THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON April,. 1941 PAGE TEN Klamath Netmen Bow Veteran Aihlond Ttnnittt Lick Ptlieoni in Valley Ashland' completely veteran tennis squod, powerhouse last year, walked over the hapless Klamath high schoo! netters, 6-1, Saturday afternoon on the val ley courts. The Pelicans, weakened con siderably by the loss of Ray Crane and Pat Moses, did show some Improvement however. from their preceding week's showing when they fell before Medford. 70. Only Ingvar Swanson, who also won a letter at basketball, was able to win match, down ing Ormond ot the Grizzlies. 4-6, IS, 6-4 Other local netmen lost In straight sets Summaries: Stride (K) tot to Jandreatl A t-4. SS. Ive (K krtl to ProTo,t (At e-l, s-l. Cornell -E) tot to Mtrm (A) e-t. M. Bvum K) defeated Ormond A) 4-4, t..m. roHrbou (E) tot to Cook (A) IS. 44. DoubUa lev md Strtdo (k) tot to Promt tad Jasdroea (A) T-l. fro. Ctoreetl asd IniKi (E tot to llerttt ud Ormond (A 42. 1-4, 4 J. Plodder Pawson Scores Run Triple BOSTON, April 21 (UP) Black-thatched Leslie Pawson, 36-year-old Pawtucket, R. I., park foreman, became the sec ond plodder in history Satur day to register Boston AA marathon triple but he re ceived even less than the tra ditional honors for his perform ance. Tor his third triumph over the gruelling 26-mile, 385-yard course, Pawson was awarded the victor's gold medal, a reas onably exact facsimile of the usual laurel wreath, a steaming bowl of beef stew and a cup of coffee. i flSfapi 'A Couple of Real 1 MONEY SAVERS No. 133A 1937 FORD "60" TUDOR, radio and baater, mlltag unex celled, reconditioned In our shop. WAS $375 IS $295 No. 20621938 DODGE SEDAN, runs OK, body, paint, tires, etc. good. WAS $345 IS $245 2 CARS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE No. 2251936 TERRA PLANE SEDAN. m chanlcally $398 No. 3 A 1934 1 TER RAPLANE COUPE mechanically good, 1 tires excellent $399 .BOTH FOR BALSIGER Main & Esplanade Tfypmim ' ' Price$A?to the bone BASEBALL STANDINGS AMERICAN LEAGUE Tam W. L. Pet. Boston S 0 1.000 Cleveland 4 2 .667 New York 4 3 .571 Chicago 2 2 .500 St. Louis 1 1 .500 Philadelphia 2 4 .333 Detroit 1 3 .250 Washington 1 S .167 NATIONAL LEAGUE Team W. L. Pet. New York 5 1 .833 Chicago 3 1 .750 St. Louis 3 2 .600 Brooklyn 4 3 .571 Boston 3 4 .429 Pittsburgh 2 3 .400 Cincinnati 2 4 .333 Philadelphia 1 5 .167 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Team W. L. Pet. Sacramento 12 4 .750 Seattle 11 4 .733 San Diego 10 3 .667 Hollywood 7 8 .467 Oakland 7 9 .438 Los Angeles 5 9 .337 San Francisco 5 11 .313 Portland 4 11 .267 Plans Complete For Alturas 20-30 Tourney ALTURAS Plans for the twelfth annual relay races spon sored by the Alturas 20-30 club have all been completed and await the starters gun on April 26. when the event will be held. At the present time 30 schools have signified their intention of participating in the meet. Schools from as far south as Wil lows to Grants Pass. Ore., on the north, will be represented. Four additional trophies will be added this year to the five that have been given by the club in the past. The meet starts at noon on Saturday, April 26, and will finish at 6 p. m. the same day. A dance will be held in the high school gym in the evening at which the visitors will be en tertained. No. 2061938 G. M. C. PICKUP, Just traded In from