No information was re leased as to whether there was insurance on the building. SPECIAL CEMENTS Ordinary linoleum cements should not be used when apply ing fiber board Interior panels to smooth surfaces. Use only the special acoustical cements. Kir-Tex technicians say. FOR BETTER LAWNS Use CALIFORNIA BRAND BLACK TYPE PEAT MOSS From Modoc County In Packages 15e-35c -75c -$1.6" Bale - $3.25 The Treasure y'TtnritHrrr I Ud&& & at :si W i l. ! 3 M3T.ir aLrSTH 6loROoji LIVING ROOM I ioqiipAj 1 lo v.ur I A L S3 Lay Fibre Tiling With Furring Strips When furring strips are used, interior fiber tile should be laid with long edges paralleling the furring strips, Flr-Tex techni cians advise. When application la being made to a solid surface. Zone Determination Eased For Builders, Says Franey By HAROLD FRANEY City Building Inspector To determine the zone of the lot and block In which the pro posed structure will be construct ed or the zone in which an oc cupancy Is or is not pcrmissablo or the fire zone Involved, a con trol map is available to the pub lic In the office of the building Inspector or a call will be wel comed to give you this informa tion. Class I Residential District a ALLOWED USES In a Class 1 residential district an7 m.b.t.lnrd . n.re familv nd . maintained, single family there may be erected, altered, dwelling and uses accessory to a dwelling and property may be used for gardening. (b) LOCAL, OPTION USES In such a district a building may be erected, altered and maintined and property may be used when local option approval is obtained (see Section 8) for the following uses: two family dwellings or duplexes, churches, public schools, private schools, public parks, public park struc tures, and public playgrounds, and buildings not conforming to regulations as to size, etc. (c) PROHIBITED USES In such districts there Is pro hibited all uses not included In paragraphs (a) and (b), except existing non-conforming uses which may continue under the provisions of section 7. (d) SET BACK REGULATIONS, ETC. In such a district the following set back regulations shall apply to all buildings except accessory buildings hereafter erected, en larged or moved: (1) Distance from building to front lot line not less than twen ty (20) feet, unless the set back line has already been established in the particular block by two or more buildings at a greater or lesser depth than twenty (20) feet, in which case any new building shall be set back to con form. (2) Distance from building to street side of lot not less than ten (10) feet from building to side line of lot not fronting on a street four (4) feet. (3) Distance from dwelling or the tiling may be laid in any di rection desired. Usually better appearance can be obtained by starting the application of tiling In the cen ter of an area, rather than at one end. Building engineer recom mend the use of sizes best adapt ed to the particular Job, but In odd-sized rooms it la often im possible to come flush at the end of an area. If the application of tiling is started in the center, the ends can be matched, resulting in a generally Improved appearance. DRIVE NAILS HOME All nails should be driven home, but not with nail set, when redecorating interior fin ish fiber boards. Each nail head and hole should also be treated with Swedish putty, Flr-Tex dec oration experts advise. accessory buildings to rear of lot not less than five (3) feet. An ac cessory building not attached to a residencejhall not be less than three (3) feet from any lot line and not less than six (6) feet from any other building. (e) GROUND AREA LIMITED The ground area covered by the foundations of any building, excepting accessory buildings, hereafter erected in such a dis trict, shall not be less than seven hundred and twenty (720) square feet and such area shall not ex ceed thirty (30) per cent of the area of the lot, and no more than one hall be erected on less than five thousand (3000) square feet. Racket Discovered On Traffic Tags City police were irate Friday when they discovered a traffic ticket had been stolen from one car, Information substituted and the name of a traffic officer forged on the stub. The present system of "fix less" tickets makes it possible for officers to trace the original source of the tickets, and per sons found switching the tags to other cars will find themselves prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, police said. Try the Classified Ad Roofing Flooring Siding . Insulatioi Millwork Paints Cements Whether you're rented, ling, repairing or re building, get your supplies from Home Lumbar. Yeu will get high quality at low cost and credit Is easily arrangedl MONTHLY