THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Wan t-A ds Bring Results Phone Yours to 1900 KltMl 3ck:. word dot day's nsortlon. 10 per cent discount on t d running on wosk. Iflmr oent discount oo Vvads running o month. All olslflcd ids ar Insirt 1 In hnth The Klamath News and Evening Herald, at tlx ebov rate, appearing In Tb Nova first. Tlma limit Cor classification in Iba following dare papers le t:U0 F. M. AOs aeeirea iu- ,nirf on th. umi day aa eub- milted will bara to run "Too I Lata to Claselfy. T0O-ate-io-Clalfy ada ara put In ona paper only at tba earn rata ii aa Quntuo oov. ana cimiii u II (or auccaadtoi Insertions. 2 Lost anil Found STRAYED On BTOI.KN Two rnwi, ona branded diamond on right rib. From Altainont Thursday afternoon. Notirr M. O. Hates, care Pelican Hay Lumbar Co. Otoli STRAYED from my place In Juno, grey horse, brand circle llva left shoulder: reward. W. I. Campbell, llonania. KID LUST Key ring wltb anap fas tener and several key a, near YValdorC Pool Hall. Phone Kern Hotel. 1414 LOST Year and half old llol ateln bull brandrd D on right rib. lit. 1. Ilnl 384. 1(22 3 General Notice L. u ijur-njT-nnr.i .'ir.'i 1 i ni i pf s WILL BUY eltr and county war rnnla, small discount 731 Wain. lull HA 1)10 SRRVlcn or an kloda. Wm. Lom, 140a Lookoat at JPhnn5MiBm 4 Personals " EDITH MONA1IAN l.a.t week for readings. Dray Hotel. 1640 BKAHInTTs rtntlv- H21 Out "He Tranaportation Travel By Stt&g Shortest Route to PORTLAND $5.90 ono way SEATTLE . $7.90 one way SPOKANE $14.00 one way Via Bend and Waplnltta Leave Greyhound Depot at 12:30 p. m. dally. Pbona 1630. 6 Help Wanted, Male HAVR POSITION for man and wife. Miint giro roferenccs. Ht. 2. box 198. 1636 6a Saleamen Wanted 16 SALE, $ PnOFlT. Non-med-Icul Llfo Policy. No office re mittance. Ilenotlts lo 11.000. Everybody 1-80 prospects. Write. (Innnett, Bruoot Build ing, Bait Lake City, Utah. 1415 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ( PL6A.9H, WHV SMOULO m. cMizzLep.- I cer k WOM'T VOU I OSCTOR? SHE'S GBT A. )f TME OMi WffiT GOOD B CLMMS TO BB DOCTOR ffl SICK- LST FOR H MEP GET TUB V AKIMIB ? J jlJnBOCTOn- J 8MB' MCfT PHIQMIMG ILLKIESS, AMD YOU KklOW IT- amnib la POPPYCOCK' a, littls colo maybe she's just a about it- shb Doesn't meed a doctor- Give VERY SICK ; HER rCO04 I SICK- . T ' HER SOME 7 tUlp JrVa-td, Jjsmale MArtniKI) WOMF.N Opportunl Ijr to tarn extra Xinaa money, pari tlma. No Investment, dlg lllliid work. Phone 7V0, apart ment 207 lor appoiutment 1 K4T 0 Situation Wanted WANTKD Ily an experienced married man; ateady pine en ranch, ltoule 1, Box 190. 1861 10 Contract Work Wanted PAItTY with bar baler want Job baling hay. ofenliarker rnnch. Midland road, ltt. 1, Box 310. 1537 WANTKD l-o. lumber or other heavy hauling; contraet. Hoe Cloud 11. Da via at Klamath Furniture Co. 1143 12 Room and Board TIIK l'INB STREET boarding Inxiftn; board 76c per duy; family atylv. 1626 HOARDERS WANTED. (21 Onk. 1412 GOOD ROOMS-Wlth board. 1002 HlKh. 113 13 rurniehed Apartment TIIK HAMONA haa one vacancy, four rooma, ateum heat, clec trlrully emilpped. bedroom and wall bed, laundry room and Iry room. Reasonable. 324 N. 11th. . Illl AHCADFJ APARTMENTS 220 up. Plenty heat, Karaite. 