PAGE res THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON Masitka SltafU and SltOfU i 0' I NLY a Tory small percent al of tht women In the world can make personal visits to the Helena Rubln- itein Salon In New York City ... So, to make one of the moat important treatment! avail' able to everybody, the Rubin stein Salon hai put out the Beautilift Masque . . . And you can sive yourself a luxurious aalon Masque treatment at home. To use it, you fit over your face a specially treated pale pink silk Jersey, designed to the basic muscle structure of the face This is the Beautilift Masque ... It must be dipped into the special tightening Beautilift Lo tion before It is fitted over the face and throat ... An adjust able nose piece is provided for eye lines. Wear it while you take a bath, read or work around the house M. . . . All the time you'll feel the exhilarating "lift" effect double chin, flabby throat, re laxed facial muscles all respond to the treatment. If Works Wonders When you untie the masque. you'll notice that the look of weariness has gone from your face . . . Your complexion smoother . . And repeated treatments once or twice we will iron out expression lines from nose to mouth, afound your eyes and on your forehead. The Beautilift Masque and Lotion are $5.00 . . . And an extra large Lotion refill is $2.50. But for the full treatment . With Herbal Cleansing Cream. to cleanse and stimulate your akin, and Eau Terte. to stimu late it more . . . The Beautilift Masque and Lotion, and Twin Night Cream No. 3 . . . You should get the complete treat ment set, which is 510.00 Helena Rubinstein products are available at Currin's For Urugs. - r UTEDNESDAY when I was I in Garcelon's 1 found Pat If Livingston getting ready II to put up a banner that read: "England Delivers the Goods" . . . Which, she told me, meant that the store has Just leceivea another b:g shipment vi opoue Gaicekm's has about a dozen araerent patterns of Sriode . And the nice thing about getting it here is that you can pay for wuue you use It. She's fixing up a beautiful window . . . Showing all the different patterns of Spode set for a table, with Harmonizing luicrwira ana gias.ware. jSeauty SUop. SOME ct my friends have gotten the idea that the only permanent the Medical Dental Beauty Shop gives ia the Creme Oil machine less wave . . . Well, it Isn't . . . Ruby Engel told me the other day that she still has a special price on Mondays for the won derful Oil of Redwood perman ent . . . It's usually SS.OO, but on Mondays it's only $3.50. The Creme Oil machlneless wave, which reconditions the hair while it waves, is $5.00 all the time. The shop's phone number is t u located 'n back of the barber shop on the main floor. Saturday ia the first day of the halt price sale on Helena Rubinstein's Water Lily Cleans ing Cream . . . The cool, light textured cream that Is made for Summer use . . . During the sale you get the regular $2.00 sue for $1.00 . . . I'll write more about it next week. OREGON V EWS E XTRA SESSION OVER DEFENSE THAT a country! ... But ' it keeps you from getting bored with the weather . . . And then you can always find something in teresting to talk about concern ing the weather in the Klamath country ... In many places. people weather-talk because there ton t anything else to say. Wednesday morning I bought a new pair of shoes . . . They were so cute I wore them out of the store into the beautiful sunshine . . . But April Fool! . . By noon the rain was com ing down in great splashes, so I opened up the package con taining my old pumps ana changed shoes . . . Then in the afternoon when I came down town again, I kept my old shoes on . . . And was I sorry I Thursday morning dawned bright and warm . . . But did I trust the weather? . . . No . . . I wore my old shoes ... April Fool again. It's getting near the end of April, however. Caii Sid AfxpiiatoU NE nice thing about going to a new store ... Or one that has put in completely new departments ... Is that all the merchandise the newest ant latest in style. You'll f it.d that's true at East Side Appliances, which added 0 SALEM, April 24 P There Is a strong possibility that the Oregon legislature win hold a special session within the next year to consider defense legisla tion. Speaker of the House Rob ert S. Farrell