E NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE EIGHT With MAJOR H00PL6 BY J. R. WILLIAMS I OUR BOARDING HOUSE yCD t S7 . . ft I OUT OUR WAY T E f.. . 1 HAVE ?MJT LEABWED THAT OAKE t J VM ClVy) PP?l,Ul! BOTTLES fMCK OP MIS MACHINE WERE PUT TMECfi- ATHOUPB W FLEAS BEWa A HOOPLC i -1 1 C l:UJA rTk,.- AND, BE IN' A DEACON, HE rON'T YOU CAN'T HAVE; 7 TI A STKAUC5E CCIKJCIDEMT1- pW 'lOUFVSELF, 1 hi EUGENIA MACKIERNAN c NEA S. I V Ml m.-i:f4l LILE TO rtlUE 1HE WlfiHI HMKJ DEACONS AMD u.vt T i 1 rtAlu rOkl'1 SEE AkIY 1 . I EUGENIA MACKIERNAN CAST IIP C IIABAtTKBi cor ai. rBxni.u hfritu Md Bpnlnr HI r.ltnn I nllriri. I)AIII AIIMXIMON'i. tfcrmUlrr profrMir and 1'oral ' hnt,Mitn. 1MA AI.1.KN. Cml't rorlij fiin n. tr. lloT MARQI'IR, Coral aa , tlaia aaara. YMlrrdayi fninl narla a haa fntllra llrtyl l, K.llrt aaa . Ilavla Iravra arr aflrr a arr aarrl. CHAPTER V fORA!, heard but little of the first 20 minutes of the weekly assembly program. Her eyes were focused on David, sitting between Professor BendorfT and Professor Maxwell, on the platform. Four days had passed since their quar rel and he had not recognized her, outside of monosyllabic words in the classroom, in all that time. She tried in vain to catch his eye. to smile at him . . . give some token that she. at least, had not changed. He did not see her, or If he did, ignored her. "Why has this had to happen?" Coral thought. "Why did we quar rel when we have been so happy?" Her reverie was interrupted then, and she stood up automati cally with the people around her, at the president of the university came out on the platform. When she sat down she was more and more curious. There was some thing exciting to be revealed this rooming. There must be. Presi dent Norton appeared at the stu dent assemblies but seldom. What was it? She waited eagerly for turn to speak. The deep, resonant voice of President Norton broke the si lence in the auditorium then. "I have an announcement to make," he said. "One which will be of deep interest not only to us here at Elton, but to the country at large . . . indeed to the whole world. Through the brilliant and untiring work of three of our fac ulty members, men in the depart ment of chemistry, a commercially feasible process for the extraction of gold from sea water has been discovered. "It has been many years since a discovery of such significance has been made here at Elton, not in fact since the electrolysis ex periments of Professor Sanderson in the early years of this cen tury. I am proud, indeed, to pre sent to you the three men who through their genius and industry have Drought fame to themselves and thus to Elton, and who have given the world a gift of greater knowledge; Professor Arthur Maxwell, Professor Andre Ben dorff and Professor David Arm strong." The big auditorium boomed with applause as the three men rose somewhat diffidently to their feet Coral, her hands clasped together, her eyes alight with pride and ex citement, could not applaud. Her pride and happiness were too great for thaL She did not won der now why David had not told her, but thought only of his achievement, of how wonderful it was that he should stand there, young and confident, the profes sional equal of these men, his eld er! in years and experience. David ... her David . . . was a great man. And he would be greater till. This was only the begin ning. He would go on from this lo greater discoveries ... to a higher, single prominence in the precise world of science he loved SO well. a PROFESSOR MAXWELL spoke 1 brieBy, thanking them for their applause, explaining in greater de tail the work the new process would expedite. Then Professor Bendorff spoke in his polite, ac cented English. Coral heard neither of them, for her eyes and her thoughts