The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 19, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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llotana Meeting Friday at
til Elk hold lit 8 o'clock the
new Klamath Kails chapter of
Itotana was scheduled to hold
ita flrat meeting Women of the
city Intercxtud In Rotsna were
urged to attend. Itotana, an or
ganization on the classification
plan (or professional and busl
ncaa women, also Include house
wlvea and motnera. It haa had
chapters In northern Oregon for
number of years and looks for
ward to Including Ktumuth Falls
among the list. Several of the
new chapters of Ruuina are re
sponding to Dr. Varls' plea for
sponsors for llrltlsh children on
the i.lO a year basis. The local
chapter will also consider this
In South Mrs. Katherlna
Isensee of Kalherlne's Beauty
ahop left Fnduy to spend a week
In Ban Francisco and to attend
the Parsi beauty show whllo
south. Margie Mills will be In
charge of the shop during Mrs.
Isensee's absence.
Motor South Mrs. Clifford
Smith, Mrs. Claud Hardberger,
and Mrs. K. L. Sanborn motored
to Dunsmulr, Calif., Wednesday
and returned with Bud Sanborn,
who has been transferred back
to Klamath Falls. He Is with
the American Railway Express
Return Home Mr. and Mrs.
A. O. Samson returned to their
home In Med ford Friday after
spending the greater part of the
week here.
Fair tonight and Saturday, light
frost In low places tonight but
warmer In Interior Saturday
moderate to fresh northwest
wind off coast increasing to
night; Sunday mostly cloudy.
OREGON Fair with frost In
the interior tonight, heavy in
cast portion; Saturday fair.
warmer In south and east por
tions; gentle northerly winds off
coast. . .
Extended forecast for far west
ern states except southern Call
fornla, period April if) 22:
Partly cloudy weather with
light to locally moderate rains in
latter part of period; tempera
ture near normal in coastal areas
and slightly below normal in
land, becoming slightly above
normal by middlo of the period
Mall Closing Times
Southbound: 8:00 a
Northbound: 0:10 a
Southbound: 8: IS p
Northbound: 8:30 p.
Alturas, L n k e v 1 e w. Rocky
roint and Ashland, all close 7:00
a. m.
PORTLAND, Ore., April 18
(AP-USDA) HOGS: Salable
100, total 800; market steady
good-choice 170-210 lbs. $0.88-7.1
one lot $9.88; 180 lbs. $9.25; 218
280 lbs. $9.00-40; packing sows
$8.00-28; choice 98 lb. feeder
pigs $10.00.
CATTLE: Salable and total
38; calves: Salable 28, total SO
market steady on limited sup
ply; steers and beef heifers
scarce; fed steers salable around
$9.80-11.00; fed heifers quotable
to $10.00; cornier and cutter
cows $5.28-8.80; cutter heifers
$8.25; good beef bulls up to
$8.90; common bulls $7.00-75
choice vcalcrs steady at 13; low
er grades weak to unevenly
low; fe w common - medium
grades $7.50-10.78.
SHEEP: Salable none; total
300; market quotable, steady;
good-choice spring lambs quot
able to $11.00; weeks top
woolcd lambs $10.75; early shorn
lambs $9.28; shorn ewes $4.80
down; woolcd ewes up to $6.00
For Your
a Information
fm aatM wi antimm si fiat
America'! Biggest Two-Day Contest Will Bo Held
Many new features, including 6 internationally known cow
boy and cowgirl trick and fancy riders and ropers, cow
boy clowns, bands, bull fighters. Hillbilly string orchestras,
ate., etc.
Six thorobred running races daily using for the first time
a duplicate of the famous Puett starting gate.
General Admission, $1.00 plus tax. For reservations, write,
phone or wire the Red Bluff Chamber of Commerce.
Red Bluff's famous party THE FREE STREET DANCE
Foley It Burks's Carnival Special entertainment at night
clubs, etc., etc.
