f fkGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Madman's Island H bv Mien iriNCS Coovriohl 1937 NEA SrvK, Inc. 91 llf-tlv . CAST OP CHAKACTERI KAY DEARBORX ImlM wl tbrits jrarht ! vaeatlra. "BLITA D Kaj PRISCILLA Dl'KX k laltS a.eafarr, FOBRBUT IIOTIIII " ARANT BARrER-mU clta- Mm uvtllon twrr4 Ht it M a ntr sprtrMe. - Yntrrdarl Well alow M tktlr 'vtvlM. tea stria aarfcar ea talr ant IH M, ar laritra te -ana ataara fk kmc whit raat -r a saaS-laaklaa; raaT eaJeaatv Urr Sralat. CHAPTER VI aTXL," mentioned Kay to Priscilla, "there wu your ebance to (lvt the man piece of eur mind. And you never opened your mouth." "How could I?" asked the blond , Member of the trio. "After Melita hid pulled the boner with the lading anchor and be was so nice bout It I couldnt very well be unpleasant, could I?" ,'Not possibly," said Melita. "He wis too good-looking." She hur ried forward to have another try it, anchoring the "Chinook." This time, following the advice of the young man from the "Mistral," aha wu successful. Soon the little cruiser was riding pleasantly, and the three girls busied themselves with the preparation of a belated dinner. " L"I wonder who our friend was," nlbsed Kay as they sat down to the table. "Do you suppose we jjiould have accepted his invita tion to breakfast?" "And run the chance of being shanghaied?" exclaimed Melita cautiously. "Not on your life! We've got our own little cruise to take care of." She peered out of the window toward the white yacht which could still be seen in the gathering dusk. "I'll admit it would be pretty nice riding in that Battleship." ""."Be satisfied with what you Have," suggested Priscilla com jji¢ly. "Didn't our friend say that we d probably see nun again; at more do you want? ImXhey were washing dishes In the galley when a nail armea across the water, obviously from a megaphone. -Ahoy, 'Chinook'! " The girls looked at each other. "I'll bet," said Melita, "they want to" play bridge." "Dont flatter yourself," Kay told her. "I'll go aft and see what jthey want." She went to the cock pit and yelled across the water. " ""'Better not forget your anchor Jlight," a pleasant voice called. ; --'Oh . . . thanks," Kay yelled fcack. --,6he returned to the galley - somewhat subdued. "I forgot '. tnut the white light forward ' Jthen at anchor." Prise ilia's face was a comic study. "Is that all he wanted? I wish he was longer on sociability and shorter on advice." ""That was good' advice," Kay defended. "And don't forget we . turned down his breakfast invita tion." "You did," Priscilla pointed out ."i a a a TRUE to their plans, they were J moving out of Fairweather Cove at dawn the next morning. . To their utter astonishment, the Mistral" had already gone! 7"That's darned funny," said " Melita. "They must have had that breakfast of theirs pretty early." n,!Trobably they're going to catch favorable tide," Kay told her. "In that fast boat they could catch tide we couldn't hope to hit in the 'Chinook' with its slower speed , We'll have to make use of the charts today, hearties! Mel, will you get out the chart Jim Pike ' marked "Number One' Fair weather Cove to Denton's Point?" " Bolstered with the confidence Yesterday's cruising had given them, and alert after a dreamless sleep in Fairweather Cove, the fcipper and crew of the little .."Chinook" got along famously. Late that afternoon they stopped at a small fuel and supply dock. FLAPPER FANNY -cow m? v nu tiivtec. "Well, you said I haddi be in the a all they had left?" 1 - Jim Pike had recommended that they refuel there, as further on was a wilder country where fuel stations would be fewer and towns not at alL While Kay stayed with