PAYMENT HAW BUILD HE BUILDING GOOD SAYS EXPERT While lumber and other build ing materials prices maintained a practically, level movement during March and the first week of April, prospective home build ers are advised by Western Homes foundation of rising emer gency defense demands that may affect supply of materials in the next four months, a period which William S. Knudsen has de clared "might be crucial in the whole history of the world." "Latest estimates from the of fice of production management for total military and merchant marine lumber requirements amount to- 8,300,000 board feet. In contrast to 8.000.000 feet used for the same purposes in the World war." states W. C. Bell, foundation chairman. "From 28 to 34 new army cantonments are projected. Seventy two thous and eight hundred and three de fense housing units have been allocated. Seven hundred and eighty four defense Industry plants are in various stages of expansion. Shipyard building la being rushed, to complete the scheduled construction of 3400 ships In the shortest possible time. A great number of these are wood ships, including 210 minesweepers requiring Doug las fir keel timbers 108 feet in length. In all these and many other projects lumber is 'must' material, and they repre sent tremendous demand for other materials. 'The moral for the renting family is 'build now,' while ma terial are readily available and prices are good. The labor de partment s index of wholesale ; prices for the week ending April 3 shows a rise of only 0.3 point in the previous month for build ing materials, while two other major necessities of everyday life rose 4.3 and 4.6 points in the same period. Lumber price de creased in the week ending April S. Thia was in the face of the rapidly expanding defense demand coupled with normal spring increase in private build ing. The tens of thousands of buildlne industry will continue to make every effort to. maintain level price movement and to supply low-cost housing, but this in dustry with others must give national defense priority." The "Treasure" home pattern is offered by Western Homes Foundation this week a another in its series of minimum-cost home designs. These were cre ated by the building Industry to serve in the defense housing program. The exterior charm and interior convenience of the Treasure home are visualized in the illustrated elevation and floor plan. Note how cleverly corner window have been pro vided for every room. Like other In the series, this pattern may be easily adaptaed by local retail lumber dealer to meet It's Time To Re-Build, Remodel Repair! Tips From Garden Notebook By A Klamath Gardener Now is the time when most garden-minded folk are visualiz ing their summer gardens. And little planning now will save disappointment later. A really pretty spring garden is a diffi cult Job for the amateur gar dener, and no snap for a lot of us who consider that we have had sufficient experience to get better results. So many times it seems that something is bound to happen in our climate to spoil our fondest hope for spring gar den effects. This year a lot of us rushed the season a bit when we had those lovely days early in March, and seeds planted then, unless they bad diligent cj-e, did not do much. I have heard com plaint that perennial that should be looking 4nuch better than they are. Just seem to be standing stllL I think probably the reason for this 1 that we have depended on the moisture that we should have had, and which we usually get, but which did not come this year. I have heard discussions on the spring flowering bulbs, especially tulips, to the effect that they seem to bud and start blooming before they are more than a few inches high. Have a number like this myself, and have found that the cause is probably because the spring season has been so dry, and then those cold windy days did not help a bit. In protected places, the bulbs that have received sufficient moisture seem to be a lovely a ever. We can't all have the protected spots so then the idea would be to bring about these conditions ourselves, and the most important item is water. I know most of us have had the habit of depending on the weather, but this year even if it ha been cool and cloudy those spring bulbs should be watered, aa should also all the other plant that have lived in the garden all winter. This is a good time to plan for different garden effects and make some note, so that an other spring will find us with suggestions, and bare soots may be taken care of so that the ef fect can be remedied this fall when it is time to plant spring flowering bulbs. Spring is a period of bareness and high lights. The reason