The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 17, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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i Moro than 450 premium Hits
river In the mell thli week, If-
surd by the 4-H club agent's of
' fleet to the 00 leaders In Klam
ath county ai plana for the an
; nual 411 tprlng fair were near
' Ing completion. Dates of the
; fair are April 24, 25 and 20,
In the exhibit building at the
' fairground.
There will be five itate fair
j scholarship awarded at the
; close of the fair; 27 summer
: school scholarships, 61 summer
i camp and VV summer camp half
..vholarsnlps. V The actual work at the fair
, will start at 0 o'clock Thursday
morning, April 24, at which
time 4 11 exhibits in all pro
jects .will be received at the
building. At this time the dollar
dinner contest will also get
underway, as well as the start-
. Ing of the demonstration con
test In the demonstration booth.
) Chairmen and committees for
rrrclvlng, arranging, and check-
Ing out exhibits are as fullowt:
i Conking: Mrs. C. V. Schultz,
) chairman, Falrhaven; Mrs. A.
W. O'Brien. AlKoma: Mrs. Nor-
J nia Petrntrk, Matin. Mrs. J. L.
, Wonser, Hunanta: Mrs. R. H.
I Carson, Modoc Point. Mrs. wlnl
J fred Darnell, Falrhaven; Fran
J ces L. Coffey, Bonanza; Mrs.
Neva Hays, Summers: William
Rutledge, Altamont' Donald D.
; Dodd, Malln.
I Clothing: Mrs. Henry Gcbert,
( chairman, Chiloquin; Mrs. Hans
2fi'lvlg. Malln; Mrs. Jess Rowo,
pJhiloquin; Mrs. SUnley Click,
( Henley: Mrs. Ben L. Sheppard,
Summers; Mrs. Violet Harris,
J Bonanu; Mrs. A. II. McLean,
i Falrhaven; Mrs. Darrell ilebert.
Crescent Lake; Mrs. Bertha
Lund, Altamont
Knitting: Mrs. Ruby White,
chairman. Altamont; Madelyn
Beals. Chemult.
Homcmaklng: Mrs S. C. Mas
ten, chairman, Henley; Mrs.
Jean K. Porter, Altamont; Miss
Ann B. Dolozal, Malin.
5 Building and woodworking
I George Slyter, chairman, Peli-
ran; A. E. Street, Merrill; Ray
Oehlerich, Merrill.
Forestry: Clint Pierce, chalr-
I man, Chiloquln; E. L. Coyner.
' Bonanza; Marshall Eyestone, AU
) tamont; Emery Nye, Keno; H.
I P. Blanton, Bcatty.
( Lea there raft: Lloyd Seely,
Lfchalrman, Klamath rails. -P
Rotary Service club dinner:
Mrs. Earl Mack, chairman, Hen-
, ley; Mrs. Arthur Moran, Hen-
1 ley; Mrs. nets Hansen, reucan;
Mrs. Ina Christy, Chiloquln;
4 Vadea Koonst, Altimont; Mrs.
5 Pearl Schultz, Altamont; Mrs.
A. R. Dickson, Henley; Mrs. Leo
Holliday, Falrhaven; Mrs. Fred
Fletcher, Klamath Falls.
f Sponge and angel food cake
baking contest: Mrs. C. C. Jones,
j chairman, Pelican; Carol Jane
Loosley, Altamont; Mrs. Harold
I Rush, Pelican.
' Drop cookie baking contest:
Mrs. Stella Bowne, chairman,
Altamont; Mrs. Ray Van Meter,
Malln; Mrs. Beth Obenchaln,
Home Economics Judging con
test; Mrs. Robert Corson, chair
man, Modoc Point; Mrs. R. E.
Slaughter, Chiloquln; Dorothy
Houston, Gilchrist; Mr. C. V.
Schultz, Falrhaven; Mrs. Ray
Byrnes, Chiloquin; Mrs. Henry
Gcbert, Chiloquin; Mrs. Csth
erine Stewart, Altamont; Mrs,
Henry Campbell, Chiloquln;
Mrs. W. F. Seymour, Riverside;
Mrs. S. C. Masten. Olcnc, Mrs,
Stanley Thomas, Pelican; Mrs.
R. S. Hopkins, Hemey.
Style revue: Mrs. John Hey-
den, chairman, Altoma; Miss
Lydla Anne Storli, Malin; Mrs,
Fred Hogetstcin, Algoma; Mrs.
Jack Harrison, Bcatty.
Poster contest: Mrs. Isabella
Brixncr, chairman. Klamath
Falls; Mrs. Geneva Duncan, Bon.
