Novombpr 9, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRR3 I CITY RRIEFS I BED CROSS IS .. i I Saw Two would - be sportsmen from Klnmulh Falls ehootlng quail In my neighbor's barn lot Hulurday, November 4, at 7:10 a. m. T. B. MANN. body Coming Events Thla calendar of aonilm events haa been compiled bjr Ilia cham ber of commerce and Tba Herald N.wi. It will ba dootod to af faire of public Interest. Addl tloua ara welcomed. November It. Saturday Armistice Day, Annual toll call of Ilad Oroaa bcglne. Klamath high footbaU Varna play Hend high at Band. November 14. Tuesday y K. 1. I. (taction. November 15, Wedneeday Pheasant season In California opene. Contlnui-a to Not. 20. Klwanla rooopllon to teachora at Wlllard hotel. w ........ if. Friday Carnival aponsured by Mllla P -T A.. Keel Klamath lmprovo .' '. .nrf Community Con- .r.o.iinnal church at Mllla achool. u I a. HntunUy ......, nuht of carnival at Mills achool. 1 u Raturdav u-i.math hlgh-Asbland high football game, Modoc field. i .. uil. Monday Last day to hunt pheasant to California. November 81. Turadar Lcuituo of Woman Voter. . i. ai. Friday - in.rn.ih Union hlKh achool proeeula annual student I 5lr' NoTcmbor 7. Monday City budgut hesrlnge. NovrmlM-r JtH, Tureday County budgot meeting. Novrmlxr 80, Tlmraday Bear eonson cloaca. November 80 i'.L ......! Electrical ball, i.u.i. hnilillna. eponsored by phas Relatione Club of Copco. IIMv-mwr s. .- i.nn. rhrtsimas opening Camp Kir glrle grand council at Elks ball. r Riflrd Gerald Whitlatch of tba Arcada apartment, re- ..a noiira bureau Wednee day that bla parked automob e had been rlflod and a hydraulic jack valued at IJ6. aa wall as two homemade qullte " an. Mra. La Liberie. JS4 North Eighth atroet, also reported the theft of blankete and a tarpaulin from her car parked at her homo addreaa. Meet Wednesday Mt. Mo Lounhlln council No. 1266, will meet Wednoaday evening. No vember 8. (tonlKht). at Lyceum ...I . mrular business meet ing. All membera ara urged to be preaeui. lleMolay Sleeting A Wul DeMolay meeting will be held Thuraday nlnht at 7: SO o clock. All mombi-ra and offlcera have been aaked to attend. Wlllard Oneata Registered at the Wlllard hotel November' 7 were the following guest Hteva Lyons, Portland; J. . Kedfvrn, Portland; Kant V. Hmiih, Port land; 10. fiarnea, Modford; A. 1. Hlaphoua, Portland; Mr. and Mra. Naaclmanto, Modaato, Cel.; A. K, Portland; Mr. and Mra. A. F. Manaflald. Mad- ford; Mr. and Mra. U. M. Plarca. Ran Pranclaco; Mra. Wm. A. Ithndoa, Hostile; D. B. Oray, Medford; H. Holer. Portland; B. W. Knee, flpokaue; W. Dully, Hon Pranclaco; I. 0. English, Portland; J. Thompson. Mad ford; I. 0. Alendorfer, Medford; A. B. Conlnghem, Medford; Jer ry Jorome, Medford; L. E. Her rlngton, Ban Francisco) Mr. and Mra. A. D. Stout, Portland: A. H. Onatad. Tacoma; Charlea In gram, Tacomai It. tl, Hanson, Halnm: K. T. Way, 1. B. Lums- den. L. V. Druca, O. L. Manuel, 11. H. Pomeroy ana C. A. War ren, all of Portland; Wm. A. Ithodea, Seattle; C. .1. Flnley, Seattle. H. S. Olger. Portland; W. W. Durfea, Portland; Oeorgo W. Olaaler, Oakland; H, Home. tar. Portland: M. K. Sprott Portland; Mra. Helen Paddock, Boise. Ida.: Mr. and Mra. Thorn. aa Burton, Long Beach, Calif.; Mr. and Mra. J. L. Larson. Port land and H. J. Harris. Seattle. Improvemrnta at Klre Depart meat Tba watrb desk at the city fire house la to ba enclosed In order to keep the watchmen warmer and to make It castor to hear the telephone, according to J. B Hosklng, chairman of the city council fire and water committee. Henry Bchortgen of the sanitary police la doing the work. Kincd on Charge Dora Doran Indian woman, waa fined $10 Wednesday on cbargea of drunk and disorderly conduct. 