April . .041 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINETEEN MA; Jit A O Ai i BONANZA At the recently held (lection o( city officer! for the town ot Bonanza all but one trson retained office. The new Member li Harvey Moon, elected n the council In place of Mcr . rill Stewart. Ai it first official meeting a street committee and a ceme tery committee wn appointed, Alio member appointed to ln vestlgata the pouibllltles of a modern telephone system. ThOM appointed on the ceinetory com mittee war Irene Hartley, Lloyd Beebe and Earl lirown. ThoM on the itreet committee are Dan Werner. Alva Maxwell j-k Harvey Moon.1 These will Vo act as the clean up commit tee for the town s regular clean' Up week which It Is expected will be the first week In May. It was also decided to put stop signs on prominent corners. These trarfic signs will be en' forced, the council agreed. Keno Mr. and Mre. Ram Pimnai. formerly of Lamm's camp, are now living In Keno. Conner Is employed as truckdrlver for EI lingson's mill. Dallas DeLap has moved to Klamath Falls to be nearer his work. Frances Bohne, formerly of Texas, spent several days visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sleiber. Sunday dinner guests at the Stelber home were Mr. and Mn Jess Potter and Mrs. Dohne and lldren of Klamath Falls. A marriage of Interest to ! manT In thj Klamatti hftdn la I that of Mis Dora Anderson of i ciendale, Calif, formerly of ; Merrill, and Chester DeLap of ; ivino. ownar nr (ha ni m an- loa station on the Keno high way. Thev were nuUflv mr!1 In Yuma, Ariz., Jan. 18. DeLap returned to his place of business reoruary zo, Mrs. DeLap Joia ln him Anrll H Florence Vethos, popular high achool girl, and Lemuel Mc- Brlda Wert) TnmrrimA m ! Nev, April It. They will make weir noma at King Kola's camp Bertha Knhlhairn nt C.l.. home economics supervisor of teachers, was a caller at the Keno high school Tuesday. On Friday wnlnf ihm,i l,t high school students gave a sur prise Bkatlnff tlArtv hnnnrlna V"lss Dea Jean Hardy, home eco nomic teacher. At 11:30 they an joined bands and skated around with Miss Hardy In the Center of the rln. Sh va than presented with a large box of siauonery oy Bonnie Moor. Several school yells were given, led by Barbara Moore. Betty Baker, Dannie Hall and Lena Parsons. Weed The Erie Dick family motored to Redding Saturday. Word was received here the first of the week from Robert Mallory that ha had received hi Eagle Scout pin. Melvin Carpenter spent the Easter vacation here. He Is a student at Santa Clara college. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Silva of m't. Shasta attended tha Caper 1 ab dance Saturday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bradshaw. Delores Rosa and Carmel Kur now were luncheon guests of Helen Rupp and Dorothy Klee man. Mr. J. Toatlvln and on Buck arrived in Weed Sunday after several weeks of vacationing in San Francisco. kOpal Welch entertained Beth :Cann of Gerber for several days at her home here. Mrs. Earl Smith arrived early Sunday morning from Modesto to visit her son, Irvyn War and family. She will remain for sev eral days. Mr. and Mrs. James Hannah and ton spent the week vacation ing In the San Francisco bay area and with their daughter, Clrs. Jack Ncilson in Watson ,e. Only on registrant from Weed, Ralph Kenneth Wade, was ordered to report for induction April 21, at 8:30 p. m. in Duns mulr. Application for a marriage li cense has been filed at Yreka by Kenneth Lauderdnle, 20, of Weed, and Pauline Frances Cook. 19. of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Ella Sullaway and fam ily motored to Dunsmulr Sun day to attend the marriage cere mony of Jack Sullaway and Eileen Weeler. Mrs. Ira Dy recently return ed from a trip in Sacramento and Bass lake, where she visi ted with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mazzler and children, Norma and Lave, spent Easter Sunday In Monta gue with friends. H. B. Wharton Is spending this week in San Francisco, where frs under medical car at the TOerans hospital. Pearl and Fay Welch motored to Red Bluff Saturday where they spent tha weekend with relatives. Lorena Melina, a student at Chtco State college, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter St. Pierre and daughter Dale from Alturas visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Behnke. Mrs. St. Tlcrro is Mrs. Ifchnkc's sister. O. M. Reed spent the week end her visiting with his par ents. He Is a student at the Uni versity of California in Berke ley. Etalo Barbleii spent the week end visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luigl Barbierl. He Is student at the San Jose State college. Theodore Files and son Frank were buslncus visitors in Red ding Saturday. Crater Lake, Crater lake's weekend weather was ideal for visitors, and ac cording to the rangers' check at Annie Springs 233 cars carrying 90S persons entered the purk Sunday. From the south there were 131 cars and 371 persons, and through the west park en trance came 84 cars carrying 332 persons. In breaking up the total T came to ski, 884 to see the lake and 142 used the cross park highway. There were no acci dents reported over the week end. Early Sunaay morning a group Including Mark Clark. Karl Clark. Hurb Berry, Ed Bell and Ranger Foilcs left park headquarters and made a 18 mlle round trip on ski to Dut ton ridge on the east entrance. The trip was made to determine skiing possibilities there. Superintendent E. P. Leavitt visited the park from Medford on Saturday. Also on Saturday a group of approximately 100 Jobs Daugh ters entered the park. Their state convention was being held In Klamath Falls. R. W. Price and C. W. Fyock of the Crater Lake national park company from Portland spent the weekend at Crater Lake lodge. They were In this area making arrangement to open the lodge for summer visitors between May 10 and IS. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Palmer of Crater lake enjoyed fishing Sunday in the springs off thr Diamond lake highway. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hedg peth ot Crater lake visited Mr and Mrs. Archie McKillop in Klamath Falls over the week end. Orr-Sunday they fished tn Barclay springs. Harvey Cllft, park plumber, Is spending the next two weeks working at the Oregon Caves national monument. On Friday of last week Mr and Mrs. A. D. Roach of Crater lake mad a business trip to Medford. Ranger and Mrs. O. W. Foile visited Ranger and Mrs. Don C. Fisher in the Lava Beds national monument on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Clyde Gilbert and daugh ter Judy returned to Crater lake Saturday after ' a three-weeks stay at Medford. Bonanza Groups of women have been meeting regularly at the home of Mrs. Nclli Wood to sew Red Crosa garments. The meetings are every Thursday and any woman it welcome and urged to meet with the group and help with this work. The Bonanza Garden club met at the home ot Mrs. Wood last Friday afternoon Along with regular business soma dis cussion as to public park movement received attention. The club purchased two more shrubs for the library grounds. Mrs. Christine Brown and son Martin brought them out from Klamath Falls last Monday and set them out at the library. The next meeting of the club will be at the library on Friday,1 May 2, with Mrs. Ada Sparret orn acting as hostess. MOBILE CAMP AT LI MALIN Tha first mobile camp for transient harvesters to be established in the Malln dis trict will be built or the Anton Petrasek property east of town, an 11 acre tract that will provide living accommodations for prob ably 73 families during the fall. Fr witer will be furnished by the city The camp, erected under tha farm security admin istration supervision will b al most Identical with those ,that have aerveo In the Merrill and Tulelake communities for the past two years. Harry E. Wilson, member of the state advisory board is large ly responsible for establishment of the camp here. In past years living conditions for transient workers In the Malln district have been most unfavorable. West Side The main CCC camp from Bly will soon mov to summer camp at Dog lake. Already the CCC boys are gradually coming to the Drew'i creek side camp, where Oak Boggs as foreman directs work of maintaining the roads In the district. Mr. and Mrs. John Crowl ob served their 49th wedding an niversary April 12 They were married In Missouri and came to this country In 1909. George H. Austin, specialist In Institutional publicity of the Standard Oil Company of. Cali fornia, presented motion pic tures with sound to the student of the Vernon school Tuesday morning. A picture on tha uss of petroleum In lt.dustry was followed by several short sub jects. Austin went on to the Pais ley schools Tuesday afternoon and planned to show the pic ture at Union school Thursday. Th new road between the Klamath Fall Lakevlew high way and WesUlda la being sur veyed preparatory to widening th right-of-way and oiling to Travis' corner. Ira Bolton was setting bark trees In his front lawn Monday in order to make way for th widening. Th Buzard