. tronv DDPICID 100 GREEN SEEDS Mr. Dangerous Oanny Mc Shain and Mr. Machiavelli Lit lard, both earnest gentlemen though afflicted with the wrestl ing business, appeared in our office the other mor.i to pass the time of day. Brushing lightly over tha weather, war. and the wages of Mr. Unnamed Character' sin. the conversation soon veered as It inevitably would to Dude Chick anJ the Tues day niuht Armageddon in which Mr. Dangerous Danny was tossed quickly but con vincingly by the cowboy's whirler. Machiavelli offered the opin ion that Dangcious fhould de fend his somewhat recently ac quired Pacific Coast Junior heavyweight belt a strictly 18 karat girdle, we're told inas much as the burder. of evidence indicated be was not quite the best eraDnler in the?" parts. Dangerous, absently straight ening an irish-g.een four-in-hand guttering bra-ely against his candy -stripca snirv aunos im mediately agreed surprisingly albeit not heartily. The dapper Irishman thought, however, that inasmuch as his dei"at was not particularly convincing to Mc Shain, he should be beaten again before risking his curly-haired champions neck. To this Mackiavelli. never one to kick opportunity in the teeth, readily agreea. But he. too. had a proviso. Danny, it appears, bad on at least two occasions in the past, prom ised but not delivered and Magical Mack was a little fear ful that the dangerous one would, to put it bluntly, skip if be lost. This would of course leave Machiavelli holding a bagful of uncrowned champion, a com modity which never has been looked upon with anything more than askance. To remedy this highly possible situation, Mr. Dangerous Danny then exhibited his true blue (tinged ever so slightly with gold and mint-green). Dangerous of fend, without even being asked, to post a forfeit guaranteeing bis appearance in tha old armory ring at 8:30 one week from next Tuesday night if he should un accountably lose to Cowboy Dude Chick in their coming bout this next Tuesday. Danny asked bow much. Machiavelli said S0 would do. so the well-attired Irish man dug. He dug deeply. He dug out from his black and white hounds-tooth trousers complete with pleats a roll which glittered and leered at to. Mr. McShain began to count He counted to SO aod kept on eounting. The count reached 75 (McShain is an exptrt at count ing) and continued. When the ount rose to 100 md the roll till appeared intac. we all hol lered enough. (McShain has quite a holler). Dangerous then peeled off the 100 towels and with a mirthless, challenging laugh (ha-ha) handed them to us. We grasped them with a sweating palm ana the deal was dosed. Thus it is that Mr. Dangerous WHY SHOP M0UMO7 Mat M QUAIITY-A tml vhiiker for 6 fmars aed atada rhs qaalitr war. Vm ftr rO IN TatTI-Hara roe tried Cob Ochard Uuljt It'i richer, araootricf. aaaa derfallraaa. Lowmpsricg 90c $1 7E PINT 111 J 1 QOanft ironv . sTfraaf? . Camilli Beats Bees Dodgers Bet on latter To Cop Homer Crown; Cardinal Defeat Reds - By PAUL SCHEFFELS United Press Correspondent The fire of baseball optimism burns no brighter than in a Brooklyn Dodger breast so it oc casioned little surprise Friday when a poll of the team revealed a majority believed Dolph Ca mill! will win the National league homer-hitting title for 1941. Twenty-eight Is the most homers for Dolph In any single season and he hit that total with the Philadelphia Phillies in 1936. He hit 23 last season, with his first homer a year ago Fri day. He's now far ahead of that schedule and leading both major leagues with five. Hit! The Dodgers went hitless against Manuel Salvo Friday un til Camilli hit a homer in the fifth and opened the way to a 5-0 victory over the Boston Bees at Ebbets field. A five-run rally In the ninth. featured by Morris Amovich's three-run triple, brought the New York Giants from behind to a 7-4 triumph over the Phillies. The St. Louis Cardinals got 13 hits off three pitchers to defeat the Cincinnati Reds. 8-4, and snapped the champion's five game winning streak. The Chicago Cubs snapped a three-game losing streak by beating the Pittsburgh Pirates, 8-7. Three-Hitter In the American league. Ernie Bonham tossed a three-hitter as the pace-making New York Yankees defeated the Washing ton Senators. 