the ship to oversee the refueling, Melita and Priscilla could not resist an Intriguing path winding up through the woods. They had their first slight experience with "sea legs," for after the bouncing on the little boat the earth beneath them seemed actually Insecure. Forgetting the passage of time, they followed the path further than they knew then suddenly Melita looked at her wrist. "We'd better get back. Kay will be wild." She was. "You've been gone an hour. I was just about to start out after you." "We're sorry," said Priscilla gaily. "We didnt think you'd worry." "Worry? I wasn't worrying about anything except getting to Larramore Island by nightfall. Now we won't make it without running at night." The gas station attendant grinned helpfully. "You won't have any trouble. Use your searchlight on the shoreline. On this end of Larramore there's a blinker." "I didnt plan to run at night." Kay explained. "Isn't there a good anchorage this side of Larramore Island?" "Well, there's one or two," the attendant said. "But you can make Larramore without any trouble." PERVENTLY hoping he was cor rect, the three girls climbed aboard. Darkness appeared some how to fall earlier that day. It seemed no time at all before Kay was forced to turn on the "Chi nook's" running lights. Taking their inexperience into account, Jim Pike had planned their cruise for day running. Now Kay be came confused and a .little fright ened, and wasn't at all certain she could find Larramore Island. A blinker light, the marine station attendant had assured her, would guide her right But suppose the light was out of commission? "I'm afraid we've run past it," Kay said at last She stood with Melita and Priscilla in the pilot house. Over the binnacle light her face was strained and queer. Melita was operating the search light which was mounted atop the pilot house and controlled by a lever inside. Suddenly she cried out "There! That looks like an island. Do you suppose that's it?" "I don't know," Kay confessed helplessly. "If we were on our course we should have reached it three quarters of an hour ago. But maybe the engine isn't up to its speed . . . Anyhow, let's take a chance and anchor here. It's not well protected, but there's no wind." ."Look!" exclaimed Priscilla. "There's cabin back in the trees. And it looks as if there's a light or a fire in the fireplace." "Good . . . ." Kay turned the ignition switch. "Let's drop an chor and go ashore in the dinghy. At least they can tell us where we are, and If we can find a safer anchorage near here." Soon they were rowing ashore in the dinghy and Kay was out with a flashlight the moment the little boat nosed into the sand. Melita and Priscilla followed her up the weed-grown path to where the cabin was set among the trees. They saw her stand dead still as she passed the window. Then she stepped closer, looked inside. The two girls behind her . saw Kay's shoulder stiffen and then she screamed wildly. (To Be Continued) Smoke from a burning field of poison Ivy will Irritate the eyes, and even wind-blown pollen of the Ivy plant is poisonous. Two operators handle the 140 extension lines In the private branch telephone exchange within Buckingham Palace, England. If the' original member Is broken off, most lizards can grow new tails. By Sylvia inc. t. tt -to. . t. Off- school orchestra. Is h my fault this OUT OUR WAY f WHY - WE ELECTEP WELL, IF SOME, MtAD OP VOUlCBIo. ( A -AWD, AS WE WERE TRYIWO Y''y'' t2 HiM QUARTERBACK OP US rS &OIN' V 1H CLASSv PROBLEM IS : j TO CPEW A WINJPOW, AkJ Vj WELL, IT WAS 1 WHO 'Y AN'CAPTlN BECAUSE I TO HAVE TO. MEAD OF TO RNP-50ME , OFFICER -THE STUPID KWAVE I 2i GOT YOU OUT OF