The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 20, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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October 20, 1933
A gam between lb Klamath
Falls Pdlcant and tha Klamath
Townles hu been definitely
scheduled (or Modoc field Satur
day. Les Avrlt, Klamath coach
and Lyon Roycroft, coach of the
town team, bar not yet set the
starting time.
The contest will till to tor the
Pelicans and prepare them for
the Medford tarn a week from
Friday. M will be tba first com
petition ot tha season for the
False Teeth Stay Put
Fasteeth. a new Improved pow
der keeps platea from dropping
or slipping. No gummy, pasty
feeling. Sweetens breath. Gives
real teeth comfort sll day. Praised
by people and dentists every
where. Avoid worry. Get Fasteeth
at Star Drag Co., or your drug
gist. Three slses.
Bail Forfeited
On Liquor Count
A. D. Holmer, charged with
possession of liquor, forfeited 126
bail when be failed to appear In
police court Wednesday morning
to answer to tba count. He was
arrested Tuesday ulght by city
police at tha corner of Ninth and
Walnut streets.
Rita Nelson, Klamath Indian
woman, waa fined $10 on charges
ot drunkenness and ' disturbing
the peace, ' and Jim O'Brien,
charged with molesting young
girls on the streets of Klamath
Falls, was fined S100 or 60 days
in jail, suspended If he leave the
city within 48 hours.
Rice To Represent
Labor For Codes
Every man and woman. In
KUtnath county li Invited to join
the American Red Cross during
th annual Roll Call (or member
ship held between Armtstico
Day and Thanksgiving, November
G len Hout, chairman of the
Klamath county chapter. In ex
tending the Invitation declares
that never before In the St years
or lied Cross nttuory nave
many people In this state been
direct or Indirect beneficiaries
of Red Cross services.
Knthusiaatlc volunteers are or
ganising under the leadership of
Mrs. Wilbur Jones. Roll Call
chairman, to conduct the enroll
ment, confident of achieving their
goal which has been set at 2000
e Wool
Washable Calf
Warm mackinaw cloth
in blue or gray, strap
adjustment at hips . . .
Button $4.45
; $4.95
Cruiser style with back
gam pocket, heavy
bine wool
A. L. Hlce was elected by the
central labor council Wednesday
erentng to represent labor of
Klamath Falls and vicinity In any
negotiations with the local na
tional recovery sot administration.
Rice, president of th. labor
council, la also a member of the
local NRA administration boards. ! members.
Mrs. Jones bss enlisted th. co
operation of many local leaders
who will conduct the canvas.
These Include:
Mrs. George Llndley, Mrs. H.
P. Bosworth, Mrs. Paul Sharp,
Mrs. Ben Reed. Mrs. J. E. Hos
sings, Mrs. Dwlght French, Mrs.
V. E. O'Xeil. Mrs. J. H. Poppy,
Mrs. Esther Dunnlvan. Mrs. R.
M. Smith. Mrs. S. P. Miller, Mrs.
Oilman. Mrs. Myrtle Helm, Mrs.
R. E. Wright, Mrs. W. R. Boyd.
Mrs. C. W. Klum. Mrs. E. W.
Swarts, Mrs. Burt Hawkins. Mrs.
M. J. Young. Mrs. F. H. Stoaks.
Mrs. Rachel' Good, Mrs. George
Myers, Miss Tbora Miller and
Mrs. Ralph Weiss.
Th. Lions club ander Dr. M.
E. Cooper, president, as
sumed the responsibility ot can
vassing Main street. This work
of the Lions club will be carried
on under the direction ot George
P. Donahue.
Between now ana Armistice
Day. th. opening of the member
ship campaign, local workers will
place in strategic positions. Red
Cross posters with their symbolic
figure pleading for the relief of
those in need, window cards
visualising the massing ot Red
Cross colors, and other Informa
tive literature.
Chairman Hout also aska that
all citizens be ready to .nroll
when the Red Cross canvassers
call, thereby making possible a
quick and thorough enrollment
of the community without the
necessity of second trips.
