The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 25, 1941, Page 21, Image 21

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    April 1941
Dump Grounds for
Diseased Potatoes
In Control Effort
Using tht County Spud Dump Grounds
Sfweiaeyrfy y" .i . leg.'aei "Oy'naeai
AAA BootU Wheat Income
News and Herald Farm Page
Ant. Co. Agent
Establishment of county dump
grounds in the Malin, Merrill
and Henley districts is another
advancement in potato pest and
disease control efforts. The
dump grounds were set up for
el worm and ring-rot infested
potatoes. They are not intend
ed for ordinary culls which are
an asset on farms with live
stock. Refuse, such as tin cans,
etc, is not to be left at the po
tato dumps.
Dump ground sites were se
lected for ready accessibility
and isolation from crop land.
Their locations are such that
infection of other crop land
through irrigation and drainage
water is impossible. Fences
have been provided to guard
against danger to livestock and
prevent eelworm spread in this
manner. Budgets would not
permit fencing at the Merrill
dump at the present time but
there is good isolation at that
Fills Need
There has long been a need
for isolated ground to which
cellar cleanings and rotted di
seased potatoes might be taken.
Without such locations, eelworm
infested potatoes are hauled out
according to the discretion of
numerous potato growers and
left to infect land in numerous
different places. In order to
prevent serious losses from ring
rot it is particularly important
to clean out cellars and disin
fect them before cutting and
handling seed for the new crop.
Although ring rot is said not to
live over in soli, a pile of cel
lar cleanings might easily har
bor countless numbers of these
highly infectious bacteria. A
pile of cellar cleanings might
easily be the source of initial
or even serious infection of a
seed lot otherwise free of ring
Any potatoes or cellar refuse
hauled to the dump grounds
should be well sacked to pre
vent scattering along roads.
This is particularly important
in the case of culls containing
eelworm infected tubers. Eel
worm potatoes should not be
fed to livestock. Such feeding
results in wholesale scattering
pf the nematode. Feeding to
hogs after cooking destroys the
worms which are in the pota
toes. Eelworm or potato nematode
is a tiny worm which lives in
soil. It obtains its food by en
tering plant roots and tubers.
After its entry into plant tis
sue, the worm develops and
eventually produces from S00
to 800 eggs. The eggs are lib
erated when the greatly enlarg
ed egg-bearing worm ruptures.
As temperatures rise the eggs
hatch into new worms which
find new plant roots or tubers
and repeat the process. The
most favorable soil tempera
tures for potato nematode de
velopment are from 70 to 80
degrees. Under Klamath basin
conditions, two broods are the
rule. The first brood hatches
and enters plant roots before
potatoes set. The second brood
enters growing tubers. On land
known to be infested with eel
worm, growers here have in
some seasons been successful in
holding down percentage of eel
worm infected tubers by light,
frequent irrigations, keeping the
soil temperatures at around 63
. degrees. Low soil temperatures
make the first brood Come lat
er in the season and in some
seasons eliminates a second
How To Identify
Infected potatoes can be iden
tified by a bumpy surface. Un
der each of thj bumps a worm
may be found. The roughness
, is due to starch deposits caused
to be made at that part of the
tuber by the irritation set up
after the worm entered. Par
ing away a part of skin over
a rough spot will reveal an
opaque or sometimes slightly
discolored area in the center of
which a worm may be found.
The worms are very small and
they are hard to isolate even
when enlarged by egg forma
tion and can be seen readilv
only with the aid of high pow
ered lenses after isolation.
Last year some infected po
tatoes with no external rough
ening were found. This was
perhaps due to a third brood or
generation due to a long grow.
ing season. The third brood
probably entered potatoes quite
well grown and sufficient Ir
ritation was not present to
Old at 40? Get Pep
cause heavier local starch de
Usually growers shy away
from land that is known to be
infested. Infested land can be
cleaned up by clean cultivation
for two years. The eradication
may not be complete but for
practical commercial potato
growing, the eradication may
be considered complete. The
principle of eradication by clean
cultivation is starvation. Grain
crops may be planted if weeds
are kept out Of all plants,
only grain crops and grasses
are not susceptible to nema
The value of dump grounds
in ring rot control ap
parent to growers aware of the
very infectious nature of the
causative bacteria. The infec
tious nature of Pseudomonas
sepedonica is largely due to its
rapidity of growth and multi
plication. The bacteria are
very numerous. There are teem
ing millions of them in a sin
gle infected potato. Only one is
necessary to infect a seed piece.
