'Awfl 22. 104T THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THT1 Midland Zftfute ZlWt GRANGERS TO V EW PUBLIC The Tulolake iirni(o will hesr discussion o( llminovillo public power questions Thursday nitflit whrn A. C. Hrnzll o( Portland, member of tho Honnrvlllo ad ministration, will be (lie main speaker. The grange hu Issued an Invi tation tor anyone interested In public power to attend the meet' "Vlng, which will be held 111 the wTulelako American Legion hall beginning at 8 p. m. Brail) will present motion pic ture, and alter hu talk will an awer questions from the audience concerning Bonneville power. A ahort musical program will . be the entertainment for the eve- mg. Langell Valley . LANGELL VALLEY The following young folka went to Malln last Saturday lor the Jun ior prom: Hetty Spark. Gall Walclvogcl, Lottie McDonald. Mildred Trare. Frances Jones, Madge KiUluigh, Murilea Given, Willie Home, Laurence Itevell, Bob Kenayer, Myron Wheeler, Cale Bradley, finger Jonea, Clyde Honiley and Mrs. Malcolm Tea re. 1 Mm. Cledo Weill ent Mon jjiy with Mr. Virginia Ttiomai. ' Mr. and Mr. Bob Thew and daughter of Oakland visited with friends and relatives In Langell Valley and Bonanza on Monday They have been viiiting the pait week w'th Thew sister, Mra Art Horsley of Dairy and her parents, the Dwyer. of Bonanza Mrs. Mary Dearborn enjoyed Faster Sunday with her dough ler and family, the Leavltts. ' Mra. Effle Gilmnn had the mis fortune to fall and break a bone m her shoulder Tuesday morn ing. She came home from the hospital on Thursday. . Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Harry Frailer were Mr. and Mra. Emmett Shields and daughter. Pasty, of Salem and air. and Mrs. Lloyd Luke of lerrlll. Congratulations and beat Wishes are extended to Mr. and air. Barney Brown, who were rifiSPkrrdF bf JOHN CLINTON " From now on you ran call me ahork Proof John. I've teen evtrythinn! Became the other morning whm I wai driving pa it the Union Oil station on tkr comer 1 almost frit out of my ilispano Plymoutli at what 1 saw. ' There, eVewn flremlty up te tfce pmpt wet e herte J wefeel 'Thin, I erte aal" tmyt I ftfl fvnwal beck. Anal whtn I re twrweal I f ef ftte lnl ihccb, far whet 4m ye think the hey feerser we tJalnf? Wdt air, the driver had put . four old auto wheeli on hii wagon, and he wai having the tlrm filled with atrl While . he was doing it, one of the hay had put a bucket of water down for Dobbin to drink. It was the most unusual light I've teen for yean! . Anal while the alfvetlen wet, te my the laottv emuilna, the heya art the atetlen ware tfelnfl their etefr with perfectly arrelf ht Htm I'm net avre utt whet the entire ala nlflcence ef this little drama) wm, but It aertelnly prevea thet the Union Oil heya era fantlamtn frem way betkl So, In addition to inviting you to drive your oar Into a Union Oil sta tion for aerv ice, I'm now in a. notation lo Invite all horne-and-wagon operator! to do likewise. It's really too bad that Union can't think up some way for hones to me 76, or Triton Motor Oil, he cause somehow I think life would be more picturesque (if Tess convenient) if we had more horses galloping by. Don't you? UNION OIL COMPANY married recently at Reno.' lira. Brown wa tho former Maxine Roberta. Tho young couple will live near Lakevlew where he la employed. Mra. Alfred Duncan visited on Sunday with Mrs. Lester Leavltt. The Dunoant are here from Can yonvllle and slaying at Elmer Stanley'! to help with lambing. 