The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 18, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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April 18. 1941
The Klamath News
Published every momlng
Mow Publishing Company at
ath rails, Oregon
Seattle. Loa Angeles, St Louis,
B C Coptaa of Tha Nawa and
Information about tha Klamath
for tha asking at any of theee
Entered as second class matter at the post office at Klamath
Falls. Oregon. November 13.
Member Audit Bureau Circulation
OflMal ho ar Cm of EiaauUi ralla aa Klaaata OMltt,
IMHW4 7 mm. p-f Boat
iminrrm oj nnw pot w .
IMI,r.e by aMtt. mt rw, hi tluulk,
PMNM M Mil. ff MIM .
HlnM aj aull. aoauu
South of
IT b with reluctance, because of the political significance
I of the state line, that we give critical mention to public
problems south of the border. But unfavorable reports on
the condition of the highway
to justify comment, because
route to this community and
of the line "covered" by this
Robert Ruhl of the Medford Mail-Tribune, who vis.
ited Reno recently via Klamath Falls, writes in his paper
that the road "this side of
hard-surfaced highwgv on
talki'mr Rhout the srreteh of
and Hatfield, south of Tulelake. This road Js badly
broken tin.
As we recall it. some time afro aarreement was made
that federal work would be don to brinf this road no to
standards, after which the O"fornla highway commis
sion woulrt take It over. And
Ruhl's unfavorable report,
Linsv Sisemore. who says he
on th's road of preparations
time Mr. Ruhl travels it he
Certainly, the volume of travel on the hisrhwav be
tween here and Reno, both real and notential. iustifies
immediate action. It is a fact that this is part of the fast
est, most direct route between
More and more people are
pleasant to follow the east -
crossing from Portland via
There is increasing travel between southern Oregon
points and Reno, and the Alturas highway furthermore
has considerable local significance as a connection be
tween northern Modoc points
Oregon now has an excellent highway to the state line
at Hatfield. Right now it is eliminating such spots as the
Lost river curve and the narrow bridge and underpass at
Henley. California extensions of this fine highway ought
vu dc orougni into Detter condition immediately.
Ickes Versus Hitlerism
I IARD-HTTTTKC YTarnM T. TV. .- A tu i-
- DVW1M1J VI lilC IU
terior, called this week for destruction of "Hitlerism
and all it stands for" and lashed out at Americans he
charged are directly and indirectly aiding and supporting
Nazi creeds.
Opposition to Hitlerism and all it stands for must
mean opposition to totalitarianism, and the vast majority
of Americans will agree with Secretary Ickes in denounc
ing that ideology.
But let Mr. Ickes and all of us who oppose "Hitlerism"
make certain that while this country lends aid to the physi
cal struggle against Hitler, it does not at the same time
embrace Hitler's philosophy and methods under some
other name or in modified form.
Constant extension of power and control of govern
ment over the lives and activities of the people, perpetu
ation of a regime through this increasing control, grow
ing official impatience with critical public expressions,
the development of bureaucratic dictatorship these are
in essence steps in the direction of authoritarianism. Their
opposition would welcome such a vigorous fighter as Sec
retary Ickes.
The American way, with its individual freedom and
its challenge to the best in a man, is worth fighting for
and worth saving. Let's be sure when we fight that that
is what we are fighting to save.
Weather, Then and Now
INTO the newspaper office Thursday morning came Ed
Dunham with the front cage of The Klamath News for
Tuesday, April 18. 1933. The "banner" story of the morn
ing told of 14 inches of snow that had piled up in Klam
ath Falls on the previous day. It was the famed Easter
storm of 1933, which still lives in the memory of most of
us who were here eight years ago.
Mr. Dunham's purpose in bringing in the paper was
to show how much worse the weather can be than it was
Thursday morning when Klamath folk, hungry for spring,
looked out on a light skiff of snow.
As we remember, without making further check on
the newspaper files, at least a few flakes of snow fell
every day for the first 13 or 17 days of May in 1933. After
that Easter storm, the weather seemed to be in a groove.
But, happily, that was really an unusual period. Noth
ing has happened like it since and seldom had it hap
pened before. The law of averages is on the side of better
weather in the forthcoming weeks.
