The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 25, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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OCTORER 25, 1933
Tell Your Neighbors About This Great Bargain Opportunity
: : '
J '4mm- fitA
Im m -is s.
A Whole Year's
Reading for Only a
Little More Than
Cent Per
pecial Offer
For a Limited Time!
At a New Low 1933 Price
One Year
Z re
By Mail
fn order to take .dvanUw of thi. offer !i back .ub.cription. m.t be paM at the regular rate.
Circulation Department, "
Klamath Falb, Oregon.
Enclo,ed herewith ple.M find for $3 7g for
... Check Money order
which plea.e .end me the Klamath New. for one year at your .pecial
bargain rate of $3.75 for one year in advance.
The Greatest Newspaper
o the Klamath Basin
Associated Press
United Press
News Service
The Aimocljiiri Ptcm ami Tnltcd
TrfM, wllh (heir uiirxrcllrl fn
rllillca for tfnilirrJnjz now from
llw four nirncni or llir chiltc.
bring world news to Klmnntti
Niw reiiilrni . . . N. K. A. now
plrlitriM, thmiiKh thp nunlin of
tolfplioto ml nlr mnll, r!v
Xw rcmlcra artunl armra from
biff new pvciitn fliountiuN of
niilfn Mwuy -within m few hours
Timely Editorials
Kilitoriiil coin tu rnt on nrrtlnrnt
local HtihJrrtH by Miihohn Khy
roiitrihuti'n much to th popu
larity of Clio Klnmath New.
Day's News
Commpntn on the Day Xmti,
written hy Krank Jcnkin, In a
nopulnr dully frnturr. lr. J ro
ll in rnti'i-tiilnlnKly riNriipii the
now of thf liny anil trlln MHith
prn Oruonfiinn fnrflx thry ilon'l
know about the country In which
thry live.
Will Rogers' "Colyum"
Amr-rio'a moit lovoil huninpl.e
wrltiii for Klnmntli NVwa road
r rneh lay. Illn "mljnm." a
mixture of Kit anil common
wnw. la oni of the News' moat
widely read feat urea.
iside Political News
The Newa llelilml the Nrwa . . .
Kurh fiiinou WnNliiiiKton Cot
reMiomlenta na I'aul .Million, give
KUnnnth Newa reiulera the "ln
alile" on affalra In tliei nallon'a
capital . . . hlnta of nntlonal
anil world hiipenini(S beforo
they hnpen.
Joe Pigney's Spui-t Page
Joe Pitney ,a an authority on
aimrta. Ilia pane la a regular
daily feature of the Klamath
Newa. It la growing ateadlly In
popularity throughout the whole
Klnninth lloaln country.
Daily Continued Story
Interesting novel, written hy
outMtnndlng an thorn, appear
daily In aerlnl form In the Klam
' ath Newa.
City and Rural News
Newa from all porta of tha Khun
ath llaaln apieara daily In the
hlamath Newa. A rapabla newa
atafr of rural anil grange cor
reaKindenta rontrlliuta their
newa blla daily. Tha Klamath
Newa la the home newapnper of
the entire Klamath llnaln, car
rying In Ita uigea tha hums newa
of every community.
Eight Daily Comics
Tha beat of comics appear daily
In the Klamath Newa Out Our
Hay, .Major lloople. Orphan An
nie, Halemtian Kara, Hoots and
Her lludillea. Freckles and Ills
Krienda, the New Panglea and
KlnpH-r Kauny. Vou'll like every
ono of them.
Sunday Colored Comics
Pour full pages of condra appear
In colors. In addition to the reg.
ular comic strips each Hunday.
There are some rharartera you
follow all through tha week,
prenenteil In full color on Hunday.
Earlier Days Column
Old'Timer and newcomers aa
well get a lot of enjoyment out
of these newa Items from the
earlier days of the Klamath
country, taken from the old file
of the newspapers. ,
Sunday Society News
Peg llauge'a Hunday society and
club newa la widely read
throughout Southern Oregon and
Northern California.
Daily Cross Word Puzzle
Cross word pnnle fans will de
light In figuring out tha cross
word ptixzlra In each Issue of
the News.
Telling the Editor
In thla Interesting column, ap
pearing regularly on tlio edi
torial page of the Klamath Newa,
readora "got off their cheats"
whatever happens to be there.
This column la a free and open
rapreaslon of public opinion on
all subjects. Ton'11 like It.