,er 1937 iliT" THE NEWS AND THE HERALD KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON lillou to l"11' ''' ""! , t .....ntv's oiiiinilli I M' i.. Jean lire ,leiirs" I, falls, L,,, from .1.. l-lral I"" ......I .l Illl'Vl llK'Hl '' I fur tll dlMitil ,l liny J" returned li"'"" three I ! t tlll til ! llH'ir BWim Nat lima. md lr0 n two or d t lllMllllBlll epnrled. and " 7 1 ItUOHIB " cxituHlllon " it.. . . .... i ll nivni. mo " T ' .how wliUb ana , ,renlr i'""" in iiiiiii- iitl- .1. no .... n.. U'eri they ii'i"M '"" " 0( fc ato.'k before r.-lurii- :p SERGEANT ES INSPEC1IUN TO CITY BerK l J"""'"!:" , D chM ,l. :k in Hi offices nrflrer m i""""" ,l(or In Klamath Kalla , coming " ''"' " . .r,iv. In Klamath halla ir is lid will l"v tli fsl ..ii I.onmn l llioklllg k trio 10 U ii" "''"'- r. rlliiiti rilalrlrf t from luanmm r. aub-atailn ' Ik-nd, en kick lo Portland. ..m Lowinan was """ ....,h t-.iii from 1921 io U Ister In 1933 and 1S34 till bit accompanied by Mm. n tnd their daugnier. jeu TTE VALLEY At Livestock Exposition y?UrMal rati Hi. J iff 1 ' r-lL .Jn TT-rn I (9 : S I lLr I -A' liny Jniin. Klummh Fall", lind Joan Drew, lllldohrand, phnto Srnphotl at Iht. r.irltlc Inlornniliinal Mvamork xiA)alilon whrr (hty wrm iiaia laai wrrk of lhi Klrat National bank of Portland. Thay wr-it aa outatamllnK 4 II cluh boy and (Irl from Klamath county. Little Boy Has Busy Time With Five 4-H Enterprises Kdilor'i Not: Charlca Chnyne, non of .Mr. and Mm. Aid H. Chpyno of the llontoy dlatrtrt, naa wrlttrn thla human lnlr-at atory of little loy'a flrat )rar In cluli' h work. HIS Ilutte Vall-y 11 rejolclnf over Ita tlctory or hno aidar. October . on hlh 13 ihn wwk there will be a kt Uorrla with Met loud at fcclork. The prk-e of ad k U li centa. h'ueaday ercnlug Mr. Taul dvin, Mr. liumild 1 turnip- kj Coach Harry IH-noud at- prlnrlimla' uiiftliiK at ShiMa City. At thla incut Uuodwin waa elirii'd pr'a- it the (ilklou L'ouuty 1'rlu- aMorlatlon. L. A. Wllllama of the com-1 on relation with acuoola ! a tliltor at the a hool on fr. Octobrr li. art eihlblt of the frd-rnl blftt will be continued for krk of Ortober 11-15. The moitly worka of San kco artlata. are exrellenl. bile la eordlnlly Invited to m during aehool houre. are belni made for the annual Hallowe'en ball to kt on October 10. ReaerTe Ma lty HAitixs ( hi.vm: Thla wua my flrat y-nr In club work. I waa i-lcvf-ii yi-ara old on S"iti-inbt-r 4 of thla y-ar. You run Jtiat liiiaKlne how buy 1 tmvr lip-n wImii 1 tell u 1 hnd live proji-rta. 'liny were: ruhblta. turkeya. a d.ilry cuir, a baby be f. and J waa a member of the llnilry Weed club. I didn't like the rabbit much. Thi y were ailrh hard work all too time, hut It waa the only way 1 could make plenty of money to feed my calvea and turkeya and have, api-uttlne; moni-y too, ao 1 alayt-d with Ihimi. 1 won a lat, 3rd, 4 f la and 5th on the four dora I i-xhlblliil at 111"- fair. When I I I rat atarted I aold at the Klam ath . Hllllarda. Thin 1 fit more than they rould uxe and I sot mnrki-t every wei-k from Mr. Unlverall of California, j 1Ul0nl.-h at Kinll a market. Soon I had ao many 1 roul.ln't get th in ilreaicd. and aold at Mnrtln'a Produce alive. 1 aoi (julte a lot for bret-dlnK atork and did real well, but now that achool haa be gun a,.-a!n and 1 have my oif money I'd Ilka to aell them all. 1 could not inhibit my turkeya for they were all young and fie enlrlea called for an old and a young one. I have all four klnria: ilronze. Mnracansett. White Hol land and Uurbon Iteda. They are heautya now and If 1 could eell a few of my nlceal toma for breed-J era. I'd aurn like it. 1 tried a aot tlng of While Pollah bantama and j Indiana of Panama tip arrowa with nolaon made ha akin of a frog. Win conteat. I mlaaed that too, but now I think 1 can buy me that for myaelf thla fall If I manage right. I bare to be careful and aave enough money to inreal to make me mora neit year. 1 won a trip to the Halem atate fair on my atock Judging at our local one and too 1 didn't do ao hot up there, neit year I'll know more about It, I certainly aaw a lot and had a grand time. Mr. Jonklna gave ua all a nice long boat ride at Odell lake. 1 liked our own fair the beat. Boya up at 8alem all have Juat dairy euw k. They had lota of horeea there and the horaeahow at night waa great. I think club work glvea ua klda a fine chance lo make money, ard 1 know It keepa ua buay, and in terested aa well. I'll certainly be In It neit year, but not quite ao deep. CHAKLEB CHEYNE. lEIG CALLED hatched four but they all died ao I loat money there. My dairy calf la a black ana white, Dutch belted. Bhe la aure mart. I call her Minnie. 