th original owner, la exctllint condition. is $415 WAS $495 IS THESE WON'T LAST LONG No. 2079 1937 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR COUPE completely recondition ed, this car sold new for more than $1600. WAS $595 15 $515 No. 185A 1938 FORD TUDOR SEDAN, radio and heater, recondition ed. WAS $375 IS $315 Once this sale is over you'll trail a long time to gel buys like Ibis again. EASY TERMS MOTOR CO: i is, fellas'. IT HAS IN MY J f l V I f&XOTTO f .i - W . Keno Cindermen Defeat Dorris KENO Playing tag with old man weather, the Keno track squad defeated the Dorris team, 60-53, at Dotls Friday while competing with wind, rain and snow. s Due to California rules the Keno team was tarred to con cede the relay event to the Dor ris cindermen. Outstanding in the events were pole vault and the shot put. Young of Keno soaring to an easy win at 10 feet 8 inches and Keno, led by Smith completely dominating the latter. Wednesday Keno meets the Henley squad at Keno. Satur day the lads Journev to Alturas for the annual 20-30 meet, and the following week compete in the Klamath 20-30 tourney. On ; May 3 the county meet will be held at Malin. Summaries: IM-TartJ Dm Won by Pmlth. K: Brtngle (X) tec-ond; Fniwick D third. Tum UI X. m-Yartf Ditn Won by Smith (K: Bring! (K MCoad; Dyttrt (D) third. Tim .Hi. uarttr Milt Worn bT To-wif. K; Creddork (D) t ond; Andrus (V third. Tinw :J7.S. Half Ml Won by Bantt iK; fUrrhfttt rf aw oad; Ova D third. Tim Mil Woo by Bamtt fK; Bruhnr (D mo ad; McKeeo K) third. Tim 1:19.1. IM-Yard Lav Hurdlw Woa by Young (It): Bermin (D ito- ood; Spurmia (l) third, lima ;siJ- Its-Vat High HurdlM Woo bjr Fmwtck (D): AndrtetU tD Mcood; PriWbard (K third. Ilm .10. lota Vault Won by Young ((O; fcg-ltne fD M-eoad; WhlU (D third. Height 10 feet S tncbee. High Jump Won hf tyirt (D: tirtm (K asd ADdrietta (D) tied lor tfcond. Height 6 ft S lechf. j Brtad tlwmp Woo by Driert (V) AndrietU D -ond; Dow (K) third. DUtaoca U Icct s Inch. Shot Put Won by Smith K; Uw K iwrond: Rmwn (K) third. Dutanc 40 ft $ tnchra. Pooltwll Thtew Won by Brawn (K: V,hita (D) ifoml: Br..hur l third. Di-v 13A tt 10 lnchea. 146. Yard Rtlay Woo by borrli dfailt. SYNOPSIS OT ANNI AL STATEMENT OP The Home Insurance Company of New Tor. In U Stale of Ki- York, on tH thlrty-ftrat day of Dwember. 1S40. mad to the Iniuracce. Comm:ntoner of the Stat of Ortgoo, purtuant to !nw; Capital Amount of capital stock paid up f 11,400,900.00 Net premluoui received dtirlnr th year . .1 Interent. dlMndtt and renta received during the year ... Income from other aourrea ra celved during tha year .1 W.0M,13S3 e.lM, 170.71 S. 004, 309. 60 Total Income f 73,190.1.9S Net Waea patd during th year including adluitmeni w,4Z',a.vv id 31,9t.0T.M durln the year . Dividend! Dald i J, 404. 170 3T 4,900,000.00 t.M8,0aT.09 capital tock durlna the year Amount of all other expendi ture! ............ ... Total npendltarea g 99,737, 179,41 Admltteil AaaMa Value of real aetata owned 'market value j Kobo Lourm on mortgagea and col lateral, etr $ 171,127.00 njf iji 0qtj(u owdn Kmrnnj' tlfedt Value of flock owned (mar kt value i Ca-h In banka and on hand . 19.U1.3U4S 71.M,W.0O 34.&49,29Q.62 Prmlum In coume of Tillej; tion written alnca Septem ber 30, 1940 Interest and renta due and ac crued . Other aiacta (net) .......... 