PAGS rOURTEEX THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'April 194 RECOVERY HEAT Makketi and fyiHGrtcial Oeneral Notices Oenere. Notice Jeffersonian Reflections FEEBLE STICK RALLIES LACK T NEW YORK. April 10 WV Selling waned in today's stock market as an attempt was made to get the list back on Its feet but such rallies as appeared were feeble at the best. Soma support came in on the theory the recent sharp decline had gone too far. even with the gloomy Balkan war news. Sentiment was aided a trifle bjr bulletins telling of the Yugo slavs digging in to stem the nasi tide although most real ized that wishful thinking was a prominent factor here. Rails and steels edged for ward in the forenoon but gains of a point were few and far be tween In any department. There was a mild let-down and mid day closing quotations were a shade irregular. Dealings were negligible throughout, with transfers for the full proceedings around 930.000 shares. Among better performers most of the day were U. S. Steel, General Motors, Santa Fe, N. Y. CenwaU Great North ern, Western Union, U. S. Rub ber, Sears Roebuck. Woolworth, Glenn Martin, Westinghouse, . Continental Baking "A," Ana conda, Kennecott, Cerro de Pas ao and Air Reduction. In the faltering division were Bethlehem Steel, Douglas Air craft, Youngstown Sheet, East man Kodak. Philip Morris, Con solidated Edison, Chrysler and American Smelting. Secondary rails took an up ward step In the bond division. Today's quotations: Air Reduction 371 Alaska Juneau 41 Al Chem & Dye ISOi American Can Allis-Chalmers 27. - 871 Am Car Fdy Am Rad Sta San . 251 - 61 Am Roll Mills Am Smelt & Ref Am Tel & Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works . Am Zinc L & S Anaconda Armour HI Atchison Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bendix A via Beth Steel Boeing Atrp - 14 37 .1591 - 681 S 31 23 - 41 231 - 31 - 131 - 331 731 - 131 Borden . - 191 Borge-Warner 171 191 1 - 6 111 - 31 - 401 .118! 381 - 801 - 31 - 10 Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hec Canada Dry Canadian Pacific , Cat Tractor Celanese Ches Ohio Chrysler Col Gas & El Com! Solvents Comm'nw'lth & Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Sou -718 - 2S1 - 20 - 51 361 - 461 - Hi - 81 671 .1429 Contl Can Corn Products Crown Zellerbach . Curtiss Wright . Doug Aircraft Dupont De N Eastman Kodak El Pow Lt General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich . -132 . 2 311 . 3SI 411 . in Synopsis tf Annual Statement 0t tka STATS MUTUAL LITE ASSUMKCS COMPACT af WareaK , te Am Sim al Hwv afc aoa, mm Am tatta-lna r ml Dt . la, mrnirn taa hmm CiMrtiw ml 1km Stat ml O aaa.aat la I CAPITAL I mi OTptal Meek pai4 mm) M INCOME Ta hi..,, Imt A, . 1 iuu ji latarwe, aJrUaaaa mmd taa a'aa laa i M1.TJ4 U i i tnm atkar aaa, wmmmtni atria la, ymmr ?... Tattl laaa 1 B.TM.mj? DISBUX5EMEHTS PaM I 1 aaaaaawata. aaaHla, a4 aanaaaa, ,S H.m,m. aWrlaaa a. aUraa . aarta. to, . UH.W.K BtrMaa. pakl aa aaaHal Mack a.naa laa Taa, . Caaiauaiiaaa talari, aaia aariag tka r Taaaa. lloNM aaa laa, Bala I ka j tW.R.a1 i.96l9.41 K7UJHJ Aamat al all atkar aaaaaatt-raa. Tatal aapaaoltara, ASSETS aia af taal arlat aaaaa (atarkat aalaa) . taaaa aa ,, aaa aaUataral, " tx.m.mix laa af k4a aa (.,) 109.;V0 7J mi aaacaa aaa. ( arkat ?' wa.-nm Pnaiia. aatai aaa aolx- laaaa Bj-.M.S7 Caak ta kaaka aaa " hm4 S47,7 rj a. d acaraai 1,76.01JI t aaeaUaetad aaa aafarra Cra. ehiaa far L ma All atkar Uabllltla - Total HakilitUa. ..I atan aa, Capital mmU ap , ., aaa Sai aaa, aU lUilMaa ttHi.