for this seeming high pitch is be cause the trees and shrubs are bare. They cast no shade and do j isfy individual tastes and needs, i A post-card request to Western I nomrs rounaauon, 304 aiuarc building. Seattle, Wash., will bring "Two Answer Books" on home building. (Eon joy FHA Loans A r available through Big Basin Lumber Company- Yeu need only 10s Of the total tost for Down Payment FHA Title II requires or to sat- not absorb any of the light, un let a spring garden is so ar ranged there is not the contrast of light and shadow that makes summer garden so charming To bring this charm to spring garden shadow must be pro vided one way or another, not only as a contrast and foil to the high light but a background. A evergreen and other plant keep their shadows at all times, it is a good idea to plan to have something of this sort. They may be used effec tively as background material whether a high or low effect is desired. Usually a natural effect is much more charming in a sp. ..ig garden than a more formal ef fect. Alio there is much more satisfaction in grouping types so that there are masses of color here and there, rather than half dozen of one kind in one place and another little dab some place else so that larger patches of something else and background growth will over balance the color effects. Vacation School Opening May 26 MERRILL May 28 has been set as the opening date for the annual vacation school for chil dren of St Augustine's church with daily classes to continue for a two-week period, it was announced Friday by Father James O'Conner. pastor. Classes for both primary and older children will be taught. Members of a family in Nice, southern France hav been born bald and remained hairless all their live, for the past 130 years. Lofts BIG ssaaaKBaaiaiaaaHBHBHaissaaaaBBMHsalahM, The SPRING INVASION !!; Art You Prepared with Screen Doors - Window Screens - Screen Hardware . j'l Call us for all your screen needs. ' i CamoUfa stock Lowest Prices ' I ii - . - - . KLAMATH VALLEY LUMRER CO: f , 36 FFA MEMBERS CORVALUS. April 28 W Thirty-six boys were announced Friday as qualifying for the state farmer degree at the thirteenth annual convention of the Future Farmers of America. Superior records plus oral ex amination at the convention were considered for qualifica tion. At the same time it was! announced that 21 of the state's 1 33 chapters met the rigid re-, quirementa for keystone classi fication. The state farmers rep-1 resent 24 chapters with Salem, Gresham, Albany and Scappoose leading with three winners each. 1 The state farmers include: j Jerry Lehman, Newberg; Frank 1 Harding, Rainier; Harvey Tofte, ! Dale Hoecker and Lloyd Sipe. , Gresham; Yasu Teramura, t Charles Dougherty, Oregon-City: ; Joseph Beno, Louis Oester, Carl ; Larsen, Scappoose; Gene Stock- i hoff. McMinnville; Bill Hille brand. Corvallis: Dale Hensstad. ! Amos Funrue, Silverton: Harry! Thienes, Eugene: Scott Wheeler, Lebanon; Dave Damseyer, Vern on Johnson, Loyle Satter, Salem; Robert Magee, Dayton; Homer Brewer, Adrian; Boyd Shelton. Halfway: Elden Wagenblast, The Dalles; Warren Cooley, Bob Oh- j ling, wmis buck, Albany; wuiis Bailey, Keith Searles, Enter prise; William Roner, Cottage Grove; Duane Clauson, Wallowa; Frank Trigg, Kenneth Ander son, Myrtle Point; Bill Duff, Pendleton; Richard Baum, Union. The keystone chapters Include: M O D E X The Modern Casein Paint Washable Self-sizing GOELLER'S 230 Mala Phen 8704 BASIN LUMBER CO. CAN SHOW YOU HOW! Strange as it may sound, you'll really Enjoy Working around A Home of Your Own An attractive new to living . . . and to keep it looking Even though you need pay only about $1.00 a day on the loan for a $5000 home, you are building up an equity that is worth dollars to you if you should decide to sell. Adrian, Albany, Amity, Corvallis, Cottage Grove, Daj ton, Dufur, Enterprise, Eugesssv Lakeview, McMinnville. MrrtM Point, Nestucca, Newberg, Nyssa, Pendleton, Salem, flcsppotqq, Silverton and Wallowa. . I LIGHT lAHDDia When reflnlshlng Interior 1 els with oil paint or vim tan. sandpaper lightly between i for best results. Flr-Tex i WorkmAsuhfp Quality materials with genuine craftsman results in satisfaction. That Home Lumber and loyaly Company's guarantee mm sjuel- Ity throughout, and tion. Call on na for supplies and service. MONTHLY PAt.T W j Home Lumber end Supply Co. house adds Mit mattes you want it best always. IUII.I . M III 2324 So. Ith PheMtlCfl FLIES Is On! Call HOME BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. Spring and Main Street Murphey's Seed Store LUMBER and SUPPLY CO. Pt,mS144 2324 Si. (th Phone 3141 422 Main St. Phone 4455 Uttttztttttttttti mttttrmttf