Kprft 1941' THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Prepare Batch of Cookies to Send to Draftee at Camp 1 sad year fTorlt eonerrlpt botn-mftde eoekles mapped Ilk this. . The Army boys cut well. In fct, fur better than largo pro portion of our American citi zenry. But Uie Army diet doesn't is In very heavily for sweets. Fruit cobblers, rlca pudding, ba nana pudding. Ice cream, some cake and doughnuts are tho usual desserts. II you plan to send your draftee son or husband, brother or boy-friend box of sweets, better msko a batch of cookies. Chocolate Is Uie most popular flavor with men. Select recipes that will pro duce good flavor, stay fresh a long time and bo easy to pack. Chocolate Chip Square (20 Squares) One-half cup siftrd flour, t teaspoon combination baking powder, I teaspoon salt, i cup sugar, 1 egg, well beaten, 1 tea spoon melted butter or other shortening. 2 teaspoon hot water, 3 3 cup broken nut meats, one 7-or. packago semi-sweet choco late chips. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift again. Add sugar gradually to egg. beating thoroughly. Add butter and water; then nuts and chocolate chips, mixing thor oughly. Add flour gradually, mixing well. Turn mixture Into 8x8x2-lnch pan which has been greased, lined with waxed paper, and again greased. Bake in slow oven (350 degrees F.) 23 to 30 minutes. Cool. Remove from pan. Cut In squares. Cocoanut Chocolate Chip Cookies (About SO Cookies) One-half cup butter or other shortening. I cup granulated sugar, i cup brown sugar, firmly packed. 1 egg. well beaten, 1 cup sifted flour, teaspoon salt. I teaspoon soda, one 7-oz. pack' age semi-sweet chocolate chips, i can southern style cocoanut, 1 teasDoon vanilla. Cream butter, add sugars grad ually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add egg and mix thoroughly. Sift flour once, measure, add salt and soda, and sift again. Add flour In two parts and mix well. Add chocolate chips, cocoanut and vanilla, and mix thoroughly. Drop from tea spoon on greased baking sheet 2 Inches apart. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) 10 to 12 minutes. Park In tin box. Menu BREAKFAST: Sliced ba nanas, crisp bacon, "enriched" bread toast, Jam, coffee, milk. LUNCHKON: Canned corn ed beef hash, hard rolls, sliced fresh pineapple with sliced oranges, tea, milk. DINNER: Casserole of veal chops In Spanish sauce, baked potatoes, spinach, stewed rhu barb, chocolate chip cookies, coffee, milk. Plan to Put Up Strawberry Preserves in Height of Season Strawberries are cheap now In many parts of the country. Soon thejr will be at the height of their season all over the coun try. Strawberry Preserves Method 1. Select large, firm, tart berries. Wash, drain, and remove caps. For each pound of fruit use 1 pound of sugar. Com bine the fruit and the sugar In alternate layers and let stand 8 to 10 hours or overnight before cooking. While heating to boil ing, sllr carefully. Boil rapidly for IS to 20 minutes or until the syrup la somewhat thick, taking care to prevent burning. Re move the scum. Pour at once Into hot, sterilized Jars and seal. Method 2. In this method the smaller, less-perfect berries are picked out to be used for Juice. Crush these berries, then stir them while cooking them for about 3 minutes. Strain. To each pound of choice prepared berries allow one-fourth cup of this Juice and 1 pound of augar. Add the sugar to the Juice, stir, and heat slowly until the sugar Is entirely dissolved. Drop the berries into the syrup, simmer for 3 to minutes, then boil rapidly for 10 or IS minutes, or until tho fruit is somewhat clear. Remove the scum. Allow the preserves to stand about 8 hours or overnight in a glass or porcelain bowl. Fill hot sterilized Jars three-fourths full with the drained berries, without reheating them. Boll the syrup rapidly until fairly thick, or to 221 degrees F. Pour the hot syrup over the berries and seal. Method 3, Sun Preserves. Strawberry sun preserves can be made only if there Is sufficiently hot sunshine to cause rapid evap oration. ! To each pound of choice pre-1 pared strawberries allow 1 pound of sugar and 1 