T 'April 1141; PAGE SDC THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON .""nej . ii m -.--.IT m-.-w-,;.;- ; '- -fr.' "'Will -f II W WSI 1 '"V. "" ".' 'S " ' Attractive Bride Elect Honored Virginia Laudwein Honor Guest at Shower Parties Prior to Wedding in Sacred Heart Church MlM Virginia Laudwein, attractive April bride-elect, waa complimented at several partita thia pait week prior to her maniac to Mr. Roger WaUh of thli city on April the twenty third in Sacred Heart church. The bride'i family will arrive tht week from St Paul. Minnesota, to attend the nuptial masa at half patt eight o'clock In the morning. The Rev. Father Timothy Caaey will read the aervic. pn Tuesday evening of thii part week Miai Phyllii Smith and Hill Patricia Sexton en tertained at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Smith on Jef ferson itreet honoring Miai Laudwein with a miscellane ous shower. A rainbow effect wai created with gifts in a pot of gold. Honors In guessing games want to Mrs. A. L. Parenteau, Miai Margaret Brocktrup, and Mils Betty Bell. Guests Included Mrs. Jack Kennedy, Mrs. Letha Foster. Mrs. Charles Dryden, Mrs. J. O. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Ray Weed, Mrs. Merrltt Smith. Mrs. R. J. Walsh. Mrs. Earl Smith, Mrs. Francis Manning, Mrs. A. L. Parenteau, Mrs. Charles Roberts, Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Mike Lavenlk. Mrs. Ruth Ray, Mrs. Irene Markham, Mrs. John Kel leher, Mrs. Phil Brick, Mrs. David R. Vandenberg, Mrs. Frank Sexton, Mrs. Jamea Baker, Mrs. Charles Brem mer, Mrs. E. P. Ivory, Mrs. Arthur Palmer, Mrs. Otto Smith. Miss Audrey Edwards, Miss Betty Bell, Miss Mar garet Brocktrup, Miss Mil dred Crawford, Miss Dorothy O'Sulllvan, Miss Helen Dun beck, Miss Peggy Weill, Miss Kay Schloehauer, Miss Delia McGrath, Miss Ranata Sari, Miss Lorraine Carroll, Miss Darlene Smith, Min Martha Roblson. Miss Luwana Smith, Miss Marjorie Hibbert, Miss Ethel Zimmerman. Miss Pat Healey, Miss Frances Balin. Miss Norma Sleverson, Miss Laudwein and the hostesses. A crystal shower was given lor Miss Laudwein this week with Mrs. J. G. Cavanaugh and Mrs. Letha Foster host esses at the Cavanaugh home on Melrose street. Guests Included Mrs. R. 3. Walsh, Mrs. Merrltt Smith, Mrs. John Kelleher, Mrs. T. J. Towey, Mrs. William Grove, Mrs. Chris Smith, Mrs. Fay SUliman, Mrs. Earl Smith, Mrs. Louis Corrigan, Mrs. Ruth Ray, Mrs. Otto Smith, Mrs. Robert Dunav Mrs. Frank Sexton. Mrs. Ever ett.JSh.elk, Mrs. N. D. Met aerMrs W. CrandaU, Miss Delia McGrath. Miss Lorraine Carrol Miss Pstricia Sexton, Miss Phyllis Smith, Miss Em ma Ooiman, and the hostesses. Contract bridge and Chi nese marbles were played with honors going to Mrs. Metier and Mrs. Shelly In cards, and Mrs. Towey and Mrs. Corrigan In marbles. A special guest of the evening was Mrs. Cavanaugh's aunt, Mrs. CrandalL who has but recently arrived from her home In County Cork, Ire land. She told many Interest ing stories of her old home. MRS. WIRTZ ENTERTAINS FOR ANW CLUB Mrs. George Wlrtx was host ess to twenty members and guests of the Art Needle Work club, Wednesday afternoon, at her home on Jefferson street Mrs. E. E. Msgee, for many years a resident of Klamath Falls, la in the city from her home in Richmond California, and was a special guest at thia meeting, as were, Mrs. C. W. Murdoch and Mrs. Susanne Homes Cater. Mrs. Lyls O. Mills. Junior past president of the dub. will entertain for the pleasure of the members, at her country home in the Pine Grove dis trict, at the next regular meet ing. May the seventh. ALUMNAE CLUB ENTERTAINED AT KONSCHOT'S The Alpha Chi Omega Alumnae club held business meeting on April the four teenth at the home of Mrs Fred Konschot (LaVene Mo Collum) on Earle street, and at the close of the session a wedding gift was presented to the hostess from the group. At next month's meeting Mrs. Raymond Yarnes will entertain members at her home on the Keno highway when plans will be made for summer activities and a full attendance is urged. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Janz of CorvaUls are receiving felici tations upon the birth of their third child. William Kenneth, born March the thirty-first. Mrs. Jans is the former Cath erine Cleghom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C . Cleghom of High street. Mrs. Cleghom Is with her daughter's family for severs.' , weeks. Health Tea Spring Event Thursday Day Set For Affair in Association Unit Outstanding on the coming week's program is the tea to be given Thursday afternoon between the hours of two and five o'clock in the Klamath health unit at Pine and Eighth streets. Chairman of the tea is Mrs. Mahr Reymers who will be as sisted by Mrs. Robert Thomp son, Mrs. Burg Mason Jr., Mrs. Harry Weimar Mrs. Rob ert Hart, Mrs. James Busch, and Mrs. John Harris Jr. All Intel ested persons in the city, both men and women, are invited to attend the tea which is being given to foster interest in the work of the Klamath County Public Health department. Pouring during the after noon will be members of the board of directors of the health association. FLOWER SHOW PLANS NEAR COMPLETION Much interest is being shown in the annual spring flower show of the Klamath Falls Woman's Library club scheduled for Sa tut day after noon, May the seventeenth, in the Fremont school auditori um. Mrs. Ernest D Lamb, flower show chairman, stressed the fact the exhibit will be open both afternoon and eve ning. Tea will be served during the afternoon with Mrs Frank lin L. Weaver as cnairman. Although this week's weath er has not been conducive 'to the growth of blossoms, the weatherman has promised warmth during the coming weeks and gardens are expect ed to burst into color prom ising all sorts of flowers for the show. Ail organizations planning to enter exhibits this year are advised that entries will be card table size, and must be arranged by amateur mem bers of their own organiza tions. The arrangements are restricted to garden flowers. An excellent response is be ing received from garden clubs throughout the county, accord ing to Mrs. Lamb, -ho is con tacting the groups this com ing week. Home from school during Easter vacation were Miss Francis Bslin, daughter of Frances Balin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balin, and Mr. Joe Sexton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fra-.k Sexton, who are students at Oregon State college. IIISH JI iiiiimhiii ".X" HOSTESS AT DANCE Mrs. Henry Gerber, who with Mr. Gerber, Is chairman of the spring dancing party at Reames Golf and Country club planned for Saturday evening, April the twenty-sixth, at the club house. KennellEllU. , fv . V ;:"y"r J . I ft' i .., 1 .,,.;'" jS MRS. JOHN Annual Vestry Dance Slated Mr. Langworthy Heads Committee for Party At Willard What promises to be a gay affair of the coming week is the annual spring dance given by the' vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church with Mr. Lou Langworthy beading members of the committee. The party is scheduled for Wednesday eveuing In the Wil lard hotel, and tickets are be ing sold by the vestry for the affair. Hostesses will be heads of women's organizations, includ ing Mrs. Victor E. Newman, wife of the rector, Mrs. K. Henry Anderson. Guild presi dent, Mrs. John Coppage, Wednesday club president, and Mrs. David Bull is head of Altar Guild. Tho public is invited to the dance. LIONESS CLUB ENTERTAINS VISITORS The April meeting of the .Lioness club was held at Hick- -man's Monday evening in the form of a banquet honoring state officers of the club on a good will tour of all auxili aries. Tables were beautiful with pastel spring flowers and white tapers, and those attend ing were Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. Fred Heilbronner, Mrs. Clifford Voight, Mrs. Al Heup, Mrs. Howard Boyd, Mrs. Oli ver Spiker, Mri. Paul Skeen, Mrs. Lester Thompson, Mrs. Gene Hooker, Mrs. Wifliam Cons tans, Mrs. Ed Robinson, Mrs. Lea Finley, Mrs. Al Pen zel, Mrs. Ted Shoop end the honor guests, state officers, Mrs. Harry Scott, president from Salem, Mrs. Oscar Shcp hard, first vice president from Grants Pass, and Mrs. Ronald Jones, secretary and treasurer from Salem. . ' t i COPPAGE ejmssewea J f-. at. MRS. k: H. HOSTESS AT VESTRY DANCE Plans are complete for the dance to be given by St. Paul's vestry Wednesday evening in the Wil lard hotel ballroom. Hostesses will be Mrs. R. Henry Anderson, president of the Guild, Mrs. John Coppage, head of Wednesday club, and Mrs. David Bullis, president of the Altar Guild. Also a hostess is Mrs. Victor E. Newman, wife of the rector of St. Paul's. Kennell-Ellis pictures. VISITOR TO BE COMPLIMENTED AT TEA SATURDAY As a courtesy to Mrs. Jessie Withern of Palo Alto, Califor nia, who is editor of the In ternational Toastmistress mag azine and associated with the Stanford University press, an afternoon tea will be given Saturday, April the twenty sixth, at the home of Mrs. A. J. Voye on High st.ect. Mrs. Withern will be a visi tor In the city for that day and will be honored at the tea by members of the local Toast mistress club of which Mrs. Walter Brown is president. ANNUAL MAY FESTIVAL DATE NAMED Friday, May the