If the cut or broken surface
of a seed potato comes in con
tact with articles on which ring
rot bacteria are present, a plant
from the seed piece is extreme
ly likely to produce a ring rot
infected crop. The articles may
be knives, cutting table, grad
ing table, sacks, cellar floor or
bin surface, and planters. Picker-planters
are especially in
strumental in spread, since
spikes may be infected and
each seed piece receives a fresh
pick injury.
Thorough cellar and equip
ment clean-up and disinfection
is essential to control zing rot.
A cleaned up cellar may be dis
infected with a formaldehyde
solution made up with one pint
formalin to 20 gallons of wa
ter. The formalin solution is
best for tools and equipment.
A copper sulfate (bluestone) so
lution of one pound to 10 gal
lons of water is a good cellar
A pile of cellar refuse by the
door takes a lot of effective
ness away from disinfection in
side. Bacteria are carried back
into the cellar every time it is
Feed value of good eelworm
free culls is an asset every po
tato grower should capitalize on
by including a livestock enter
prise. Potatoes are equal to
corn silage in feed value and
are three times as good as man
gels. Dumpgrounds were not set
up for dumping valuable live
stock feed. They are a disease
and pest control measure. Po
tatoes dyed under the feed di
version program are not to be
hauled to dumps. Feed diver
sion payments are made for
feeding No. 2s or better to live
stock. Feed diversion potatoes
which cannot be fed in the near
future may be processed for fu
ture use by ensiling or drying.
The season of the year is at
hand when creamery operators
and dairymen who haul their
own milk and cream should give
careful attention to coverage of
the truck used for this purpose
The state department of agricul
ture dairy division warns that it
will require full compliance
with the state regulation cover
ing this matter.
Several types of coverage are
practical. The department makes
no specific requirement as to
type of covering. Officials feel,
however, that canvas alone is not
sufficient and that a padded cov
ering should be used if the truck
does not have a permanent top.
It is essential that covering af
fords protection from the sun's
rays as well as from dust and
Sufferers Must
Drink VJat or
6 Glasses A Day-Big Help!
Breraime know how food water Is for your
general healtb drink til you ean It can't
tort jrou and u partleularlr food ltd In
S1".'''-"? But II your kldnere
are tluituh and causing you trouble, water
alone may not bt enough what you may
need for proper relief la a good medicine U
Help fluah out electa aclda and polaona.
set P of ten at night. If seaeese If
scant ar bnmlBS. Palme notit, er If yon set
aharp palna In rear back watch ant for
three may be ftetare'e warnlns that year kid.
ST7?. '""ctlonlns properly. That la
the tuee ta try Gold Medal Baerlera Oil Cap
eelee, the audlelno aaed by rallliega of tack
sajerere threashoat the world.
J there'e wa lens waltlns far
teeaHe with Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Cap-?,I-7?",U.,,
effecllee dlaretle and
stimalant ecu to eaathe bladder Irritation
nd pat more healthf.l rigor Into larr kid.
"We TO! .Wool. f better and leak better.
Try Gold Modal Bearlera OU Cepeelee the
luraleae bat potent female of Dr. Boerhana
taent an the original and scnalne lee
for the gold medala of merit on the packag.
Coats bat lea at all ereigteuT
tv l - s;7
'iFTl f " ' &&&&&
Pictures show cull spuds being dumped at the county dump
grounds are the latest development in potato pest and, disease
Drive on to Produce Every
Possible Egg This Spring
A nation-wide drive to pro
duce every egg possible from
laying flocks this spring has just
been announced at Washington,
D. C, as a part of the program
to increase the production of
certain concentrated foods while
holding down the output of
staple export crops such as
wheat, cotton and tobacco.