4 H GIRLS GET AWARDS EVEINTS FETED AT KENO KENO Mrs. Foster Seavers entertained on Tuesday after noon, April 13, at a baby show er honoring Mrs. Louise Denl son Wilson at Paisley, Ore. The room was duintly decor ated with pink and white stream era and the gift tnhln had a can opy of pink and wlfite stream era with a large stork In the center. Mra. Hazel Chase won the prize In a diaper hemming race After the opening of the gifts lunch was served by the host ess, assisted by Mrs. lone Hull and Mrs. Josephine Fitatlmmons. Other guests were Mrs. Paul Mager. Mra. Earl Allen, Mrs. W M. Gherkin, Mra. O. H. Zimmer man. Mrs. G. O. Zimmerman all of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Harold O'RIley of Merrill, Mrs. Charles Floyd.- Mr. Dallas Bee be. Mra Sophie Young of Lenox addition, Mrs. V. L. Fraln. Mra. F. E. Den- ison, Mrs. Murtln Parsons, Mrs Ana Grimes, Mrs. Hazel Chase and Mrs. Alice Putnam. Cascade CASCADE SUMMIT Mr and Mrs. Clair Eastman and daughter. Sherry Anne, are spending the weekend with East man's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Glen Miller of Ar met. Mra. Lowell Hall la spending the weekend at Eugene with her sister, Willo Coffin, who Is at tending University of Oregon, and with Mr. Hall's mother and slster-.n-law. Charles Elder of Mowlch works at Summit lodge each weekend doing carpentering. One of the cabins has been re modeled Into a two-room and kitchenette cabin, whereas be fore there were only two rooms in It Mr. and Mrs. John Foland, Mrs. Dick Foland and Mrs. Roy Curiier motored to Eugene last week to hop. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lavoy have as their guests Mrs. Lavoy' sisters, Mra. Lee of Portland and Mr. Bennie Benson of Abcr nethy. Mrs. Lavoy drove to Oakridgo Saturday to take her mother, who was ill, to Eugene to consult a physician. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nagle who have been caretakers at the Dr. Collins ranch near Crescent lake have returned to their home here. Mr. and Mra. Gene Lavoy have purchased a new Plymouth car. Mrs. Roy Currier will spend next weekend at Klamath Falls. She will chapcrone a group of young people from the Oak ridge Christian church who will attend the Christian Endeavor conference at Klamath Falls. Lowell Hall was a Eugene vis itor one day lait Week. Windmill A New And Easy Square WESTSIDE Girls of the Vernon school entertained mothers of students of the school Friday afternoon with a tea and a display of article of hand craft made so far this school year. Victor Johnson, county agent, who was premnt to make achievement award) announced that within 10 days the ex ten slon service will ap,xlnt a full time 4 II club leader for Lake county to handle all boys' and girls' III club work In the county. A certificate of achievement was awarded to last year's wood working club, who president was Raymond Padgei and whose members finished their projects 100 per cent. Club charters were presented to the Bu-y Bees, the Vernon sewing club of which Donna Thill la president, and to the Vernon Handicraft club, the woodworking club of which Donald Blaiock la president. On behalf of th Lakevlew branch of tne Flint National Bank of Portland, Johnson pre sented fifth year pint to Flor ence Padatt. Raymond Padget and Florence Reed: third year pins to Durothy Mnddock and Lois Maddock; first year pins to Virginih Maddoek and Lois Thill. Second year cards from the county were presented to Donald Blilock, Su Reed, and Donna Thill. The work on display during the, afternoon included book cases, coffee tables footstools, flower stands made by members of the woodworking club; pil low tops and luneneon cloths made by the girls In the sewing club; wall placques. snap shot album covers, and bookends woodburned and painted; and comb cases, bookmarks, bag gage tags, and other leather work articles. Road Open From Willamette to Summit Lodge CASCADE SUMMIT The ground here is now bare In open spaces. In secluded places where the sun does not hit there are about 18 inches of snow. The road from Willamette highway to Summit lodge is now open and cars have