Health contest: Mrs. Frances
Kocrtjc, chairman, Fairhavcn;
Violet Voltmer, Crystal; Kent
Woodward, Falrhaven.
, Demonstration contest: Mrs,
aj'ren Storey, chairman, Merrill;
Mildred Shipmon, Merrill; Mrs,
Nova Hays, Summers.
Dollar dinner contest: Mrs.
Geneva Duncan, chairman, Bonanza.
Photography contest: Roland
Parks, chairman, Spraguc river.
Carnival: Wilbur Robincttc,
chairman, Fairhavcn.
Klamath county grade school
track meet: Anlhol Riney, co-
chairman, Altnmont: Marshall
Eyestone, co - chairman, Alta
mont; Joe LaClnlr, Malln; Lloyd
Seely, Klamath Fi lls; Roland
Parks, Spraguc River; Ted
Sehopf, Chiloquln, Loy Darker,
Chiloquln; Ridgcly Hnbbs,
Spraguo River; John Hoy den,
Algoma; Elton Flshback, Keno;
Don Norli, Bonanza; Art Mil
lard, Summers; Ethel Fenwick,
Altamont: Elbert Wattenbcrg,
Shasta; Kent Woodward, Fair-
; wvcn; Arthur Cole, Henley;
'uy Oehlerich, Merrill.
Many ' a king who once was
the toast of millions has been
badly burned.
Newt Notes and
By June Mlchalton
iv-: -1
Horn Economics club mem-
bera have begun a campaign urg
ing under-classmen now taking
horn ec to continue with ths
course and eighth graders at
Altamont and Falrhaven to en
roll as home ee majors next
There are approximately 183
girls enrolled In
the department
now, and the
group hopes to
enlarge It for
next year.
During spring
rvacalion Eliza
b e t h Bunnell
haven girls, and
i 1 V r n a Dean
Meggs and Margaret Lewis spoke
at Altamont.
On Thursday club members
will speak to KUHS classes.
Two pamphlets on American
Ism"!. S. Presentation of
Americanism" and "Your Rights
Under the Constitution" were
given to teachers Tuesday. Some
of these were given the school
by Interested persons and others
were purchased with school
Home room teachers now have
something to put Into students'
hands when they maintain that
they are "fresh out of reading
The general extension divis
ion of the Oregon State system
of higher education is offering
correspondence courses of high
school level In accounting, Eng
lish, mathematics, physics, and
social studies, according to a
bulletin sent out by that group,
Courses will not give college
credit but will give college en
trance credit for those who need
to make up deficiencies.
Seniors who want information
concerning an Oregon college
or university filled out cards
Tuesday. Information will also
be sent to those students Inter
ested In a private college or
Lillian Lynum has been work
ing sixth periods at the county
library to gain experience in
that type of work.
Tickets for Community Con.
cert Association for next winter
can be obtained through Friday
rrom Charles SWnfleld. Student
tickets are $2.
Seems as if this year's El
Rodeo is going to be chuck full
of surprises. First, the theme
has never been announced and
now the senior who wrote the
prize winning essay on com
mencement is being kept secret.
And the shut-mouth staff is
composed mostly of girls. Will
wonders never cease?
ASTORIA. Ore., April 16 (P
About the time Charles Martcl
was standing off the Saracens at
Tours, a Douglas fir cone was
sending thirsty roots into the
soggy soil of an unknown Paci
fic wilderness.
Tuesday Les D. Lloyd, a pulp
company forester, found the
tree and proclaimed it the big
gest Douglas fir in the Pacific
northwest. He estimated its age
at 1200 years, found it measured
ISt feet in diameter 4t feet
from the ground and was 210
feet high to its broken top, which
is 2 feet In diameter.
Lloyd, whose hobby is hunt
ing big trees, said all the infor
mation ho could find indicated
the tree, which stands near the
coast highway In Clatsop coun
ty's fog belt, is the biggest
known Douglas fir tree standing.
Lloyd said he would sponsor
formation of a state park around
the Immense conifer, whose first
limb is 108 feet off the ground,
to save it from the fallcr's axe.
- A law, taking effect January
I, 1942, will require all sched
uled aircraft over 10,000 pounds
gross weight to be equipped
with a device which will make
a record of the altitudes at
which the airplane is flown, as
well as show the time and
period of operation of tho radio
transmitter during flight.
Without Cslml-And You'll Anas Out a
Mia to Menus Rarin'taC
Tho IItot ahooM poor 1 nf nta ofblla loloa
Into jrour bowala mir dor. If Ihla blla Is
not flowlns frorir. rour food mar not ill.