Kesterson Loggers
To Return to Work
Approximately 00 loggers and
woods employes of the Kester
son Lumber company will re
turn to work next Monday when
tha firm opens their logging op
erations for the 1941 season.
Jack Almeter of tha Oregon
State Employment service an
nounced Thursday.
Kesterson logging will again
be carried on on Kiamath In
dian reservation land north of
Celebrated for Its' unique sub
terranean boat rides, Echo
river. In Mammoth Cave Na
tional Park, N. M, normally Is
3(0 feet below tha surface of
thu ground. . . j
Managing Editor
except Monday by The Klamath
Esplanade and Pino streets, Klam
nationally by
San Francisco. New York, Detroit
Portland, Chicago, Vancouver,
Herald together with complete
Falls market may be obtained
1832. under act of March 3, 1878
Telephone 1124
Uaa, Modoa aaS Slaklyae CoaaU
rTtbi ai Adraaaa
the Border
between here and Reno seemi
of the importance of this
to a vast area on Doth sides
Alturas is the worst piece or
the coast." Evidently, he is
th hiBw,v between canny
this week, a'ono- witft air.
we fret a ray of hope from
saw stakes out and evidences
fo1 work. Perhaps the next
will find it better "omtr.
Portland and Los Angeles.
finding it convenient and
nf - the - mountxin route after
waninitia or Wil'amette.
and their county seat
Klamath Temple to
Repeat Pantomime
Bowing to overwhelming de
mands for a return showing,
the vounff rwnni k in.
ath Temple will again present
luccesnui caster panto
mimes Friday night, it was an-
uuuncea inursaay.
- The nrnmm u.h.jniui ...
begin at 7:45, tha announcement
siaiea. will be held in the
The Stcl Initnaira .1
United States made shipments
of light steel products totaling
17.S24.000 nitt tnna In IOIO.
heavy steel product shipments
naiea 21,327,000 net tons.
You'll soon be hoarlna hmi
another boy wonder "How
long cezore school is out?"
Recommendations for chances
in the price structure for milk
and cream in tha important Port-
Una metropolitan milk market
have lust been made by special
lsts of tha Oregon State college
experiment station, who were
requested by the Oregon milk
control board to make a scien
title study of conditions.
The study carried out in Port
land by Dr. D. B. DeLoach, as
sociate economist, and R. A.
Stiner, research assistant of the
experiment station, was tha most
comprehensive of a series of
studies made throughout the
state at tha request of the milk
The study shows that sales of
butterfat in the bottle and can
milk trade for the period 1930
through 1939 decreased slightly
more than 3 per cent in the Port
land milk area, while production
of milk in the area increased
slightly more than 9 per cent
Various factors are considered
responsible for the decrease in
consumption, one being that, al
though the population increased
slightly more than S per cent,
the number of children between
the ages of four and 19, who are
the largest consumers of milk,
decreased slightly more than 12
per cent.
Among changes proposed to
encourage greater consumption
are a quantity discount on pur
chases of three or four quarts of
milk delivered dally, a store dif
ferential on the price of milk
sold over the counter, and a low
ering of cream prices, which are
said to be out of line with the
price of milk.
lectricians Hold
Meeting in Wage
Dispute in City
Twenty members of the Inter
national Brotherhood of Elec
trical Workers, Klamath local
659, continued their Tuesday-
called strike Thursday as nego
tiations were held between
Mollis Anderton of the union
and R. M Butler, speaking for
the Association of Building Con
tractors and Employers.
Shops affected by the refusal
to work are the East Side Elec
tric company, Gareeion's. Moore
Electric, and the Refrigeration
and Electric Service company.
Butler and Anderton were In
conference early Thursday after
noon but broke up without a being reached. It was
expected they would meet again
late Thursday or early Friday.
Funeral services tor tha late
Bessie Ellen Seaver, who passed
away in this city Tuesday, April
15, 1941, following an illness
of two years, will be held in
the chapel of the Earl Whit
lock funeral home, Pine street
at Sixth, on Friday, April 18,
1941, at 3 p. m., with the Rev.