9,393,ia.4T Total admitted asaete ....f 133,729,910.94 liaMUtlea Oroaa elalma for loaaat un- . P""l I ,13,739.00 Amount of unearned premi um! on all outitandlng rleke M, 030, 418. 00 Iue for commission and bro- traga S.9W. 374.00 All other Uabtlltlea 319,919.14 Total liabilities, except cap . "V-'aV IM.413,M.M Capital paid Up l!J,0w,0O0.0O Surplus over all liabilities... 43, 314,379. aa Surplus aa regards polk bold 9 M, 314. 379 Total I133.736, RasbMM la Oregon tn tha Yew If et premiums received during . tha year 190,43944 N loasaa paid during tha 9W av i 334.433.11 THE HOKE INHIRANCE COMPANY HAROLD V. BMTTH. Pres. LEONARD PETERAON, rf. Keith RhoIesrMWenl ,Uornejf 'or rvlc, CRAKLEA W. SEXTON, AGENT, Board of Trade Bids. k Portland, Oregfrn THE LANDRY COMPANY AGENT ai3 Mtiln HtrMt Klamata falls. Ore. Chiloquin Nine Thumps Merrill CHILOQUIN The Chilo quin Panthers came from be hind to score a 10-0 win over Merrill high school Friday after noon in an extra inning soft ball battle at Chiloquin. They also went on to take the second game ot the doublelieader by a S to 5 count. Robert St. Clair, freshman thirdsackcr, led the attack for the winners by poling out four long home runs. Batteries for Merrill. C. Snapp, U. Snapp and Reed; for Chiloquin, Mathis, Carter and Liegh. Umpires: Hatfield and Wirth. The Panthers go to Bly next Friday to tangle with Bly high school. The double win marked the fifth victory in six starts for Chiloquin having taken three out of four from Merrill, and two from Sprague River. Margaret Lindsay Wins Sk Honors TIMBERUNE LODGE, April 21 AP) Margaret Lindsay, Portland, and Blanche Osborne, carried off all the honors in Ore gon's first women's class B and C ski meet here yesterday. Miss Lindsay won her first place in downhill and slalom competition of class B and led the field in combined totals. Miss Osborne did the same in class C. "Feeder Eggs" Okayed for Anglers PORTLAND, April 21 (AP Fishermen may use "feeder eggs" until July 1, the state game commission ruled here Sat. urday. The decision delayed a ban on such bait as canned corn, to which dealers had objected. The dealers protested they should be given an opportunity to clear their shelves. After July 1, the ban will go into effect again. ittsofsis or ankci. STaxasiasr Of Ui. Hvh.r Amrle.n IntorM. ( Nw T.rk. In th. St.l. t N.w York, on th. thlrljr flr.t Hr rmnMf. m. m4. . In. CimmiMaoir Kt h. Slat. .1 Or.., purrjant t. law : Capital .T.T. .'.".ll.H..H Inraipa Kt nr In. th. ,..r IM.SM.SI tntr.. 4lvMnfl. .nd r.nta donna Ih. yr.. lTI.4tl.ll lnroro. from oth.r .o-irr.e ...... re.lrad d.rlns tha rar.. I.III.T1 Total II.I1MIMI rrlabtrraamaaila Hot IMM. pat. dortnf th. 7ar Ineladlac .p.n I Commli.lon. and aatarl.a paid during th. rr ITt.lll.M Taioa. Itc.nae. and f.aa paid darlnr th. mr Il.tll.1 Dl.ld.nd. paid on capital ntok darlnr tha Tv 1 !, Amount ot all .tbM as- pondltaraa Total zpndltnr.. ll.ltl.TII.l Admitted Aaarta ats. of ru I a.tata owned tmarkot .ala.) f t Laan. on mortffacM and eollatarat, ato 9 a I a. of bond. .wall lamortKad) 1.411, III Vahta o( atonka mtd tmarhet valuo) S.ITI.1II.II r..h In banka and on hand JII.IIT.4I Pramluma In courM of rot. Irrtlen wrllt.n mnr. Sap- t.mbar 14. 