League Party There will be
nn old-fashioned dance given by
the Suburban League auxiliary
Suturdiiy night from 8:30 o'clock
to 1 o'clock In the Shasta school
gym. All proceeds will be used
as a benefit fund for the new
community hall. The public Is
Invited. Supper will be served
and members are asked to bring
Police Court Five traffic
warrants were Issued against
tardy motorists by the police
court Friday. Eight drunks, one
drunk and disorderly, four vags,
and six traffic tickets made up
the balance of the report. Wal
ter Lal'lante was charged with
driving without a license.
Reports Theft Harry J. Ro
man, 2434 Orchard avenue, re
ported the theft of one Crafts
man power saw and five gallons
of paint from a new building on
Hillside and Waring. Value was
set at $120.
Trade News
Interesting Notes of Harold
and News Advertisers, Their
Products and Activities
Employes of the Scars store In
this city were today informed
that they will participate In the
contribution of the company to
the savings and profit sharing
pension fund of Scars, Roebuck
and company employes which
amounts to $4,138,129 for the
fiscal year 1940.
This sum represents the larg
est contribution ever made by
Scars in the 25 years of the
fund's existence. It Includes five
per cent of the company's 1940
net profits before taxes as well
as a special contribution of $1.
000.000. As explained by Manager
T. R. Thorn psen, a regular em
ploye of the company becomes
eligible for fund membership af
ter a year of service. He then
is given the right to deposit five
per cent of his salary In the fund.
No employe may deposit more
than $280 a year, however. Each
year, Sears, Roebuck and com
pany contributes a sum equal to
five per cent of its net profit.
The combined amount is Invest
ed, from time to time, in Sears
The attractiveness of the
plan is attested by the fact thot
over BS per cent of eligible em
ployes are members of tho fund,"
said Thompsen.
In addition, during 1940, Sours
paid out $1894.682 for such le
gally imposed employe benefits
as workpien's compensation In
surance, unemployment compen
sation taxes and federal old age
benefit taxes. This figure rep
resents an (ncrease of $836,172
over 1939.
LUSK Born at Hillside hos
pital, Klamath Falls, Ore., April
18, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Gail
husk, route 3, box 144, city, a
boy. Weight: 8 pounds 14 ounces.
Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls.
Ore., April 18, 1941, to Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Castleberry. 2211
Oregon avenue, a girl. Weight:
8 pounds.
From Seattle 3. W. Hoffman,
Great Northern scale inspector,
arrived In Klamath Falls Thurs
day from Seattle.
Claim Agent Here T. B.
Hogan, GN claim agent from
Portland, was in the city on
business Thursday
Dispatcher Leaves R. N.
Whitman, Great Northern train
dispatcher, left Klamath Falls
for Whltoflsh, Mont., where he
will take a dispatching post with
the GN.
Figure Analyst
Miss Blanche Jones. Formfit
Foundation company figure an
alyst and fashion expert will
be at La Polnte's Monday and
Tuesday of next week, accord
ing to word received at the lo
cal store. Miss Jones is consld-
ered one of America's foremost
authorities in the foundation
garment field.
Membership Drive
By Concert Group
Ends Saturday
The Klamath Community
Concert drive ends at 6 o'clock
sharp Saturday night and
those men and women, as well
as students, throughout the
county who have not been
contacted by workers are
urged u obtain memberships
before that lime tot the 1941
Mrs. Lester Oftleld. mem
bership chairman, stated Fri
day afternoon the membership
would undoubtedly run over
1000, which is far in excess of
last year's membership. A
meeting of the workers was
held at 4:30 p. m. Friday and
keen enthusiasm was shown.
Reports aie coming in from
outlying districts which are
most gratifying and it la ex
pected the response outside the
city will be the largest in the
concert association history.
Hearing Slated on
Ring Rot Control
Area in Oregon
SALEM, April 18 (Hear
ings to determine whether De
schutes, Crook and Jefferson
counties should be set up as con
trol areas against potato ring rot
disease will be held next Tues
day in the courthouses of those
counties, the state department of
agriculture said todiiy.