were riveted upon David. Now that the first flurry of excitement was over, she was wondering why he had not told her of the discovery before the public announcement, as he had promised to do. Had their quar rel gone so deeply into him that he felt she would be no longer Interested in his work? Her mind stopped there as David rose to add a few remarks "He's 80 conceited nv li , u pleases." "Guess lie'll slny a bachelor has pleased, so fur." FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia I I 1 1 1 COPH. 1I7 tr Nt SC'VICC IC. T. M, MO. U. t. MT. " , to tnose already made by his co- 1 workers. She studied his fare in tently, trying to find there some trace of an emotion as he looked toward her unseeingly. "If he would only show something," she thought desperately. "If X could see love or hate or even contempt in his face I would know where I stand. But that stony look tells me nothing. When he looks in my direction his face goes dead, loses even the sign of recognition. He acts as if I were the one person at Elton to whom he was a stran ger." She started from her reverie as the orchestra began to play the I Alma Mater. The students stood together singing, and Coral sang. too. The song, dear to her and full of happy memories combined with the thoughts of a moment ago. and her eyes filled with tears. As the music ended and she left the auditorium with the rest she wiped her eyes. "I'm a sentimental idiot," she thought to herself. "Everything will come out all right I know it will." But even these words could not banish the chill in her heart as David walki down the steps past her withou speaking or even turning his head in her direction. a a a VS she walked along the gravel path which led from the as sembly hall to the building in which her next class met. Donna Joined her. "I suppose you're feel ing pretty set up about your boy friend. Coral," she said. Coral looked at her. a little sur prised, for her tone was friendlier than it had been since she had discovered the marriage license. She had enjoyed lording it over Carol making her do lessons for her and cover up her misdemean ors, but now her tone and her look showed her eager to be friendly, to make up their differences. Coral smiled. "Of course I am." she said. "Who wouldn't be proud." Donna spoke curiously. "Well, even at that, you don't sound over enthusiastic. Have you two had a fight or something? I haven't seen you around together much since you came back from vaca tion. "David's been awfully busy, you know, working on this," Coral put her off. "Of course," Donna said. Then, "Give me a fll-in on this dis covery. Coral. You know how stu pid I am. I don't seem to under stand just what it's all about." "David didn't tell me the proc ess. Donna." Coral could have bitten her tongue ouL Now Donna would know they had quarreled, would mock her. But Donna was thinking of only one thing. Her voice was wheed ling. "Oh, Coral, he did. too. Dont try to fool little, old Donna. Come on, palsie, don't be so mean. Let me in on the secret. I want to understand all about tiiis business. I'm tired of seeming so stupid to everyone." "Donna, truly, I haven't the dimmest notion about that proc ess. And if I did I couldn't tell you until the permission to do so was given me. In a think like this one must be awfully careful to avoid the theft of the process." Donna's gentleness fell from her like a cloak. "Coral, I want to know that process. You tell me, or you'll wish you had!" 'I swear I don't know it. Donna!" "You're a liar," Donna spat out, "and some day maybe you'll wish you'd told me." She ran angrily ahead into the building, leaving Coral staring concernedly after her. Why was Donna so anxious to know that process? (To Be Continued) More than 100 pilots in the I'nited States hold 'he "D" cer tificate, Issued to a men for mo torless flights. I like strawberries and cream but when I go fishing I put other bait on my hook. Dale Carnegi author of "How to Win Friends." Florida's area la 58,666 square 1 miles. ...... 