V O o c April 1941 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGEOT1 Ticket Sal With heavy tlckat aale already underway a aucceuful presentation of "The Whole Town'i Talking," ta aa aured Bt. Mary'a Dramatic club, according to announcement made today by Mra. Hoy Pickett, gen eral chairman. C. P. Howe, director haa called rehearaala for each evening ol next week at Lyceum hall The farce In three acta la to be presented Monday evening, April 21, at the high achool auditorium. A dreaa rehearaal will be present ed Sunday afternoon, April 20, at the high achool auditorium when people having tlcketa are Invited. Plant Sale The Rebekah So cial club will hold a plant aal. Saturday, April 12, In tlie apace formerly occupied by Spencer's tore on North Ninth atreet. All donating planta are asked to bring them early. Mem ben of the committee will be at the tor at 8 a. m. Mra. Margaret Smith, Mra. W. J. Stcinmetz. Mra. Curtla, Mra. Martha Baker and Mra. Wohlander are in Charge of the aale. Aahland VUIter Pearl Hen ry, daughter of Mr. and Mra Carl Henry of Aahland, la spend lng Easter werkend with her aunt and cousins, Mra. Elsie Faught. 122S East Main atreet. She accompanied ' r teacher, Ora Lee Vannlce of Aahland, who ia spending the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Ed Vannlce of Mt. Vernon, Wash, who are visiting in this city. The Vannlce family are former residents of Klamath Falls. Back From Portland Vance Vaupei, manager of Currln s for Druse, returned Thursday from Portland where he had apent four daya on business. He made the trio by automobile, accom panled by Mra. Vaupei and their children, Vanlc and Vance Jr., who visited with friends and relative In Portland until their return. Drive North Amanda Ferris and'Anna Woolever left by car Friday morning for Hood Hiver to visit relatives and friends for several days. They will continue to Portland on Tuesday and there attend til Royal Neighbor of America atat convention April IS and 16, returning her the latter part of the week. To Saa Francisco Mr. and Mra. W. E. O'Brien and three sons, Dick, Pat and Dennis, left Thursday for San Francisco to pend the Easter holidays with Mra. O Brlen a slater, Mra. Vir gil King. Returning Sunday Lillian Lynum. all Alameda, Is return ing Sunday from Medford where ahe haa enjoyed her taster va cation with friends. Miss Lynum la a senior at Klamath Union high school. visitor Louisa Mitchell ar rived home Thursday morning from Forest Grove where she attends Pacific university. Miss Mitchell will spend Easter vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mra. E. L. Mitchell, 817 East Main atreet, and her grandmoth er, Mr. Etna Gentry. Returns Horn Mrs. B. K. Behnke has returned to her home on Homedala road from Salt Lake City, U., where she attend ed the spring conference of the Latter Day Saint church. Drive North Mra. Victor Pal mer and children, Barbara and James, 1129 Crescent avenue, left Tuesday morning for Port land and Corvallla to spend Eas ter week with friends and rela tive. Car Stolen Quincy Baker of Beatty, reported to city police the theft of his car early Friday morning from In front of the Pastime pool hall. Keys were In the car and the gas tank full, Baker told officers. Moves Mra. Noy McDanlcls. clerk of Neighbors of Woodcraft, haa moved from 619 North Eighth atreet to 817 Oak avenue At descent Mra. Carl W Henry and son Kelly, 2504 Rec lamation avenue, spent Easter week vacation at Crescent Lake y The United States regular army thu week enlisted Oregon civic and patriotic organization leadcra In an "all out recruit ing campaign designed to re cruit 153 mcji fur oversea service assignments and 414 men for assignments In the ninth corps area. Major General Charles H Martin, retired, waa