The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 01, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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Tell Your Neighbors About This Great Bargain
l fA
L .4
tm iiwin'Mur- 'rirntYif fir iffTti ' ,m , mini i Til Un f
Don't Delay
The Klamath
iL- At a New Low 1933 Price
One Year
1 s::
, By Mail
fn order to take advantage of thii offer ali back tubtcriptioni must be paid at the regular rate.
Circulation DeDartment,
Klamath Falli, Oregon.
Encloned herewith pleaie find for $3.75, for
Check Money order
which please send me the Klamath News for one year at your special
bargain rate of $3.75 for one year in advance. '
A Whole Year's
Reading for Only a
Little More Than
Cent Per
The Greatest Newspaper
of the Klamath Basin
Associated Press
United Press
News Service
The Associated Press and United
Press, with their unexcelled fa
dUUes for gathering news from
the four corners of the globe,
bring world news to Klamath
News readers ... N. E. A. news
pictures, through the media of
telephoto and air mall, glre
News readers actual scenes from
big news events thousands of
miles away within a few hours
Timely Editorials
Editorial comment on pertinent
local subjects by Malcolm Epley
contributes much to the popu
larity of the Klamath News,
Day's News
Comments on the Day News,
written by Frank Jenkins, is a
popular dally feature. Mr. Jen
kins entertainingly riscusses the
news of the day and tells south
era Cregonlans facts they don't
know about the country in which
they Uve. .
Will Rogers' "Colyum"
America's most loved humorist
writes for Klamath News read
ers each day. His col yum," a
mixture of wit and common
sense. Is one of the News' most
widely read features.
Inside Political News
The News Behind the News .
Such famous Washington Cor
respondents as Paul Ma Hon, give
Klamath News readers the "In
side" on affairs in the nation's
capital . . . hints of national
and world happenings before
they happen.
Joe Pigney's Sport Page
Joe Plgney an authority on
sports. His page Is a regular
dally feature of the Klamath
News. It is growing steadily in
popularity throughout the whole
Klamath Basin country.
Daily Continued Story
Interesting novels, written by
outstanding authors, appear
dally in serial form In the Klam
ath News.
City and Rural News
Hews from an parts of the Klam
ath Basin appears daily in the
Klamath News. A capable news
staff of rural and grange cor
respondents contribute their
news bits dally. The Klamath
News Is the borne newspaper of
the entire Klamath Basin, car
rying in its pages the home news
of every community.
Eight Daily Comics
The best of comic appwr aaOy
la the Klamath New Oat Our
Wy, Major Hoople, Orpbaa Aa
nle, Salesman Sam. Boots aad
Her Baddies, Freckles and HI
Friends, the New F angle aad
Flapper Fanny. Xoa'U Uka erery
one of them.
Sunday Colored Comics
Four fall page, of comics appear
. la colors, la addition to the rea
ular comic strips each Bnadajr.
There are some characters yon
' follow all through the week,
presented la fall color on Ban-day.
Earlier Days Column
Old-Timer and newcomers a
well get a lot of enjoyment oat
of these news Items from th.
earlier day of the Klamath
country, taken from th eld file
of th newspapers.
Sunday Society News
Peg Rang' Sunday society aad
dab news I widely read
throughout Southern Oregon aad
Northern California.
' Daily Cross Word Puzzle
Cross word puzzle fans will de
light la figuring out th eras
word puzzles In each Ism f
the News.
Telling the Editor
In this Interesting column, ap
pearing regularly oa th edi
torial page of the Klamath News,
readers "get off their cheats"
whatever happens to be there.
This column I a free and open
expression of public opinion oa
all subjects. Sou '11 like It.