1 got when a week old from Mr Hoffman of Tillamook, tine coat me thirteen dollara. tihe won me. a blue ribbon at our fair. I want her to grow up a good nurae ci w for my baby beef calvea. I want to fatten one every year, for tnnt la the project I really and truly enjoy. My Hereford calf came from Mr. Wllllama' herd. He waa wild and nervoua at flrat but he got lo like me and he placed 51h In the light weight claaa. Man! it) kneea ahook when I led him In the ring but he got erared and Jump ed and knocked my hat off and by the time a got etralghtcurd out I was over it. He waa acid to the Klamath Hllllarda In a group of three for l:jc. Thai Klamath Hllllarda man has bein a boon to me all along In r. y money venturea. 1 have Intended to go In aome noon and eat a meal and tell him ao, but I always get acn red out there la such a Jinn of grown-upi about there all the time. I aura am going to try for a flrat on a calf next year, I did try hard this year but next I hope I do make It. Perhaps some of you will remember when 1 went out lo get that tool set In the Trade and The regular quarterly meeting of the grange county council was called Tuesday by Prealdent Amos Black to meet with Bonania aranie Tueaday. October 1, at 7:30 p, m. The program of the council will conalat largely of matters pertaining to the development of agriculture In the Klamath area, and an agricultural program for 1931 will be considered and recommendations made for adop tion at the Pomona grange at Ihe regular quarterly meeting on November 13. Among other featurea Pomona Maaler L. Alva Lewis haa ar ranged a meeting of all young membera of aubordlnate granges with the objective of organizing a young peoples' council. It Is proposed that the young peoplei organization within the grange will encourage young people of the farms to Join the grange and to look after their own welfare, such as formulating educational and recreational programa and creating a department in the grange composed of young people and managed by their own of ficera. In order to perfect tbia organl-! xation the young people of all subordinate (rangea are urged to be preaent and take part. The young people will hold their meeting in a aeparate room and will formulate their own pro grams. Committees of the council are now at work on a complete pro-: gram which will be announced ' later. The council will be opened In ' trie fourth degree by officers of Bonanza grange. At the close of the aesslon ! there will be a potluck luncheon , and all granges attending will contribute. Twists and Turns in The News A NKW O.N'K BUFFALO, N. Y. (P) George B. Mel rod waa booked In police court on a reckless driving charge but Patrolman Walter 0. Maul" said It was a new offense three- wheeling. He testified he arrested Melr-'d for driving a mil and a half through city atreeta at 10 mlla an hour with the right front wheel missing from his car. "I didn't know It could be done," commented Judge Robert J. Hummera aa he aet the case for trial Thuraday. EHV 8TRKETT COLUMBUS, O. WV-They are going to burn up a city street to keep relief clients warm this winter. City council voted to turn over to relief headquarters for fuel more than 160,000 creosote-Impregnated wooden paving blocks torn up from a street where an old bridge was replaced. FIRST AID COVINGTON, Va. UP) A bread truck, crashing Into an electric wire pole In a heavy fog, sum moned aaalatance for Ita driver, trapped In the crack-up. The truck anapped a wire and automatically turned In a first aid alarm. The driver, Roy Beazloy, grinned at the fire department ambulance which drove up aa he succeeded In extricating himself from the wreckage. NEW YORK. Oct. 1J (UP) An amazed courtroom today heard the story of William H. Rlcbe son, 2(, that he had masqueraded aa a woman for 10 years, danced with a chorus In a burlesque show and acquired a "husband" who In six years never learned that he had been fooled. The deception was discovered when Rtcheson was arrested for aecostlng a policeman, taken to a women's prison as "Mary Baker" and given a bath. Rlcheaon kept bis hands at his face during the hearing, where he appeared In men's clothing for the first time alnee 1117. PROFWiftOR FOUNTAIN, Col. (P) A freight train came to a aereaming halt after shrill whistling failed to budge a pedestrian from the right of way. The man apologetically aaid he hadn't heard the whistle be was thinking of an archaeol ogy theala for a master's degree at the University of Arlsona. PUNCHY IDEA CHICAGO UP A farmer In Ohio who wants to Identify me plga has taken np the matter with the Chicago Street Car company. He aald a "V" type punch waa used on transfers by the compauy when be lived In Chicago years sgo, and he wsnteJ one "to cut Identifying notches In the edges of eara of email plga." A sketch of a pig's eara (V-notched) ac companied his letter. RICH HARVEST CHICAGO (JP) Mrs. Joseph Burnett was pulling up tomato vines In her garden when abe spotted a wedding ring In the roots of a plant. An Inscription Identified It aa belonging to Mrs. Matt Van Parys, who one occu pied the Burnett's home. Mrs. Van Parys said she I rut the ring 31 years ago while wash ing clothes. of THITH ITH THO THHJ.X RICHMOND, Va., fJP Froth men at Richmond dlvlthlon William and Mary college .'