Jr., said today after returning from a vacation trip to Washington, D. C, "If the country gets much closer to war," Farrell said, "Oregon probably would have to adopt defense legislation in or der to cooperate with the fed eral government. Several con gressional leaders said they be lieved a special session of the Oregon legislature, as well as legislatures of other states, would be necessary." The next regular session will be in January, 1943. Farrell said the 14-member Industrial development commit tee, authorized by the recent legislature, might have a report ready within the next year. The committee will study methods of attracting new industries to Oregon, and will attempt to learn whether Oregon taxes have Influenced some industries in go ing to Washington state. If the committee has a good program that would result in new industries locating in Ore gon, Farrell said, "the logical thing to do would be to hold a special session to adopt the com mittee's recommendations. Then we could start as soon as pos sible - on our campaign to get new industries." President of the Senate Dean H. Walker and Farrell were busy today working on interim com mittees, including the industrial development committee. Person nel of these committees will be announced in a few days. Seniors to Done Bruno Kennell-EUIs Bruno R. V. Guerretas. Mrs. Lynn Moor and J. M. Ouerrotaa ei the Interstate Business colleo. who hav chara of th dance for high school seniors to be held Friday night. Britons Grumble at Recent Setbacks in Balkan Area furniture, rugs, bedding and such things about six weeks ago . . Everything is the most mod ern available . . . There s no stock left over from last year or two years ago, because the store didn't carry home furnish ings at that timet East Side Appliances carries Fashion Flow furniture . Which is famous all over the country even if it IS made in Portland ... It is beautifully made, with massive construction and flowing lines . . . The kind that is very, very popular now. For Modern Homes You'll find dining room suites for the small home at this store. too . . . Most dining rooms are so small that they can't accom modate the big tabies and wide buffets of most sets ... I saw dining room suites at East Side Appliances that are just the thing for the smaller homes of today . . . Both modern and period designs . . . Larger ones. too, of course. And if you're looking for a davenport-bed, and don't like what you've seen, don't forget that East Side Appliances car ries the famous Davenola . , , Which looks just like a big, mas sive davenport and makes up into a big bed. And now I hear that sales of beach clothes and play togs so far this year have greatly ex ceeded sales by this time last year . . . That a for the whole United States. ex- Gossamer-thin Jersey is pected to be very oomilar for afternoon dresses this coming Summer ... It takes shirrinc beautifully and drapes in a most flattering way. Spring Dance Stared At Reames Saturday One of the gayest affairs of the week will be the spring dance to be given by members of Reames Golf and Country club at the clubhouse this com ing Saturday night. Herb Coch ran's orchestra will play and supper will be served at mid- nigni. uancing will start at 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Hennr Cerber are chairmen of the dance, as- uira oy jwr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Cornett, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Med ford and Mr. and Mrs. J. Royal Shaw. Hudson seal is dyed muskrat fur. FIRST WOMAN JOURNALIST An American, Mm. Anne Roy all, was not only the first wo man journalist, but the first of her sex to own and edit a news paper, and the first professional "interviewer" of eitner sex, HEATED TO ORDER On St. Helen's Island, in the St. Lawrence river at Montreal, picnickers secure boiling hot water for their tea gratis from scattered park kitchens. WITHOUT DAMAGES A 1938 law in tamoa states that it is your own fault if a cocoanut falls on your head. The lw further prevents you from suing for damages. STATE DEPUTY OF KC TO VISIT HERE State Deputy T. A. Wlndishar of the Oregon jurisdiction of the Knights of Columbus, will make an official visit to Klamath Falls Sunday, May 27, announced Otto J. Smith, state treasurer of the KC. The occasion