8he waa arreated lata Tuesday night at a local garage. W. W. Cot- tlngham, oharged with posiesslon of ll'iuor. waa given a auspended Jail aentenca of 10 daya, pending good behavior. Warrant a Called County Treasurer George P. Taylor Wed neaday Issued a call for county road warrants, to and Including October !. A call waa Issued for current eipenee warranta, to and Including August 19. Re cent tax recelpia made tha war rant calls possible. Recelvine- Treatment Rev, Fred Shoemaker, paator of the Pilgrim Hollneaa mission, la re ceiving treatment at Klamath Vallev hoinltal for a aeverely cut hand which be sustained whlla chopping wood at Keno, lnvcat laatora Here C. A. War ren of the fire department of Oregon atate police ana M. n Pamerov of the 8tate Under wrltera association are business visitors In Klamath Fall lor a fow daya. Agenta Meet -The Klamath Insurance Agenta Association held Its regular monthly meeting Wednesday noon at tha Hotel Wlllard. Only routine business waa transacted by tha group. THESE BIRDS ARE DUE FOR A CUT SOON "pin DISASTER RELIEF American Red Crosa units were called upon to give relief to vic tims of 120 dis asters during the year, according to reporta re ceived by Olen llout, chairman of tha Klamath county chapter of the Bad Cross. Expenditures for these relief projects totaled 11,777,000. Three of tha major dlseatera : ware In tha Pacific area, and In cluded tba Boutbern California earthquake laat March, and flooda at Kalso, Washington, and Don nera Ferry, Idaho. Thla chapter waa called upon to meet a quota of $376 to help In tbeie Paclflo area disasters. Tha board of directors of Klam ath chapter were reluctant to make an extra drive for thaae funda at that time when our peo ple were already vexed with soli citation! of all aorta, and we be lieved we would obtain a more hearty reaponsa to our coming an nual roll call were we to make our contribution from tha treas ury, which waa done. We never know whore dlsaa- ter will strike," said Chairman llout. "and I urge that tha peo ple of tbla community to renew their membership In the Red Croaa that It may be equipped to cope with any disaster eltuallon." FIVE BURNED TO DEATH YOUNOSTOWN, Ohio. Nov. . OP) Five children wore' burned to death and their parents and another child were Injured when a bouse occupied by Mr- and Mra. John Pete. Just outside McDonald In Trumbull county, burned to the ground early today. The dead: Vlttorla Pete. 4; Dan, 6: Oeorge, 1: Joe II. and an Infant. Mr- and Mra. John Pete and their aon, John Jr.. were brought to a hospital here. Buffering from burna. RELIEF 1RKERS The Blue Eairle may be getting all tba attention now, but It won't be long before another bird carve name for himself. He'a Mr. Turkey Gobbler, who, by Thanksgiving time, hopes to ba on the lip of, thousands of folks. Just to ahow how Important be feels abont It all, notice bow be struts around at tha Darby turkey farm sear Boy da, Md. FT. KLAMATH Special Shipment! Heinl-lornuiia Thla week of and Street drmae at TORGLER'S I'PHTAHtM HIIOI'l'K One rack of bargalna must move. . 7H1 MAIN BT. Closes Today! $ Married Tneaday Walter 8. Mnrrony. 48. and Anna Lewis Hall, 17. both of Keno. were united In marriage Tuesday by County Judge George D. Orlsile. Vlatle Dorrls George J. Wal ton, local Inauranca and real estate dealer, apent Wednesday In Dorrla, Calif., on a bnslneaa visit. Portland Visitor L. V. Druca. traffic representative of the Ca nadian National railway, Is a business visitor In Klamath Falls from his Portland headquarters. V WITH THIS AllUKI) FKATl'KKTTB "SO THIS IS HAHKlH" . poni.B'a - PELICAN TIIKATHe FORT KLAMATH, Ore. Fif teen membera and two visitors at tended the regular semi-monthly meeting of the Civic Improvement club, held Friday afternoon In the club houae. Prealdent Pearl Ed waftts waa In charge of the meet ing. During the bustnesa aesslon. election of a staff of offlcera to aerve for the ensuing six montha waa held, resulting In the follow ing members being elected: Prea ldent, Mra. Otto Mae Ashley. elected unanlmoualy: vice preal dent, Mra. Myrtle Denton; secre tary, .Mrs. Myrtle Wlmer, re-elected unanimously; treasurer, Mra. Elva Varnum. The above elect ed offlcera will take their chalra at the next meeting of the club on the 17th of Novemoer. At this time It waa decided to pay off the remaining Indebtednesa Incurred a tow months ago by the club membera when A.. L. Magulra of Bonania. Ore., waa employed to drill an artesian wnll for the use of the club. Thla last payment freea the club of any debta out standing of any kind. At the close of business on hand a aoclal hour waa enjoyed dellcioua refreshment being served at 4 o'clock by the two hostesses of the afternoon, Mea damea Nettle Miller and Emma Gordon, to the following: Mea damea Martha Brewer. Myrtle