named chairman of the recruiting drive; while Captain Weldon 11. Kirk, district adjutant, will act aa sec retary. Campaign managera will call for active cooperation from all veterans' organisation In the state. Civic recruiting commit tee composed of representatives of the American Legion, Vetcr- ns of Foreign Wars, Spanish American War Veterans, reserve officer organizations, Military order of the World War. and other civic and patriotic groups. will be formed In each county, Sergeant Edward L. Jarvia, commander of the Klamath Falls recruiting itatlon. said that va- canciea in the foreign service Included two for the air corps, 16 for chemical warfare, 18 for coast artillery corps, four for corps of engineers. 64 for the Infantry, seven for the medical service, 15 for ordnance, nine for the signal service and one for quartermaster. Present va cancies within the ninth corps area Include 304 for . tho air corps, 22 for the chemical war fare service, 64 for ordnance, six for the medical department, and on for the signal corps. Newspapers and radio stations in the Oregon district will also be asked for their cooperation. Llama Cloth i'V.. JR. OFFICIALS FOR name FAIR SELECTED Rains Delaying Logging Operations In Lake County Recent rains and snow In Lake county have delayed open ing of most logging operation and caused all but two lumber mill to ahut down, Jack Al- meter of the Oregon State Em ployment service said Friday on his return from survey of con ditions there. Only the Underwood and Goose lake mill are presently running, he said, the others hav ing drained their log decks to rock bottom. Operations will resume aa soon aa crews are abl to use mud-bound roads. City Police Judge Has Court Field-Day It was field day In police court Friday morning as 22 drunks appeared before Police Jung Leigh Ackcrman follow ing a round-up by city police late Thursday night. Six drunks had previously bailed out bringing the total arrests to 28. Harlan Jenkins waa arrested by city police at Sixth atreet and Willow avenue and lodged in the city Jail on a charge of drunk driving. He was fined $100 and given a 30-day Jail sentence, the latter suspended upon payment of fine. Four traffic finea were paid. Germans are getting a big kick out of the German war film, "Victory In the West.' British predict a bigger kirk. Stroock's lovely llama cloth Is used to fashion this coral beige coat with the new shirt wUt lines shown by LaPolnte's as on of the spring's high style numbers. Mrs. Wilson Wiley Jr. models the coat and baku navy straw off-the-face hat with multi-colored corday shoes and matching handbag and natural doeskin gloves. Th ensemble was brought together from La Polnte's various, departments. SPRING FUEL PRICES! 16-Inch Green Pin Slab Extra Heavy Hand Picked A Full Card in Every Load ' One Double Load $4 Five Double Loads $17.50 Buy a load today or take advantage of th reduction in prica by ordering fiva load. Three-Way Auto Accident Reported A three-way accident was re ported to city police early Fri day morning when cars driven by Mra. R. E. Warner, route 3, box 539. V. L Reiling of route 2, box 741, ami Earl Clark, 2138 Radcliffe avenue, collided at Sixth street and Oak avenue. Officers said there were no major injuriea suffered by the drivers. If things don't come your way, chance are you're on the wrong road. Plans tor th Home Econ omics Snrlng Fair are nearlng completion. The date set for the fair are April 24, zs ana zo The evert 1 being sponsored by the Klamath County Local Lradrrs association with Mr. Bill Rogers serving general chairman, who ia also secretary of tho leadera association. Mr, Rogers has appointed the follow ing committee chairmen: Receiving and arranging ex hibits: Mra. Henry Gebert, Chllo