Burkhart Pin company started Sunday haul ing logs out on lis new Dry creek road which follows the left fork of th creek about three mil. Five trucks are hauling tha logs to th mill in Lakevlew. Work was continuing Monday on tha road Miss Boutin is build ing back into Dry creek timber. This road will roughly parallel th B. B. Pine company's from tha top of th first rise out of Goose lake valley to past the fork of the creek. Than it will angla off to th right for about six miles from th fork. Ernest Hartlcroad Is directing construc tion of this road down which logs will be taken and then towed across th lake. Pat Alberuon nas sold all of his lambs to Dave O'Connor for fall delivery at nine cents per pound The birth da ya last week of Mrs. Jim Whalev and Mrs. Glenn Turner were the occasion for a dinner at tha Turner home Sunday. Mr and Mn Tom Frith and her brother, Edward, and Lawrence Shell and son, the Whaleya and the Turner were present at the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Cox and daughter Deloia wen vis-tors at the Tur ner home In the af'rnoon. !00F OF BONANZA EYES CEMETERY BONANZA Th Bonanza Odd Fellows have appointed cemetery committee In coopera tion with the town of Bonanza, so that something definite can be done about cleaning up and beautifying tha Bonanza ceme tery, owned by the town and the Odd Fellowa lodge. Lodge members put on a clean-up day last Sunday and got a good start toward clean ing up their own plot. Plana are underway for organization of committees from this section and Langell Valley so that the cemeteries can receive regular care. Dairy Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Arant re ceived word that their son Dun nam, who la stationed at Hamilton field, Calif., is receiv ing medical care in the army hospital. Mrs. Martha McC umber spent Sunday with her son, Orlan Mc Cumber, and wife of Pine Flat. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoha ler, Leland Stoehslcr and Jua nita Hosley spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Jackson and daughter of the Henley district. The annual cleanup day for the Bonanza cemetery was held on Sunday, April 20. People from all over the community were present to prepare for Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Arant re ceived word from their daugh ter, Elva Dodson, that she left Portland on April 19 for Alaska and arrived there on April 21 where she will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Schmo and grandson, Raymond Kolb, spent Sunday afternoon at tha McDonald horn on Bly moun tain. Th Bill Jonas family recent ly moved back to one of th railroad houses In th Pine Flat district from Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McC um ber and daughter Sharon are moving to this vidnlty from northern California where they will be employed In th woods this season. Burton Brown and grand father of Langell Valley were business visitors at th V. W. Schmo ranch last week. Albert Burgdorf and son El don wer dinner guest of Mr end Mrs. V. W. Schmo and family on Sunday evening. Poe Valley Mr. and Mrs. Jo Nork and son John motored to Bonanza and Langell valley Sunday where they visited with rela tives and friends. A dance was held at th com munity hall Saturday. Ed Ostrowski was a caller here Sunday from Chico, Calif. Mrs. Lucia Webber, Mrs. Jack Holzhouser and Will Meacham were shoppers in Klamath Falls Monday. Ben Nork and Earl Gregg were callers her from Langell valley Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mitchell made a trip to Lakevlew the latter part of the week. Clarence Webber and chil dren were callers at the Jack Holzhouser home Saturday. Margaret Freuer and ton Teddy were shoppers in Klam ath Fall from the valley Sat urday. Congratulations are extended by the community to Mr. and Mr. Barney Brown of Langell valley on their recent marriage. Mrs. Brown is the former Max ine Roberts and used to live her before moving to Langell valley. Clarence Webber Ha. rental th Hazen place for this year. weo van Meter was a caller In the valley from California Sunday. Langell Valley Mrs. Johnnie Campbell of Klamath Fall spent the past week with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis. Mrs. Lea Leavitt enjoyed din ner on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pepple and at tended a show given by Bonanza high school Mr. and Mrs. Herb Merchant and daughter of Cav Junction ware overnight guest at the i. E. House home last week. Mrs. Edna Bogwell and ion Paul, of Lone Pine, Calif, are visiting her daughter and