1111 14 Fumiahed Houaea TURKIC. ItooM furnlahed house and garage. Cluae In. llea- eouublo. Pbona 261 or (07. 1132 FOR RENT ronr-room furnish ed homo and garage, n n Urrhard. 112 per month. In quire 2441 Orchard Way. 2 516 aH . . 15 Unfurnished Houaea MUDKIt.N 1-room bonne, bath, nook, atatlonary tub, bullt-lns, hardwood floor In living room, rniice, 10. 219 Prospect. Phone 1372W. 1541 17 Real Eatate For Sale FARM KOR RALE 20 acrea Ir rigated, 40 arrea in airaira, good atock. eoma machinery. Term. Nowa-Hcrald, boi 1517. 1517 TEN ACHES Handing timber. .Addreaa 1453, Herald New. 1412 20 Miacellaneou For Sale SACKS Farmer attention. W bar mod aacka for oata. barley ano spuds. W buy pella, wool, hldea and Junk. And w will treat you right. M A 8 Bag Co (34 Market. Pbona 1819 vV 06ii RRn ROOM suite, braaa bed com plete, gna range and water neater, iee uui. rua. ,.j new. Cheap. 1822 Oregon aveun. 1486 WOOD Dry fir, green fir, dry pine. l'bone 1191R, Bob llrown. WOOII. Phone 1981-J: 22F.2 Vine. 1528 Koit HALK Heater, good condl tlon, 810. ' 1881 Manianlta, mornlnga or after 8 p. m. 1507 KOU SAI.K Oil TRADE Centl aud'lla pouy, excellent tor chil dren. Box 193, alerrlll. 1S48 FOR HALF. Wild hay. Inquire OCnnbarker ranrn. wiaiana road. Rt. 1, Box 310. 1538 FOR BALK Good work horae, weight 1750 poundi. set heavy hnrnetis, two 36-lneh long etraw enllnra. W. R, Stalllnga, Tula l.nke. 1543 20a Swap WR TAKB city and eonnty war rants in trade. No dlacount. Drew Man store. -1612 HAVH MO MOMSV- VOU oion't pavv us OR LAST WSSK- HUH I BE SOME 6YRUP- Ire: Klamath Business Directory Convalescent Horn Aahland for health, Llthla Water. Climate. Coavalewant Horn open to all patlenta, renter board er. Reduced price, it uran It itroet, Aihland. Dreea Shoppe Vlalt TorglW UpaUIr Una Ubopp for atlraetlva dreaaa at reaaoaanie price, ill uain oi. Phone 882J. I5l Hemt itching I1EM8TITCIIINO. BUTTONS 0O red, dreaamaklng. Mr. H U, Allonder. (14 Walnut. 0178 Furniture IllOHKHT PRICK paid tor uaed furniture, heatara and range. Ill Broad. 1200 21 Wanted Miacellaneou WANTKD TO BUY A uiied Karry Keen. Muat be bargain for caib. (24 N. 2nd. Hi WANTKD Private home for ronvalearent lady for few daya. Write lul 2 Orrhard. 1516 22 Livestock and Feed FOR BALK Plga, cowa, veal calvea and 14 aheep. Five miles inuth Midland road. Mra. II. i. Court. 1534 WANTKD TO BUY About ten hoK weighing abont 75 pounda each. Muat he cheap. Write Uox 143, city. 1014 FOR BALK Two good aaddle hnrnea. one very good Holatein milch cow, frexh. 8e Harry Teliord, Geary ranch. 1528 23 Financial 3AVE SAVE 8 AVE ON AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Loweat rate and easiest term luveatlgata and be convinced. MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 101 So. 7tn. Pn. 1141 3tat License H-104 $$ NEED MONEY FOR New tire on your er? FOR Necessities of winter? FOH Preaalng amall biilaT STATU LOAN COMPANY Oregon Bank llldg. 