April 1941 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NW1 Good Friday Tha traditional public Good Friday service will ba bald In tha rirat Cove nant church at 7:48 p. m. Tha pailor will apaak on tha sub ject. Trie King of tha Jawi." Tha mixed choir sings tha fol lowing numbara: "There la a Oraan Hill Far Away" and "How Can 1 Look on Calvary'i Crou." A hearty Invitation la extended to anyone who would care to attend tha eervlce. VUltera Mra. Edward II. Pike had aa her gueata tha early part of the week her two nieces, Maria Aubrey, and Mra. Clar ence Ruff. Miss Aubrey hat taught for tha pait 14 yeari In tha Davla Calif., achoola and next year will take over teach- I "Jng dutlea In Santa Crux. Mra. Kuff la a realdent of Maryavllle Both hava visited here fre quently where they hava many frlendi. VUlt ten Mr. and Mra. Rob Jbert Hall of AlUmont hava re turned from Fort Stevens where they visited their son, Sgt. Rob art Hall, and enjoyed Army day maneuvera. From Bly Mra Ernest Pad dock of Bly was among tha out-of-town shoppers In Klamath Fall! Thursday Police Court Five drunk one drunk and disorderly and 12 trafflo tickets made up tha police court report Thursday morning. There were no major accidents reported, police offic ers said, and no new complaints Issued. TMBS INSTALL UNIFORM CHARGES Effective at 8 p. m. Friday, all taxlcabs In Klamath Falls will go on a new uniform rata, It waa announced Thursday by tha operators. The rate will be 38 cents for the first 5fl of a mile, and 8 cents for every 18 of a mile thereafter. This rata la established on meters, which hava now bean Installed on all cabs operating In tha city. Cab operators said tha ratea are highly favorable to tha pub lic In comparison with those affective In other cities. The recent flat rata of 28 cents was effective while meters were being Installed. ' Picture framing. Goeller'a. 230 Main. Phone 1704. For Your Information WEATHER NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Rain tonight, becoming showery Friday; continued cool; fresh to strong southerly winds off coast, shifting to west or northwest late this afternoon or tonight. OREOON Mostly cloudy with scattered showers In val leys and snows In mountains to night and Friday, except only partly cloudly northwest por tion; little change In tempera ture; fresh southeasterly winds off coast; strong wind at times from Cape Blanco southward be coming fresh west or northwest Friday. Mall Closing Tiroes (Tralna) Southbound: 8.00 a m. Northbound: 30 a m. Southbound: 8:18 p m. Northbound: 8:30 p m. (Stages) Alturaa, L k e 1 e w, Rocky Point and Ashland, all close 7:00 a- m Dance Exempt Members ef tha Klamath Shrine club have been advised that the annual dance for the crippled children's hospital In Portland has been de clared tax exempt. The dance Is scheduled for Saturday, April 19, with J. Fred Flock aa chair man. Lady Eagles The Lady Eagles club will meet Friday, AprU 11, at FOE hall for 1 o'clock potluck luncheon and business meeting. All members are urged to attend. Sons of Norway Tha regular meeting of the Sons of Norway will ba held Saturday at 8 p. m. In tha I OOF hall. It will be social meeting. ' Graduate Nurses Membera of Graduate ' Nurses of Klamath county were to meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the health department, at which tuna Or. Peter H. Rotendal waa to show a film and speak on tuberculosis. Public Party Tha Degree of Honor lodge will sponsor a pub lic card parfy Monday, April 14, at 2 p. m In the KC hall. Lunch eon will be served at 1:30 o'clock sharp, followed by cards. Mrs. OIlEtaOX WOOLF.V STORK'S EASTEIl SUItPMSE! V 1ST , rnrr n V Vg BLANKETS with very suit bought between now and