will be that of a jointly sponsored program for conferring the major degree of the order, in which the coun cils of Bend, Medford. Lakeview and Klamath Falls are partici pating. Accompanying Windl shar on this trip will be Special Agent A. L. Elvin. representing the insurance division of the Su preme Office Knights of Colum bus. The Incas practiced skull sur gery in prehistoric times. When an injury resulted in pressure on the brain, they sawed out a piece of the skull, and often these oper ations were successful. By HARRY L. PERCY United Press Correspondent LONDON, Thursday, April 24 (UP) Newspapers and the peo ple of Britain generally today were grumbling at British set backs in the Balkans and Greece. Increasingly vigorous demands were being made for a clear explanation from the gov ernment. King George VI and Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill had a long conference in Buck ingham palace yesterday as the capital heard reports the British expeditionary force in Greece might try to escape to Crete and other islands of the Aegean sea The position of the govern ment, however, did not appear to be one of Imminent peril since Churchill Indicated In commons Tuesday he would make a statement about the sit uation as soon as it had been clarified by more complete re ports from the men In charge. With opposition definitely de veloping in parliament it was believed the prime minister would hold his own, at least for a time, against attacks by such veteran campaigners as David Lloyd George, liberal; former War Minister Leslie Hore Beli- sha, liberal national: Emmanuel Shinwell, laborite, and the Earl of Winterton, conservative. All these statesmen were be lieved whetting their knives for the prime minister but it was not believed their opposition would assume dangerous propor tions for at least a month, un less new disasters hit the nation. As for the people generally they were beginning to realize the forces of the empire prob ably will be compelled to quit Greece sooner than expected be cause of the collapse of the Greek northern army. And the news came as a shock, followed by noticeable anger. The traditional man-ln-the- strcet was descending to knowi why allied plans again had fail ed particularly in view of Churchill's announcement at the start of the Balkan campaign the government had "complete confidence" in th plans of the general staff. It was admitted, too, that dis satisfaction waa spreading throughout the empire. Especial ly in Australia the position of Prime Minister Robert G. Men lies' government was reported gravely endangered on the grounds Australian home auth orities were not consulted before Australian forces were sent from Africa to Greece. STOP FOREST FIRES E On Friday, April 25 th ttti dents and faculty of the Inter state Busint'ss college are spon soring a dunce for the seniors of the Klamath county high schools anil surrounding com munities a, the boil room of the Willard hotel. Alt th seniors and former student of Inter state Business college hav been mailed Invitations which they will be required to show at the door. An Invitation will admit a senior and a friend. The management of the col leg believes that this danc will give the seniors of the Klamath brsln an oupurtunity to become acquainted, and at the same time afford II em an eve ning of pleasant entertainment. The dance will become an an nual affair If the seniors this year show sufficient Interest. It is to be a ' !icyl hey! dnnce" with calico dreurs and cords or over alls th rule, and the most ap propriately dressed girl wll be crowned the "Callo Queen" by Mayor Houston. Emil iltizald s five-piece orchestra will furnish th music If any senior In th baain or former student of th colleaa. did not receive an Invitation, he may call at the college for one. Champion Named In Crochet Test PORTLAND, Or., April 24 (UP Relentless drlv and a techniqun polished by 30 years of practice carried Mrs. Peter Harta to victory in Portland's first niajoi Icngut crocheting contest Saturday. She won th tltlu of "Lady Nimble-Pincers.' and a K'5 prize, by crocheting a total of 81 arallupa In th allntrd lima to 75 by Parbara Dracanuvlch, her nearest rival. A field of 109 women and on male, Albert Schubach, com peted. Not one of the women In the contest uttered a sound