Sit It mar Juit drear In I ha bowala. Than
211 i?lp,',"' '. Von sat eon.
'If lad- Yon feal soar, sunk and tha world
took! punk.
t ," 'J!!? J1" I1- oM Csrtart Mills
rtL,h "? N sow.
Ins f raalr to maka roa faal "up and no."
tlat a parkara todar. Taka ai dlracSd.
Ama.ln, In makln. blf. IW f 1,75
(or Car tar 'a LltUt Llrar Nlla. 1M aid SM,
: 7y
q "'
Mw) eateWH : 4-Star8.4Cu.Ft.
. f " . j 3$s5" . , r ITT. 1 V -$4''DOWN .
Hero's Aiiiorin" Ilig ltuy!
Codspot Standard, 8V2 Cu. Ft. $ "jl )"
Hermetically sealed unit dulux baked finish 3 Inches of Insulation. II fm If
Larm tra-iiKat !nBBriitv. Onlw A Dawn afST
Sears scoops the market again! For here is s big 8 cubic foot Coldspot at a price less)
than you would expect to pay for good ." Her is a refrlgexatoz of unexcelled
quality in construction, and beauty in design. Stop crowding food, and stocking
dishes and plates one above the otherl Stop groping, and reaching, and fumbling for
foods stored pU mell in your old, out-of-date, under-sized refrigerator. For in this
big "8." and only in this big "8." can you find every feature which makes house
keeping easier, combined with the sis which puts housekeeping on a mora pleasant,
easier plane ... at such a low price.
PrMrer winpartitMnl wtlt
hold I bin toe lube trart
wtwoh give you 10 eutm,
ii ibt., 9i. el Im.
Renurkabl cawnter 4Mclron
How you to hwtrt an
II dof. aiM baMMt r
Vt (Mik un.
Giant tlatnlew- t I
lrMfa aaailv, aooofrtftvo
ii l be. or
It firm and
Burtt looda, eantted iraoda
and left aver (Jiahaa
mtt rmmadiatriir available,
luat allda out oithr of
the two (ion tipoinl
An titra ohelt for elo
nf! packaged dairy prooV
uctt. For atortrtK oitra
tall bottle In thrt area
in fly ehell It easily
removed by
and out
TM itnerouely propor
t toned meat ttorafE tray
nil easily acoontmodat
meat tor party of to.
Cover fit snugly fcr
batter protection.
Tnvwi E&aaaoOovorod -ottdo
out Poodoi draura far
perfeet refrigeration and
enepMg of leafy vogt-tablet.
control wm.SFESXwm ai
Kaunandial od of tiaot- trw bottoao o Sho ff
ly tha aorrott degrM la trtgarator M an aaotd-
' at MMtr flmeftHai. NMo atva Cildipit tea hero. Aej
tMtnta of ootd plua auto out of tno way
rnati reatartinf alter do- for mora tnan
troetmg and ofMnd-otf. of food.
Simply fjitoh any ona
of several button for
ternoerature vou
deelr. Push another
for vacation) your
" "eWsfflaierT-' 1 "v
'8&m 8 ' COLDSPOT
I l .. .... .11 ?IW. Ill T
fxJ I
6.5 Cu. Ft. COLDSPOT
A Utile bit l
buy tho M ttoMspot
Si . There' plenty of
tclontifteaiiy p I a n n o 4
room for storing gro
ceries, Ikitakt and toft
over. Ivory tlmo yotf
Usual Carrying Cfurgo
S9 DOWN Usual Carrying Chargo
Ths Ootd Seal Super ' Qolrtspot n ths finest refrigerator
hi the maiket today I The sHehor is the last word hi beauty,
in smnrt and modern funollonal design. Ths interior provides
maiimum llaiiblltty and provides iT.t sqtiars fsaf of shelf
area. In tha lreer ar sit ls cubo trays whit-n'glvs tit
rubes 14 lbs., it ex. of loo. Two sliding shelves, both
adjustable, arid fo tho utility of this Coldspot. Perfect ro
Irixeralton lor frssh vegetables in the twin rtlde-out and
st a citable Poodex oompartntonts. Everything you nosd, every
thing you want, everything you hops fo tmd In a big, beautiful
retriKi-rator Is Incorporated Into this Gold Seal Super "8."
Sears Offer a Liberal
Allowance For Your
Old Icebox or
open mo rroonr ewr
you'll fi..d quantities of
lea oubeo ready to ooo.
"I A
Few Dollars Down
And illy-afforded monthly pay
ments may put a bautifuU n
Coldspot in your home. Com. is
133 So. 8th
Dial 5188