-mm Satrlaa aa raaarai aali7 aaMaS tmiMlM wl , UW.M..H..H BUSINESS Dt OSEGOI So THE TEAS Nat arral. and aaaanjaa raarlaaa d.tia, Ik raa, H.tll.l Diaidaaaa aaM darfaf tka M.WMa Mat laaaa aaa akjiaa, mminmmu. aarraadaca, ,d aaaaitia, aakf aarlai ta. yaar . aa.T94.aa c 'PJI Saw klanal Ufa Aaa ar, aaa Jaa. af PrariAaMt ektaOaf BalUak. Waaaa af Saavatarrt Nab P. Waaf. Bt.tata laat - hi 4al H T. I OR -.. t.r-jm.n Tolal adajtttaa .Mat, a,- w LIABILITICS Nat PMIIIM tin U? laa 9, apafal SK.S4S.7. aaa . Carload Potato Shipments Donth Season of 1940-41 Season of 1939-40 Apr. to Season Apr. to Season Apr. Dally Data to Date Dally Data to Date T 35 35 8323 . 27 27 6488 2 ia M 8338 37 64 6323 49 100 8387 35 99 6360 4 33 133 8422 27 126 6387 i 47 1M 8469 33 139 6620 6 1 183 8472 S3 194 6653 1 47 232 8319 3 197 6638 34 266 8333 21 218 6679 45 U 8398 29 247 6708 10 '. 27 274 6733 11 25 299 6760 12 19 318 6779 13 ' 17 335 6796 14 5 340 6801 15 17 357 6818 18 3 360 6821 17 8 368 6829 18 14 . 382 6843 1 16 398 6859 20 9 407 6868 21 I- 410 6871 21 12 422 6883 23 13 435 6896 24 10 445 6906 25 - 12 iSl 6918 26 ' 14 471 6932 27 19 490 6931 9 4 494 6935 29 14 308 6969 30 6 514 6975 31 Shipments by Truck 227 Grand Totals Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper tnt Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap i P pfd Int Tel Tel Johns Manville 171 241 11 7 9i 451 25 i 621 21 661 321 Kennecott Lab O Ford Lockheed Loew's Long-BeU "A" Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv - 331 211 301 - 21 - 351 4 17 - 13 201 - 151 121 131 131 - 6 Natl Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod Natl Dist National Lead N Y Central No Am Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Gas & El Pac Tel 4 Tel Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways . Paramount Pie Penney (J C) 71 71 - 261 -1181 21 . Ill 111 . 791 . 231 261 371 Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet Proctor & Gamble . 54 . 251 Pub Svc N J Pullman , , , . 261 Radio . 4 25 - 171 . 81 . 36 . 701 121 . 81 Rayonier pfd Republic Steel . Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison 241 91 32 Southern Pacific S perry Corp Standard Brands 6 191 271 341 6 Si 8 36. Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone & Webster Studebaker Sunshine Mining Texas Corn Trans-America . 41 ... 631 13 77 111 351 ..1316 . 31 Union Carbide Union Oil Calif , Union Pacific . United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United Drug United Fruit 621 221 891 331 U S Rubber .... U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium 25 31 201 911 291 Warner Pictures Western Union ,,, Westinghouse Woolworth WOOL MARKET BOSTON. ADrll 10 CAP.tTSnAl Scattered sales were closed to day on domestic wools in the Boston market. Sales comprised mostly fine French-combing ter ritory wools in original bags at 31 to $102, scoured basis, and mixed-grade lots of three-einhths and quarter-blood bright fleeces at around 45 cents in the grease, delivered to eastern users. Fair amounts of Australian and South American wools of fine and half blood grades were selling at steady prices compared with sales last week. i 7202 POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO. April 10 (AP-USDAf Potatoes: 4 Califor nia, 8 Oregon, 1 Nevada arrived. 18 unbroken, 16 broken cars on track; market dull; Oregon ruamain district Russets No. 1 $1.23-35. few held higher, few dark soil lower, combination grades 83-95c; No. 2s, 70-80c. LOS ANGELES, April 10 (AP USDA) Potatoes: 2 California, i iaano arrived, 18 unbroken. 22 broken cars on track; by truck 13 California. 