The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 13, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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    rAGE TEN
April ?
Active Sale Of City's Real Estate Disclosed0
Extent of the city's real estate
operations is disclosed In an of
ficial report this week showinf
that In three years the city has
sold 260 pieces of property for
total of $143,000.
Sale of this property returned
It to real property tax rolls,
from which it bad been removed
when the city foreclosed upon
it In lieu of payment of im
provement assessments
In the triennium of 1938-39-40,
according to Police Judge
Leigh Ackerman, the city fore
closed on approximately 1300
lots for unpaid assessments of
S3 88.410
Active sale contracts at this
time total 174,800, covering 124
transactions. The average of
these transactions is $620.
Cash sales and contracts sat
isfied total $68,225 in consider
ation, and the number of such
deals is 112.
Options have been taken on
S.4 pieces of property subject to
completion of suits to quiet title.
Monthly income from property
sales is $1860, or $22,300 annu
Lots now insurable total 256;
lots in process of title-quieting
suits, 140; lots foreclosed in
1940 on which redemption per
iods have not expired. 954. This
makes a total of 1356 lots held
by the city.
Hardly a council meeting
passes without half a dozen or
more city property deals being
considered by the city fathers.
The city plans to advertise de
sirable pieces of property to
promote these sales and get the
lots back on the tax rolls as
rapidly as possible.
The money received from
property sales goes into a spec
ial property fund. From uus
fund, payment is made for the
expenses of handling the prop
erty, and the remainder will
apply on the improvement bonds
for which the original assess
ments wera made.
There ara about 25 different
types of stock lumber siding
items available. If you know of
the various patterns which can
be secured, you can make a
choice which may remove the
siding on your new home from
the "ordinary" classification.
Wide beveled siding in eight and
10-inch width is, of course, the
most popular style today, but
don't forget that you can still
buy narrow siding, flush siding,
moulded drop siding, log cabin
siding (which may be repainted)
board-and-batten siding and ply
wood siding. Remember, you can
even use narrow widths of in
terior material for outside siding,
if you wish.
Repainting Said
Mere Waste If
Surface Good
Americans are sometimes call
ed wasteful. The point is illus
trated by the story of a sailor
who once said that an English
sea captain would always order
his crew to scrub the white
sides of a cabin, while an Ameri
can captain would order his crew
to repaint the cabin. We often
repaint to hide dirt, which can
be less expensively removed
with a good application of soap
and water. A house or any other
object should be re-painted when
the paint shows signs of deterior
ation or gives evidence that It Is
no longer protecting the wood
which it covers. Streaks, due to
water running over furnace soot,
produce a shabby looking wall
which does not necessarily need
to be repainted, but should be
washed down.
Sua Tested
Wofl Tested
QMOgtnt 4rfc a4 &rty
and cxMarrful Ja not dimcult
pactuiaa mdicata.
Tha nppar Ofaatratioa abewa an old faahtonad dining room whila tha'
lovar aa an arrhitKtnrai ratKUrinc of what it will look lika with
mourn ua of axpanaa. Furnitnra that is comfortabla, yat doaa not uka up
attach apaca, aaodarn fixtvrat, and wood pantling throughout hawa given naw
lrrahility" to this room. A wood dado running horizontally below tha
window contraaa amaoitah with tha mtical pamhng.
hathar it la ana rooni or atwtral, or tha astarior of poor heate ?oa)
wiah aaodamuad. consult your local himbar dealer. Ha ia a (killed craft
Building Inspector Outlines
nformation About Permits
rEdltnra Kate: fit- VtnlMfai
Harold Franey baa klndlr contnt4 to
writ. wri of arttclta for thi buiMtnt
paa siring technical Information of vital
intrrvat to all Klamath Drooertv
tad buildera.)
K lama til fan, Suitaang laawMr
In answer to many requests
for information relative to the
building regulations, I would
luce to submit the following
passages from the building code
and local regulations.
Sec. 201. No person shall erect i
or construct any building or
structure, nor add to, enlarge.
move, improve, alter, convert,
extend or demolish any building
or structure, or cause the same
to be done without first obtain
ing a building porm'.t therefore.
irom the building inspector.
Any person desiring a build
ing permit as required by this
code snail me with the building
inspector an application therefor
in writing on a blank form to be
furnished for that purpose.