The program fits in well with
the suggestions mirfe through
out Oregon this spring by poul
try specialists at Oregon State
college, who recommended that
egg producers hold their flocks
to the maximum of present
housing facilities, and that
ample feed be used to insure
maximum production. Neither
the national nor state situation,
however, warrants expansion in
permanent new housing, accord
ing to Secretary of Agriculture
Claude Wi.kard and the Oregon
poultry specialists
Eggs have been included
among a few foods such ts
dairy products, pork, and chick
ens for meat, the production ol
which is to be encouraged for
the next two years These foods
will be needed 'r increaseo
amounts in this country as in
dustrial payrolls are stepped up,
and they tire the easiest foods
to export under the present pro
gram of American aid to na
tions resisting aggression.
While corn is the feed expect
ed to be used in greatest volume
in carrying out this program,
wheat will receive the benefit
throughout the western states
If you hear, but do not understand conversa
tions, contact Mr. William J. Wilson, Sonofona
Representative, at the Hotel Elk, April 24,; 25,
end 26th. Full audiometrle chart and demon-
tration of tht new small vacuum tube Sono-tone-Audicle
The finest hearing aid available.
particularly. Research carried on
at Oregon State college in the
last few years has shown that
wheat is a suitable and even su
perior feed grain for all types
of livestock It already forma the
chief ingredient of Oregon poul
try feeds and the proportion of
wheat can be increased when
ever it is cheaper than other
grains, according to tests made
at OSC.
The surplus marketing admin
istration has arranged to sup
port the market on the types of
food mentioned in order to main
tain prices profitable to the pro
ducers. Average levels aimed at
are eggs, 22c; pork, $9 per cwt.;
chickens, 15c per pound, and
dairy products, basis of 31c per
pound of butter all prices
figured at Chicago.
Poultrymen to
Speed Egg Output;
Oregon will assist in the nation
wide campaign to increase egg
production to meet increased
domestic and foreign demand,
OSC poultry department offi
cials said Wednesday.
Extension men of. the college
have advised poultrymen to fill
present housing facilities to
capacity and feed enough to in
sure full production this year.
There is but one objective, and
that is to defeat aggression.
Samuel R. Fuller Jr., office of
production management.
ground No. 3 near Mails. The
control efforts.
PORTLAND, Ore., April 14
(AP) Better bread, now possi
ble through restoration of vita
mins in flour, will make bigger
men, G. C. Thomas, Minneapolis,
Minn., said Tuesday.
The government is encour
aging us to produce this flour,
for it is one very decided con
tribution made to the defense
program in bringing better nu
trition to the masses of people
in a basic food," he said.
Addressing the northwest
bakers' convention, the vice
president of General Mills, In
corporated, explained, 'The pro
gram calls for the restitution of
vitamin Bl, thiamin; also nico
tinic acid, which is another vita
min of the B complex, and is
now known as the anti-pellagra
vitamin. With thute is added
mineral Iron, all being natural
to the wheat in full grain."
Looking at the bright side
suppose you lived at the North
Pole and hubby stayed out all
o icenk setting.
yet within easy access
of everything. The
Hrhnore offers you its
distinguished address
while in Lot Angeles.
Typifying traditional
western hospitality,
comfort and culture
this fine hotel always
treats Its guests 'to an
advonture In the ort
of graceful living.
IS00 1 00 MS frfft
Uncus tnm l y
ooustfs (to. 6 U y-J
Total farm population in Ore
gon has Increased by 18.1 per
cent since 1930 but preliminary
estimates for the country as a
whole show an lnciease of only
one-tenth of one, pel cent, the
census bureau said today.
Connecticut showed the larg
est Increase 19 8 per cent
and South Dakota the greatest
decrease 21.1 per cent.
The total farm oupulution of
Oregon was 2S9.tJ.iri In 11)40.
In 1930 it was 223.007.
Other preliminary census esti
mates today showed Oregon has
108 males for each 100 females.
Total 1940 male population was
estimated at 303,864 and female
at 523,820
The white population was
placed at 457.214 males and
518.08a females. Ii. 1930 the
state had 490,479 male whites
and 448.118 females.
The non-white population for
1940 was estimated at 8630
males and 5734 females.
Another preliminary analysis
showed that the sta'e had 49.572
males and 43,063 females 63
years of aie or ovn. The total
numbers of persons of this age
in Oregon increased 37 6 per
cent since 1930.
Fluffy mattresses made from
surplus cotton have gone into
67 Klamath homes to make for
better living. These Were the
mattresses made at the Altamont
work center by the families who
received them.