If the control area Is estab
lished, those counties would be
closed to all new potatoes from
outside. Potato growers have
requested the action as protect
ion against bacterial ring rot,
central Oregon and a small Ne
vada district being the only
western producing areas free of
the disease, the department said.
PORTLAND, April 18 (d-)
Mclvin Buckles, West Linn high
school boy, was announced yes
terday as Oregon winner in a na
tionwide essay contest conducted
by the. Veterans of Foreign
Wars' auxiliary. Jean Warren,
St. Mary's high school, Forest
Grove, was second and Shirley
Martin, Imbler, was third. Young
Buckles' essay will be entered in
the national contest.
Aliens would be barred from
voting or holding office in labor
organizations under a bill (HR
4406) introduced yesterday by
Representative Woodruff (R-Mich.)
Gives You a Sort a' Sour Taste in
Your Mouth - Just to Look at 'Em!
-a-w. m
Kind'. Makes Your
. Don't
Poor investments do the same thing
Don't gamble "on the sure thing"
and better returns at the . , .
Member Federal Savings sid Loan Insurance Corporation
Sixth at Main Dial 819$
Stock Market
NEW YORK, April 18 WV
A more bearish turn to the war
news helped weaken stocks in
today's market and leading In
dustrials dropped 1 to more than
2 points, some to new 1941 lows.
Transfers were around 800,
Today's quotations:
Air Reduction .... 36
Alaska Juneau 41
Al Chem St Dye 148
American Can .-. 26i
Allls-Chalmers - 83s
Am Car St Fdy 23 1
Am Rad Sta San . 6
Am Roll Mills 13i
Am Smelt St Ref 34i
Am Tel Ac Tel 1864
Am Tob "B" 88
Am Water Worki 41
Am Zinc L & S ... B
Anaconda . 221
Armour Hi . , . 41
Atchison 241
Aviation Corp 21
Bald Loco 13
Bendix Avia ,,, 331
Beth Steel 69
Boeing Airp . 131
Borden 19 s
Borge-WarneT , 16
Callahan Z L 1
Calumet Hec 51
Canada Dry lit
Canadian Pacific 3i
Cat Tractor 40 s
Cclaneso 20
Ches St Ohio 38
Chrysler 671
Col Gas St El 3
Com'l Solvents SI
Comm'nw'Uh St Sou I
Consol Aircraft 221
Consol Edison 191
Consol Oil 51
Cont'l Can - 331
Corn Products 431
Crown Zellcrbach 111
Curtiss Wright 71
Doug Aircraft 641
Dupont De N 1401
Eastman Kodak 1281
El Pow & Lt li
General Electric 30
General Foods 381
General Motors 39
Goodrich .... Hi
Goodyear Tire 17
Gt Nor Ry pfd 231
Greyhound -. 101
Illinois Central 61
lnsp Copper 91
Int Harvester 44
Int Nick Can 251
Int Pap & P pfd 61
Johns Manville 55
Kennecott 321
Lib O Ford 321
Lockheed 191
Loew s . 291
Long-Bell "A" 21
Montgomery Ward 321
Nash-Kclv 4
Nat l Biscuit 161
Nat'l Dairy Prod 131
Nat l Dist 20
National Lead 14i
N Y Central HI
No Am Aviation 121
North Amcr Co 13s
Northern Pacific 51
Ohio Oil 71
Otis Steel 7
Pac. Amer Fish - 71
Pac Gas St El 261
Pac Tel & Tel 1181
Packard Motor .:. 21
Pan Amer Airways . 101
Paramount Pic 11
Penney J C) 791
Penna R R . 23
Phelps Dodge 27
Phillips Pet 38
Proctor & Gamble 54
Pub Svc N J 241
Pullman . 24i
Radio i . 4
Republic Steel 171
Richfield Oil 81
Safeway Stores 351
Sears Roebuck 69'
Shell Union 13
Socony Vacuum 81
Sou Cal Edison 241
Southern Pacific 91
Sperry Corp 291
Standard Brands 51
Jaws Ache,
They? -
Stand Oil Calif
Stand Oil lnd
Stand Oil N J
Stone St Webster
Sunshlno Mining
Texas Corp
Union Carbide
Union Oil Calif
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Aircraft ...