driven in to the lodge, although in places It is quite muddy. Big Trout Landed At Cascade Summit CASCADE SUMMIT When Howard Hromada wishes to re late a fish story, he doesn't have to tell about the large one that got away. All he has to do is to tell of tho large one he caught. Hromada was successful In land ing an eight and one-half pound Rainbow. The fish was caught in Lake Odcll near the Hromada summer home. 6955 J , PATTERN Make your spare time yield this handsome scarf an heir loom cloth, or spread. They are all formed from this easy five inch square, Windmill, memor ized in no time - quickly cro cheted. Pattern 6955 contains instructions for making square; Windmill Illustrations of it And stitches; photograph of square; materials needed. To obtain this pattern send 10 cents In coin to The Herald-News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Ore. Be sure to write plainly your name, address and pattern number. SHOWER HELD FOR -WESTSIDE WOMAN WESTSIDE Mrs. Glenn Bussey of Vlllow Ranch, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Piper, Vernon district, was guest of honor at stork shower held for her by Mrs. Florence Branch at the hull tne afternoon of April 17. After the opening of Mrs. Bussey's g'its. Mrs Branch put on a stunt which was won by Mra. Lottie Bailey and Mra. Bus sey. The B. B. club held no meeting but decided to meet May 1 at the home of Mrs. Charles Buck. 1 he hostess served refreshments at the close of the afternoon. The following women were present or sent gifts. Mrs. Harry Barnes of Willow Ranch; Mrs. Chet Hyatt. Mrs. Boerly Robin son. Mrs. Milo Hyatt. Mra. Lor en Hyatt, Mrs. Don Lyons, Mrs. Vernon and Mra. Rust Hyatt, all of Lakevlew; Mrs John Crowl, Mrs. Ed Garrett, Mra Joe Mar tin, Mrs. Tom Frith. Mrs. Earl Millard. Mra. F. M. Bunyard, Mra. A. T Cochran, Mrs. Ernest Bussey, Mrs. R. B Piper, Mrs. Miles Blaiock. Mis. Charles Buck. Mrs Bob Wilson, Mrs. Merle O'Neil and Mrs. Harry Crowl. Mt. Lakt MT. LAKt Mrs. Estella Hill and Mrs. Frank Stewart re turned Sunday from a week's trip which took them to New port, Ore., and various points along the coast. Mr. and Mra. Hans Hansen and daughters. Patsy and Donna, vis ited with relatives and friends in Portland last week. Friends will be pleased to know Mr. Mack Sr.. is improv ing at the Hillside hospital. He is suffering with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chcyne are the proud parents of a son born Monday, April 14, a the Klam ath Valley hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill and family spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ogie Stohl and son. Danny. Mrs. Fred Crapo was the guest of her sister-in-law Mrs Myron Taylor Wednesday. Mrs. Scott Thompson, Mrs Bell Davison and Mr. Lyle Merrill motored to Yakima, Wash., last week to visit with Mr. Cheyne, a brother of Mra. Thompson, and Mrs. Dawson, who is ill in a hospital. PRAGUE. April J5 (AD Carlo Cardinal Kaspar. 70, arch bishop of Prague and primate of Bohemia, died today after long illness in hi Prague palace. How to treat thirst! W in land's Beer cure the worstl All White! A Bargain! KEIIMORE WASHER t1tl95 Porcelained tub, triple vane agitator, 2-Inch soft rubber rolls. Chamber lain wringer with aafety release. $3 DOWN (Usual Carrying Chart) ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION OF ANY KENMORE WASHER Another Record Low Price! KEIIMORE SPECIAL 3405 Green porcelained tub, squeese-dry rolls, ell sealed motor, quick-emptying drain, safety seal ed mechanism. M Down (Usual Carrying Charga) ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION OF ANY KENMORE WASHER (ft roll 33 So. 8th 'Dioi'SUS Keno KENO Friends of Jlmmle N. Young, a former resident of Keno, will be Interested to know he has entered the radio school at Bellville, 