Denton. Pearl Edwarda, Vera Hackler, Mary Loosley, Emma Looslcy. Wllleska Loosley, Cath erine Nichols, Rose Noah, Sadye Page, Elva Varnum, Myrtle wimer, McGreer and Emms Bricco. Mra. Harold Mallory of Klam ath Falls spent Saturday evening and Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. Frank Denton at the Denton ranch here. Mr. and Mrs. William Page were among local people who at tended the Hallowe'en party giv en by the Masons and their wives of Chlloquln In the Masonic hall, Harvey Copeland reaumed hla work with the West Coaat Tole- phone company Wednesday, after a month's vacation, during which time the position waa filled oy Mr. Baleau of North Bend. r. and Mra. Baleau returned home Thursday to North Bend. ' Miss Alice Edward and Mrs. Elizabeth Moon went to the Klamath Agency hospital Thura day afternoon for medical atten tion for aevere cuta and brulsea Buffered In a wreck late Sunday afternoon, when the Ford aedan In which the two girla were rid ing completely overturned on the highway. They were accompa nied to the Agency by Mra. Vir ginia Noah and Mra. Pearl Ed wards. Both are getting along nicely. The Fort Klamath braaa band held ita first meeting of the sea ion Thuraday night. Plana were made for holding regular weekly practlcea each Monday evening In the C. I. club house during the coming winter, the band boys agreeing to furnish a tier of wood apiece for the use of the club bouse In lieu of paying rent. At the next meeting regular practice will be held, and all membera are urged to attend. Mr. and Mra. Wllber McFarllng have moved to Modoo Point for the winter, Mr. McFarllng being employed as fireman in Lamm's R. 8. Loosley, and will remain in definitely. Lee Ferguson Is leaving In a few daya for Mount Hood, where he will be employed on the state highway. Mr. Ferguson has been transferred from the Sand creea section of The Dalies-California highway, of which be haa been In charge for the past six years. His former position at Sand Creek will be filled by a man who will be transferred here from Monnt Hood. William Norton arrived home in Fort Klamath Friday, after en Joying a hunting trip and visit with rclativea. Mra. Wade Crawford waa a Fort Klamath visitor Friday for a abort time from ber home at Klamath Agency. Mr. and Mra. Dick Varnum have arrived home in Fort Klam ath for the winter from Pelican Bay camp near Bly, where they spent the stunmcr. Fred Peterson, county school superintendent, was a Dusinesa visitor to Fort Klamath Wednes day. Hallowe'en passed very quietly in Fort Klamath, pranksters con fining their activities to harmless fun, such aa aoaplng windows. No damage of any aort waa re ported here by Hallowe'en fun. Art Nichols Is working with Bob Gordon, building corrala on the Dixon Brothera ranchea in Theft Suspects Held At Medford John D. Abel and John Frank. lln are In Jail at Medford, fac ing chargea of stealing a quantity of tools and other paraphernalia from Dale Smith, of Phoenix, Oregon. State police accuse Abel and Seward of taking the tool to Chlloquln and eelling them to the Modoc Motor company of tbat place. Officers from the local state police headquarters assisted In the Investigation and arrest- mill there. During their absence their hotel will be managed by I Wood River valley. mt. ana Air, uan bavage. Wm. D. Roberta of Medford la I Hudson seal ie the trade name visiting at the home of his son-ln-l for common muskrat fur made law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. 1 up to resemble seal. Vital Statistic BTEBHINS Born to Mr. Hit Mra. Lester Stebblns, a daughter, November I. 111. at Klamath Valley hospital. Weight. ( pounds and 1 ouncea . Five hundred pound of gov. ernment pork waa need In tha first two daya of distribution by tba county relief office. It waa re ported at the meeting of the re lief committee Wedneaday morn ing. Misa Phyllis Hartzog, director. said that tha pork will probably continue to move out more rapid ly from now on. The local re lief agency received five and one- half tone of the meat from the surplus store in the middle West Connty School Superintendent Fred Peterson accepted an ap pointment on the board Wednea day, succeeding Mra. Elizabeth Bandera, a member of tb relief staff. It waa announced the relief agency will move Into tha old Jail on tha top floor of the court bouae at tba end of this week. During one month of 1928. the United States exported 209. 