U on ted Corporation
United Drug
United Fruit
U S Rubber
U S Rubber pfd
U S Steel
Warner Pictures
Western Union
Wool worth
(AP-USDA) Potatoes: 4 Cali
fornia, 1 Oregon, 1 Idaho ar
rived, 10 unbroken, 12 broken
cars on track; market dull; Ore
gon Klamath district Russets No.
1 $1.15-1 JO, occasional car high
er; combination grades, washed
(AP-USDA) Potatoes: 4 Cali
fornia, 2 Oregon, 7 Idaho ar
rived; 37 unbroken, 14 broken
carl on track; by truck 20 Cali
fornia, 3 Idaho, Z Utah arrived;
market dull; Oregon Klamath
district Russets No. 1, 1 car
CHICAGO. April 18 (AP
USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 69;
on track 508; total US shipments
734; supplies, old stock, heavy;
demand very slow; for Idaho
Russeta market about steady.
Western Triumphs, market
weaker, northern stock, all vari
eties dull and weak; Idaho Rus
set Burbanks US No. 1, $1.55-60;
colored Red McClures US No. 1,
$1.40; Nebraska and Wyoming
Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $1.40
65; Minnesota and North Dakota
Cobblers, US Commercials, 80c;
Bliss Triumphs, 83 per cent US
No. 1 quality, 90c; Wisconsin
Round Whites US No. 1, 90c;
Bliss Triumphs US No. 1. 85c;
new stock supplies, rather
heavy, demand slow, market
about steady; Texas SO-lb. sack
Bliss Triumphs. US No. 1, $1.15-
25 per sack; California 50 lb.
sack Long White US No. 1, $1.20-
221 per sack.
April 18 (AP) (Fed. State Mkt
News) HOGS: Salable 350.
Steady to 10c higher one load
208 lb. butchers $10.20, about
one load 222 lb. locals $9.60;
two rail cars back; packing sows
CATTLE: Salable none. Large
ly nominal; for week: Steers
10-lSc lower, she stock and bulls,
25c higher; bulk steers $9.80
11.00; dairy cows $7.00-50; bulls
$8.00-80. Calves: Salable none.
Nominal; good to choice vealers
quoted $12.00-13.00; calves $9.00
to $11.00.
SHEEP: Salable none. Largely
unchanged: spring lambs mostly
$10.80-11.50; shorn ewes $5.00
down, wooled absent.
Looking for Bargains? Tun
to the Classified page
Lt MM Alfred! Stun, OeMarCl
mm inimwiuUf. win your
flfurt problfml
1 61
County court members Friday
announced the sale of the Bray
mill White Pine real properties
on Sprague river near Chiloquin
to Christina Brown of Chiloquin
for $3780 cash.
The county had foreclosed
upon the property because of
non-payment of approximately
$11,000 in taxes.
William Bray of toe Braymill
White Pine company, court mem
bers said, retained possession of
all personal property, such as
machinery and motors, located
at the lumber plant which had
not operated for many yean
The county's foreclosure cov
ered real property only. A total
of 160 acres was included in the
property taken by the county for
- Court members said they had
other offers for the real prop
erty but all involved removal
of the personal property which
did not belong to the county,
The court said that a question
had arisen as to whether certain
piping on the property was real
or personal because it had been
assessed as personal property,
whereas such piping is usually
considered real property.
PTA Notes
On Monday, April 21 at 8
p. m. sharp theie will be a pro
gressive pinochle card party in
the Miiis school auditorium.
There will be prizes and refresh
ments. Members are asked to
bring tables and cards.
SALEM. April 18 W Seek
ing to prevent spread of screw
worm infestation to Oregon ani
mals, the state department of
agriculture issued an order to
day preventing shipment of live
stock into Oregon from infested
areas, unless animals from such
areas can be certified as free
from the screw worm maggot.