teaspoon , of lemon Juice. Prepare a ayrup from strawberry Juice and sugar as described under method 2. Add the berries to the syrup and simmer for 3 to B minutes. Drain i the berries from the syrup and place about an Inch apart on ' shallow enameled pans or china platters. Boil the syrup until it la fairly thick; that Is, for about 10 minutes, or to 221 degrees F. , Remove the scum, add the lemon Juice, and pour the syrup In a thin layer over the berries Cover with window glass prop ped up about one -fourth inch from the pans. Place In the sun for 2 or 3 days or until the syrup has Jellied. Take Inside at night, and after each day's sunning turn the berries over. Without reheating, put the preserves Into hot sterilized Jars and seal. Menu BREAKFAST: Grapefruit Juice, oatmeal, toast, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON: Potato soup, whole-wheat rolls, mixed greens salad, nut cookies, tea, milk. DINNER: Tomato Juice, Southern chicken hash, corn bread, asparagus with butter, rice pudding with strawberry preserves, coffee, milk. Mai! in Iola Haley, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. Perry Haley, who will graduate June 2 from Ore gon State college where she has majored In dietetics, has re ceived word that she has been given an appointment as student dietician for one-year period in Boston general hospital, Bos ton, Mass. Miss Haley, a gradu ate of Malin high school will re port for duty on September 1 0. Mrs. Ella Alexander, mother of Mrs. Charles Hamilton, Is leaving Sunday for Canby where she will spend several weeks with a son. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kester vis ited the Red Bluff round-up last weekend. Mervyne Wilde was called to Bend a few days ago by the ill ness of his mother, accompany ing her to Portland for medical attention. Her condition proved to be not as serious as was first reported. Mrs. Halbert Wilson. Merrill, Is 111 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wilson. Juniors and seniors of the Ma lin high school will meet for their annual banquet Tuesday evening, April 29, in Klamath Falls. Hager The William Crumrlne family spent Sunday fishing at Fish lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dondy tnd daughter of Klamath Falls, were visitors here Tuesday eve- nlng. Those present at the aluminum j dinner Sunday evening at the George Kohlcr home were Mr. nd Mrs. Bob Bunyard. Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Mays and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Sampson J and son and Mr. and Mrs. George ' Reagan. Mr. and Mrs. George Reagan and two sons and daughter, went to Grants Pass Saturday. Mrs. Opal Warren. Mrs. Tar-1 water, Mrs. Elsie Million. Mr. Wimple. Mr. Shorr, all of Klam-, ath Falls, are working on the sorter for Jerry Short. I 5 JP-it m SATURDAY. MONDAY SPECIALS For the Best Canned Foods you ever tasted, be sure to ask for MONARCH America's Finest Canned Foods! MONARCH FRUITS MONARCH VEGETABLES KURLY KUT CARROTS, No. 2 tin 20c New and Tasty GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, No. 2 tin 3 for 50c LIMA BEANS, No. 2 tin 18c SLICED BEETS, No. 2 tin 2 for 27e HEARTS of ARTICHOKES, No. 2 tin 31e PEANUT BUTTER, 1-Lb. lor .. 25c SPICED CLING PEACHES, .. Halves, No. 2'i tin 29c SLICED PINEAPPLE, No. 2'i fin 23c PEACHES, No. 2i 23c tin ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES, No. 1 tin 20c GRAPEFRUIT, No. 2 tin ..'....3 for 50c BARTLETT PEARS, No. 2Vx't ,.28c GOOSEBERRIES In syrup, No. 2 tin 25c Old Fashioned Free-ttone PEACHES, No. 2'i tin 28e Can and Mapl SYRUP '..Qt. jor 49c Take advantage of these low weekend prices, and if you can't get In yourself, shop by phone. We will select your order with all the care that you would use yoi i rsnlf. Four Free Deliveries Doily. Diol 3129. Ivory Soap 07 Medium , S Bars1 Bisquick 28' Large size ' Swonsdown " CAKE FLOUR W Junket Quick Fudge Pkg 15c Nubora and Dish 49c Canada Dry Products, Quarts 15e plus deposit. 