S4 HE'S A QUICK. TWICER WORK. FOR , TH' TEAMS THIN THAT , -.A NABBED US , AMD WHISKED DAlLf 1 POM'T 0LAM& I AN' IS A NATURAL I HIM LATER Itf MEAD OF ME WON'T , ;t, US AWAY TO THE BASTILE W THE AJEISWBORS FOR V TWhS0' KE THob3HT "Sfo OD -cS HEAPoH ' !E MOSES I ff MOT WAfSTfo i . V 2 y V n NOW V A GARBAGE WEVER RAISED A WHISPE TO M WMEM 1HS OAMQ ' r.HOS T TRi2x.TOO- ) US 6UCM MUMILIAT.OIO-. OF YOU (SO ROUGH I WO ;a C IT ,N WHUTA r erSPOrTc A PLA3US TAKE IT, YOU ALWAYS CSO S'S , - V JnSkJ .' VFUTUCe. X1EM- FuFPwFf . THEW, 'M IM. FOR OAHPEM 4 2r v t'V&V 'I'ilSj A' tS- . , S.TOPILE IWSULT UPOWIM3UW, JV, EFFECTS . A COAT ', U -?C Y r 4tS C V fa I V Jfrf YOU LOOKIWO AAE EYE TO IS 4 7 OF DlRT, AkID SPlUACH A-h'.C- I x-O k. VlA s? f.i EYE, PEWIED THAT YOU J 7 SPBOUTIWC5 OM )V r tEM " P V lij"T " Hy THE KlMS HORSES . VT I f&hY AflAfM- MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE BY THOMPSON AND COLL I Jt "V DOWT WOBCV, OUEEK1 "l I PACK I SOKKV TO DliflUBB I I PUT Off ICE I? VJCBV Pk.' ss the crrwec sde im f tei ihem 7akb mv elleij-i'm sucejwss 1 I t the yoo-pcocx - but I we cam't ieavt; ,f tsou-Btn J I ANOTHEK FEW MOUE!, 3 BA&V AWAV t I f AK'O PC. JASON IX WOSPlTAL- THtKE'3 A S.TA1E I ." I NOV I'M OJ A(i' )0 P01HMC V OOa WaHMESS- HAVE KMOWM TMIS I S ACE DOIWu evecvihim& ia r tccopec CXITSIDE- I ( H4T.'.'J V IMTORIAUT JSt UICXJ-, r s i1 FAMiLVicArr- possible roe vouc, tf claim he ha-& a waceamt I ca. i ) I cuAii.rs j BOT0. .A Xf 1 GUESS ALL f THIS MAV 6E I I VEANWMILE, IW THE HOS- t I POClOg 7MEBE S A X s I I jff TUB I LETS CyO. "fpHEES .J COB WOEK HAS tl THE END OF 1 Xva) PITAL SUCOeCV CALL FSOM It NewBK TzJ" WMATTf AlCPOQT VOUC MlffHMES. U IS .A BEEM IM UAJM. JjEVEerrniMG: ) ' AIBPC21, ASKIMCj FOB Mi T HAVE HEB -i II 1 MXIC 80AJ IS STILL WOTHIMS rW MVEA vr-rrT'n 1 IT W A TBAWGE CASE,NUCSE .' I NOETM . A PLANE HA JUST H BOSHED HECE, f I ALIVE. AMD VOU LL B rOO. MVEA JTJ v tJjiaaUrTnL' I AND ITS GjnE SAO ABOUT lAWPEO FCOM ELieOPE.. V IMMEOlATElV SEEING HIM VECy i I I AMD C. !riJ,ZTf3sM I THAI BABV-OM.WELL. I MO 76 iSVi 7 N SOOM: I -L?- . 3do&iJt0 jc ! ' LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ' ' ' " ' b"y HAROLD GRAY ( NOT tje, MFL tONT WORRV.) fmOW, BOYsY' VEAH-VnOT EVEn ( INSIDE WE TH' BRT- ITeXCELLENT- HERE'S HALF THE BLABBLE- t VOU SISSY- YOU KNOW 1 WE'VE A LOCK R STUNS HER TO MAKE SURE, ICE WE AGREE& ON - NOU'LL bONT AST ME F eVT. vXT, N.! WHAT BEEN ON TH J ANt PROPS HER DOWN TH T THE OTHER HALF WHEN TOGO INTER J YOU ARE CASIN DOOR- i STAIR WELL ON HER HEAD- THE JOBS DONE AND THE CASE J THAT PLACE ( YOUR GHOST J- TO DO- J TH' ITLL BE THEN WE EASES OUT WITHOUT " 3 CE6 WW NO S t AGIN- J STORIES! X V HOUSE- A CINCH -k NO FUSS AND FORGETS '7 M SUSFMCION - IS THAT JCHECK-) T -' T UNDERSTOOD? FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS r , 1 ; ; 1 "l . y-.11 ; 1 "y !'!;':,': Y WELL,BCVS,TtU HAD AW EDU' 'iJ'1 j i i, CATIOWAL SJUMMECR, AMD EJS'EM , lr -THO IT'S HECARLY OVER .YOU'LL Jj ; ' . V HAVE SOMETTHIWS TO LOOK Low. ! BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ??W0T'O ZOOM WY ,VS'6 GOMt I Jsur- ' MVICHO A WWVL W SOWL WtU. Bti ?Lt-NTY AftOONO BY J. R. WILLIAMS TWE BESTTHIKia I SAW WAS THE GLASS BOTTOM BOATS AT CATALIKIA ISLAWD? IT SURE IS FUW TO STUDY FISH , WnHOLIT THEM KWOWIW I OUR BOARDING HOUSE THE MOST IUTERESTIU3 1HIWGS TO ME, WERE THOSE OIL DERRICKS "THAT PUMP CRUDE OIL. !.' 71 '-a ' . . JSt-, . ffjl j towi. m st t wevict. inc. T. m. eio. u s. put, off. . AMD I IMAGIWE FRECK 1 (? T, 1. 7, ,V, , X ' GOT A BIG KICK OUT OF f LK ll THE? MOVIE LOTS - WAY OF GETTIhl' OUTTA I; vos j e1 Jm THAT WAS IHSTRUCT- fl. JT f Sa ! 4 ttff-pd With MAJOR HOOPLE BY BLOSSER BY MARTIN L-Jm