1144 IMII-M Intar.M and ranta doa and aocrtwd 11,11144 Tout admlttrd .wit. ...f4.4ll.IIT.41 LUMMtlw Oroa. elalma for loa... up paid 41,41144 Amount M nnaarnad prrm Inma aa all outatandlris rlak Ill, III. H Xua for eommlaalMi and brokwac. T.I44.M All thr llabllttlaa IT.444.M Total llabllltlaa, ascapt capita Capital paid up 11,444,444.44 Sarplo. orar all llabllltlaa t.441,111.11 Surplus aa rcsarda poller- hold.ra k. ais.nll.lll.ll Total Bualsaaa la Orrsna fin th. Year Nat pramluma racarvad durlnf' tha roar 14.114.94 Nat loaaaa paid during tha yaar 3.414.11 Nama of Company. Rocha.t.r Amarl ran In.uranc. Company; Nama of Praal. dant. William H. Koop; Nama ot Sacra tarr, Danlal R. Ackorman. On tha baala of D.cambar SI. Illl tnarkat qnotatlona for all bonda and atocka ownnd, fhla Companra tatal ad mitted aaaata would b. Inrreaaed to II. 173.441.41 and polkyholdara aarplua la 11,114.111.11. Soort Briefs B EDDIE BRIETZ NEW YORK, April 31 W Question is. should Billy Conn or Lou Nova get fiit crack at Joe Louis? . . . Well, the old maestro has a few words to say on the subject . . . New York's PM quotes Louis: "I think Lou Nova deserved the June shot . . . He Is tough and plenty big . . . Billy Conn is too small . . . He is big enough to fight Pastor, but I might hurt him. a a a WEEK'S WASH Coast fight clubs use a red canvas so the blood stains won't show and Illinois referees wear maroon colored shirts for the same reason ... If the weights are OK. Mioland s itinerary will call for stops at Havre de Grace for the Dixie handicap; at Belmont for the suburban; at Adeqiieduct for the Brooklyn, plus an extended visit to Hol lywood for the American, gold cup and sunset handicaps . . . Thing s-we-mlght-as-well skip dept.: 45 Brooks left standed on bases In their first four games ... If Will Harridge, president of the American league, la superstitious, he'd bet ter do something about hla um piring staff which now numbers 13 . . . Ossie Bluege. Washing. ton coach, is a certified public accountant and always takes care ot Clark Griffith's income tax problems. a a SONG OP THE PITCHERS We wish somebody would de vise A way to stop this Johnny Mite. And show us how to put the hex On Boston's Jimmy double-x Or maybe hang a four-forO Just once on Joe DiMaggio. For anything that you can do We'll all be much obliged to you. a a a PEOPLE YOU KNOW Billy Conn, now gadding about with the Pittsburgh up per crust, is learning to wear tails and a topper . . . Jack Miley, ace sports columnist. parted company with tne New York Post over the weekend . . Henry Plcard made big hit with members of his new club, the Twin Hills at Oklaho ma City . . . Paul Runyan re turns to Columbia U. this spring to be dean of the golf department . . . Hugh Mulahy writes pals on the Phils he doesn't mind any phase of ar my life except the Idea of get ting up at 9:30 a. m. . . . And we don't blame him. a a a TODAY'S TRUE STORY Before Phil Riuuto enrolled in a Yankee baseball school, he sought a try-out with the Gi ants . . . One of the polo ground brass hats told him: Kid, buy yourself a shoeshtne box and go to work." Volley Horses Win ot Portland POR-LAND, April 21 (AP A Salem and a Eugene horse were among winners in the tenth annual civic horse show here Saturday. Ima Chief, owned by Iver Morgan, Salem, won first place in the fine harness class, and was tied for second in competition for the Associated Hunt clubs of Oregon trophy, awarded to the show's high point winner. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAl STATEMENT Of th Colombia. Fir Inrarue Com pny ot D.) y ton. tn th Btt of Ohio, on tho thlrty-rirl rtay of Dembf. II1, ma4 to th Inauranc Cormnli ton of tfc Stat of Orf, yarvaant to 11 Cftcttal dtmorjat f MplUl toek pma l... IOfla Ht pramluma rc!T4 Sr th year In (!, i1.11-nl ond ronta rorolT. tjf1n tho year.. IncOmo from other aoureat roeolTod doTlng lb xr.. lt.M4.II Total laoom . . Ul.4ft1t Hat tflwaaa paM durln tha yaar Including arljaatmant titxmMi til. Ill It Com ml aa! on a and aatarlaa paid durlDg tb yoar Tax, naa and faaa satd do ring th yar., Dividend paid a capital ttoelf darlna th yaar.... A meant of U ot1ir pnd1tr . , llMIT.ll IM.tM.M 141. lit Total aspanrlltiirM t AdmlttM Aaaata Taloa of ral catat frad (mark at !) f ll.llt.TI tsoan on mortgacaa . ad eoilitara). ate Talu of aonda awnad amorMtd Talu of otoka awnad (markot value) l,tl,STT.a Caab tn banka and oa band JTI.Itt It Pramloma In roora of nel- laetloi. written aloe Sap- rimlwr 14. ttl tl.4tl.1t fniarcat and ronta da and arrrned 11.111. Other aaaata (net) Total admitted (. .'. .Il.tll.ltl 4t LlaMMtl Oroaa alajma for Jeeaea aa- , 9 11,114, tr Amount of Tjnearnd pram. . Inma aa all eotatandlog Ht.SH.lf Dira for commlaatoii and brokeraf 4.4AI (It All other llaMlltlaa 14.109 Tatal IlaMlltlaa, Vicapt rapltaJ f 4t,tl. Capital paid P f !.. aa Surploa err 11 llabllltlaa I.IIT.ltl 4t Sirplo aa regard policy. T2J, BaalnaM la OMgon far th Tear Net premium racalved during th year ff Ml It Het loaa paid during tha year . 421 1 Tira T V. V-"","D'- tiw Columbia !.,J-!ntt,"nr? Company; Kama of w . w.i.,-n. auromaT ior rv'lea. la. Yolk's on Her rnrdun the nil lnylna, but U. S. merchants and poultry farm rs are co-operating In a Spring time Egg Feitivai Werk, May 1-7, to promots markrllng ot exprctrd m-otti 39 billion rgg production tor this year. Amelia SorulU also helps, as above. Beavers Lick UO Cindermen At Corvallis CORVALLIS. Ore., April 21 (p) Oregon State dominated track events here Saturday and downed the University of Ore gon In the annual relay meet 5 to 3. Aided by the touted Les Steers, Oregon won the shot- put and high Jump relays, but could capture only the mile re lay In tho running events. Ore gon State chalked up firsts in the 40, 880, two-mile, four-mile and shuttle hurdle relays. Oregon established a new meet record of 24 feet, 9 Inch. es in the high lump with Steers' 0 feet, 7 inches the best performance of the day. Jim Holloway provided Ore gon State's victory by recover ing from a tumble In the hur die relay event and nosing out Ralph Furman, Oregon anchor man. The Oregon State freshmen also won, 4-1, from Oregon frosh. BEAVERS. WEBFOOTS EVEN IN BALL SERIES EUGENE, April 21 (rP) Uni versity of Oregon and Oregon State stood even In their norm- em division baseball series to day as the result ot the Beavers 4-3 victory here Saturday. The teams did all theit scor ing in the first Inning, but fire works continued even after the last out ol the game . Umpire Spec Burke was knocked to the ground in a dispute mat follow- ed Oregon Coach Howard Hob- son's protest of a play at first base. HOOD SKIERS DOUBLE FOR HOLLYWOOD STARS PORTLAND, Ore.. April 21 (UP) Hans Sarbach, Swiss ski director of Tlmberline lodge, and Mrs. Boyd French, Jr., Oregon woman ski expert will double for film stars Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Ftnda