'A'rril f, 1041 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OBEOOw PAGE KIKE Midland ZtttpUte Mewl CHANG SID AT IVORY PIN E E MILL AT BLY BI.Y Th Ivory Pina turn berjcompany near Bly hs add ed iuny Improvement which not only modernised end en larged tlia plant but he made hither standards of living con dition poulbla (or employe reeidlng In and around Podunk. fOF'rltKy ha been hooked up to practically every unit. The aawfnlll I motor-driven with the 'exception of the carriaf,' which I run by twin amine. The- planlnf mill is alio motor driven. Including two planar, one of which I a 30-Inch ur facer producing about 10,000 feat, of pluned lumber an hour, and a 13-Inch matcha which run about tha aama amount. Tha latut type of dry kiln ha .been Installed, having a ca pacity of 100.000 board feat of lumber. Wood equipment Include two dleel operated caterpillar with archea and a bulldotor for road building. A recently pur chased log loader and four new While truck bring the logging equipment entirely up to data. The personnel of the company Include: Klamath Fall office E. P. 'J ry, owner-manager; C. Ham alter, aale manager; Al Jone. office manager. At tha plant are0 Ray Logan, (uperlntendent; Wright Larky, yard and planer foreman; Carl Raupach, kiln operator; Hubert West, sawmill foreman; Bob Bollck. night foreman; Jim Stlllwell. book keeper. About 190 men ara employed when operation I at full capacity. A large number of order are on file, many of which are for defense material, Including lumber for portable used In housing at camp; box material for packing munitions, and . for various other defense project. Sprogu Softball t Nina Hits Stride SPRAGUE RIVER Tha !rigue River "Warrior" re gataed their aottball atrlde Fri day, when they turned back the Bly high school team by a score of 14 to 6. Leon Oeorfe, pitching hi first full gam for Sprague River, had the opposi tion eating out of hi hand most of the game. Tha Sprague boy led 7 to 0 at the end of the first seven In nings. The reservation boys played almost flawless ball un til tlia last two Innings, when Coach George Hobbs substitut ed freely and tha new boy kicked a few around. For the second consecutive game tha Sprague River boys made six run In the second Inning and St John. Bly pitch er, took to tha ahowers. Al though the Bly boy got IS hit off George they were somewhat scattered and did not count for ra'V runs. lie Sprague River boy travel to Bonanza Wednesday to meet the up and coming Antler squad. Lanky Wilfred Barlpley, Sprague' aca hurler, willj do tha twirling for the locals) America is going places y Greyhound Greyhound b the awet popular tnml truest In the world I i Emy Tear store thsa thirty aiilllon people buy Greyhound tickets. Greyhound givrs mora sflrrire to more plsres thsn any iher trsrel system, operating erar 50,000 mile of highways. . For comfort, safety and aeenle ariloyment, travel by Greyhound. .Your (are, to anywhere, la only a 'third tha coat of driving I Clow fares ' i . W Trip Los Angeles 110.20 118.40 San Francisco 5.18 9.30 Portland . . S.90 10.(5 Medford . . . 1.50 2.70 Depot: 830 Klamath Plion: 5S21 Wiriid Groups Givt Scholarships To 4-H Members WESTSIDE Winner of th Westside grange and tha West- side B. B. club lutnmer school scholarship were announced by Victor Johnson, county agent, at the grange meeting April 10. Kenneth Koefoed of Lakevlew and Florence Reed of the Ver non district have been awarded by the grange tuition scholar ships to th 4 H summer srhool In Corvallls, and Florence Pad get of the Vernon district has been awarded one of these schol arships by the B. B club. Victor Johnson also presented achievement pin and cards to various Westside 4-H club boy and girls and club charters to tha woodworking and sewing clubs of the Union school. The two clubs hid the work tht-y have done so far Uiis year on diiplay at th meeting. A series of picture on th Drew reser voir and Irrigation system was shown by Johnson. Anne Spra gue, county school superintend ent, was also a visitor at the meeting. HEAR POWER TALK SPRAGUE RIVER The Klamath County Bonneville Power committee I sponsoring a public mass meeting In the Sprague River gymnasium Fri day, April 25. to har Mr. Bra id of tho Bonneville administra tion discus the subject. Brazil will bring with him the motion picture "Hydro." which will (how the progress of the Bonneville Idea from the engineers plans to the complet ed dam. At tha head of the local Bon neville power group ara Judge Ivy Clark and Ben Wolford. Widespread Interest a being shown In the meeting as most local people have had little in formation about the possibilities and features of the great north west power project. IKS IT MEET MERRILL "What is Expect ad of a 'Teen Aga Girl Who Has Studied Homemaklng," thema of the annual Klamath-Laka home economics conference for high school girls held here Saturday, brought to light some interest' ing theories advanced