Every such application for the
permit shall describe the land
upon which the proposed build
ing or work is to be done, either
by lot, block, or tract or similar
general description that will
readily identify and definitely
locate the proposed building or
Every such application shall
show the use or occupancy of
all parts of the building and
such other reasonable informa
tion as may be required by the
building inspector.
Copies of plans and specifica
Home Lumber
& Supply Company
Low Cost
1941 i$ no time to
live in on OLD house!
Horn Lumber & Supply Co.
M So. Ilh. a,
dining roots Into en that k
for tha antrrprtams boat owntr, thaaa
tions and a lot plan showing the
location of the proposed build
ing and every existing building
thereon, shall accompany every
application for a permit, and
shall be filed in duplicate with
the building inspector, provided
however that the building in
spector may authorize the issu
ance of a permit without plans
or specifications for small and
unimportant work.
Plans shall be drawn to scale
upon substantial paper or cloth
and the essential parts shall be
drawn to a scale of not less than
one eighth inch to one foot.
Plans and specifications shall
be of sufficient clarity to indi
cate the nature and character
of the work proposed and to
show that the law will be com
plied with. Computations, strain
sheets, stress, and other data
necessary to show the correct
ness of the plans shall accom
pany the plans and specifications
when required by the building
All plans shall bear the name
of the architect, structual en
gineer or designer.
The world's wealthiest man is
said to be an Indian prince, the
Nizam of Hyderabad, who is re
puted to keep $500,000,000
worth of gold in his place.
Before the war. Lnnrirtn'n nnn.
illation was increasine at ih
rate of 80.000 a year.
sound of hammer and saw . is
more prevelant in Spragua Riv
er now than any time in the
last few years, and 1941 prom
ises to show a very noticeable
change in Klamath's fastest
growing lumber town. Among
the new projects now under
construction are number of
dwellings, three business addi
tions and a 16-cabln auto court
Jim Loo per will soon move
tils family into a new four
room home located on Main
street. The Loopera moved here
irom Oklahoma.
Dewey Thunnan ia cutting
ine finishing touches on a new
four-room home on the west
side of town. The Thurmans
recently moved here from the
middle west
The Ideal Department store.
under the direction of proprie
tors, A. L. Book and Gene Mer-
ritt, has a crew of carpenters
building merchandise display
space at the back of the pres
ent store. A new upstairs office
is also under construction. The
local California Oregon Power
company office will also be lo
cated upstairs.
Mario Carnini, who built a
new modern restaurant in
Sprague River two years ago
finds expansion necessary. The
enure kitchen will be moved
back giving room for more
counter and table space. There
will also be several upstairs
rooms added to the building.
JJurmn Cook. proDrietor of
the Sprague River shoe shop is
building a 90-foot addition to
his shop to give more room for
machinery and merchandise.
Joe Young, Clarence and Ed
ward Moore have purchased 16
lots from the Western Cities In
corporated on which they will
build an auto court and several
homes. Work has already be
gun on the clearing of ground
and building of foundations.
In Colonial days builders were
required to complete their
homes without the assistance of
the sheet metal which we have
today. As a result they built
gutters for their homes of wood
and, strangely enough, many of
these gutters are still in exist
ence and still in use long after
the expected life of most metal
Wood gutters have lately re
turned to vogue and are now
available in many retail building
u p p 1 y establishments. They
have the advantage of being low
hi cost and, unlike the metal, a
definite structural part of the
house. Wood gutters are nailed
directly to the cornice and do
not require strap hangers which
sometimes make the cleaning of
half round metal gutters diffi
cult. Since wood gutters have a
moulded exterior contour, they
add to the appearance of the
house by increasing the appar
ent weight of the cornice. When
wood gutters are employed,
metal down-spouts may still be
i J I VU l
I kind of horn yo J I . J V I fj
wont where you f, s---WsX ""
THE post few years have revealed amazing
strides in the "amount of house" you can
build for little money . . . Modern construction
methods coupled with streamlined FHA financing
makes it possible for anyone with an income to
own a home.