ouin. clothing; Mra. C. V. Schultz, Fatrhaven, cooking; Mrs. S. C. Masten. Henley, home- making; Mra. Ruby White, Alte mont, knitting; Clint Pierce, i Chiloquln, forestry; Lloyd Seely, Klamath Falls, handicraft, and George Slyter, Pelican City, woodworking and builders. Many special contests are be ing held this year during the Spring lair and the following chairmen have been appointed to handle these events: Poster contest, Mrs. Isabelle Brixncr, Klamath Falls; drop rnnlu lBllnif mniiwl Mra j Stella Bowne, Altamont; sponge and angel food cake baking con- I test, Mrs. C. C Jor.es, Pelican City; camera contest, Roland Parks, Sprague River; demon stration contests. Including cloth ing, cooking, miscellaneous and safety, Mra. Oren Storey, Mer rill; style revue. Mra. John Hey- den, Aljoma; home economics Judging contest, Mrs. Robert Carson, Modoc Point; dollar din ner contest, Mrs. Geneva Dun ran, Bonanza; health contest, Frances Koertje, Fair haven. These committee chairmen are heading up the different activ ities of the fair with the assist ance of other local leaden, with each local leader participating on one or more different committees. A separate feature of the fair will again be the Klamath coun ty grade school track meet, held on Saturday. April 26, with Anthol Riney and Marshall Eye stone of Altamont as co-chairmen. A loving cup will be pre sented to the school winning the mpst points, and individual track ribbons will be presented to the contestants. Friday noon home economics leaders and member will serve a dinner in the Exhibit building at the fairgrounds to Rotarlans and Rotary-Anns. Mrs. Earl Mack Is repeating thla year In her position aa chairman of the vent. Th fun featur of th fair will be carnival with Wilbur Roblnett. principal of th Fair- haven school and also a local leader, acting chairman. Pro ceed from th carnival will be uaed to purchase summer camp equipment. Mis Helen Cowglll, assistant sUte 4 H club leader will Judge horn economics exhibit and some of the home economic contests, assisted by other local Judges. S.P. E Lamr. rtMl Mrs MM Mt M Mar IhM MS to M MnsMi. Mall M rmaa tafttMf M ONS SIB at IM aaly. M anal a. aMS CwrirMMrtMM In Sum naas, era araa. mtmmm. ly by him for quotation. It waa second-hand Interview, and in such case man' thought may not be worded exactly a he would express them publicly If he were here. His reported com ment was to the effect that Dublin, ablaze with light at night, la used by German as th landmark that guide Ger man bombers to Important ta get In England. Can't relax Drink bett of WUUnd's Al at bedtlaael Looking for Bargains? to the Class tiled page Turn SAN FRANCISCO. April 11 (A1) The Southern Pacific com pany reported Thursday con solidated net income for the firm's transportation system, in cluding foreign and domestic subsidiaries, totaled $898,703 In February and $1,941,804 for the first two months of this year. The February net was $2,400,- 683 higher than last year, and the two months up $4,717,485. Excluding subsidiaries, the Southern Pacific system made $1,098,333 in February and $2. 263,464 net income for the two months, running better than two million dollars a month better than last year. Is it to be the tragic Jeopardy of democracy that if it would go to war it must adopt the very systems which we abhor? Her bert Hoover, former president. Lent is the time some people swear off the same things they wore off on New Years. DEFENSE OF DUBLIN KLAMATH FALLS. Ore, (To the Editor) In reading the story of the Klamath "Eagle" in Wednesday's evening paper, I was not favorably impressed with hi reported proposal, that Dublin be forced to black out or be blown off the face of the earth." My first Impulse was to wish, that the epochal power dive he made in running away from