sixteenth, has been set for tne date of Riverside's PTA annual spring May festival, party, and sup per on the Big Lavn on Con ger avenue. Mrs. C. S. Elliot has been named chairman of the affair and already she is working to organize commit tees to take care ot the large crowd expected for the eve ning. Mrs. Harlan Bnsworth Is chairman of entertainment and a new treat is expected in ad dition to the crowning of the May queen the early part of the evening. Bridge Club Entertained Mrs. Marvin K. Lucas en tertained Thursday evening at her home on Pacific Terrace tor members of her bridge club. Guests were Mrs. Byron Hardenbrook and Mrs. L. A. Murphy. High score was held by Mrs. David R Vrndcnberg, second high by Mm Harry W. Bathiany, low by Mrs. S. P. Miller, and Mrs. Murphy re ceived slam award. Mrs Paul Foster will entertain in a fort night r MRS. DAVID iwywsnnr.iswi p ANDERSON EASTER HAT . PARADE AT WEDNESDAY CLUB An Easter hat party, with guests wearing concoctions of their own making, was the clever idea carried out by members of Wednesday club of St. Paul's at tnelr party Wednesday evening in the par ish house. Honors for head gear went to Mrs. Hans Nor land who entered the parade wearing a wreath of colored Easter eggs with a fetching crown of green gras. Four tables of bridge were In play with high score held by Mrs. Frank Tarr. A busi ness meeting was held at which time plans for the ves try dance Wednesday, April the twenty-third in the Willard hotel, were discussed by the members. Hostesses at the farty were Mrs. Ray Kent, Mrs. Harold Tcale, Mrs. Dale Smith, and Mrs. Richard Hlbbs The next meeting on May the seventh will be a business session ac cording to Mrs. John Coppage, president. Mr. Dick Msgulr left Est urday of last week for Minne sota where he will Join Mrs. Maguire and their young daughter, Patricia, visiting her parents near Rochester, Min nesota. The Maguiies will re turn here within a short time to visit with Mr J. F. Maguire at his home on Pine street. "LET GEORGE DO IT" SWISS WATCH REPAIR SPECIALIST - A COMPLETE LINE OF JEWELRY GEO. METZ 837 Main Watchmaker and Jewsler BULLIS Spring Dance At Reames- Clubhouse To Be Scene of Gay Party April Twenty-Sixth What promises to be one of the most delightful parties of the season is the spring dance scheduled for Saturday eve ning. April the twenty-sixth, at Reames Golf and Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerber are chairmen for the event, assisted by a comml tee Includ ing Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Mr. and Mrs Msrslull E. Cor nett, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Med ford, and Mr. and Mis. J. Roy al Shaw. Members of Reames and guests are Invited tu the party and supper will be served at midnight. Herb Cochran's or chestra wtll play. MARRIAGE DATE TOLD IN PORTLAND The following from the Portland Oregon Journal is of Interest to friends of Miss Irene Schaupp of Portland, daughter ot Mr. "and Mrs. Ar thur Schsupp of this city. "Announced this Easter Sunday is the date for the mar riage of a young couple whose engagement was msde known at New Year's time. Miss Irene Schaupp Friday night dis closed to friends that her mar riage to Mr. Donald Law would take place Saturday afternoon. May 10, In the chapel at Westminster Presby terian church with Dr. Perry C. Hopper officiating . "The news was told at a party for which the bride-elect and her sister, Mrs. Linn La tourette, were Joint hostesses at Miss Schsupp's home In honor of Miss Claudia Bart rum, whose marriage to Dr. Raymond McMahon is planned for May 2. . "Mrs. Latourette will be her sister's honor attendant. 'The bride-to-be is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Schaupp of Klamath Falls and the prospective bride groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Law of this city." TULIP FIELDS BEAUTIFUL AT POWELL FARM Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb left by motor Friday morning for Portland to spend the week end visiting her mother, Mrs. Dsvld C. Powell. Mrs. Powell's farm at 12222 Sandy boulevard is a picture at this time of the year with acres ot bright colored tulips In full bloom. Any persons motoring north this weekend who find it convenient to visit the tulip field, are cordially invited to do so by Mrs, Lamb and Mrs. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Rahlen Hast ings left Saturday afternoon for San Francisco to spend several days. Spring Parties Given For Mrs. McLucas Gay Affairs Compliment Young Klamath Fafli Matron Prior to Departure From City A number of parties were given during the past week honoring Mr. and Mrs. Don McLucas who left Wedneaday with their family to reside In Dunsmulr, California, after num ber of years' residence In this city. i On Saturday Mrs. Robert Wedding Plans Told Miss Loreni Chooses Attendants for April Ceremony One of spring's prettiest weddings will be tliat of Miss Gwendolyn Loreni, daughter of Mr, and Mrs G. C. Loreni of this cltv. when sun becomes the bride next Saturday after noon. April the twenty-sixth, of Mr. Stanley Millar. The ceremony will be read at twelve o'clock noon In Sacred Heart church by Rev Father Timothy Casey. Miss Loreni has asked Mrs. John W. Crawford. (Kuth Mary Bathiany), to oe her matron-of-honor, and bridesmaids will be Mrs. Myron Shannon and Miss Cleo Chsmpsgne. Mr. Jack Bergrocn of Fort Klamath will be the beat man and ushers will be Mr. John W. Crawford, Mr. Myron Shan non. Mr. Richard III, and Mr. Wealey Loreni. Servers at the altar will be the bride's brother. Glenn Loreni Jr., and Teddy Igl, with Miss Marl 0enchsm at the organ. Mrs. Rcllin Cant rail will sing Gounod's "Ave Maria, ' and Mr. Harry Borel will play the violin obligato. Following the ceremony reception will oe given at the home of the bride's parents on High street. PRESIDENT ATTENDS PORTLAND MEET A report on the state con vention of the American Asso ciation of University Women being held this weekend in Portland will be given by Mrs. Godfrey Blohm, president-elect of the KUtmath cojnty chap ter, at the meeting scheduled for April the twenty-sixth at the Elk hotel. Luncheon will be served at quaiter to one o'clock. Mrs. Blohm, Mrs. James Kerns, newly elected vice president, and Mrs. Frank Drew, are attending the con vention in the north this week. An Interesting musical pro gram Is being planned tor the luncheon, and at this meeting plans for the annual senior tea to be held the middle of May will be made. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McMul len returned the eerly part of the week from a visit In Salem with Mrs Roger Mything, Mrs. McMullen's sister, and with their daughter, Frances Lee, student at Oregon State college. A visit to the coast was also enjoyed wnlle north. I Wt invite you to avail yourself of meeting MISS BLANCHE JONES FASHION EXPERT AND FIGURE ANALYST here to counsel with you on your figure needs and to bring you up-to-date with fashion. MONDAY AND TUESDAY APRIL 21 22 n Thompson entertained at her home on Pacific Terrace with a dessert bridge for Mrs. Ms Lucas who received a number ot going away gifts from the ' guests. Freesias, yellow tulip end stock were used about the rooms with Easter favors com pleting Uie spring theme. High score In bridge was ' given to Mrs. Jamel Busch, second to Mrs. Franklin L. Wesver, and traveling awards to Mrs. C. A. Henderson and Mrs. John Harris Jr. Guests Included Mrs. Mo Luca., Mrs. tiurge Mason Jr., Mrs. Charles Hovey, Mrs. Td Young. Mrs. J. Truman Run yan, Mrs. Louis berruys, Mrs. Robert Hart, Mrs. Cecil Ad ams, Mrs. Lloyd Coble, Mrs. George Mysrs, Mrs. Claud Davis, Mrs. James Busch, Mr. Lawrence Slstar, Mrs. Frank Iln L. Weaver, Mrs. C. A. Henderson, Mrs. Raymond Yarnes, Mra. Charles V. Rugh, Mrs. Dwlght French, Mrs. John Harris Jr., Mrs. John Houston. Mrs. Joseph Peak, Mrs. Arthur Laraen and Miss Virginia West. On Friday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs, McLucas were honored when Mr. end Mrs. Burge Mason Jr. invited a smsll group In for cards and dessert. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Rsymond Yarnes, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Young, Mr. and Mrs. James Busch and Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. McLucas were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Slater on Easter Sunday, and were also enter, talned at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Young before theii departure. On Monday afternoon, be ' tween the hours of four and six o'clock, Mr. Chart O. Hovey nUrtalned at her horn on Pacific Terrac with ' a cocktail party honoring Mr. McLucas. Fifteen were asked In to bid the honor guest au revolr. TIN WHISTLE TOURNAMENT AT REAMES - Mrs. Martin Swanaon won the tin whistle tournament played by women of Reames Golf and Country club Fri day morning for having taken th most points. Hostesses for th dsy at th clubhous were Mrs. Swsnson, Mrs. T. Freder ick Farley and Mrs. Earl Wei mar. Starting next week the play- era will take part In a M-hole derby and a 27-hole derby. In cards last week, Mrs. Charles V. Rugh and Mrs. Farley won honors In east and west, and In north and south, Mrs. William Grove and Mrs. W. O. Smith.