1 J HUT uui lit ' then. I don't know any he PfflHttH Hiu-fc c etNw i r:77Tirr.,, ca. esap, a wuce awakening, reawu fow iuu I I GET TH' BLAME FEC IT HIKA- OCT TO P-E ALL T7 w 'V " ' . ' I V ' SELF. WHAT WOULD V PEACOMS, ER ALU , tfj MOOPLE BLOOP lii TMIWWEP,. YrW' THAT OWE f EVER .", A Farm vou ro? N humorists J tmakj VATfcrSsFuT-iFOTr,r i begoaw okj maim l J it I'SSS Ill 1TH.W yCTH I.' fTX V -7 TOTHiMKTHAT SAKE, MY " 6TEET TAKES -fH' ;!U-;?.V; ijw l TTT ' VTl ' OWN LOOP PROrMER,WCO.P J ZZ bmt out op HIS JL fflk klr" A Ti' stoop -ro such rf tm cup wheki Awm Am ml d;grL v !rrr the good w. t...u.tw t- J ,.;; &&rUi 7fc&$sL -J v MYRA NORTH. SPECIAL NURSE BY THOMPSON AND COLL I 1 I ELL, VCLIE I 'WVCA'4HV SOJC I I FOOt .lACKf IX AFtAlP 1 TAtUNO .' WHAI I I 6EEA7 AND 'I I '' ) ( roNje it.aoaiW" amd i ves plti now svMraHtsou u-o' e suomiep in I sav wt cili- I evin examinie TLt V FACTUALLY SINvsLE-J' Wfl n'CEC 1 I IHVJk Of A(K .. Fl AMUo 11 A. AIL IM THE I VftATfc .VNluWV MV OUP PLA1E . u VMNCeC'.T0' ZS I CAW7 HELP V VA'C CWA'.IF-FEUC S I ClPvn f P096 U . K'ilfia ij -tlciiA FEEUNJo fOCCV I VESEUAKJV TO -&IUEPEACP S'r-T - A 1 . PklUTA VV LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE " BY HAROLD GRAY ( OK ITS NOT ALL v IWHAT-S THE USE? fHLv0'VF . c?DWiVn:M " 1 IwiTRE A FInTtruE ENOUGH - JT1? EJi4, Cr0Ulo j ALL I WANTED THE TEN K TUf RKT CYNICAL : FELLOW, OLIVER H BUT A BETTER - PUT UP A eSTTLE- AFTER BILLION FOR WAS TO DO JAT-t .e am i 1 BUT SINCE TIME WORLD, JUST SEVERAL YEARS I MIGHT '1 1 WHAT I THOUGHT WOULD X"lvGEJ. 2I2JSQT0! e-i?, I BEGAN ,TS BFEN THE SAME, FOR GET ENOUGH BACK TO . I BE A GOOD TURN TO Z , rl2.r,loi uaJc "EVERY MAN FOR A FEW WHO PAV rY LAWYERS AND MY FELLOW MEN- nJi0J!? fll HIMSELF"-AND THOUGHT AND HCE A FEW THOUSAND . V. J7 . KP.S.K.rS' crl? D,cNT BETTER SO- WORKED FOR rNlj jjsi FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY B0S,SR GOOD MORWIK-S, . HET I BC7YSJ I TRUST RID OF YOU SLEPT SOUNDLY? DIDN'T TO WASH TUBES OH! EET 5' SI, SENORITA. I HAF HOW LCVLEE! BOT, WAIT. PARLEEN&J CmDll E65 Vril IARR.AWGE A LEETLE SURPRISEJz MUS' PHONE THE COOK NOT ,Ma6'' 5 YOUy COR VOU. vTTf TO COME r-Sx HSSfaLr-A BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BOT.HOViEV ALU Art A0 COMt FO VOO, A THKiW& -mKr I . mu. -i .. THOUGHT VvH GOT TOU LAST WIGHT J WE TELL, TOU SCRAM ? WAS Set, A NtvO RtCORO DEW& CLKE )jx-a I MIGHT E3E l'f OFA9SIST- " r a u r 1 say i fTT ( fcVIW (f 1TLfT" I DOWT KHOW WHAT l-lOU COULD IW jDOAROUMD HERE .' WE IT'S CAW SET iTO ALOKK3 OKA wnwouT vou J 3MB 1 HAO HOW MUCVA UOWr&EU ooT. feON& To VAAVi TJO POT OP VxlVTH UOUE ? 1 I Tm SYMPATHY 2?r W " VA1 H n AEU.,1 FIGURED TOU MK3HT, WEED MY ASS1STAWCE , HELPIWS "YOU lASSEMEJLE YOUR f OUR ALTO- ) MOBILE J AUTOMOBILE ! ALWAYS WICE H-VE SOMEOrJE (. WEED A i PLrrnua 1 ALOWG WHO CAW DO THOSE THIWGS.' fvOU WERE SOIN& TO PHONE SEflOR TOBBS! J fStLEtCIO! SECT POWK! WHEN VOU DO NOT FOOUCORONEL TAMALlO BOO lhr,2!!6E2 GRINGO PEES WOMAN. OH HOI VOU BET V7 SmK TO SM VOU ,HE J (SOT- IXA WILL BE WELCOME AT ' 7 VCJTt)-' THE POOR BV NONE OTHES VOCUU ,v? AONTE WfVO 'EW M1NO &ET ON VAV GtTTlN'MARtO,0.t.'. MO ONE CAN eAY 1 HA"0tN)'T OONE. MY ?NZ " r : sWtir?.' .. YvLVg &01N' 15VtsJ r THAT'S 6TTRAWGE ! I COULD B$5 J HAVE SWOAKl I EPEWT XPjfjfi ALL LAST NICj.Hr iakinu I -4 Y ''I rr apart sr al I V:;,.!!( n.;- iTl f c u . .1 nil tM LlJ BY CRANE BY MARTIN NORA.HAVJt THOW WRAPPED MV 6tNT TO Trt' eA.VE ADORES ONa EMETiy rOOW ,Tl.U 6tT SACVCj VM r goea. mi ay his soviet, imp, t. m, acq y, . at. off V