120 N. 10th Phone 7(8. Lie. Stat 8-184 24 Buainee Opportunities 3S-ROOM hotel for lease to re liable party. P. O. box 12K. city. 1633 Necessities for Work FOR TRADB Cneat of mill wright tool tor wood. 1143 Pin. 1141 WANTKD Work by day or hour, experienced In cooking and sewing. ueei oi reierences. Call 60IJ. 1147 Work for Necessities WOMAN wishes day or hour work. Hamel, Apt, 16; phone 31W. loav WANTED Houaework of any kind, day or hour, pnona own. 1434 WILL EXCHANGE practical nursing or fur piece work for rent of amall furnished house. cloa In, Referencea. Write or call (07 S. 4th. 1443 YOUNO MAN wlsnes work on rsncn. Experienced. Rt. 1 Box (I. 12 YOUNO OIRL, experienced In nousewora, wiabes work. Rt. I, Box (3. 0811 London bas reduced the num bar of policemen engaged In traf tic control by 116 during the pnst 13 months by Installation of new traffic signal. By Harold Gray pay VOU WHV 6HOULO I PAY VOU WHBU SHE REFUSED TO Si WO AMD FEIQMED A, SORE THROAT, MB COST .MS. FORTUNB- - WHY SHOULD A SUCKER A.KIO OBT STUCK POCt A DOCTOR BILL LUCKY I OIDN'T PAY 'EM, POR LAST WEEK- NOW SHE'LL HAVS TO DO WHAT I SAY 9UOH k OR STARVE V icwoio ,Tit. E aT8 if OR STARVE- Optica Ola fitted. Boole Sanitarium. Second Hand Storey We pay cash or trad tor Died good. 0. L, Hombroe. 121 S. (tb. Turklah Bath Maaaaga, Colonic Irrigation. Reg latered Nuraa. 127 So. Baventb Typewriter School Trained Mechanic 14 Yean' Experience Adding Macbln and .Typewriter Sale and 6errlc (10. Uain Phon (42 CLUE TO MISSING PENDLETON, Or., Oct. 13 (AP) C. C. Proebstel, Umatilla county district attorney, said her today h waa convinced that the body of an unidentified man found la Vancouver, Wash., was pot that or Cbarlea Marsh, for mer Umatilla county Judge, who disappeared mysteriously a year ago. I'roebstol went to Vancouver to Investigate the ease after he bad been advised thai the un identified body was recovered about the time Judge Marsh dis appeared. He said, however, the man bora no resemblanc to Marsh and that it appeared the man waa dead befor Marsh dis appeared. Marsh dropped from tight a year ago while driving from Portland to Pendleton. Her Reno residence near com pletion, Mrs. Emily Roosevelt Cook, above. Is preparing to SI divorce action against F. A. Cook ot Stamford, Conn. Mrs. Cook, prima donna ot tb Chi cago Festival Opera Company, la a three-way. Roosevelt rela tive, alxth cousin ot President Roosevelt, sixth eonsln of Mrs. Roosevelt, and fifth cousin of tb lata Theodore Rooeevelt. Countess Will Be Princess Just a little trade In titles Is on th program for the Coontta Marjorl d Agulrr. She Is shown her as she appeared In. Hot Springe, Ark., where she plans to divorce ber Argentina count. With th news of ber dl Tore action h lao announced her engagement to Prince Paola Borghese. member of on of Italy' oldest families. Pf .a. ' . j " . if " ; x . J, eW I 1 w National, Local Markets FEDERAL AID PORTLAND, Oct It. (API Aid of the government which waa believed aoon to be gener ally available, appeared tb chief factor In retaining current ebeeae values. Cheese stocks everywhere were far In exceis ot a year ago and especially la th eastern trade. Tillamook was without price chang for tb last week a waa Cooa Bay. Undertone In th butter trade waa generally receiving aid by the expectation of heavy buying of sum us offerings by the gov ernment. Th late advance by the exchange to take car of this waa being maintained. Kg-ga Steady. General ateadlnesa was con tinued In th market for freih egga and