176 tone of anthracite, valued at 12.200.716. Our country tmporta threa bil lion pounda of bananaa annually. Look for An l!lQ L Pinched Nerves may be your trouble ..chest GOLDS l3:TsVijil:VJcTJ71J:T-illei:.l Nerve force, the nerve energy that flows through your backbone and oat In to the SUUO BILLION CELLS In your body, is the ONLY HEALING POWER available and NO REAL CI RE ever takes place without a sufficient amount of It! Our object Is to relieve the PRESSl'RE that is in terfering with the normal current of life energy over the' aerve involved. Wheat this Interference ia remov ed, the flow of life to tha . sick organ la restored, aad it can get welL We have restored handreda so HEALTH by reieaahsg PIXCHJED NERVES I RESULTS speak tor themselves! And PROOF ia available! A FREE Radt onic Examination will show yoa the FACTS! YOU aaa get well at others case! Phone 404-W for FREE Radionie Examination! Dr. O. H. Mather 7S1 Mate St. Chiropractor LAST ASSISTANT Fall, Ore. Now Playing TO ADULTS ONLY f1lBr;:;Ii;iiiiii tiof! P.HJl.K'M me Tree TIIKATHB .Rahtfcow THEATRE Today WALTER lmsmaH OIIDSH Help Kidneys a If VAOtlr faBetkBtna Kldntrs ni lavre for South Miss Ber nadlne Hnnnon haa left for San Francisco, where she will spend several weeks visiting relatives In the bay region. Handier Vlslla Fred A, Srhmoe of Langell Valley waa a business visitor In Klamath rails Wednesday. Ilo.nltal Patient Paul E. Krause of Algoma underwent ma lor operation Wednesday at Hillside hospital. Courthouse Records TUESDAY Sulfa Filed Luther A. Taber versus Co lumbia Utilities company. Plain tiff asks for 1300 damage to property caused by overflow of storage tank at Merrill. Divorces Granted Grace Woltord granted a de cree of divorce from Frank Wolford on charge of cruel ana Inhuman treatment. No children or property right, involved In ; JJZXJ&X!i Lawrence B. Hagen granted a decree of divorce from Esther V. Hagon on charge of cruel and Inhuman treatment. Minor child granted to each parent tor tlx montha of each year. Order Signed Dismissal: Klamath Machine and Locomotive Works corpora tion versus O. A. McKlnnon. Dismissal: John Bruner ver sus E. L. Cramblilt. Dismissal: First National Bank versus J. F. Martin, Hasel Martin, Mae Rlessen, H, L. Rles sen and Frank Harris. Judgment: John Buckmasler versus Owen Thomaa, R, M. Hicks, Snntford company and Horse1 Fly Irrigation dlstrlot, Total amount of Judgment in cluding attorney fees, $474. Order pormlttlng tha turnover of part of the furniture ana tlx ttiree for rent: In th Matter of Liquidation of th Oregon Hank and Trust company. -Marriage Licenses Walter 8. Mallory, 48, Keno laborer, native of Orogon, to Anna Lewis Hall, 37, of Keno, native of California. Bernard K. Hart, 81, miner of Challenge, Calif., native of Idaho to Delpha Taylor, 11, of Orovllle, Calif., native of Okla noma. (POSTLY iaswt-" TOBACCOS? 8m olting It almost mn on g Uusilan women, general Up NtahU, Nmrouanau, Rhcumatte Palm SUtTntjM, Burnlnn. B mart inc. ltehlnc. or AcHltjr try tha aamtoarl Doc W? Piwri ptfonCy-ta (Siaa-ti an..Mat at Mllat ft OU UP OT tOOHVf Sew VOX Theatre of Th Star Today! DOUBLE FEATURE CAROLE LOMBARD "NO MORE ORCHIDS" . with Walter Connolly Louise Close or Hale On The Same Big Program "SOLDIERS of the STORM" Regis Toomcy Anita Page SPEED THRILLS ACTION DRAMA TWO RIG FIRST RUN FEATURES Win I, SI W,.,,,, . "-SfL 1 " : - r i " i i in, r i ii , v f.v!7('w .f jNiiMMm mi n rr'iTTr XXSVXXS thtjtnest tobaccos ALWAYS thejinest workmanship Always Luckies please! Jitftu cm ifAmmtan Ttbata Company ivarthuuu at StuttviUt, H. C a One Hundred Million Dollars worth, of fine Turkish and Domestic tobaccos are being aged by the makers of Lucky Strike In fine warehouses like these open to soft Southern breezes a huge re serve of choice Turkish and Domes tic tobaccos is aging and mellowing. 27 different kinds of tobacco, "the Cream of the Crop" for nothing but the best is used to make Luckies so round, so firm, so fully packed free from annoying loose ends. That's why Luckies are always so mild, so smooth. 'it's toasted FOR THROAT PROTECTION FOR BETTER TASTE