by many of the 125 girl In attendance. Delegates were greeted by Principal E. E. K 11 pa trick of the Merrill high school with Marie Hanel. Mai in, giving the re sponse. Highlighting tha conference was an Informal talk by Mrs. Ralph W. Stearns. Klamath Falls, who with Dr. 6tearn his visited a number of fascinating places In their world travel. Mrs. Stearns concentrated principally on Vienna home life and customs, having spent sever al months there while Dr. Stearns took post graduate work at the University of Vienna. The speaker touched also on home life in Japan, stressing partlcu- larly recipes for Japanese dishes and commenting humorously on the sleeping quarters for fami lies. An interesting note of tha con ference was the "Spring Par ade," a fashion show in which Helen Hodges. Anna Cotrell, Mary Frances Sharp, Betty Chat- burn, Julia Belle Bradbury, Mary Chlnn and Ruth Mitchell modeled what th well-dressed girl of 'teen age wears "around the clock." Pauitne Clemens as toastmas- tor introduced the guests of lion or during the luncheon hour and Anna Cotrell was platform chair man. Schools represented were Al tnmont Junior high school, Bly, Klamath Union high school, Sprague River, Lakevlew, Hen ley, Malin, Keno and Merrill The 1B42 conference will be held at Malln. The Invitation was ex tended by Lydia Ann Storli, home economics advisor for Malln. Stop at Constable's Elk Hotel Building. Sea the CREME 8KIN Gloves for gardening, ate. II. TO ATTEND MEET MALIN Malln chapter of Fu ture Farmers of America will be represented at tha state FFA convention at Corvallls this weekend by a larger number of contestants for state honor than at any previous time in tha his tory of tha chapter. Thirteen boys and their advisor, A. E. Street will leave Thursday to compete In parliamentary pro cedure, tha general farm demon stration, farm mechanics, farm accounting, farm management and for placement in the state band. Officer of th chapter. Don ald Ratllff, president: Marion Kirkpatrlck, vie president; Rob ert Short, secretary; Edward Mc- Cully, treasurer and Joseph Chotard, reporter, won first place In the southern Oregon dis trict contest at Grants Pass sev eral weeks ago. Tha treatment of seed pota toes under general farming will be demonstrated by Edward Mc Cully and Louis 6teyskal. Joe Chotard and Ted Rupert will en ter the farm mechanics division snd Glen Fry will take part in the farm accounting division. Marlon Kirkpatrlck: and Rich ard Takacs will enter the farm crop contest. Donald Ratliff, Tom Haley and Richard Takacs will represent Malln in farm management. Rupert will also be a contestant in tha tractor driving division and tryouts will be made for the state band by James Ottoman, Charles Spolek and Fred Spolek. Robert Short, Louis Steyskal and James Ottoman will take part In the dairy Judging, and Ratliff. Fry and -Haley will reg ister for livestock judging. Ma lln' parliamentary team ranked as one of the three highest in the state last year, th state title going to Gresham. Bly Louis Swemelsar and the third and fourth grades are sponsoring a pet show and par ade on May 3. Everyone is wel come to bring his favorite pet Prizes will be awarded and re freshments will be served. Mrs. Mann Vamum has been spending considerable time in Klamath Falls to be near her son Wayne, who afttr a backset Is now recovering from an ap pendectomy. Bud Motser mada several trip to town for treatments of a badly Infected hand. A farewell party and hand kerchief snowrr wss held for Betty Smith st Podunk on Wed nesday evening BeUy is going to Los Angeles for th remaind er of the year. Freddy Kobler wal out of school with tonsllitis but return ed Tuesdsy Bob tttefsnnson is the new clerk at Syean store No. 2. Seventeen boys from Louisi ana and several recruits from Oregon have arrived to fill up the ranks of the CCC camp. Chaplain Johnson of Redding made his routine round at Klam ath CCC camps last week.' Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon went to Klamath Falls on busi ness Saturday. Several bands of sheep and sheep camps are in evidence In the neighborhood of Bly. Local b-ys suffeied a defeat at tha hands of Sprague River in a Softball game Friday. An other game is scheduled for next Fridsy. Mrs. Fred Stone entertained at dinner Wednesdsy evening Mr. and Mrs. RuiS Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Detrick, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deenng and Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Causby. Picture framing. Goeller. 