The Altamont work center
closed Monday. April 21 com
pleting 120 mattresses. Super
vising the work at this center
were the fallowing local leaders
who donated their time and serv
ice to the community- Mrs Anna
Funk. Mrs C. W. Judkins, Mrs.
Charles Thurman, Mrs. Lester
Wishard, Mrs. M. E. Knauss,
and Mrs. Imlg. Sewlt.g machines
were loaned by the Singer Sew
StauUeii Steel
ONE-COAT MAGIC for walls,
furniture and woodwork . . .
SI 5 Market
Ths U. 8. Dtpsrtnwnt of Agriculture says that Amtrlcan famwrs
who cooporaud la ths 1940 AAA program rscslvtd a net rstura
nearly 80 cants a bushtl for thslr whut. Compared with a probata
return of 40 cents a bushtl or Its had thsy besn dsptiwlsnt ntlrsly
upon ths world market. Ths national farm program aids whsat growers
with crop loans, parity and coassrvatlor, payments, crop Insurance, and
sn export program.
ing Macnlne company and by
local women in the community.
Plans are being nude to open
mattress making centers at
Chiloquin and Merrill on Mon
day of next week. The Merrill
center will be at the community
hall, and at Chiloquin In the
hall across the street from the
telephone building. Applications
for these centers aie being re
ceived at the home demonstra
tion agent's offire.
Screenings which contain a
considerable amount of tar weed
seeds should not be fed to swine,
horses or cattle, for the tar weed
seed may poison these animals,
reports the state department of
agriculture animal division.
Hog losses due to this cause
have been experienced from time
to time In eastern Oregon wheat
districts and also quite frequent
ly in Willamette va ley Screen
ings with tar weed seed come
from grain that has been grown
in the Island Empire region and
some screening feeds come from
the larger mills. They should
not be fed in large amounts with
out other supplementary feeds.
Symptoms of the poisoning In
There's a knife here for every kitchen
job csrring, paring, slicing, coring
fruit! And every one of these extra
quality knives will stay sharp when
stored in this bandy holder. All knives
hare besutiful rosewood handles,
tightly riveted for durability!
u u. a. ear. i
DUCO Is die nuint-f-mn eosmtl
voo can burl It shows do brush
marks . . . gives a sparkling, ale
like surface that's Qft
air to keep clean. OU Bt
swine and horses are due to
destruction of liver tissue. Ani
mals show a severe anemia.
symptoms of Jaundice and In
general present a runty appver
Instead of passing fruit at the
table in Jupan, they may pass a
whole fruit trro. Dwarf fruit
trees, bearing actual fruit, are
grown in flowerpots by these
The world's largest man made
excavation is an iron mine at
Hlbblng. Minn. The mine is 3 JO
(ret deep, 2t miles long, sn.i
mile wide.
"Artist Marries M Oder
headline. At last, the model wifrl
(eatematly caused)
Corrtains 10 "special" Irtgredltntir
llsrmuriiKd about turf.r pirn pi,
bUrhrvMtU, vrswrna, rinrworm aymp
tntru? Thm Irv wtwtrrlul msMtrttM
tifiiisJ Zmo Itortor ' formula btKkad
by SO ywttni tNititinuoua uf ras.
Vint .pphcaiinna of Zmo rviiov
Itchy tonatm. ALSO id. blof. L'aa
nil ht in rj morning. Bonn your dMom
fort ihould dinppr. Moat vnmvin(
bermuM It's atAtnlrsss, aawliMm. Uoafl
noc anow on an in.
tint trial ooovton
New Du Pont
Keeps white houses ubittr.
Your home will tlsy more
beautiful with this House
Psint thst Uayi clesnerl In 5
gslloo lots.
P.r Gal. $295
Durable Beauty
For Kitchen Walls and
Woodwork Pp)
Beautiful colors that
are easy to keep
clean. Fine lor kltch
ends and Ant
1 Qt.
Gives Your Floors
For all kinds of
floors indoors
1 05 or ou( Dries
qt. s"'iy.
Protects Floors!
Preserves the beauty of line
hardwood floors. Resists
scuffing. Stands SlOS
hard wear
Phone 7221
sr. Hi it WMtmM Dn nti slf Our
M ms Hons,