2 Idaho, 1 Oregon, 2 Utah arrived; market about steady on old stock, dull and slightly weaker on new stock; Oregon Klamath district Russets No. 1 light soil $1.40. CHICAGO, April 10 (AP USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 98; on track 617; total US shipments 678; old stock, supplies heavy. for Idaho Russet Burbanks de mand fair, market slightly stronger, other stock all sections best quality demand light, mar ket steady; Idaho Russet Bur banks US No. 1, $1621-73; Ne braska and Wyoming Bliss Tri umphs US No. 1. $1 60-63; Min nesota and North Dakota cob blers 83 per cent or more US No. 1 quality 0-$1.05; Early Ohios 70-85 per cent US No. 1 quality .85-.88; Bliss Triumphs 80-85 per cent US No. 1 quality .90; Wisconsin Chippewas US No. 1, $1.10; Round Whites US No. 1, .35; new stock, supplies moderate, demand moderate, market steady; Temas Bliss Tri umphs US No. 1. $1.60-75 per 50 Ib. sack, California Long Whites US No. 1, $1.50 per 50-1 b. crate; Florida bushel crate Bliss Tri umphs US No. 1, $1.65 per crate. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore., April 10 (AP-USDA) Hogs: salable 500, total 750; market opened fairly active, mostly steady; good choice 175-215 driveins largely $9.85; few to $10.00; late market slow and weak, mostly $9.75 down; 230-260 lbs. $9.00-25; light-lights mostly $9.00-25; pack ing sows strong to 25c higher at $8.00-50; choice light feeder pigs quotable to $10.00. Cattle: salable and total 150; calves 50; market strong; dairy cows and heifers now largely 25c above Monday; scattering medium-good fed steers $10.00-73; few held down to $9.50; cutters down to $6.00: canner-cutter cows mostly $5.00-6.50; fat dairy cows $7.00-75; good beef cows quotable to $8.73; medium-good bulls $7.50-8 73; odd head to $8.90; good-choice vealers $12.00 $13.00; common-medium grades $8.00-11.00. Sheep: salable and total 400; spring lambs weak to 80c lower for 2 days; 1 load and few lots ewes unsold; other classes scarce; few good-choice spring lambs $11.00; throwouts down to $9.00; few ewes held above $5.00; no fulled wooled ewes offered. Jean A. Lussler of Springfield, Mass., went over Niagara Falls in a rubber ball on July 4, 1928. 741 CHICAGO. Anril in to n,. wheat market's recovery from its retreat that followed opening of hostilities in the Balkans con tinued todav. with nric . upward for net gains of a full cent at limes. Buying, originating with pro fessional and commercial Inter ests and partly involving flour business, was limited, however, and WaS Offset hv tr.naj,,.tinna tr, adjust accounts for the Good Frl- aay noiiaay. ine possibility of far-reaching developments in the Balkans and uncertainty about details of the first government crop report of the year to be re leased later in the day. txirin. ed operations. Wheat Closed l-lr hl-h.r than yesterday. May 901-lc, July 881 89c; corn unchanged to 1c low er. May 671c: July R7l- nat, -.. changed to 1c higher. 8. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FHANf-ISri-l April 10 AP-FSMN Hoes: sal able 130; generally steady: most 183-223 lb. Californias $10.10. few 255 lb. $9.60; odd packing sows $7.00-8.10. Cattle: salable 15: largely nom inal: odd head 1080 lb steer. $11.00; range heifers and cows absent; few weighty cows $7.00 $7.25, cutters $5.50-6.00, canners $4.30-3.00: odd 1360 lb. bull $8.60. Calves salable none: nom inally weak: rood to chnir tin. der 200 lb. vealers quoted $12 00 $13.00; slaughter calves $9.00 $10.50. Sheen: salahle none: nnmlntil. ly weak; spring lambs quoted $10.50-11.50: wooled ewes $6.00- $7.00, common $4.00. Portland Produce rOKTLAND. April M, ( AP Bl'TTKR fttat. A trad 3&Hc lb., la p-nhtiK-nt nipper : S ta uMoea; ft grmiU S4 Sc la prrhr-tit vrapprra, US la rmrtooa. BITTBAT ltr an amy. mni-um of A of 1 per cant actdttv. dft.rrrJ ta PoHUod U S Ue lb. ; prvuhiai quality, mtiinum of .U of I pr mil irtdUy. UV Me 16.; valley route and country potoU So lei: Moood quality te sir ftnt. CUEKSI Selling prle to Portland retailer; TllUmook triplet, tt S lb.; toaf. He lb. Triplet to wholeialera S lb.: Nt SO So r.o.b. Tillamtx. FGG5 Piieat to producer: A I art. Sic; B tmrv Sne; A medium IM; tt medium 1 7c doc. Resale to retailers ie higher for eaM. cartooa Se higher. BAT Vlllni pn? oa fradta Alfalfa, Xo. 1. toa; oat-TetHi. 