'April ,.1941 News and Herald Farm Pago PAGE THIRTEEN 'Certified Potato Seed Production of Major Importance A H-,By C. A. HENDEHBOlf I ( ' County Agent ,:i i the productlqn of certified ' K-r6 putatoes li of outstanding 1 importance In maintaining high limlity seed stock. It also uas en Oliver purpose, Inasmuch It MKmilatea interest In. hotter pro illiotlmi prartlcos end provides i Unified iwd growers with ao riirale Information on potato diseases, Improved practices and other matteri of educational na ture. 1 .'Certification does not prevent j)j,ilbllity of disease infectlnl twtifled seed but doea act a an ';. excellent brake In this direction, u It eliminates, aa far a la liumanly possible, all potatoes :- Hint are affected with certain . rartous potato diseases. Ivan ; w!U certification, grower! Inter I csted In purchasing and growing :S cr si if led seed should use every ' precaution. Occasionally seed is ' brought in from several hundred J mile and found to be of poorer ; quality than seed grown locally. The1 old saying of "Distance lends enchantment" or "The : paxojre looks greener on the oilier side of the fence" applies in the purchase of seed potatoes. i Serri potatoes should always be thoroughly Investigated before i buying. I Potato seed certification In Oregon Is administered under Oregon laws providing a board of certification, supervised by i V I extension service of the :. "'on State college. Profossor , (j. B. liyslop. head of Uie farm crops department. Is In charge , of the actual field Inspection ' work, as well as the seed testing laboratory at Corvallis. In the , respective counties of the state, ' certification Is carried out under i direct supervision of the county extension agent. All applies tions and all eollectlon of fees are made through the local county office. Any grower who pays estab lished faea and agrees to abide by rules as established for certl ficatlon la eligible In any county where there Is a reasonable are age entered for certification. The grower may be an Individual, firm, or a corporation. In case of non-compliance, the oollega reiervei the right to re turn fees or cancel application!. Growers desiring to certify must file their applications with the county agent's office on or before July 13th. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Oregon State col lege. At least two field inspections and one inspection after digging will be made. Additional field, or tuber Inspections may be made at the discretion of the in spector. In addition, a laboratory! inspection (or bacterial ring rot will be made on all lota passing j previous Inspections. Tags will be Issued when paid for, for lota properly sorted to meet the re quirements for certified seed. All of these Inspections are primar ily to Insure that certified seed will be aa free from disease aa possible. In order to Insure proper grad ing, representatives In charge of certification may ask for federal state shipping point Inspection for grade, aa provided In the potato grading law, the regular fee for this Inspection being charged. No potatoes may pas as cer tified when they are growing within J00 feet of potatoes too diseased to pas except when In the Judgment of the Inspector there 1 sufficient natural bar rier or other protective measure to prevent the spread of disease. Different varieties grown In the samo field should be distinctly separated aa by road, strip of other crop, or some barrier nec essary to avoid danger of mixing. Mixing should be guarded against In storage In the bins. Fields should not be passed U they are In such condition that proper Inspection cannot be made or there 1 any question as to variety, purity, or samples grown at central testing plot are not satisfactory, rogulng has not been dune, or percentage of dis eases and pests is above adopted itandards. Limits of disease allowed are: Mild mosaic or similar diseases. 3 per cent: witches broom rugosu mosaic, leafroll or similar diseases, 1 per cent; wilts or ab normul conditions, 2 per cent; ring rot in any amount; black' leg, 2 per cent; heavy rhlroc tonla infection; any serious amount of late blight; or over 5 per cent of virus or similar dis ease. Tuber diseases will dis qualify at bin Inspection for any amount of rlngrot, 10 per cent vascular internal discoloration, any wart, eelworm or larvae of the potato tuber moth; serious In fection of rhizoctonla or common scab; or out of condition due to heat, cold, excessive sprouting, lack of ventilation or other fac tors. Special yellow tags are is sued, If desired, where trace of ring rot Is found. This 1 a new ruling and so far has not been used In Klamath county. Seed having passed all field and bin Inspections next must undergo a laboratory test made at Corvallis. Sample are taken and sent In from all aeed lot In the county for this purpose. If potatoes successfully pass this, they are eligible for sealing and tagging, but should either ring rot or nematode show up at any time in any quantity potatoes are immediately rejected for either blue or red tag. The highest grade Is blue tag, which must conform to all stand ards for U, 8. No. 1 potatoes ex cept for lze and shall be of good varietal type. No certified pota toes may exceed 12 ounces in weight, except, that such large potatoes, by special agreement with the buyer, may be tagged as large certified aeed with the words "over 12 ounces" written or printed across the face of the tag. Potatoes smaller than U. S. No. 1 may be sold as certified seed providing the words "single drop" are printed or written across the tag. Single drop seed Is well shaped eed that may be planted whole and conforms to U. S. No. 1 alia B, or to the grade Oregon Single