the German planes, might also have split his tongue, along with the ear drum. It appears now, that any lung power he may have lacked during the dive, has been greatly restored line hi r- rlval here. I Would like. to offer the thought that Ireland 1 a NEUTRAL country, and after Its many cen-! turies of British occupation and oppression, can hardly be ex pected to be sympathetic to Brit ish problems. ; Could It be perhaps some thing in the nature of poetic Justice, that Britain' enemies are guided by the lights of a ' city, which has known much bloodshed in the struggle to throw off the British yoke? ! In my opinion, (for what little ' it may be worth) the "eagle" in this case sound very much like a parrot i J. P. LINMAN, j 39 Nevada Ave., SEE a New World! Ultk eyes properly fitted to good-looking glasses. Have your eyes tested and make certain that your vision Is correct. It means greater happiness and im proved health. Columbian's optical ex perts will fit you with the latest of styles in modern eye wear. No charge for compter eye examination "Lowest Price in Oregon" for the Best 130,000 Satisfied Customer 36 Year in Oregon Credit? Yet, Gladly ML SID . NOUS Editor's Note: In fairness to Mr. Kennerly, it should be noted that the statement concerning Dublin which appeared in this newspaper was not made direct- at? 'frig (HWiMli(((ij Phone 7121 TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON CKS VVAPORUt Dump load outside and you can start using It in about two weeks time. SAVE ON YOUR FUEL BILL BY BUYING TODAY FREDH.HEILBRONNER "FUELS THAT SATISFY" PLUS SERVICE Offlc and Yardi 121 Spring Dial 4153 if Wm' ll w - w 111 V i CURLEE OTIIES $29.50 - $35.00 For d Smart Well-Groomed Easter Complete range of models, styles ond' sizes for your spring ond bummer wararooe. see. mem ar DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main aaaamam BSSaaBS8ESIs I ill I saaBBaaaaMaaasaaaaaaaaaaas if Cream's) Q I a.:.iI l I I Nail Prep. I 32C J1C J LOTIONSV v Prices here are as light as a feather and are sure SsfW1? tf '50e A tickle the thrift-minded shopper. 50c Hinds 3 : f M 1 X . , . Ll ; How' 1 1 V -JOc -r-SMl f-r-ntwf 50e Drkin J9c V 37e MM M.00 TOILETRIES $1 Paqtiin Cr. 79eV Xipana .75e Tm '50e Woodoevy Foe PW. 39c 50c Jars ..39e XN-7 X 39c ZTZ. ''OO VrroH. 79c Chambarlain' ..42c ,i0e V Oralrine -'Phck 89e 75c VomKm Hair Tonic 63c 60e ItaL Balm 47 X I Lyon I '55c Pond Pace Powder ..39c DEOD. & DEP. X 1 Tooth Pwd.l 59C Coty Air Sown Powder .1.00 ,rV V J, . '60e Mor-O-Oil . 49 4muT49 -60. Xa"iy 1"9- TOOOthin. 89c .: f?d 45c ii - X.""- IZTN, Incarnote '50c Stilimoa's Freckle Cr. 39c cJu!It 31 Munne X" 49e TOO Hopoer kMtor.Cr-. 79c loeNeV 49c AOe X fx l".0 1 '50c Crom. of Milk 39c Arid 39c X I700 f I .-wTi '25c Lev Ion 19c ican.-. , J fnt . 60c Menrholatum 53c t-60 . 1 ,50 Calox Werner, 39c 434. p.p.nA k AQC ' 60r e n.eL. ' lTooH,Pwd.j V kill 0cV SosfS Cream 39effl i Prfun" 1 "C. '''C 60c Bromo if f) I 1 W -.csode- JSC ocsoc Barba,., R R 5c , IU W:iicvngu"ar0 37c B .vi5 uveJ CIGARETTES I . Wear m OM Gold. Camel, A" Ot m Chesterfield. 21c g' Lacklea, Raleigh - XJJS' 1 14 2,or27e 75e Of .i 1oo m p,r c,on L29 ..roroo -s Sensation. Fitch Vei7te0o Ctl Dominoes. Avalon Shampoo TJjsl lie r-f. e" Carton $1.05 l 1 g; ii at i ii f i ii Easter-Tho'ts Lentherie Colognes. 10 different odors ...11.00 Lentherie Comb. Sets $1.50 to $5.00 Early American Spice 50c to $2.00 Colonial Dam .. 50c to $6.25 Many Othar llama Aparaarlatt) rwlilullr Ollt WraapaS N. AddaS GharM VWRVG CO. NINTH AND MAIN STS. FREE Gardenia for th Ladies One Gardenia With Each $1.00 Purchase of Cosmetics Two Gardenias With Each $1.00 Purchase of Houbigont Merchandise Quelques Flours Perfume, Lipsticks, Face Powder, Cologne . Easter I Box I Chocolates V from v I V