Under the order, effective Ap
ril 25, cattle, sheet). -Dorses,
mules and asses from California,
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas.
Oklahoma and Mexico wUl be
barred unless they have the cer
tificates. The department advised Ore
gon livestock men that the ban
would prevent spread of the pest.
The northernmost point where
screw worm has been reported is
Redding. Calif.
The screw worm, a greenish
fly which lays eggs in any break
in the skin, destroys several mu-
lion dollars worth of livestock
annually in the south and south
west, the department said.
0 JrJ'i
Phone 8222 901 Main
Firm Support
for Comfort and
Figure Perfection
Whatever your figure type, if
your figure requires firming,
Gossan! a front-lacing combina
tion will work beauty miracles.
Its comfortable support ends
fatigue, keeps you looking and
i- i
reeling youngi -.- $"00
A. Average D. Tall Average
C Full Hip E. Straight Hip
F. Short Average
Tie frJbufitdly csunct
III II KI , '-""W1-1 "-""J
1 J i
J 4 , .
' f : I
Mrs. Wisfleld Beaver (Baa
Ellen R timer), died in a Klam
ath Falls hospital this weak fol
lowing a year's illness. She waa
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L D. Rumer of this dry and at
one time taught in tha Keao
First Troops Sail '
For Bermuda Base
The war department announced
today that the first contingent
of troops had sailed to Garrison,
the new base at Bermuda.
The contingent, its size not
disclosed, sailed today aboard
the transport American Legion
from the army base in Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Although further details were
withheld, it was understood ar
tillery as well as infantry units
were included.
Made to Sell at 16.95!
Limited Group of Fine
Sample COATS
Mostly casuals but a few fitted
styles included! Tweeds and
camel hair. Our saving on these
coats are passed on to youl
Sizes 10-16.
... Be Thrilled With a
Smart Daytime CASUAL
Of natural straw or a soft fur a - fp,
felt in pastels, white or navy I jUU
All our styles are exclusive in r
Klamath Falls! '
The long-time favorite for
streamlined good looks
and long-wearl . . . pro-
li portioned lengths! Mag
netically liattenngi
1,-LIUD lU.b
Word of tha death of Cornelius 1
W. King, 74, in Fresno, Calif,
Wednesday morning bas been re
ceived by his daughter, Mrs.
Henri Conradi of Jefferson
street Mr King had been In ill
health for the past year.
Mr. King waa born in Tennes
see, December 4, 180, and came
with bis parents across the plains
at the age of 0, the family settl
ing in itingsburg, 40 miles from
Fresno. The elderly man spent
his lifetime ranching In Call
fornla. He la survived by bis
wile, Mrs. Alice M. King of
Fresno, two daugnters, Mrs.
William Sanderson of Selma,
Calif., and Mrs. Conradi of thia
city, three tons. Sol, Walter and
Jack, all well known here. Fun
eral services will be held at 10
o'clock Saturday morning in
Mendeclno, Calif.
Florida Prepares
To Greet Windsors
PALM BEACH, Fls., April IS
(JP) Palm Beach society pre
pared today to greet tha Duke
and Duchess of Windsor with as
much informal entertainment as
the famous couple's efforts to
avoid ostentation would permit.
The Windsors, making their
second visit to the United State
together, arrived at Miami thus
morning aboard the steamer
Berkshire from- Nassau. From
the dock, they went to down
town Miami where British Vice
Consul L. A. Oates said the duch
ess would visit a physician for
general check-up.
Picture framing. CoaUer's,
230 Main. Phone S704.
Phone 8222 ' 901 Main
r Your Budget Dress Is
in This Selection of
Daytime FROCKS
Included In the group are prints,
polka dots, navy blues and
blacks. Some with Jackets. One
of a stylel Sizes 11-20 and
. 18H-2454. - - - ,
M w
Chic! : 7 : You'll
b& X
Wri'l UtUlMIWLl