10.00 too; WllUmetfa valley rtorer 10.00 toa; Um othT aaa tern Orefoa 17.00 too. L1VF. pi.t ..TRY - Bu)lflf prleaa: Ko. I srad Leghorn broilers I Vi to 1 h,. lie; fryer, under S lb.. Itt; aprlnters 3 to lb., ltcj roasUr. orer 4 lbs., 30c; colored ben over i Ib itV; hen. I K I lb., !7He; Lefhomt. under lb itc: orcr 4H lb-, UH lb, old roosters Sr. DRESSED TrRKFTS Xommal: IVTItog prtcei. hena KUe lb.; tmm Jl se h. OXIONii nrrron fian-en. retular ttn. 1. !-; 3-tada and larger 3.:w.oo, M lb. uck. POTATOE Kew nawallan 11.00-1 SS 1Mb. hot; Florida SJ.U per S0-lb. crate. New California long hlte, ! V) per W-lh. bag; old Desehutcs No. I. 1.15-45, selected Dwrvite brand 1.4S; Klamntta fl-U-W cental: eecU KUmath tl M. roiXTRV MR ATS - VI lie i price fo retailer: Coontry hilled hoga. best botch ers. 1SS-1I0 lha.. llS-ier; vealera, fancy I7H-1S: light thin IS lie: heary. IS-r; Iambi, old crop 17 4 -IS lb.; ewe. e-IOc lb.; good ratter or- It 13c lb. eanner oov 10-1 1c lb.; bulls IS-Ue lb. WOOL 1M1 eootrarta. Oref-o ranch, nominal SIKe h.; IWrt pjatern Oreeon rant -Kc lb.; rrosbrd. t.' lb.; Wll-lam-tte valley tS-month 34 Uc lb. First Photo of This picture, transmitted by radio from Berlin to the United States, shows young King Peter IT, left foreground, surrounded by army officers and dignitaries after proclamation of his ascension to lha : Yugoslav throne. German Submarine Long-range Oerman submarines, similar to the one pictured, may soon oecome active dune to the American Atlantic seaboard, according to a warning received In Washington from Winston Churchill. HiiPiiii! The JrfTrrron Memorial In Washington, D. C. appears dotiblv beau tiful in this picture of the nearly completed structure and Its re ilection in a lagoon. How Tax Dollars l L,lCORI'ORATION INCOME h&iWjr HIT ' l El AXD -XCISB TAXES Tltf . j3Pi 1 dTficii iiJinc'ome" axesI If Congress amends tax laws to Increase income and excise taxes paid by individuals and corporations, the government's receipts on 1941 income will be around $12,225,000,000. Meanwhile the U. 8. will spend 17 billions or more, as is being budgeted tor fiscal 1942. Pictochart shows how the two will balance, with photos showing proposed budget expenditures and heavy lines dividing tax receipts. King Peter After Taking Throne Like This May Be Roaming U. S. Waters Will Cover Budaet All Cabs In the City Will Operate On Meter Rate After 6 P. M. Friday, April 1 1 RATES ISo First S8 Mil Be Each Additional 19 Mile CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Rent Automotive Business Opportunities Educational Financial For Sale or Trad . General Notices . Health Help Wanted, Female.. Help Wanted. Mala Houses For Rent Livestock and Poultry . Lost and Found Miscellaneous For Rent . Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous Wanted Personals Real Estate For Sal Real Estat Wanted Room and Board Rooms For Rent Services Situations Wanted . To Exchange Transportation General Notice EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER, livestock, machinery or what hava you California and Oregon, Clarence Brlxey, Phone 0904. Tulelake, Calif 4-25 FREE MARCELS every Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Northwestern Beauty College. 4-30mtf PICNICKERS welcome Play ground for kiddies. Rocky Point. 4-12 Personals CEDAR POSTS, IS cents. Also wood from $3.00 to $6.00 per cord. Dial 4429.- 1919 Tunnel St 4-12 FISHING'S GOOD at Rocky Point. 412 Transportation Go By Motor Shortest Route Lowest Fares to Northern Points One Round Way Trip Spolcane $l 1.00 $20.05 Boise. Ida. 9.95 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 eattlo 8.40 14.65 Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Greyhound Depot Phone 55211 4-20mtf 10 Services WALLPAPER CLEANED, $1.00 per room. Painted walls wash ed right and reasonable. Work guaranteed. Phono 832a. 4-11. GLASS Duplate Safety Glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, re- silvering. Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 737B. S-6mtf TRAINED nurse. Phon S53S. 61 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 709 South Sixth. 4-30mtf CALL SHASTA CLEANERS for quality cleaning at lowest prices. Phone 7036. 8441 South 6th. 4-24 WINDOW CLEANING W also clean paper, kalsomlne and painted walls. A. M. Rhoads. Dial 4768. 4-24ratf FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflnished. N orman Fraley. Phon 4001. 4-24mtf YOU CAN WEAR 'EM if we re pair 'cm, Stuart's Shoe Shop, 1000 Main. 4-21 DRESSMAKING, Hemstitching. Buttons. Buckles covered. Al teratlons on new and old cloth ing. Mrs. H. M. Allendcr, 731 Main, room 216. Phone 7263. 4-iemtf DOREMUS RUG AND FURNI TURE CLEANERS Oriental rugs our specialty Dial BB75 2012 Orchard 4-10 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, S18 Main. 4-24tnti HOUSE CLEANING, Art Bcne-4-28 diet 6848. FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3922. 4-30mtf Ber-lcM PAINTING. KALSOM1NINO . II. L, Brown. Phono 4220. ' 4-iemtf FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING We general our own pow, er, C. Du Four. Phone 3900. 4 27mtl PAPKHHANGINO, PAINTING. Kalsomlning. Dial 8848. Mel vin E. Frost. 4-13mtl LAWNMOWEHS, SAWS sharp ened, repaired. Most reason able In city. Free delivery. Hodenhamcr Saw Filing, 331-3 E. Main. Phon 4672. 4 10 10 PAINTING INTERIOR and exterior; also tinting, spray painting Color to suit. Call Lea BurekeriP) 33J4. 4-2(P CURTAINS home laundered and stretched. Reasonable. Mrs. Shafcr. Phone S64T. 8 3mtf SEE MRS. HARNEY for Alter a Hons, Remodeling. Whytal's. Phone 8222. B-Smtf FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is SOUND. Conner Ser vice Co., 2007 So. 6th. Phon 6878. Just south of viaduct. oRmtf 12 Educational WHEN VOU THINK OF SUC CESS think of Northwestern Beauty College. One of Amer ica's exceptional training schools. 4 30mtf 13 Health 3P DENTAL PLATES REPAIRS Usually 1 to 3 hours. Dr. Gordon l.ertingham. 4-30mtf 14 Help Wanted. Female WANTED Girl for housework. Nice home. Room, board and salary. Phone 4719. 4-10 WANTED Woman for general housework. Phone 4071 or 3842 So. 6th. 4-10 WANTED Girl for housework. 328 So. 4th. 4 12 WANTED Girl for housework, cnpablo of taking full charge. Two working adults. No chil dren. References. Writ Box 4287, News-Herald. 4287- BEAUTY OPERATORS Free employment service. North western Beauty College. 4-30mtr, WANTED Experienced house keeper under 33. Small fam ily of adults. Stay 3 nights in middlo of week. $30 month. Phone 5311. 3301U WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Must stay lilKhl. Phone 4326. 4fl83tf 14 Help Wanted. Female WANTED Experienced beauty operator, with following. Ap ply Beryl's Beauty Shop, 801 Medical Dental, 4-10 WILL GIVE man and wife board In exchange for wife's help in boarding house. 723 Klamath. 2884tf 18 Help Wanted. Male WANTED 2 new car salesmcilP) In all tl , . I 1 n rcrmineni positions for qualified appli cants. Apply sales manager H. E. Hauger, Klamath Falls. 4679tf MIDDLE-AGED MAN experl enced In handling sheep. Box 4202, News-Hcrnld. 4-10 WANTED A-1 grocery clerk. in answering give age, exper ience and reference. Box 4669, News-Hcrnld. 4-lj WANTED Manager for service station, Standard Oil trained man preferred, In answering give age, experience, refer ence, salary expected. Box 4H70. News-Herald, 4-12 18 Situations Wanted PRACTICAL NURSING or car i cnuarcn evenings. Phonn 705B- 4M-VO) WANTED By trained nurse . "on tniiu or Diiny lo care . for in my homo days. Close in. 321 N. Slli. 4.14 GIRL WANTS HOUR WORK I'lione 8817. 4.14