6-0. Dick Newsome. rookie right hander making his first major league start, held the Philadel phia Athletics to five hits as the Boston Red Sox halted their four-game losing streak with a 5-1 triumph that boosted them into a second-place tie with the Cleveland Indians. Cleveland turned back the Chicago White Sox. 5-3. Detroit outslugged the St. Louis Browns to win. 12-11. Rudy York's single with loaded bases in the ninth put Detroit ahead to stay. NATIONAL LBACUt K. R. E. Vr Tortt 7 t Philadelphia . 4 Sdmntacritr, Brown and Daaaiaf; Blaa ten. laomlla ud UrlngabaM. Vxttm - 4 I BrookJm ft 7 a. I to. Lamaana, Johaaoa ut Brrt; Higb ud Ovta. K. af. E. rMeso a t i Pltuburih 7 It t Dtia. Haffrn.btr.ttT. PrMineU. McCot. Pig and McCnlkiufh: Bovnua, Bistxei Btu. Loaning ud Dittf, Ctnrtnmti , 4 t I St. Louu it I Thompson. Z. Kiddle. Htehtno ud Lom bard!. Witt; Waraeie. Hutcniotoa ud W. Cooper. A MIR I CAN LIAQUf R. H. E. Waibbifton . 0 i t j tw lorlt lonard. And-rioa aad FerrelL Early: BoahajB aad Dicarv. Philadelphia uoion Knott. R. Jobaaoa and Uaica: Xewaotae aad rtlak. ClcT.laod S 19 S S 10 1 Chlraao . Raahv. H.rlnc. rdlar aad Hcauln: L- oea aad Tmh. St. Louis 11 li 1 Ctmit IX S S Harrii. Galeboim. Kramer. OftermuH- It. All-n and svirt. tiruhe; Gorilca, hle- aais. aratoa ana leooeti. Danny McShain. the world's Pacific Coast Junior Heavy weight champion, r.d Cowboy Dude Chick will grapple next week for gold and opportunity and the next week, if McShain falls again, for gold and glory. We can not help but look forward. (Don't worry, Daniel. I placed the towels in the bank). TIONESTA The school chil dren are eagerly anticipating the track meet to be held at Alturas on May 7, in which they are to participate. Every school in the county will be represented, but as yet there has been no decision as to who or in which events students will be sent from Tionesta. There is to be two classes, class A for the bigger entrants, and class B for the smaller, since students from the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades are eligible. CAMERA FANS Any 6 Of I Exp. Roll of Films DEVELOPED and PRINTED 25c Reprints 3c Each MINIATURE FILMS Fine Grain Developed 25c 4 en a Strip 5c Enlarged to 3 4x5 5c El. Carmichael's Newsstand 10th and Main Pelican Trackmen Victors At Bend Relay Tournament KUHV'B n Team Set For Alturas Javelin Throw Decides Meat tor Local at End Of Lava Boar Tourney BEND The top half of Coach Paul Deller's 1941 Klamath high track team Friday after noon strode out on the Bend cinder paths and strutted off victors. Pelicans won the meet which saw competition by Klam ath, Bend. Redmond. Maupin. and Hill Military, piling up 31 points. Bend came a close second with 30 counters, Redmond took 33. Maupin 8. and Hill 7. The last event Javelin throw was the one that decided I things for the reucans. uergiou and Bocchi. both of Klamath Falls, took third and fourth places respectively. Results: im xi. ath vn it wrua. bhwm: tint 10J: Mrira. R.dnKWKi. aaonad; Bur n.tt. Klanala ralla, third; Aadcraoa. B.ad, flahd. hit Tiurdl MrCandllrat. Klam ath r'all.: tim 1.: Kka. Brad, -olid: Rrtnalu. KlaaMta 1'alla, third; Baa. trll. fourth. Sprint aitdl. Band. Tim 1:4?.: Klam ath rail. atcoadi Kaaaaoad. third: H01. t0X-milV rlar-Bnd. Tim. :U.t: Hill. osd: Klamath ralla. third; Krdmufid. fourth. Shotout Bad. Total dlitaar HI 4 ft for thn mo. Klamath rait. od: Maapla. third: Kedatoad. fourth. l. rtly acotnoao. nm. ' J Klamath TOW. aacead; HIU. Ulrd: Bead, fourth. Broad lump Klamath Valla (Jlc"and- U--3 fr.t j larfcaa). Rrdmond. aacuad: Brad, third: Maupta, fourth, i. mil. r.lar R.nri. Klamath Valla. oad: Rodmoad. third: Hill, fourth. Javrtln Maupla. Ntd. areuad; Klam ath ralla. third aad fourth. roothall ahuttl r.la R'dmoad- Klaai atfa ralla. aeeoad; Baail. third. The balance of this year s Klamath thinclads Saturday will journey to Alturas for the an nual 20-30 ciub rr'ys at tne Northern Caliiorni crossroads. The locals will be competing with about 25 choo.s from this section of Oregon ai d the north ern part of the neighboring state. A near-record entry 1st has been compiled to fight Mr the nine trophies and score of medals offered by the Altuians. Advices from Alturas indicate perfect track corditions will grtet competitors. The new Modoc field is repu'ed to be one of the hardest, fastest tracks in that section of the state and has