L. K. Johnson of tha Klamath
Lutheran church of this city
officiating. Commitment serv
ices and interment Llnkville
cemetery. Friends are invited.
I can't recall one American
Journalist who has been suc
cessfully muzzled. William
L. Chenery, magazine editor...
Say, We're Getting Recognition
Junior Red Cross
To Hold Rally
Day Saturday
The Junior Red Cross mem
bers of Klamath county are
planning a rally day for all
schools enrolled in Junior Red
Cross which will be held at the
Fairview school, Saturday after
noon, April 19, from 3 to 4
o'clock. The Junior Red Cross
council from Fairview school
will be hostess group for the af
Each school will have a rep
resentative tell of tha Junior
Red Cross work which has been
carried on by that school this
past year. Plans will be made
at the rally to form a Junior Red
Cross council which will be
county-wide for next year, with
representatives from each school
meeting at least once a month.
Plana will be formulated to
send one or more members to
the Junior Red Cross state con
vention which will be held next
The play, "The Whole Town's
Talking, to be presented Sun
day afternoon and Monday eve
ning at the Klamath Union
high school auditorium under
the sponsorship of St. Mary's
Dramatic club should have the
hearty endorsement of all those
who attend. A successful re
hearsal of the three-act farce
waa held Wednesday evening at
Lyceum hall. Both the lines
and the plot of the play are
clever and filled with enter
Saturday night the entire
cast will rehearse at the high
school auditorium aa a final
preparedness for the dress re
hearsal on Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock. Monday evening the
play is scheduled to start at 8
o clock.
Mrs. Roy Pickett is chairman
of the ticket sale.
LEGE students may earn
board, room and spending
money while attending school
Enroll any time. 4-17
IF YOU are thinking of a home
think of an Insulated home.
They cost no more. See Lloyd
w. Rush, 1548 Austin, Sun
nyside subdivision. 4-23
HOUSEKEEPING room, close
in, very reasonable. Phone
7058. 4-19
FOR RENT Rooms. Also
board, close In, reasonable.
Phona 7058. 4-23
paper hanging. MC Painters.
Phone 4888. 5-16
WANTED Womsn or girl for
housework. 335 Martin. 4-18
sedan, very good motor and
appearance, $30. 2328 Calif.
Phona 0978. 4-19
KALSOMINING and painting.
Koom J, empire hotel. 4-23
J. B. Jones, for the past two
years merchandise manager of
the Montgomery Ward retail
store here, has just been noti
fied of his appointment as man
ager of the Gilroy. Calif, store.
Jones started with Ward over
six years ago at Phoenix. Ariz.
Two years ago he was sent here
from Reno Nev
This appointment comes as a
direct result of company policy
in selecting men from lesser
positions to fill store manager
positions in its various stores.
The Klamath Falls Montgom
ery Ward store has been made a
"trainee store" for both man
agers and department heads.
This means that promising ma
terial is being trained in the
local store to be sent out as
assistant managers, merchandise
managers as well as store man
agers Only two other Ward
stores on the Pacific coast have
been designated as "trainee
Jones Is the eleventh assistant
manager to be transferred from
the Klamath Falls store to store
manager In the past five years.
He takes his position as manager
at Gilroy on Friday According
to R. R. Proebstel, store man
ager, no announcement has been
made as to who will succeed
Jones as merchandise manager
here. ,
Klamath Youth to
Sail for Islands
In Air Service
Departing Thursday from
Klamath Falls for San Fran
cisco, from where he will sail
for two year's service in the
U. S. army air corps In the Phil
ippine Islands, was Lieut. Gor
don Benson Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon S. Benson of 507
Alameda avenue.
Young Benson recently was
graduated from the air corps
training school after a seven
month training period which
took him to Ryan Field In Los
Angeles and later to Randolph
Field. Tex. His ship is scheduled
to sail Monday from San Fran
cisco bay.
Benson Is a graduate of Med
ford high school and the Uni
versity of Oregon.
Lands Plana Here Glenn
Watklns, Tsylorcratt airplane
dealer from Portland, landed his
small two-place ship at the
Klamath airport Wednesday
night on a tour of state airports.