Easter! i a n i f 9 1 get A free blanketi " If your husband la going to buy a new spring suit, bar It YOUR opportunity! Bring him In and get on ef these big, beautiful blan ker absolutely fro with tha purchase ef any uit in our big stock. These blankets are 72" x M'' and wa offar your choica of wine, green, cedar, brown er blue colors. HURRY! THIS OFFER ENDS SATURDAY! SWOTS 1950 - 24M Others 29.50 and 34.50 Gaberdines, coverts, herringbone and wonted chevi ots. Fine, long wearing, well tailored suits In tha sea son's NEW colors. Siie to fit every man, longs, short, slims, stout and regular sixes. If a suit doesn't fit, wo won't let you buy ft! NEW SPRING HATS New telescope crowns, pinch fronts and many others. Gay saw colore with contrasting bands. SWEATERS HUNDREDS of new sweat ers. Zipper fronts, button fronts, sleeveless. pull, overs ... we mean . EVERYTHING! SI to $5.93 TIES Climax your Spring outfit with a new tie. Hundreds to choose from. In silks or ' wools. 35c and $1 $2.45 Other $2.95 $3-95 $5.00 SPORT COATS SLACKS lb mA I Al: li sS'Stk A big selection. In all me tarule and colors Includ ing browns, greens, blues, rust and camel. From $9.85 Gabardine, twills, eoveria and hard finish worsteds. Comfortable pleated, full drape styles. $3.95 to $6.95 TWO PIECE SUITS Populsr "two suiters." Coat and trousers only. for warm spring days, or use aa sports coat with contrasting slacks ALL SIZES Fine $13.95 SMART NEW SHOES FOR EASTER New military styles, new styles for dress, ' new sports stylesl Thsy're all here In "Es quire" and "Star Brand" . . . two fameua names in man's shoes. Slsss for every foot and prices for every pocketboek. 93 M9 2" 3M 4 OREGON WOOLEN STORE 8TH and MAIN KLAMATH'S CREDIT CLOTHIERS DIAL 6873 Gladys Ervln, chairman. Issues a cordial invitation to the public. Plan Dsnce Members ef tha vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church has named Wednesday, April 23, for tha annual vestry dance to be held In the Wlllard hotel ballroom. L. L. Langwor thy Is chairman, assisted by Jack Keating, John Schubert, Percy Webb, Dr. D. J. Rees and Roy Premo. Sewing Circle The Daugh ters of Norway Sewing circle will meet at tha home of Mrs. Charlotte . Haukly, house 38 at Algoma, Friday at 7:30 p. m. Tha valuable heartwood of a black walnut tree does not de velop until the tree Is 80 to 100 years old. Darwin estimated that earth worms on an acre of land would bring 10 tons of soil to the sur face In a year. OPEN LETTER ASKS SCOUT DRIVE HELP An open latter to Klamath Falls citizens, asking their co operation in cleaning up tha balance needed to reach the gflOOO fund drive goal, was writ ten Thursday by K. O. Klahn. manager of tha scout-camp tire campaign. Present total listed aa either pledged or received at Boy Scout headquarters la approximately $3000. The drive la now two weeks old. Klahn's letter follows: To Klamath Fills citizens: What about the Ctrl Scout Boy Scout-Camp Fire girls drive? Do you realize many hava given most generously? But have you done your part? Well over 100 adults have given their time, their energy and their ability absolutely free to this work. Have you helped In any way? Do you realize what a moral, social and economic benefit these three youth organizations are to you and to this commun ity? Could these free volunteer youth organizations exist In Naziland? Think of it. Free! Voluntary! No chance for fifth columnists here. Do you want to keep American ideals alive In our young people? If you- think it'a worth while you will accept your part of this respon sibility and do It gladly. IX you wake up to this tremendous pro gram, you will offer your help eagerly. The Camp Fire girls and the Boy Scouts In this