a 220-yard stra.ghtavay. The youth organuation has planned an archer, exhibition during the mee. and dance for contestants Saturda. evening. Courthouse Records FRIDAY Justice Court Abby Henry, drunk on . pub lic highway. Fined $10. Royde Chocktoot, drunk on a public highway. Fined $10 or five days. Committed to jail. State versus Morris Shad duck, unlawful selling of alco holic liquor. Jury trial in pro gress. TAHOE SHOOTER SETS CAL RECORD SAN FRANCISCO, April 25 (U.PJ William LaMarr of Tahoe City shot a total of 281 out of a possible 300 In rapid and timed fire events Thursday to take first honors and establish a new record in the annual pistol competition of the Cali fornia state fish and game war dens. BASEBALL STANDINGS AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 8 4 .687 Cleveland 6 4 .600 Boston 6 4 .600 Chicago 4 4 .500 Detroit 4 4 .500 Philadelphia 4 4 .400 St. Louis 2 4 .333 Washington 3 7 .300 NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 8 2 .800 Brooklyn 8 4 .667 St. Louia 6 3 .667 Cincinnati 8 5 .500 Chicago 4 4 .500 Boston 4 7 .364 Pittsburgh 3 .333 Philadelphia 2 9 .182 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE (After Thursday Games) W. L. Pet. Sacramento San Diego Seattle Hollywood .... Oakland ...14 ...12 ...12 ... A 8 ... 7 5 6 6 9 11 12 13 .737 .867 .667 .500 .421 .353 San Francisco Portland 5 .278 1 Fii: i.'.M.riMfiriJ.ffTirm OXFOliD flftT aMOH VrflM HPS A aaOWt 22 mi. warn mnanmm fr PAGE TEN Pelicans Get Two Seattle Players Pitcher Burdick, Catcher Satra Released by Pacific Coast Champs Baseball prospects were glowing much brighter Friday for supporters of the State league Klamath Pelicans with the an nouncement by Secretary-Treasurer Earl Brooks that Pitcher George Burdick and Catcher Don Satra, recently released by the Seattle Rainier of the Pacific Coast league, would soon be in uniform for the local diamond aquad. Torchy Torrance S"cretary of the Coast league champions, , CFi i,,,.,! veteran a:.d the new-teUpra-r to Brooks; ..lr. Piirhlne riuti-i su;cd in that these two yountj fellows are . Crapo, Carl Read ai.ft Jack Dur f Ine prospects and should prove ,cha is capable of f Ming the bill valuable to the Pelicans who are i ,t the initial sack Crapo and this year taking their initial stab at membership in the Oregon State Baseball league, a circuit believed to be one o' the fastest semi-pro conference in the Northwest. Jones Expected ine aanmon oi uiraicn ana Satra probably wil bolster the mound and backstt-p situation j consiaeraoiy. . a e r rtvu , oauutia iiaa uvrii aurn he should have to fall back en tirely on Reliable C'ydc Carl- sirom, veteran rignmanacr wno;M Carlstrom may ll see some has been the mai.-.stay of thejduty , ,he our g,.,rdent pitching corps of t!ie now do-, funct Klamath Red Sox of the ; Northern California league forjWebrOOt CogerS the last several seauns. r -1 j . . I f An Athena. Ore., Youth named Don Jones, released Wednesday by the Saiem Seni'crs of the Western International league, was expected to arrive in Klam ath Friday to join tne Pelicans. Jones, reportedly an rx-Whitman college shortstop, tv.ll be sta tioned at that pos. ion in the Pelican inficid. -tuording to present indications There was mucL 'sDeculation Friday as to what lineup Man- agei Sanders would start against "Hoosier Hof'ard'3 Medford Rogues in Sunday's practice en gagement at Recreation park. Probably the cnti'e squad of about 20 men will he seen in action during the course of the afternoon. First Base Problem Catching a&i.gnmints will probably go to Lawrence Grang- jf "RESERVE V W 1L jy ineAmerican Whiskey . 1 fl You know the rare quality that makes Calvert II J-, VI ill ; 1 H ''im. a "Special America's most popular whiskey. But II WirnpiW, I j ll " J have you ever usted the "Reserve'! bottling of V.' aj ad It. V Hi r )H lM p this famous brand? Now on sale in Oregon, it V) 61cnbUJhisVcT' W r 1 11 V is whiskey at its finest-superb in flavor, char. II Oi anions tAat uuuai If tf lM LI aaersnd brilliance. A worthy Ambassador from I V tmoottn,, an yraiyhy Souauct ti l 4;'j . 3 jj S the mellow South to the great Northwest. Just U V JOf&tuiyiolieccruioiuuir ijl ty$J - r" B tatt Calvert "Reserve"! tt , luaotD t somto w Iwi W'l M';3 f ziP-i" k . .i1T?iIfoaBT,UIHOeX JW W ' I NOW ON SALE IN OREGON " JM 3 j -j5 quar$275 n I April 26. 