He was accompanied by Mrs.
This is no time to ask for quo
tations on tha defrnse of the
United States. William S.
Knudsen, office of production
That Loosen
Need Net Embarrass
Maftr fwm Af falM Utttli hava aufferH
r.,1 atobarraaimaDl bmuu thcll plaUa
dropptd, allpped or wlbl4 at Jail Um
vronf lima. Po sot IWa In fur of UiU
happening to joe. Jmt tprtoklt s llttla
mTEETH. U BulUM Ki.uM) datura
po4r 00 roar pitta. It'a Mil old to
thouMndt In holding audi platl mora
final In nlaea to ih,l uav faal bam
eotnfortahla. rASTEETn attack, bad "nlata
odr-" tdrnMr braath), baeatiM ft'a aMialliM.
oil fAllklll at tat dmi atora.
News .fix
ay Rul Mallon
new defense speed up
scheme based on sub-contracting
is about to be sprung Messrs.
Knudsen. Blggers and Mehornay
slipped off to Boston a few days
ago to work out a New England
angle. A sub-contracting orianl-
tation started by tha defense
contract service commissioner,
Robert L. Mehornav. Is nearly
completed. His 30 district of
fices will be opened shortly in
federal reserve and branch
banks. District malingers (local
business men all) are being
chosen for the salaried Jobs to
work under 13 coordinators who
win receive SI a year. The idea
is to cut every possible defense
contract down by sub-contracts
to a point where every critical
macnine in the coun'.ry Is work
ing 24 hours a day.
It sound good, yet a number
of officiate in the defense com
mlisiun and most of the war de
partment are asaln.i It, or but
mildly interested Tnat la, they
are against forcing defense con
tractors to make eub-oon tracts
and believe that unless force Is
used there will be little sub
contracting They contend con
vincingly that forced sub-con
tracting would break every con
tract they have, relieving the
defense manufacturer of oer-
eonal responsibility for fulfill
ment of orders on time. In their
view it would promote delay
rathet than speed.
The new dealers are eolne to
stick to their argument against
luriner increases in steel prices
despite wage Increases until
public interest dies down at
least. They figure this way:
Net earnings of tne steel In
dustry last year amounted to
$281,000 000. The 10c an hour
increase, applied to the 003.000
employeea of the industry 00 a
40 hour week basis would cost
$125,424,000 a year not count
ing overtime. This means rough
ly the earnings of the steel in
dustry would be cut In half by
tha wage increases
The new dealers have aa Idea
the earnings cut will be even
less because of expanded oper
ations since the middle of last
year. By taking the last half
1940 earnings, they boost their
earnings estimates for this year
up to $36(1,000,000 On that
basis they conclude the wage in
crease will cut earnings only
40.uuu,uuu roughly one
seven in.
But wnat the new dealers are
overlooking entirely la the Ux
Increase shortly to be enacted
by congress. Some new deal
senators have said publicly this
tax Increase should be 100 per
cent, in wnicn case steel, coal
and all the other industries in
which wage increases recently
have been negotiated will find
themselves again in tha red
(steel was In it five of the last
10 years )
e e
One manufacturer caught In
this vise of Increasing waies
against an immovable price ceil
ing, has been complaining tha
only alternative offered him by
the government's course is
whether to turn his business
over to Hitler or Henderson. An
other is Insisting Mt Roosevelt
has amended hia promise that
no one would make a profit out
01 defense to read: "No one
except labor unions, shall profit
from defense." Even workers
will pay a portion of their In
creased earnings to the govern
ment in Increased taxes, but the
unions pay no taxes When de
fense money reaches them, it
A dangerous threat to capital-
Discover VANO ai thoulloda of
other women bare! It's that tensa
tional, popular new liquid ibat
maltai auch quick work of rtmor.
in Urease, grime and snacrmvlts
from walla and woodwork, Vene
tian blinds, linoleum, atoves or
other painted and enameled sur
faces. VANO is esar to use it's
. odorless doesn't streak lesTes
Tour bands soft. Get a bottle from
your grocer today you'll find it
efficient economical I Chemicals
11 00011m,
lid MOST til I
Bw-bi.iLM sl
"I have enough fits lo no
times or should we park
Ism would be presented by this
wage-price squeeia play if the
new dealers war permanently
serious. But it has always been
considered good temporary poll'
tics lor statesmen to favor wage
increases and oppose price in'
creases, Just as they favor gov
ernment expenditures and op
pose taxes Tha taxes usually
come along later, when public
attention has been diverted from
the causa
In my opinion an Increase In
the prices of steel coal and other
wage-increase commodities will
be coming before long.