230 Mala. Phone 6704. TULELAKE future trans portation problems effecting the Tulelak high senool and Tula- lake elementary school remained unsettled following a conference here Saturday of board mem bers of the Siskiyou Union high school and the Tulelake ele mentary srhool. Bids had . previously been called for coveting the purchase and operation of two school buses for the school term, 1941- 1942. Low bid of 96450, sub mitted by a Mr. Scare of Hilt, Calif., was withdrawn and that of Clark Fensler. Tt-lelake. who for several year has operated the only bus covering tha rural districts here, was discarded. Fensler bid covered one bus only. A third bid offered by a Yreka res'dent for $8000 was considered prohibitive, it was announced by Gei-rg Reiben, principal of the high school, who stated following 'he meeting that bids will be advertised for and opened May 6 at Yreka PINT e9JTf"WV ViMaV kt SaW. 96 WtMtTl ifitTttM, Fnniftrt Di tilltritt. Inc., Lmitill o aWar, AUO M an ..... m W iliWIWO1', M --aS Old Oscar Pepper e v tw v v 'I. CLUTCII-PUSniXG IS WOJRKf More than you realise, la a oar with atandard transmission. m 36 mrnL x SCIENTIFIC "EFFORT-METER" TESTS, conducted In IS major cities, establish that the driver of a standard transmission car "pushes out and leta in the clutch" an average of 239 times an hour that hie left foot Is actually on the clutch pedal a total of 21.6 minute out of each hour. During the earns period, he ahifta gear no less than 17 1 time. All of thi roeana worA more effort than the average driver realises, until he trie the simple, easy Hydra. -Matio way of driving I WITH HYDRA -MATIC DRIVE (and hidra-maticalons ) THERE IS NO CLUTCH TO PRESS, NO GEARS TO SHUT TRY the "drive" that goes afl tha way to make thing easy for tha driver I It's Hydra-Matic the drive that cuts oper ating effort to the minimum. Tiresome dutch-puahing Is out. Manual gear-ahifbng is our. All you do is step on th gas to go, steer while you're going and a rep on the brake to atop. No other drive in the world la so aimpla and easy to operate a Hydra Matic and no other car in the world gives you more thrilling, performanea than a Hydra Matic Oldsmobile. Why not get more fun out of driving? Drive the easy Hydra-Matic way, foday in smart, awift-stepping Oldsmobile! OPTIONAL AT KXTKA COST GENFMl MOTORS BUILT AND BACKED BY CCNEBAL MOTORS I k l TO DO BUT 'T""-"""" v THE CAR J I ITS OlDSMOIH OLDS TOWER TO THE POST OFFICE Marshall Cornett Co.1 PHONE 4103 when it Is noped that more bid will be submitted. P. C. Berg, man, Tulelake plumber with a bid of 780 will make sewer connection from main line to both schools, th sontract call ing for six inch pipe and two manholes. SPRAGUE RIVER Ed Stone man, who was co-proprietor of the Sprague River pool hall before the fire of 1938 is build ing a new 22 by 60-foot recrea tion parlor on the lots between the Hub pool hall and Heidrich's residence on Main street. Stone man sold out his interest of the old business to Fred Zibull sev eral years ago. The addition of this building fills one of the last gaps of Main street property, which has be come quite valuable in this fast growing mill town. Large num bers of mill workers seeking recreation has prompted Stone man to invest in this new ven ture. Completely modern equip ment including billiard tables and a fountain will be Installed. Assisting Stoncman in building tha structure are Frank Gray, Curt Heldrich and Harlaa Buseth. Rainfall Heavy in Shasta Forest District Ranger Warner of the Shasta national forest states that the Trinity district has received over 90 inches of rainfall this year. The Scott Mountain, Delta and Coffee Creek road are all closed due to slides and washouts. To ground 1 so thoroughly soaked that mature green tree have been uprooted by - the heavy winds screes many of tha rocdJ in the district. 3L FOR SALE! . Lunch Counter , Well equipped. With Foun tain Service and Bear- CARMAN'S LUNCH 4524 Sa. 6Hi c I LI) - 0 LIFETIME GUARANTEE I Every Fireoo Ttrt carries I a written bfetime guarantee ff noc limited to twelve f motxhoreif4tteen B or twenty-four months, bat for the fol life of the arts L without lime or mileage M limit. UTialabuylHeTe'garu-estonetirethat'ipgcked with thousands of extra miles of dependable service a tire with a patented cord body for ' extra protection against blowouts tire with nigged tread design to guard against skids and all at this amazingly low price! But remember! This is a sale and for 10 days only. So don't wait! Come in right now and equip your car with a complete set for care-tree driving as and pocket the savings towards your summer vacatiotai - .4I4JS-M I UlflM-n UsUt-11 THI 1IOYI PIICM INCIUDI TOUI Oil TIU usyut-17 UI-11 STANDARD TIRE Priced To Bedrock 6.00-16 C77D u AND YOUR OLD TIRE Orkar Sim rrapwrfeMtehr A red bargain for tha car owner who wants the longest mileage and the greatest safety it is possible to buy at this low price. Take advantage of this sain Come in and hare us put a set on your car today; ' Can I ad fat year eowpffwaa try f fae saw IdebtWe Nratfea MerifaM flewer tttiu Ty r years fr tss ! Uife to H Vale ef Hrertea wM Ueaerd C reeks, Margaret Ipeeks ag fa Hreitae Synpkaaff - Orclmtr. uder ta direct! ef AHred WeM.artaJ, Mnaiy areata, ar HICM Httvark If.W. II Farm Equipment- 0 II 7s Be. Sixth St. -Klamath Falls, Oregon