Klamath Valley Lumber
SStojCHIlEf DESIGN--jgrk1
la ta I P00 U
"Among the hundreds of In'
quiries which we receive from
prospective home builders," says
W. C. Bell, chairman of Western
Homes Foundation," the great
majority are on plans tor mini
mum-cost homes.
"These people do not want the
type of home that was at one
time the only 'minimum' home
available square, box-like and
without style or charm. Al
though economy is their chief re
quirement, modern families
want economy in their homes to
gether with eye-appeal.
The building materials indus
try has realized that many more
families would become home
owners it they could find designs
for building with the least pos
sible outlay of cash and also for
creating pride of ownership. For
this large group of potential
home builders, a wide selection
of small homes that combine
style and low cost are now avail
able as a result of the sustained
efforts of the industry during
the past several years.
'From this group we have se
lected the 'Goal' design, shown
in the illustration, as one of the
most attractive minimum homes
With an exterior of either
siding or shingles, and a bright
roof and blinds, it will be a con
tribution to the neighborhood.
The small front porch serves the
dual purpose of sheltering the
front door and adding a touch of
distinction to the simple, sym
metrical front. The front offset
adds exterior beauty and inter
ior space.
"The floor plan is a master-
piece of economical use of space.
There is neither wasted space
nor crowding. Although it is
only a five-room house, with
utility room and bath, the kitch
en is large enough to combine
the functions of kitchen and din
ing room.
"For the size of the house.
there Is an amazing amount of
closet and storage space. In this
way, the industry has brought
one of the outstanding advan
tages of the modern apartment
into the field of the small home.
"With its artful combination
of style and economy, the 'Goal'
will be the realization of many
a renter's hopes for 'a little home
of his own.' "
Local retail lumber dealers
will provide conditional esti
mates on the "Goal" home pat
tern and will adapt it to individ
ual needs. Write Western Homes
Foundation, 364 Stuart building,
Seattle, Wash., for two valuable
"answer books" on home owner
The man who makes the worst
of things usually gets it.
an iimiiT'' I ittsf I
The reactions of a new chim
ney to its first fire are difficult
to predict, and fireplaces are
temperamental. The ordinary
stock sizes of terra cotta flue lin
ing will work for conventional
sized fireplaces and furnaces of
standard capacity. But. If your
furnace is unusually large or un
usually small or if your fireplace
differs radically from the usual
size, be sure you have the right
chimney design before you build
Extra large chimneys have
become Increasingly popular In
the past few years. They look
well and fit with early colonial
styles. They can cause difficulty
because the mass of their ma
sonry is difficult to heat up. He
member, you must heat the air
In a chimney to get It to move
properly and produce the right
kind of a draft. If there Is an
exceedingly large amount of ma
sonry surrounding the chimney,
it may take an unusually long
tlmo to overcome the effect of
this cold brick and mortar and
get the air moving up the chim
ney. Earl B. Redman, chairman of
the Klamath county chapter,
American Red Cross Friday re
ceived a communication from
Norman H. Davis, chairman of
the American National Red
Cross, pertaining to Yugoslavian
"Upon receipt of word that
hostilities had spread to Yugo
slavia, the American Red Cross,
on April 6 cabled the Red Cross
society of that country to ascer
tain if thero are any special re
lief needs in addition to relief
supplies already purchased for
shipment. Pending a reply re
garding these needs, authoriza
tion had been given tor the pur-
chase and shipment of relief
items, valued at more than $1,'
000.000. This action followed
a conference with Yugoslavia's
minister in Washington.
"Arrangements are now being
completed to purchase and ship
large quantities of medical and
surgical supplies, these items to
include 10 field hospitals, 100,-
000 blankets, 1.500.000 quinine
tablets, X-ray units, vaccines,
ether, and other medicines and
hospital equipment. Two million
surgical dressings, produced by
chapter volunteers, also will be
available for the initial ship
"For some time we have been
extending aid to Yugoslavia's
valiant neighbor, Greece, where
in excess of $2,000,000 in sup-
9um4 PlMr
.fir riMT
Tips From Garden Notebook
By A Klamath Gardener
If the weather man will give
us a break now, gardeners of tha
basin can begin planting early
vegetables and hardy flower
seeds. Onions, radish, soma sort
of greens, such as mustard, kale
and splpach, also Swiss chard
will do well, Just as soon as the
ground warms up little. Seeds
germinate very slowly when the
ground Is wet and cold, and If
they do come up after so long
a time, they will not be apt to
grow much until tha sun warms
the ground ana air. In sandy
locations things can be planted
a little earlirr than In a loca
tion where the soil Is heavier,
because In the lighter soil
warmth will penetrate much
more readily than In clay-like
The time to plant aeeds and
the depth to plant them will de
pend then, on the moisture In
the soil and tha warmth It con
tains. When seeds ara planted
ux deeply in cold wet earth,
they are very apt to rot. This is
especially true of peas, and
sweet peas, although they do
get their best growth In the
spring when the weather is still
fairly cool. Even though the
air is fairly warm, evaporation
of moisture from tie soil will
still keep tha soli too cold for
most seeds.