community need your help and you need theirs. Mr. and Mra. Citizen. what are you going to da about It? Sincerely, 1C O. KLAHN. Arthur Visits Among the out-of-town visitor spending Easter week In Klamath Falls I T. J. Arthur, a resident of Eu gene, who is a guest of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arthur, at their bom in the Evans apartment. Daughter Bora Aa eight pound daughter waa born Wed nesday morning to Mr. and Mrs Harold Kaspar at their residence at 3021 East Main street. She has been named Arlena Share). Return Home Mr. K. If. Jackson and infant son, returned home Wednesday to 2M1 Bis bee street from the Klamath Valley hospital. tkN (3IS3CIP fCED HEED 33 JJ T32HaU 3- 3JE ZSm& 'VI v u tJFIlOM THE INS CPE OlDT! All -In -One FIGURE FLATTERY WITH A TWO-WAY STRETCH! 98 A satin loitex and open weave elastic with plenty of give and plenty of hold. Panel stretch up and down, giving new molded groce for medium to tall figure. Size 33 to 38. "BEST SELLER" ALL-IN-ONE $10 Value! Short to medium fig- 72-tttce Silverplate fir fSPK s1 OQR . 1 1 N .'-J You Would q on o.iuu crrTin chr. f -yf" ' '8 Gladly Pgy tf- Mv,ieEr... lmm ci Aisr $50 v -y.s Includes knives, forks, 1 1 '." "! . V:Vf seled fork soup F'fi spoont, butter spread. '-" '' " vTii f era. Ice tea spoons and fsjj'S' hff''-i asserted serving Btsces. tsi r VA Choice of. four lovely ,1 JVl' .-.;.' -.ii potrems. lk (-I;. If-f I JrA I '2Stv !' fel Al-df urs- m los,ex. nylon seam. 'HZkhW&C An-ln-On. vjyyt 1'44im All-ln-Ona A ioviAT, a " -eriM-to- two- flOC II f-Vl v7wl'''Jt'?AV w stretch, ne Don- MH II 4T WlV X L 1 t3Pw "- 1 1 tbrir Jf VSSfiRV Bra.al.ra mm I WL 1 .J V T VJ fA,'w'. ftMkriik broad. fCt 1 l) MUt. Jt JHL T J .--' j clots. Junior ana T I V "U5, Jr i S- m.dlum full bust W "4, I lr J. aV 'Gof Honor gffiN L W ft" jK Tablecloth mT In I f.v.Aytr rJr s349 7 II Wh Intricate I8rh Cenlury t - "wS2-2J ' IJS jffi 3 H dsslon, 10-polnt com- 2l?ZZC? V J h j R'l 11 ZZZZ :z ii o s i e n y 1 i l Big dinner slse. 72x90. "Daalrabla" TTfifi t ELllSi Rlnifr... ..tr. H 1 I C&8Sy:ii3a?' atrons ralnforoamanta Jr II TVr l' JW" "aa"""""' SU, to X0H. J J Jjlbm I i "Carafraa" qq. Filet LCt 0 OQ anas and run raalat- WV VVja, i f Iff TmbUclolh 1 5,8 i W "Beautlfllm" i nn ' J a UituScgX: CrU Jjo Jj.tnictloo- 1 J lee Clarii !. a I if "- CLOVES Hana crlatad Mn, f- 1 1 I T'f I ana rayon. toiiD In. I " fj f ' Prlyt Clerk. ....1.00 I wff I" X Cotton and raron I V VrI wwa 498 eVStar JAMARETTE $1.00 Cettee bead. Sfens 14 le 40. tterea SeHaa 1.tg Kool-est Sheer ' GOWNS Unusual print with fine quality Vat lace edging and insertions. In flared and ruffle bottom styles. Exclusive with Sear. In size 34 to 44. CRINKLE CRIII OR SHEER QOWNS WfaSheVbl aJOt ton, blaa ua straight eat tyis. SIM ll-iT. btrti Sns 59. 4 GORE RAYOII CREPES WITH SHADOW PANELS Slips SJJOO Cholc of Thrao Style Fine quality pigment crepe in three lovely, hard wearing styles: Smooth tailored with double fabric top, front and back; delicate lace trim; finely embroidered tailored with double fabric top ond front. 32 to 44. WOMEN'S SLIPS SSo Built-up ahould&ra. aaay to laundor oatton atralcht out. Taaroa. whlta, St to ti. WOMEN'S MN0KI SLIPS . .SSe ".Son Cllns" oottoa. aenu V top. 4 tor, atralsht euu Taaroaa ana wmto. 31-44, WOMEN'S 4 STAR SLIPS 1.4S Rayon aatl-j laoa trtmmad allpa. Pour sr ana blaa atyl.a Taaroaa, Whlta. SI-44. DORABLK KNIT RAYON UNDIES ....SSe Loosa tilftns. otHpad circular knit. Vast, bloom r, pantla. atapln. Tanroao. M-m-l. ROSETEX KNIT RAYON UNDIES SSe Plain knit rayon. Includea vaata, bloomara, pas. Uaa, ataplns, brl.fa. Taaroaa, a-m-1. Woman's Hsndbasjs 59 a I ra n I a t as 1 a t h r, aa aertad aiaas ana eolora. 133 So. 8th Dial 51M