especially top quality. Demand was taking car of of fering but so-called fresb good partly fresb and partly stor age wa ahowlns a badly mixed price epread. Over Sunday there waa no chang in general live chicken demand or price locally. Hens were In good call and pressure against springer stuff waa not to acuta as a week ago. Generally good trading tone was suggested in practically all lines ot country killed meals. Cleanup of lsst week's offerings wss slmost general and thla proved an aid to early Monday marketing. Very arani supplies of fresb halibut wer entering the trade and sharply higher prices were reported In th north at a re sult. Greater supplies of fresb crabs were arriving from the coast Price are down allghtly aa a re sult. Minneapolis baa been added to the Hat of eastern points pur cbaaing auppliea of carlota of Oregon cauliflower. Pricea ap peared practically unchanged but the movement waa rather fair. Celery shipment were of fair volume but II appeared tb top price available. Sales of apple wer Increas ing with a firmer ton locally. Potatoes ware firm at Yakima but Yakima atock waa . weak here. Onion market waa still life less for Oregona wltb little ot tering. Yakima were ateady. Cranberry sales wer th small eat for some yeara. " Mushrooma were acarce. Small mellona were lower. SHEEP MART ACTIVE SO. SAN RANCISCO, Oct 23. (IP) Hogs: 1050, Including (60 direct. Slow, early aale and moat asking pricea amall supply fully 8(-25c higher, bldt on three loads Idahos about steady, held around 85.76; 120 bead 114 lb. Idahoa 25.60. Cattle: 7(0. Including 120 di rect. 100 holdovers. Very little done, early sales and bids kill ing claaaea barely ateady to ahade eaaler; dull In first band; generally quality common medi um factor tending to slow clear ance: very tew desirable light steers offered: bulk early sales common medium 868-955 lb. grasa steers (3.(0-14, some held higher; medium grass cows 22.60, fat held 13, low cutter common (1.25-12.25; good bulls eligible 13.(0. Calvea: 71. About ateady considering quality, load 140 lb. Nevada 16; choice xuo-250 lb, venler quoted to 16.(0, Inquiry choice around 150 lb. to (7.(0. Sheep: 1000, Including 280 direct Active, lamb mostly teady with last week a late av enge; beat fed 83 lb. wooled lambs 6.8(; good choice 71 lb. wooled 16.76, several decks 70 71 lb. shorn Oregons (6.35, I per cent sort; good shorn year lings 5. Dam Excavation Bids to Be Opened PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 13 UP) Bids for excavatloa of 800,000 cubic yards ot material at Bonneville dam will be opened her October II, It waa an nounced by Charlet 1. Grimm, chief civilian engineer of the project, today. Surfacing ot half a mil ot highway between the Columbia river and the dam near the Bonneville fish hatchery will Hart aoon after next Tueadny, when bid will be opened on the work. CARD OK THANKS We wish to extend our thanks to our many friends and 'neigh- bora for their kindness and many floral offerings during our recent bereavement, the loss of oar beloved Joseph Ottoman. . MRS. EMILY OTTOMAN , AND AM1LY. CH EF FACTOR FOR MARKET Cash Potato Buyer Fred Schwab Commission Co. and Stonebarger-Anderson Co. WAREHOUSE and OFFICE