27 Krlspy Crackers 2 Lb. Pkg Calumet Baking Powder 1Q l-Lb. . Tin 1 Matches Ol S Box Carton Dole Pineapple, No. 1 tin 2 for 25c Crushed or Tidbits. Pink Salmon, No. 1 tall 19c Jello C All flavors Swift's Silver Leaf Lard CT 4 Lb Pineapple No. 2 4 Tin .2 for Dole Broken Slice Ivory Flakes 22c Vienna Sautag....3 for 20c Wheoties .'. 2 pkgi. 23c 35 April 2J IJ SPECIAL VALUES Friday Thru' Monday, Thru' April 2( lkl DI MoB Colden Bantam LUliM " m Cm TOMATOES Not to you perhaps, but it is to us. For nta reason. Safeway makes many savings in distribution costs and it is our policy to pass them on to you by pricing every item of the lowest point costs w'M permit. Further more, while Safeway does not believe in selling below cost we will meet such prices if others moke them.- All to tho end of earning your confidence that Safeway prices are always low ofwoys right to tho penny every day on every Hem. That's why penny is a lot of money to us and why you eon bo sura of savings I when you shop at Safeway. Gardenslde Standard ... PEACHES Highway, Ho. 14 Tins CORN FLAKES Alber's l-os. Packages 3 - 25c 4 4 - 30c Case $1.71 2 - 25c 3- 14c Tomato Juice 8onny Dlwn Pineapple Juice D1 , cn. Shortening Keen , 4(-os. Can Lb. Pkg. 75c lOe 35c AIRWAY COFFEE Mb. pkg 13e 3-lb. pkg- 37e Edwards Mb. con 23c 2-lb. can 45c Kitchen Craft FLOUR 49-lb. sack .3 for 20 3 1.59 Cudahy's TANG Prepared Meat Easy to Prepare- Easy to Eatl 12-es. Can 19c MILK, Cherub, tall cans DOG FOOD, Play Fair, No- 1 cans for 25 NOODLE SOUP, Hormel Chicken Noodle, 16-oz. cons 3 for 25a BEANS. Small Red 5-lb. pkg. 29c PEAS, Sugar Belle, No. 2 con, fancy 2 for 25c CUT BEANS, Briargata, No. 2's 11 SPINACH, Emerald Bay, No. 2'i cans 2 for 25c APRICOTS, Del Monte whole unpeeled No. IV can 15a GRAPEFRUIT, Clenn Aire, No. 2 can lie FRUIT COCKTAIL, Sundown, No. 1 can 10c PEACHES, Castle Crest, No. 22 cons 2 for 29 PRUNES, Diamond A, No. 214 cans 2 for 25c PRUNES, Del Monte, Medium size 2-lb. pkg. 15c SARDINES, California, Tomato, Mustard, oval cans 3 for 25 SHRIMP, Small dry, 5-oz. can 10c SYRUP, Lumberjack, 5-lb. can 47c APPLE BUTTER, Kerr's, 27-oz. Jar 19c DEVILED MEAT, Llbby's, No. Va cans 3 for 10c BAKING POWDER, K C 25c can.. Itc BROOMS, 4-sew durable Each 29c BABY FOODS, Cerber's strained or chopped 4 for 25c TEA, Canterbury 0 P, Vi-lb. pkg. 25c HERSHEY Chocolate Bars Large Slse Milk, or Almond For 25c String Beans f Garden Bide He. 2 tins 4 fM 30c Case 24 tins 11.75 CORN Highway. : Golden Bajrtam No. 2 tins 4,0,30 c Case 24 Una ll.7 PEAS Garden Side No. 303 Has 4 , 30c Case 24 tins 11.73 Pancake Flour. Harvest Blossom 94b. Bsg 39c Sun-Maid Raisins Hector 15-os. Pkg. . 7c SUPER SUDS, Concentrated,, Blue Pkg. 24-o. Pkg. RINSO, 23Vi-oz. Package -2 for WESSON OIL Qt Con MONSTER GUM DROPS, 1-lb. pkgs ......2 for SALTED SODAS, New Leoder 2-lb. pkg. LOOSE WILES Krispy Crackers, -2-lb. pkg. EGG NOODLES, Sunrise, 14-o. pkg. 19c 35c 39c 23c 15c 27e 14c MAY DAY Salad Oil Mazola Oil . 39c KARO SYRUP SAFEWAY rn1 35c if f fHf fin l7HQllil Er,fy PUrthaM Sofeway m"H ij J A W ViXilil I 1 l'jr 3 must please you always or all ; V iT"" (3D your money refunded without que- BEEF Lb : I I I II I J Swift's Premium skinned. JQs naiilS Half or whole X. WW Bologna. Frankfurters or Liver Sausage ib. 19c Asst. Lunch Meats Halibut Fresh sliced Lb. 19c DStkSai 8u" Cur,d' 'wA 10s rlClllCaitollb. average.... Lb. 1W PORK All cuts from grain-fattened young porkers- Lb. 25c 1 Lb, 19c Chops . Steaks Links Pur ttorlt Mtiiaae Lb. Sausage Pur.pork 2lbi.29c Lard . Fresh rendered 19c 4,b..29c Cut from fancy steer beef. Plan your meal around Beef Roast and you wilt find it always enjoyable. Beef Roasts Blade Cuts '-... Lb. Short Bibs of Steer Beef 17V2C Lb. 14c Sirloin Steaks grain-fattened 971 steers Lb. Ground Beef 2 lbi. 29c Ground Fresh Sally From No. 1 Beefc Jam-OreAk Prcduce! Spinach....3lbs.l0c Luge. Tender Leeres New Potatoes 6 u, 1 7c U. S. He. 1 White Shatters Asparagus 2 17c No. 1 Fancy Medium Grass 2 lbs. 15 Radishes Ib. 6c Red or White Tipped Rhubarb .... lb. 5c Ideal for Pies and Sauces Bananas . . . . Ib. 6c Golden Ripe Fruit Strawberries 2be.N19c Fresh Datlr br Express Duchess Salad Dressing 32-es. Jar Catsup ig&JOc B9sB9sfeifeifeMBBM Nu Made Mayonnaise 32-os. Jar .. 356 J MEAT PRICES FOR SATURDAY ONLY