111., connected with army aviation. Mr. and Mra. Roy Harris re turned Sunday night from sev eral days spent In Oakland, Sac ramento and Chico, Calif. Rich ard Harris of Chico accompanied them home for a brief visit. On Monday evening, April 19, Mra. T. E. Denison and her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Wilson were co-hostesses with a b a b y shower honoring Mrs. Wilbur Gherkin of Klamath Falls Games occupied the evening and after the opening of gifts dainty refreshments were served. Those enjoying the evening Mrs. Ruth Zimmerman, Mra. Earl Allen, Mrs. Paul Mager, Mrs. LaVerne Reeves, Mrs. i. Z. Patterson, Mrs. Gerald Zim merman, Mrs. Frank Snyder, Mrs. Gladys Smith, Mra. Arrella Zimmerman, Mrs. 11. Laveme, Mrs. Iva Mott, the honored guest Mra. Gherkin, and the hostesses Mr. and Mra. George Elliott of Bly, Ore., were callers at the home of Miss Edna Bloom Sun day afternoon. Connie Bennett Married Fourth Time in Arizona HOLLYWOOD. April 21 (AP) Constance Bennett's fourth mar riage, to Bachelor Gilbert Rol and, 35, upped the marital box were score of the famous acting fam- ily to 10 marriage and divorces. Connie, who one made bar self th highest paid screen stat by negotiating, single-handed, a 10 weeks contract for $30,000 week, leads her sisters and fath er.' At 33 her record I foul marriages and three divorce. Roland completed a plcUfra, "Angela With Broken Wings" late Saturday night Yesterday morning he and Constance drove to Yuma, Ariz., and were mar ried by the Rev. J. C. Bobb, re tired Methodist minister. PORTLAND, April 21 CAP) Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt will speak in Portland May 1, Thomaa A. Sweeney of the American Legion said today. Proceeds of the lecture will be given to the Greek war relief fund, he aaid. f""" heating squiPMirr for CoaL Oil or Oas: AnTrn'T Boilers and Radiator Heat IVNBEAM Warm-Air Furnaces and Winter Air Condition ers standard" ninomo rrrruax in white and 11 attractive colors. ism w COST NO MORE THAN OTHERS ConsvHyom Healing andPiaaling Contractor Amibican tandaifd Radiajor c$aifitai yy:9uJy CORPORATION 9tUs&9i , 1 1M1. Ammtm BadUtav Bfaalird BmKct Carwataaaa CC Irae. ft BtH BoUcn fc Finite for CoaU, Oil. Gaat Kawflattcm Caaat If Uesta Com om Wat mmur" hi Li hm Oil llmla Jummm 1 ' It's here! The greatest Sale in America! Your greatest oppor tunity to buy the things you need! Plan now to come to Mont . gomery Ward Wednesday! Plan to stock up for months ahead i . . NOW while you can buy at the lowest prices of the season! Join the millions of men and women, all across America, who wait for this great Sale every year to buy and SAVE! . , Y J 1 To bring you these great Ward Week values, it took careful planning by the 6S0 Montgomery Ward store managers combining their orders to get tremendous buying power! It -took the skill of thousands bf factory workers! It took modern transportation to bring the Ward Week merchandise here from the factories! Every step of way, costs were kept low! II II fa 1ST PRICES Now, in your Montgomery Ward store here, Ward Week mer chandise is offered to you in the simplest way. There are no frills, no unnecessary expenses . . . costs are kept low so that prices can be kept low! The merchandise is displayed so that you can examine it and see its QUALITY for yourself. COME TO WARDS WEDNESDAY ; . . SAVE IN WARD WEEK! M 11 il Look for the big Ward Week circular that Is coming to your door. If you do not receive your copy, please ask us for one.' You will want to read through it carefully ; . . to pick out th things you want. You do not need a lot of cash to get what you want. You can use Wards monthly payment plan to buy now, and pay conveniently out of your income! WARD WEEK STARTS WEDNESDAY at MONTGOMERY WARD NINTH STREET, Corner P'- TakptMM ait