Drop. In addition to conforming to the require ments of U. S. No. 1, blue tag seed must not contain potatoes distinctly off type. Red tag seed was added at the request of growers who nave de veloped markets for their field run seed Including single drops and the better No. 2s. The red tag seed must pass the same re quirements for disease as the blue tag. Differences In sort are allowed, as follows: Up to 23 per cent of V. S. No. 2 potatoes are allowed; and large potatoes over 12 ounces are permissable, as well as single drops. Sunburned potatoes are allowed if in good condition. Culls, spindly, badly pointed, or very rough tubers, and those with unhealed cut or bruises must be removed. It should be remembered that red tag must meet same disease re quirements as blue, the differ ence being entirely in grade. The first field inspection on potatoes entered for certification Is generally made between the 13th and 23th of July, depending upon the season. Growers, how ever, should not wait for this In spection but should immediately rogue out diseased plant as they appear. Rogulng is the term used for pulling out undesirable plants. Sometimes these are not diseased plants but are plant that are weak for other reasons. Plants, seed pieces and new tubers from diseased hill should be taken out, carefully placed In a sack or other container to avoid scattering any aphlds that may be present, and removed from the field. Rogulng should be done early In the season and whenever necessary. Most suc cessful seed grower begin their rogulng early and continue late Some of them rogue as often as six or eight time during the season. The person doing the roguing should be with the in spector during all field Inspec tions and should not hesitate to ask any questions relating to plant diseases and seed certification. The second Inspection Is made about 30 days after the first, and Is timed to remove current son spreads of early infection, as well as late season develop ment of other diseases. Other in spections may be made at option of the inspector. Fields may be rejected at any inspection it they do not meet requirements. A further Inspection of tubers 1 usually made at digging tune and again after they are stored In cellars, samples being taken j for laboratory tests. Tagging is i done under the supervision of the county agent's office, certifi cation tags being attached and sealed with the seal of .the State! of Oregon. ' Each year approximately BOO acres of potatoes, both Whit Rose and Russet, are entered for certification in Klamath county. Usually from one-half to two- third of the potatoes entered meet requirement and are sold aa certified seed in Klamath county and to outside buyers. During the month of March, 1041, a total of 73 cars of certi fied seed was shipped to outside growers. Orowlng certified seed and the production of small seed plot and tuber units of selected strains are essential and neces sary if maximum amount of high quality potatoes are to con tinue in Klamath county. It is Interesting to note that In the last 13 years, potato yields on the Klamath project have increased approximately 400 per cent. Good seed has been responsible for a considerable part of this increase. AID CONTIhUZt CHUNGKING, China, April 17 OP) It was reliably disclosed today that Moscow had informed the Central Chines government that soviet Russian aid to China Is being continued. H I W I 1 II f 1 III 1 I 1 II II I III 111 a I i. 1. 1 II II 1 I . Rem Win Company, Inc., Fresno, California Stop! Looking loe a Good Timet Com to Keno Dance EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Music By OREGON HILLBILLIES BAD It- I I" n ! v. . aft? jb1W r-- ... 0 Guaranteed Unconditionally For 10 Years Of Service! Nothing r 50 Down ft)) n) V A SEARS' EXCLUSIVE! Hot water olwayi . . . with this big 30 gallon electric heater. Mirror-smooth Jjlass lining fused with steel Is complete y sanitary . . . keeps water pure and sparkling at all times. Completely au tomatic. Other Water Heaters as Lew As 131.93 SEARS EMPLOYEES' SELL-A-BRASHUN ENDS MONDAY 2-Basin Cabinet Sink nig 2iM Cabinet! rJL If Uff II I1K Vs,"v Avsv j v - tv ; 66-INCH ALL-STEEL SAN DIEGO MODEL FOR EXTRA EFFICIENCY? Special Features At Low Cost I Give your kitchen a new lift with this double featured helper. The twin heavy pressed steel sinks and drain boards are entirely covered with acid resisting white porcelain enamel. The Dulux finish cabinet has four drawers, one divided for cutlery, and three spacious compartments. Reduce your work with this economical luxury, and odd matched pieces as your budget allows. fcAntl-drlp Paneled Enamel Drolnboordi if Chrome Mix Faucet, 4 -foot Dish Spray 2 Built-in, Self . Drain Soon Dishes Nothing Down . .. . Only $5 a Month Under FHA WVY S 5 1 nave (FRIDAY SATURDAY AND MONDAY) off SLACK SUDTSo 200 Suits ... of finest long fibered Sanforized Denim ... A close-out from one of the country's finest mills ... at a frac tion of their regular price! .IS 1J "OWE!" Tan ... Bine ... Gold ... Red . . . Zipper side placket . . . Regular 3.00 suits ... while they last ... "TWO!" Awning striped jackets .". . grade Sanforised Denim . . . Vj Rsxmlar 4.00 and 5.00 t1- V V nes ... "PLAY-SHOES!" 1 I -it , i "Shorts a Bra" (To Hatch the Slacks) "ONE"!... "TV0"!... Perfect fitting ... to I Awning stripe to mate match the slax in group I the slax in group two one . . . Shorts and Bra com plete ... only 1? . . . Finest riQ sanforized M 09 denim ... Spe- m cial . . . U Exactly 48 pair of these washable Sandals in white or malti- - ffl 4Q color . . . They 67 won t last long q at . . mm . 133 So. 8th Dial S188 I 133 So. 8th Dial S188 Beautiful Bhoes SaS Mala) SALE ENDS MONDAY i