in TULE LAKE Frost-proof potato storage space for rent Will be glad to have yon see oe or phone n at Tale Lake 0401 (or appointment Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Oct It. (P Stock pushed forward vigorous ly today la response to tb Presi dent's gold control plan, although tb rally bad little pperanc of a "boom" market. Metal lain led tb recovery, but all group partlcipsted In th advance. Late profit taking ahaded early gains, but tb cloa was firm. Transfers approximated 3,100,000 aharea. Today' doting price: Air reduction - II Alaska Junean 33 1 AI. them. Dy 1371 American Can 881 American Coml. Alcohol 4l American For. Pow. 71 American Smelt. Ret 181 A. T. c T. American Tob. B 1131 781 121 48 271 21 111 28 221 131 II (I 181 3l 12 30 61 781 21 721 731 131 181 S3 28 10 171 340 Anaconda Copper Atchison T. ft S. F. Atlantic Ref. .. Baltimore Ohio Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Steel Borden Co Burr. Adding Machine Calif. Pack. Case, (J. I.) Csterpiliar Tractor . Chrysler Motor Col. Gaa Elec. Commercial Solvent Continental Can . Corn Products , Curtlss Wright Dupont and De N. . Eastman Kodak Elec Auto Lt. General Electric General Fooda 3eneral Motors Gillette Razor Gold Dust Homeatak Mining International Harvester International Nickel 35) 18 101 I. T. ft T Johns Manvlll 451 Kennecott Con Cop. Llbbey-O-Ford Liggett ft Myer B. Liquid Carbide Lorillard Tob. Co. Monty Ward , 181 27J 891 23 181 171 Nash Motors 171 421 141 National Biscuit Co. National Dairy Products National Distillers N. Y. Central North America Pac. Gas ft Elec . 82 291 171 191 31 2! Pscksrd Motors Park Utah Penney (J. CO 42 Pcnn. R. R. Phillips Pet 241 131 IS) Pub. Ser. N. J. Pullmsn Co. 44 Radio f1 61 Rem. Rand Reynolds Ton. B.. 47 Sears Roebuck 8hell Union Southern Pacific , Standard Brands . Standard Oil California Standard Oil N. J. Btudebaker . . , Texas Corporation Trans-America . Union Csrblde 16) 71 191 21) 87) 391 41 23 (1 371 105) 371 (i 16) Inion Pacific United Aircraft United Corporation United Gas Imp. U. 8. Indus. Alcohol O. 8. Rubber (7 131 261 Hi u. 8. Steel Western Elec. ft Mfg. v ooiwortn 16) Closing enrK nnnt.ll.... Cities Service .. 2 Elec. Bond ft Shares 16 Swift A Co. inn F. d. b: IIIBES WHEAT CHICAGO. Oct. IS. (API President RnntieVAlt'a mAArmm the nation made wheat prices go soaring roaay, reaching a point II CCDU IDOTI Ut alr'a ln pth bottom-most point this tea- eon. An nntRtanrffn fuinu n'tjle carclty of wheat offer- nits. Asioe rrnm th- n,M.n announcement if n .i . higher prices for farm products. mucn nonce waa also taken hi free gold market plan, which leading expert here construed ai likely to accomplish In a grad uui manner me some effects a revaluation ot the dollar. Wheat closed atrong, 3U-4 at cent above Saturday' finish. euro ana oats ooto Zft-3 cen up, and provisions unchanged a rise of 25 centa. PORTLAND GRAIN TABLE PORTLAND, Oct II, P) Table: Wheat: Opeu High Low Close May 75 M 77 75 H 77 H uec. 71 tt (914 71 tt (.ASH Big Bend Bluestem. 71. Dark bard winter, 11 per cent, tv; ii per cent, 71. Soft white, 70. Western white, 70. Hard winter, 70. Northern aprlng, 70. Western red, 70. Oata, No. I white, 11.10. Corn, No. 1 yellow, 21.71. Mlllrun standard, 11.