High School Boys
Harass Communist
MILWAUKEE. April 17 (TV-
A fun-loving group of high
scnooi boys, led by an alert lit
tle red-head, broke up a com
munist meeting In a downtown
park last night by singing "God
Diets America," to drown out
the oratory.
Every time Fred Bassett Blair.
head of the communist party in
Wisconsin, warmed to his sub
ject a demand for liberation of
the Imprisoned Earl Browder
Red led his pals In song.
Why don t you f uys go some
place else and sing?" Blair
'You believe In tree speech
so no we. Red countered.
Blair departed.
Third Civilian Pilot
Training Class in
Session in Klamath
Ground school Instruction for
tha third civilian pilot training
program course held In Klam
ath Falls got under way Mon
day night, April 14, at the Fre
mont achool with Lloyd De
Mert as Instructor. Approxi
mately 39 students are partici
pating. Meanwhile class 2 ground
school graduates were waltlnii
for the return of Klamath Air
port Manager Max Guiley, cur
rently taking a commercial "re
fresher" course in Portland, be
fore beginning flight training.
A dancing master says that
jazz is still in Its Infancy. It
ought to be spanked.
Watch the Classified Paoel
So this week
. . . Try
! dl"7 . aa
The catsup that's thlcler...rlcher...more delicious 1 The
catsup In Hie famous GH-B easy-to-pour bottle, Tha
catsup for which "only 1 out of every 4" tomatoes Is
goad enough I No wonder It's C-H-8's best-known
product. Get C-H-B Tomato Catsup at your grocer's
around the Mock a couple of
right here and discuss things 7"
Polls for a trio of national
labor relatione bourd-ordered
elections determining the bar
gaining agenta for three claasea
of Weyerlkieuscr Timber com
pany employes will be open on
April 23 and 24. Field Repre
sentative Robert Dsviea of the
NLKB revealed Thuiaday.
The elections were recently
ordered as a result of a bitter
boerd hoaring held in Klamath
Falls early in February All
three will call for a yea or no
Conductors and brakemen
working on the Weyerhaeuser
railroad will cast their ballots
either for or against the Brother
hood of Railroad Trainman on
April 23 between 0 and 0:30
p. m. at the Sycan time office
and on April 24 between 8 and
8.30 p. m at Camp 4 near the
Greensprings highway
Fireman, engineers and host
lers will vote on whether or not
they choose the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and Engine-
men or no union on the same
dates at the same times and
Voting April 24 at tha Weyer
haeuser boarding house near the
mill will be all mnchln shop
workers, electricians, carmen,
millwrights and millwright help
ers. They will vote either for
or against the International As
sociation of Machinists (AFL).
Thermopylae, Hastings and
tha Alamo will live In the
hearts of men long after Mu
nich Is but the memory of an
ancient shame. Mrs. J. Bor
den Harrlman, former minister
to Norway.
Howard Stanford, 23, Is in lall
here on charges of stealing a
horso from Dewey Horn of Lan
gel) valley.
Officers ssid Stanford was
taken Into custody In Modoc
county, where the horso was said
to have gotten away from him
In the vicinity of Stronghold.
Products Is due to the use
of selected Ingredients.
for Instance, only 1 out of
every 4 tomatoes has the
perfection demanded for
C-H-B tomato products.
And.eoch variety of C'H-B
Pickles is carefully aged
and matured to assure
crisp, tender quollly and
distinctive, zeirful flavor.
X( .Omni
.J, 1 . I Jl J1X
mi'i, 1 'i 1 , . 1 1 . r- sv