.re lithping. becauthe thltb Ith Inl thlathlon week. What makes It harder, they have to lisp only every other sen tence. The lithping will end with f thecret theremony Thurthday night thank goodneth! THEIR FIRST MILLION SAN FRANCISCO, (Jty-"Step right up. ladles and gents! Grab hold of thla million dollars! Feel it, hold it In yonr hands for only on dime the tenth part of a dol lar!" That's Ihe kind of eonceaslon a group of San Franciscans wants to operate at tht 19JS Golden Oat International exposition. It proposes cashing In on the fsct few persons have seen $1,000,000 and Ihe hope that enough would pay a dime to boast they had. TIME CHANGES HONEA PATH, 8. C. UP Bert Martin had dark brown hair but It grew white as be aged. Physicians advised him to have hla teeth removed. He did. Now bis hair Is turn ing dark again. FOR ARTS SAKB MARY8VILLE. Mo., (JPt Msry McCormlc changed her mind and almoat had to sleep In a ho'ei lobby. "I'm goose pimply," she moaned when Manager Bo Krofta told her the hotel was full. "Where Is your chivalry? Pleaae, a room for art's sake." Krofta aat up a bed In a vacant room for the alnger, who decided at the laat minute to remain over night after a concert. But Miss McCormlc's msnager, Anton Mil ler, had to aleep In a chair In the lobby. BPW GLEE CLUB SCHEDULES FIRST MEETING THURSDAY The first of the fall meetlnre of the Business and Professional Women's glee club is to be held at the Wlllard hotel Thuraday night at 7:30 o'clock. Lillle Darby la directing the club thla year. All old membera and anyone Interested are cordial ly Invited to attend the meeting. Mothers I In treating your family's colds, don't experiment a or take needless lsa chances . . . use VVapoRub Emily Conklln, well known lec turer and home economlat from Iowa State college, will bring to the home makere of Klamath county the lateat and beat meth ods of meat cookery In a dem onstration to be held Friday, October 22, at 1:30 to 4 p. m. This demonstration Is sponsored by the National Livestock and Meat board and the extension service of Oregon State college, with the local county agent's of fice msklng the arrangements. The place for thla demonstration haa not been aelected to dato but will be announced within a few daya. Miss Conklln la a member of the staff of the National Live stock and Meat board, the or ganization which represents all branches of the meat Industry, and which Initiated several yeara ago a study of the right way of preparing all kinds and cuta of meat. These studies were carried on In cooperation with the U. department of agriculture, and the home economics departmenta of leading universities and colleges. J8 Schilling TCcl has more flavor because it's toasted EXTREME PENALTY BLUFFTON. Ind.. (JP) Anxious to get a meal underway, Mia. Hufus Glendenning rang a dinner bell so vigorously she broke her arm. The wire on the bell parted. She fell over backwards, her arm striking a bucket. La "-oi COATS HATS Shoes ...ready for you tujiuToh now and keep on'wearing!. e" designecfroglveyouonex. Ji. orotingncwAutumnfeeling ngi .ligtilhearled modos that , .ud& jff u need right now for your -i.' $X ta... your silk ersey... SJy& w light wool... created.. J S 1 h loveliest material y' x'ii I 'd colorsl Do see theml 2 ff'l V SUED! patent kathek gabardine combinations charcoal cafe brown spruce green VINTAGE SIATE GREY , TRI COLORS Srrn in Vojuic and IliiriioM ftoiwr An Event At One Low Price! $295 The newest, most dramatic hat lines for Winter 19381 Skyward go crowns . . . upward, forward or downward swoop brims . . . , feathers and veils flutter fashionablyl 1 Ifgf Only outstanding style successes in this event. Every coat chosen for its fashion significance . . . embodying individuality . . . grandeur . . . QUALITY. Truly a re markable achievement in STYLE and VALUE for October. ONE PRICE $28.00 DRESSES Perky sport frocks, practical business dresses, and glamorous afternoon and dinner frocks. Purchased for this event with a true eye for October values. ONE PRICE f9 95 Ml limits' Tn ' t -in' i GLOVES SUPS For our October event we offer the choice of any $3.95 glove in stock for Truly an exceptional value. Stock up now. Any slip in stock for $2.95 $2.95 $1.95 I 507 MAIN