In snow scenes from "The Doctor's Husband," It was announced Saturday by Di rector Norman Deming. The scenes will be filmed at sTNorsis or asm-ai tateiint Of tha Am.rlran In.orartra ContpiM of Nawark. In tha Stata ot N.w Jarsar. on tha thlrly-fl. day ot Dar.mbar, Ilia. ntHt t. tha Inauranea Camtn'.. at.nar of th. Stata .f Orasoa, asrabaal la law I raaaaal AwiMal at sastlal staefe Sala a I 4,441.444 44 w.t aramlsma raeataaa sar ins tha yar I1I.IIT.II4.4I, rilvManils and ranta raralrsd during IBa yaar l,lT.,.ai.ia fnrotna frem athnr racalraS Sarins ths toot tl1.IIS.44 Trial rssama IH.I4I.444.44 Hal laaaaa said durlna th. yaar Inrludlns adjnslmant atpanaa. I I MI4.I.!I Commlaatona and aalarlaa paid dnrlns tha yaar.... Taaaa, Iteanaas sad aaa patd durtaa too yaar.... tHvtdanda paid om rapltal stock darlns tha yaar.... Amnnnt of all sthar as. aandltsras Total asp.ndll.raa 111,114,411.11 Admitted Aaaata Tains ot root aatata awaad fmarkat Tain.) MM. lana om morttsaaa and rollataral. atr l.iai.lll.41 Tain, ot bonda awns. famortlaad) f.llT.III.II Taio. ot ntorba awnaS tmarkat salual 1I.IIT.I4I.IT ravh tn banka and on hand Pramluma In nonrM of rol. taction wrlttan sines Sap- l.mN. IS. 1141 1. III. Ill 44 Intwart and ranta dna and aeeroad II, tit IT Othar aaMts (aat) ' tll.lll.1l ToUl admlltad .. ... Ill, lll.llt. .labllltlaa Oroaa elalma for loaaae na- pald t s.ll,asi.i Amount ot snaarnad pram- Inma om all eatslandlns risks lt.llt,tst.l rna for asmtnlsalea and hrokarac. 41,144. All ether liabilities 1,111,411. Total llaMlltlas. eapltal Capital paid ap f s,s..,7e.v. Snrplne oyer all liabilities 14,171 III l Snrplss a. retards polly bolder Ill tit tl M Tots! tt1.IAMAI.4t lloalaaaa la Orsson fas tha Taar Hat premlume received darlns the yeer Het loeeee paid durlna tha yaar 24.111.14 Name ef Company, The American In eurance Company: Kama of Pre.ld.nt, Paul yj. flommer.; Neme of secretary, William P. D. Bueh: statutory real dant attorney for aarvlca, laauraaee ComaHentoser, . Woodan Shoes Now Being Worn in Noil-Held Norway WASHINGTON. April 21 lD Wooden, shoes are replacing leathrr-aoled shoes in German, occupied Norway as a result ot a leather shortage, according to authoritative Information re ceived in diplomatic quarters here. The wooden shoes, it was re ported, are only one indication of a growing list of Inconven iences, hardships and prohibi tions which beset tho Norweg ians under nail domination. Other aspects of llfo in Nor way today as reported in dip lomatic quarter Include: Tooth paste la sold only to customers who return old tubes, because of the shortage of alum inum tube metal. Experiments with paper and other substitutes have proved unsuccessful. Processed fish oil has been substituted fur olive and other vegetable oils, with the claim that It costs only half and lias equal nutritional value. Because of the shortage ot gasoline and trucks, the nazi fontrolled government prohib ited use of trucks In clearliisl away snow from streets and roads. AU Norwegians more than IS years old now carry Identity cards, because of sabotage and street disturbances. Identity cards must bo submitted by any one registering at a hotel or traveling by ships In Norwegian water. Long Reelected Hood of Oregon AFL Carpenters PORTLAND, Ore., April 21 (rf'f A contract to govern wues and working conditions