I have known a number of
gardeners of the area who claim
that on or near St. Patricks day
is an Ideal time to plant sweet
peas. I have found this to be
good prattice, unless one has a
particularly low wet location.
This yeai, taking Into considera
tion, my light sandy soil, the
location I chose being well
drained, and the dryness of the
spring, I planted sweet peas.
that first week In March when
the weather was warm. The
little plants are coming up well
and evenly. If we should have
a spell of extra cold or some
hard freezes, I shall put a little
loose straw or some light brush
over them to keep them from
being too badly damaged. Many
have told ma that they have
had sweet peas freeze out en
tirely when planted early, how
ever I have never had this ex
perience. If they are planted
plies and cash has been made
available for relief. Through
the generosity of the American
people and by reason of addition
al supplies made available for
distribution by us through a con
gressional appropriation, we
have been able to move swiftly
in both instances.
Are there question marks la
your mind about building er
Ask Big Basin About
New Homes Old Homes
Building Modernizing
Remodeling Roofing
Re-sidlng Fireplaces
Floorin0 Decorating
Cabinet Work Weather-proofing
Or anything else obout homes.
Wo Ilka to think of our place as a building headquarters,
the services of which ara open to tha peopl of the
Klamath Basin. Feel free to consult us at any time.
There Is No Obligation
near building this Is not apt
to happen. It Is well to remem
ber that sweet peas like loca
tion that Is shaded from the hoi
sun part of the day. They do
much better when they ara so
located that during the flower
lng season their roots are deep
and tha ground is always cool
and molrt. This Is why tha
planting directions on the pack
age, recommend planting them in.
a trench and gradually fillips;
the trench as the peas grow.
Garden peas that ara planted
later In the spring when tla)
ground Is apt to become hut and
dry also do much belter whrn
planted In a trench and grad
ually filled thus keeping thsj
roots of tha plant down in the,
cooler moist ground.
The earlier garden pws
though, like most of the early
planted seeds should not be
planted too deep, but kept near
er the top where the soil ia
Now as to a few general rules.
Seeds of the hardier plants as
already mentioned can be plans
ed earlier and deeper than lira
more tender ones. Also tha
fresher seed will stand this
treatment. If you have doubts
about the freshness of the seed
it will be a good Idea not to
plant them quits so deep. When
the soil Is dsmp and cool it la
better not to firm the soli loo
much over them, thus giving-
the warmer air a chance to pentJ
trate. If the ground become)
quite dry though the soil should
be well formed over the seeds
that they will be pressed
down and thus give tne mots
lure a chance to rise from tha
sub-soil. The larger the seed,
the deeper thry must be planted.
Very small seeds should be
merely sprinkled on top of tha
soil, well pressed in and rain or
sprinkling will help cover them
with Just enough soil, so they
won't dry out too much. If it
becomes too dry, tiny seed will
germinate more readily If thero
is a covering of paper, sacking .
or straw to help hold the mois
ture in. This should be re
moved as soon as the seedlings
sprout well. Seedsmen advise
us that the practice of soaking
the larger seed of any kind of
plants before planting is not ad.
vlsable, and often decay results)
It Is better that tha seed rtv
ceives the desired moisture from,
the ground.
The United States' total of 2.-
065,000 miles of roads is nearLst
three times greater than the to
tal of England, France, Spain.
Portugal, Germany and Italy
230 Main ,. . .Phone 6704
:.I40 So. 8th
Phone 481
Spring and Main
Phone 3144