(0. Today' car receipts: Wheat, 46; barley, 4; floor, 48; corn, 1; oats, 1; hay, I. 15 CARLOADS OF POTATOES LFAVE OREGON (Federal potato quotation from Oregon State College through the County Agent). Potato shipments Saturday and 8unday totaled 111 ear. Oregon blpped II, Washington 14, and Idaho 141. Main (blpped 161 car and Minnesota 122. At Preaqu Isle the markst was abont ateady. No. 1 Green Mountains brought mostly 1.20 a hundred, sacked. In carload- fob shipping point Tb Idaho Falls market waa firm with No. 1 Russetts bring ing 75c to 80c a hundred In carloads fob cash track. In the Twin Falls Burley dis trict tb market waa slightly tronger da to a good demand. No. 1 Russets sold at 75c to 80c a hundred, sacked, la carload fob cash track. At Yakima demand waa verv slow and the market dull. Beat No. 1 Ruasetts brought moatly 120 a ton In carloads fob cash track. At Chicago suDDlles were heavy. Arrivals today totaling 220 cars Included one from Ore gon. Demand and trading were moderate and the market about steady. No. 1 Idaho Rassetu brought most 1.55 to 81.65 a hundred, sacked, track tale car lot outwelght At Fort Worth demand waa light and the market about steady. The San Francisco market was steady. Supplies were liberal with demand Improved.- U. S. No. 1 Washington Russett brought 81.15 to J1.25 a hun dred, sacked. Sale to Jobber. At Los Angeles the market for Rnssetts waa stronger. No. 1 Idaho atock told at (1.25 to (1.40 a hundred, sacked, broker sale. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Oct 21. (API Cattle: Receipts 1000; calve 700; fairly active. 8teera: Common and medlam. 12.50-6.00; heifers, common and medium, (2.60-4.25; cows, com mon and medium, 12.15-1.00; low cutter and cutter, (1.25-3.25; nulla, cutter and medium, 81.76 3.00; Testers, good and choice, 16.00-7.00; cull, common and me dium, (3.00-6.00; calvea, good and choice, (4.00-6.60; common and medium, (2.00-4.00. Hogs: Receipt 1200: alow. Lightweight, good and choice. (4.25-6.00;. medlam weight good and choice, 14.60-5.00; heavy weight good and choice, (4.35- 4.65; packing sow, medium and good, (3.40-4.50; slsugbter pigs, good and choice, (3.25-3.75; feeder and stocker pigs, good and choice, (4.15-4.50. Sheep: Receipts 4500: fairly steady, active- Lambs, good and choice, 15.(0- 5.75; common and medium. 13.50-6.00; yearling wethers. J3. 50-4. 60: ewes. 76c-J.0ii. Famous Flyer HORIZONTAL 1 Who la th flyer In th picture? 11 Broken block of a glacier. 12 Source ot arrowroot 13 To mention. 14 Jogs. II Branches of learning. Answer lo 18 Murmur as SSETjB5K JE LPPgiN i PrjPqOM". ciorrjrA,vE lk nra a; gt; tiia"bei cat 17 Chines reed pipe. 10 Golf device. IcihiAJhT 18 Pulpit block, 40 Uncommon.' 41 Deportment. 44 Burden. 46 Female deer. 47 Ice cream drinks. 48 Prevalent 41 Night before. 60 Beret II Asterd. (2 He waa cap tain of th first active 11 Small body of land. 13 June flower. 25 Neuter pro noun. 16 He waa a widely-known before 1917. 11 Therefore. 33 Withstands. 34 Vision. 36 Trained at tendant to the alck. V. S. unit in th World War. i " " " vTbnTg'" n " ' '.. ii ..