on high way and heavy construction projects in Oregon and five southwestern Washington coun ties was attacked yesterday by Oregon AFL carpenters. The carpenters said In their annual state convention that the contract was signed recently ry the Portland chapter of the As sociated General Contractors and the Allied Heavy Construc tion and Highway Crafts union. They charged that neither the CIO or AFL recognizes the union, and urged Oregon's 2100 carpenter and Joiner to af filiate with the Oregon State Building & Construction Trades Council, which has an AFL charter. . C. D. Long, Klamath Falls, was reelected president and L. W. Crone, Seaside, executive secretary of the carpenters. Joe L. Ross, Bend, was named vice president, and the following were elected district committee men: B. J. Benson, Portland; N. C. Nelson, Seaside; L. O. Swanger, Eugene; James Han sen, Marshfield; J. R. Fuglll. Klamath Falls; Jo E. Ross, Bend; Tom Hodgson, Pendleton. GOVERNOR TO SPEAK THE DALLES. April 21 (In Governor Chase A. Clark of Idaho will be the principal speaker at the state convention of young democrats here April 23-27, Edward Howell, local con vention chairman, said today He added that Mrs. Franklin D Roosevelt, previously scheduled to speak, had sent word that she would be unable to attend Mount Hood In the vicinity of Tlmberline lodge. Fourteen tech niclans from Columbia studios in Hollywood arrived there to shoot scenes for two weeks. sYNorain or aii ai. statement Of the Gibraltar nr. A Marine In eerenre Company .f New York, m the State ef N. rark. on the thlrty-flrel day of rcomber. "14. mode to the Insurance commleaten.r ot the Stete S4 Orsssn, psrsaant t. tawt Capital Amount ot sapltal steak paid sp I', 444.444.4t K4t premium, racelrad dor- Ins the yaar H. TTI.I2I.II tntere. dtvldende end rente received durlna the year., Income from ether sources received dorlns tba year.. II.4T4.I4 Tatal laeem. II.III.IT444 Dlabaraomsalo . Het leaee. paid durlna the .year laelndlns adjuatment aspeneoo Commleeloae and aalarlaa paid durlna the year Taxes, licensee and fees paid durlna the year 4l.tlt.tT tlaldnde paid .a eapttel atock durlna tha year.... t4t,444.4t Amount ef all othar es- pendltsrse lll.lll.TI Total aspendlturee 11,117,114.41 Admitted Aeeaee Tsltaa ot reel eetete owned (market .alua) t S Loaae en mortaaa.a and cellateret, etc - Tahie ef bonda owned (amortised) 1.IH.JII It Taliie of atocka awaad (market .alua) 1,111.114.41 easb In banka and an band I4M4I.TI Pramluma tn couree ef col lection written nlnce Sep tember 24, Ills Tnlerreta end rente due and accrued 1l.4IT.4t Total admlttad aaealo.... IMIIJII.ll lAsbllltlee -Areas elalaia far lossee aa paid 144.114 44 Amount sf snesrned pram. lema sn sll sutatandlns risks 1. 111.141 44 tins for eommleeloa and hrokcrase . All ether liabilities le,44l 44 Total liabilities eapltal It, 111. lit 14 Capital paid UP l.tl4,44t.4t eurplne ever all liabilities t.44T.tT1.1l Surplus a. resarde policy, "dere '"', IMII.44l.ll la Oresop for tha Vear Het promluma received durlns the year...... I21.TM tl Het lo.eoe paid durtns the year 2,171 tt J, it" ' Con,pBI", Th Olbraltar rire ef Pre.ldant, Harold V. Smith: Name A''"v Hlllt Statutory resident stloroey far service. Keltb sense, wsrtlaaa. EDWARD ALLESCH p DIES IN PORTLAND Edward Alletch. World war veteran from Klamath