1941 will be handled by Carlstrom and Burdick alone with Bill Newman, another rrvrult In the Pelican camp. First base is qul'.o a problem wltn Sanders since any one of four men, Anthol Riney Paul Duracha may altei'ate there with the other two t-xpectcd to see action in the outfield. Ernie tJunop. fonier Pioneer i league performer, is almost a 1 fixture at second base while Don 1 Jone piobabiy will team up itn him t ,,ortslop , form tne keystone combination. Earl Brooks or Jack Lloyil wi open t tnjrd m Sunday encounter Marshall Eyrstone, Paul Ber nadou. Read and Rmey as well jincuuio ugracn EUGENE. April 25 rP The University of Oregon will be rep resented at Madison Square gar den's basketball opener next December for the fourth con secutive year, according to a de cision handed down by the Uni versity of Oregon athletic board I at a meeting here Wednesdav ' ' night. The board approved Coach Howard Hobson's recommenda tion to accept an invitation for the 1942 Oregon hoopsters to play in the New York city pavi lion, December 13, the opening date of the garden's hoop pro gram, probably against Long Is land university. The Webfoots will also play in Buffalo, December 11, and in Philadelphia, December 15. Oth er dates will be arranged later ' BLENDED WHISKEY CiWcft "Rctenr": 86.8 Sacs Blank Seattle, 4-0. In North Beavers Thump Padres 7-3; Seals Beat Oaks In 10th; Start Beat L. A. SEATTLE. April 2J (UP) A four-hit pitching performance by George Munger tonight en abled the league-lending Sacra mento Solons to blank Seattle 4-0 for their third victory in four starts here. It was Munger's second shut out this year. Syl Johnson, Seat tle pitcher, allowed only seven hits but wus hampered by sloppy support which permitted two unearned runs. Portland. April 2S (UPV Portland's Heavers trailed 2 to 1 going into the fourth inning here tonight and then turned on the steam to thump the San Diego Padres of the const league 7 to 3. Dannie Escobar pulled the game out of the fire In the lust half of the fourth when he blasted a homer with two men on base to shove the Heavers Into a 4 2 lead. SAN FRANCISCO. April 25 (UP San Francisco came from behind three times to tie Oak land and ultimately win out in the 10th Inning tonight. 5 to 4. in a Pacific Coast league base ball game. It gave the Seals a three to one margin In the ser ies. HOLLYWOOD. April 25 (t'P The Hollywood Stars stinted a ninth inning rnlly tonight tn de feat the Los Angeles Angels, 7 to 8. in the Intraeity baseball series at Gilmore field racirio coabt issout ii Uanamaate . , 7 hratll. t Min.r had Marshall; John and Campbrll. It. H. W a rtro . fwlLnd SaU.1.1: Hilrhrr and lla n.kle.H San I'r.nrlam ripn-n nl r.wimr Balluu and ocrud-.a kt. (10 Inalflli. R. n. r tnt-le 1 1 3 1I..H....-I . . , 7 i: a Ht.-tt. Bern, and Collin: rhbura. Blt tarr. J.ilnrr, llaaw, and llai.prr. Fort Andrews is located at Boston Harbor, Mass. When in Medtord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anne Earley Proprietors Proof-65 Grain Neutral Spirit!. Between Them: I -. V- -i.':-'. -vi Joe DlMauoio Hall), and Joe kee sluggers accounted for an homers between them In nine games prior to meeting up with Rookie Pitcher Letter McCrabb at Philadelphia. McOrabb held DlMag hltless for the first time In 27 straight gamas. including 19 spring contests. Cordon gat a single olt McCrabb. but the Yanks lost I S. 'The Dean of -sr-TJsass si ' j . I . LIONEL "HANK" HANKINS ! Mr. Llonal Hanklns Is now tune-up specialist at the Marshall Cornell Co.'a completely modern service garage. Mr. Hanklns is a graduate of the Sun Motor Tune. up school and several service schools in Portland. He is thor oughly familiar with every type of motor tune-up dilliculty lound in present day automobiles, and haa the lateat avail able equipment at bis disposal to correct these dif (icultiea. The Marshall Cornell Co. Invites you to bring your car to "Hank" Hankins, the "Dean of Motor Tune-Up." for an analysis by one who is truly a specialist in this line of work. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT ALL TIMES Marshall Cornett Co. Sr.ia statMMi Opn Suntfart and samnaa Calvert Distillers Corporation, New York Seven Homers 1 1 Cordon (riant). New York Yan Tune - Up Men' Old Ttr - llh and Mlamarh City ;