but Schubach put his fett on a chair and chatted freely, n finished far down In th field, with 52 scallops. LEGION WORKS FDR ENLISTMENT ION SENT E Stop Forest Fires Week" will start in Klamath county May 5, it was announced Thursday by Angus Newton, commander of the American Legion post. He stated that Walter Wiesendanger will again be chairman of the committee in charge of this cam paign. Newton said ha plans to at tend a meeting Monday in Port land, called by Governor Sprague for the purpose of dis cussion of national defense as it affects forests and forest fire protection. The -Klamath post, which started the Stop Forest Fires campaign, has watched the movement to grow into national recognition among American Legionnaires, Newton pointed out. 'Klamath is Justly proud of having been the starting point for this program," said Newton. It has been growing every year. This year, more than ever, there Is a need for public concern over the forest fire menace. The for ests are a national defense re source and it follows that their A check for S804 eiartlv half the returns nf th 'pm.1. dent's Birthday ball, and March of Dimes campaign on February i. was nailed to the National Foundation for the Prevention of Infantile Paralysis on Tues day of this week by Samuel P. Miller, dance chairman. Miller stated the gross take of the dance and March of Dimes was $1887.58, expenses totaled $279.57, and the net nrnn.4. cam to $1808.01. Dry ice haa a temperature of 110 degrees below zero. Texas is more than fiv. m. as large as England proper. An "all-out" rami aim In co operation With nretffin'i Trt.lh. Colors" committee lor the pur pose or promoting enlistments ior ine regular armv in Oregon was announced heie today by Angus W. Newton, commander of the Klamath Falls American Legion post No. 8 Th local recruiting program Is tu be a part of the state-wide campaign put on by various civic organiza tions to asiist the si my recruit ing service. Legion Oieanlutlntia. Ihrnuifh. out the state of Oregon are par ticipating in the campaign.. New ton said, with the burden nt th effort resting upon the various national lefens committees. Princlual nhe nf Anwrlnn Legion activity will or to report the names of all prospective eligible applicants f ir enlistment in th regular army tu personnel of th regular reciuiting service. The movement hmm ilmni backing from denarlmrnt IimH. quarters oi the Legion in Port land, witn a recent communica tion emphasizing 'hat "Nrmsy, before has there need fur unity oralsal of our potentii coordination of thought and ef fort ml fense. w I to do and will do It That Is Ilia promise your depaitment com mander has made to th United Plates army recruiting service. Ills answer to thnt promts lies in your har.ds." w I,., zing 'hat "Nrimsy. re ben a grea. ly. nun ifi potentialities, for4- if thought and el- rt In our efforts to help ofr allon build an Impwgiinhl ilf nie. In tills we canii'M fill, must not fail; we hav a job CHECK JUT SALEM- - Three Klamath county prlsoi,. ers were checked In at the tle-. penitentiary Wednesday, lltufc..' charge of Deputy Sheriff Dal' ' Matloon. f. They are Charles AM. life serf") tenee on a nmrnl clutrge; Jamef Qurntln Anderson, 10 ycara voluntary inaiislauiililer; lloiw-" ard Stanford, 3 years for larceny, by bailee. ' CLEANS ALL PAINTED A ENAMELED SURFACES' ma : LEAVES YOUR HAN0S SOFT AND SMOOTH r protection la mot drfense inteest.,, I DANCE Midland Grang Hall Saturday, April 24th Music by Johnny Sot U W IlJ Bill tic iV? htClS :w Jesses I grisly WJ I wm y s: Vi '" '"""" y Jt A ttt.m,H sasja-' a ssaWi mm i IUTZ-WEINHARD Is today th largest telling beer In Oregon! There's a reason for this overwhelming popular de mand. A good reason! Blitz Weinhard has that certain sosMthing that satisfies you! That's why every half second i als says . . . .Mako Mint BKtz-Wemhard! HERMAN'S MEN'S STORE'S WEEKEND SPECIAL 175 Pair Famous Nationally Advertised SHOES or OXFORDS REGULAR PRICE $13.50 High Shoes or Oxfords Kid - Kangaroo or Calf Leathers Black or Tan AAA to EE Widths These Famous Custom Made Shoes Need No Introduction To Men Who Wear the Best Nationally Known As The Best f vi tvi.ii. iM . 'who wsiwiwc irasaav; asivjt JuclSI feat Vt WW 'mi 8 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM 8 STYLES TO CHOOSE FHOM b