-. BBsaar c5 " 5 "" si- sT"! Pv S I II J j 55 SSS 33 9 mmm ar 4T -p- Z m II h Frrh Portland Produce PORTLAND, Oct 21. (API Butter Prints, extras 13o: standarda 22c lb. Butterf at Portland delivery: A grade 20e; farmer' door de livery 'ISo par lb.; aweet cream 5e higher. Eggs Pacific Poultry Pro ducers' selling pries: Fresb ex tra special, lie; extraa 19c; standarda 14c; mediums 25o; pul lets 18c dosen. Buying price by wholesaler: Freeb extr 89 doxen; firsts 13c; mediums 19c undergrade 14c; pullets 14c Hop Nominal, 1113 16-40 pound. Cheese 91 score, Oregon trip let, 11c; loaf 12c pound. Brok ers will pay fto below quota tion. Milk Contract price, I pet. Portland delivery. 1.7 ewt; B grade cream, 17) lb. Country Meat Selling price to retailers: Country killed bogs, best butchers, under 160 lbs., 7 54 -8c; veslers (0-101 lbs., H4 9c lb.; light and thin, 4-60 lb.; beavy calves, 4o lb.; lambs, 10 10 He lb.; yearlings, 4-6c lb.; beavy ewes, 1-lc lb.; medium cows, l-5o lb.; eanner sow, 1-2 lb.; bulls, 4-4 ft c lb. Mohair Baying pric: lilt clip, 15c lb. Caecara Bark Baying twice. 1111 peel, 2Mb Lir poultry Portland deliv ery: Baying price: Colored fowls. 4 to I lbs., 12e; over lb., 11c: spring pullets, 1 to IHl lbs., 11c; roasters over I lbs.. 11c; leghorn fowls, over IV, lbt 9c; under SM lb., 9c; broiler. 114 Ul lb., 13c; 1 Iba. and up, 11c; stags, 8c; roosters, (e. Po- kin duck, 10c; colored dack. 8e; geese, 9c lb. Onions Yakima. ll.0S-l.16f Oregon, 11.25-1.35 centaL Potatoes Local whit and. red. (1.10-1.15; cental Yakima, 11.00-1.16; Deschutes, 11.40 (1.50. Cantaloupes Dillard, standard. 11.25; Yakima standards, 7( 85c crate; The Dalle 11 erata. wool 1931 clip, nominal; Willamette valley, 33-16o lb.; eastern Oregon, ll-llc lb.; sostb ern Idaho, 16-10e lb. Hay Buying price from pro ducer: Alfalfa, No. 1, new crop. 816.00-16.50: vetch, 115: Wil lamette -alley timothy, 1(; ee stern Oregon timothy, 117.(1; oats, 114 ton. Stock Averages (Copyright 118, Bt-ndaiw ataxia ties Company! I 1 1 H ladl'a RR's ore Total 7. 17.1 Tl.t 71.6 7S.1 11.4 !. tl.l t. t 7.l (1.9 !.S 16.4 43.9 .111.1 104. 110.1 IM.t Ulgb, 1111 102.1 it. 111.7 St. Low, mi 41.8 !.( tl.t 4. High. 131 Tl.l tl.t 111. Tt Low. ltll 15.1 ltt (1.8 . HUh. 1931 140.2 tOO 101 144. Low. ltll 40. 10.1 lit tt Bond Averages (Copyright lilt. Standard Statis tic Company) 10 IS t a Ind!' RR'S Ot's Total 71.1 73.0 7l.t Tt.t Tl.l 71.1 7l.t 74.1 71.1 74.1 tO.I Tt. 13.1 tt.t tl.t 70.8 0.1 IOCS 111 tit 11.1 tt.t lit III tl.l (7. 74.1 It 11.1 It. Ill 111 11.1 41.4 10 tt.t o.4 tot.i lti.t n.1 tit tt.i to.i a Previous Pnzxle I Right to enter (pi.). 10 Kind ot civet 18 Affray. 19 Angler' bsskst 11 Went to one' talr. 24 Public speaker. 21 Within. 17 Abounds. 28 Bone. 29 Paid publicity. 10 Crude, 11 Upon. 13 Part of a SSL (3 Strong winds. 64 H la th greatest of th U.S. War VERTICAL 1 Them. I He make hi horn in - - . Mich. 1 Furies. 4 Rodenta I Froxen wster. (To perform. 7 To find fault 8 Flogging whips. - lamp. 35 Madman. 16 Ingenuous. 17 He was award ed th Croix de Guerr for his brav ery. 19 European perch. 40 Genus of ostriches. 42 Jot 43 Cognomen. 46 Hardens. Monday Prev. day Week ago Tear sso t yrs. ago Monday , Prev. day . Week ago Year ago 1 yrs. us Hlt-b. 1I3S Low, ltll High, ltll Low. till High. 1911 Low. I Ml nMlOITI