fam ily, the A. H. Dearborns Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eyres of Elainore. Calif, spent Thurs day night with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. W. L. Sullivan. The Eyrea were on their way borne from visit ing his parent at Sweet Home, Ore. Mr. and Mr. Barney Brown of Lakevlew spent the weekend with her oarcnta, Mr and Mrs. Homer Roberts. Mr. Lester Moor and daugh ter Kathleen art here from Twin Falls, Idaho, visiting her mother, Mrs. Effie GUman Mrs. Bessie Frazier visited Tuesday with Mr. Cora Leavitt. Mrs. Alline Passtno of Lone Pine, Calif, 1 visiting Mrs. Mary Dearborn. Oil PICNIC KENO Elementary princi pals held their annual picnic, Sunday, April 20 at Bly. The present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. KU Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Oehlerleh, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. LaClalr, Mr and Mrs. Bruce Hull, Mr, and Mrs. Wyatt Padgett, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Fish back, Mia Care line Vaeretti, Mr. Hough. Arttv. ur Millard, Wilbur Robinette, the host of the day, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Parks, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Blanton and Mr. and Mrs. George Elliot. IMPROVEMENT Traveler from Bagdad to Da mascus across tha Syrian desert now can use a modern motor coach instead of a camel. This trip of about 470 miles Is made In 24 hours, as compared with 20 days by camel. We need more things, mere widely distributed, with good manners. Owen D. Young. When la Medford Stay at HOTIL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Asm Earley Preprietors - Stop! Looklag fee a Good Timet Come tat Keno Dance EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Music Br OREGON HILLBILLIES GREEN VS. UNRIPE When blackberries are green, they are red. When one speaks of fruit as green, it generally is taken to mean "unripe" and has no reference to color. Most un ripe fruits are more or less greenish. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS Mile, of Kidn.v Tub.. Flush Out Po.mi.ous WuU If yoq htv in vttm of atrtda Id your Mood, fnur 16 mUr of kid tiny tubtw may be ovnr workad. Th tiny filter and tub work in day and night to hrln Nature rid your tyntom of ! acid and potaonoua want. Whan diaordor of kldnay function twrraita polfOBotM matter to remain in your Mood, it m&ycauae navubaikaAho.rbumatlcpaioa, 1I paitta, torn of pep and eoerrv, grlting up Eight. wfJiinc, piiffincn ti ruler the yrsj, radar hea and dlailnrae. Fmjuaot or canty tMUMfM with smarting and burning tome time annut there la aome thing wrong with your kjrineva or bladder, KidDftyi rnay iwd help tha aame aa bowwls. ioaakyourdrugiriaifor Donna Pills, uaedauo oMfiilly by million for ovar 40 yrara. Tbey (ira happy relief and will help tha 1ft mltrw of j!ry tiinoi fluali nut nolaonoua WML from your blood. Gal Doan'a 1111. SEE IT- YOU'LL .af SAY. IT... 3r nn (Sog 6.5 Cu. Ft. DURING SEARS "COMPARISON DAYS" ONLY! THE CHALLENGER Beats Competition! 1 I is, liquids I izer door I :l,dl $4 DOWN 6.5 Cu. Ft. Coldspot A little bit of money buys the big Coldspot Six. There's plenty of scientifically planned room for storing groceri and left-overs. Every time you open the frei you'll find quantities of ice cubes ready to use. $3 DOWN $4 MONTHLY ' USUAL Carrying Charge To Pay More Is To Waste Money! Nor skimped or stripped! Full 6.5 cu. ft. sixt I . fully equipped . . . yet see how little you pay! Every modern feature for safe, convenient food storage. Covered meat storage tray (holds 9 lbs.) Sliding shelf. Glass covered Foodex. Roll-out handi-bin. Freezing compartment holds 8 lbs. . ot frosen foods. Milk storage ca r -iJSJJcLJ Patys 10 on-quort bottles. Shelf anre: i i.a rrr pomr control. Economical, exclusive Roto - Seal hermetic type unit. The steel strong cabinet with gleaming Du ra bond exterior and porcelain enameled interior is handsome ly streamlined, has automatic in terior light, and two 32-oz. water bottles. Compare With Refrigerators Selling for $30 To $50 Moret SO QUIET IT "WHISPERS ECONOMY" The heart of your Coldspot is the new Roto-Seal unit; hermetically-sealed In solid steel. Guaranteed for 5 years. EXCLUSIVE COLDSPOT HANDI-BIN A convenient," out-of-the woy storage space for mora than q bushel of food at room temperature. Moves in and out on easy-rolling roller bearings. An exclu sive Coldspot feature! A FEW DOLLARS DOWN And the easily-afforded monthly payments may put beautiful new Coldspot In your home. Com In todayl rim huvti