Fella, died Monday morning In th Vetrraiia luinillul In Portland, it was learned here. 11 had been in the hospital for th past year. Mr. Allesrh had been a resi dent of Klamath falls for many years and was employed aa a baker. He was a member of the Veterans ot Foreign War. Funeral services will be held In Portland Wednesday morn ing, April 23. SET FOR HMY I May 9 Ir the dati set for h concert to be given by the Klam ath Falls men's chorus and th mixed a cappelln chorus. ' This event, sponsored by th Kiwanla club, will be held at the high school auditorium. It , ' will be an event of music week ' In Klamath Falls. League of Nations Has 30 Members, Research Shows GENEVA. Switzerland. Apr. 21 France's notification that she is withdrawing from the league of nations was held up for hours Saturday because officials couldn't remember how many nations am left In th dwindling Institution. Several hours of research f'st nally established that titer ttllff are V full and Independent members out of an all-time high of M. Earlier the French govern ment, at Vichy, announced that Franc had withdrawn from th league of nations under the pro vision which gives any member the right to withdraw after two year notifloatinn. An authorized press release asserted that "this decision ol Marshal Petaln's government was simply a recognition of de facto situation x x x. Tha activity of the league of na tion! belongs to the past." Two State Officers Enter Army Service SALEM. April 21 (P) Ore gon lost the services of twjki state officials today to UnclcP Sam's armed forces. Wallace Wharton, state tax commissioner and a lieutenant commander in the naval re serve, will leave tonight for Washington, D. C, to go oh active duty as an Intelligence officer. Former Jackson County Judge Earl n. Day will sub stltuto for Wharton while tha latter is on duty with the navy. Sigfrid B. Unandcr, governor's private secretory and a first lieutenant in the field artillery reserve, reported today for ac tive duty with tho third di vision at Fort Lewis. David Eccles, budget director and ex ecutive secretory to the gover nor, will take over Unander'i duties. Army Considers New 'Tin Hot' WASHINGTON. Am-ll t The army is considering adop tion ot a now type of steel hel met, similar In appearance to battlefield headsear M troop. Designed to give greater pro tection to the sides and back of tho head, the now was said to be mora stable, bet- tor Daianced and generally ' more coinforlahle It n,.ini.. about two and a half pounds, aq increase of three ounces, and is mado of tougher steel. Three Sneezes Held Normal Quota PHIL A DF.T .PI I r A a-.ii (IP) A normal person Is allowJ ed three consecutive IttV you sneeze mora vm,'. .ill lergic. That's what Tit nti a. Kern, professor of clinical med icine at the University of Penn sylvania, told the college ot lyiijiviiHilB. People do not Inherit hay fever or arneiHu., a- : .....j , raw berries, sea food or dog hair " '".m,. Whnt ,hcy Jnlierit is tho ability to become sensitive much more easily than h. erase. MEDFORD QUALIFIES MARSllFiKt.n a.i, . Medford h . ' 1 ...... .,V,M a UHna won wny o the regional meet J I flitniYio Tins.. 1 41 re . . en. Oregon district high school music meet closed here Sattir any. Whn in Mtdlord may at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modarn Jo and Ann Esrlty Proprietor