Every new member receive, a
Stag Coats Water-Proofs
Cossack style with zip
per front . . . tans and
Suede Jackets Flannel Shirts
Cossack style in suede
or .washable calfskin
. . . button or zipper
fronts. All colors
Solid shades or checks
and pleids in a variety
of colors ... all sizes.
$1 95
Rtfd Cross button and from the
wludowa of homee will b. dis
played stickers bearing a largs
Red Cross, and where all mem
bers ot the family Join they will
receive a Red Cross wiudow flag
Indicating. "Every Member of
This Family Has Joined."
Memberships are designated as
follows: Annual, 11.00; Contrib
uting. 15.00; Sustaining, $10.00;
and Supporting, 136.00.
All except 60 centa of each
membership goes to support acti
vities of the local Red Cross
LAUREL. Miss.. Oct. It. (IP)
Senator Pat Harrison, chair
man of the finance committee,
today renewed his plea for Im
mediate Inflationary measures by
the national administration, urg
ing the lssusnre of "not more
than three billion dollars" In
treasury notes against silver pur
Pointing out that the presi
dent had been authorised to em
ploy four different meana to
bring about dollar readjustment
Harrison said:
"Only on. of thes. plana has
been utilised. Th. others have
not. And what I have to aay to
day with respect to th. failure
ot th. administration to utilise
th. three other plana la not in
spirit ox criticism.
Here's Joyful News
For Rheumatic
Swiftly and Safely Uric Acid
Starts To Go In 24 Hours
TM Main M II
Killing the pain of neuritis.
sciatica and rheumatism with
dope doesn't end your agony
you've got to get the excesa uric
acid out of your Jolnta and
Thousands J o y f a 1 1 y praise
ALLKXRU because they know by
experience that when taken as di
rected the pain the agony of
rheumatism, backache, sciatica
and neuritis leaves the body In
48 hours no matter how atub
born and persistent.
Star Drug Store and leading
druggists everywhere know that
ALLKXRU is so swiftly effective
that one bottle is guaranteed to
do exactly as stated or
Vr money back and the price
la bat 85c
NEW YORK. Oct. 19. (API
Radio waves which have been
travelling through space for 40,.
000 years, apparently from dis
tant stara, are picked up with
an antenna ahown her. by Karl
G. Jansky of th. Bell, laborator
Th. wavea ar. electro-magnetic
nndulationa about (0 feet long.
On a radio set tuned to 14.0
meters they register aa a faint,
aftsling aound.
For more than a year Jansky
baa been picking up these eel
estial signals. Their uninter
rupted buss suggests that they
are not calls from Intelligent be
ings somewhere sis. In the ant
r, flJi? it m
Bridge, Highway
Project Complete
Construction work on th. fill
and brldg. built by th. county
on th. South Fork of toe Spra
gue river was completed Wed
nesday, according to County
Roadmaster Guy Merrill.
Into the fill went 7000 cubic
yarda of dirt and 2000 cubic
yards of rock. A light surfacing
coat will be placed later on the
road, which Merrill says Is one
ot th. finest roada In th. county.
ALTOONA, Pa., Oct. ID P)
Two weeks ago Mrs, Florence
Davis, (0, was pecked on the arm
by a chicken she was feeding.
Yesterday she died from tetanus
FRANKFORT. Ky., Oct, 19.
(AP) Mae West, movie actress,
is now an honorary officer on
Governor Ruby Laffoon's staff.
She baa been commissioned a
Kentucky colonel.
8prlgs. baldnates and mallards
are falling victim to humors'
guns more frequently than othur
species ot ducks In the current
shooting season, It Is Indicated
by a check of 38 hunters made on
the first day ot the season by
Game Protector Hugh Worcestor.
Th. 38 hunters had killed SS
birds of nine aperies. There wero
134 sprigs. 38 baldpates. II mal
lards. 13 green-winged teal, i
blue-winged teal, 18 spoons, 6
Had will is, redheads, I canvas
back. Worcester said the check Indi
cated that the hunters are re
sponding to the appeal for select
ive shooting this year, with the
larger bam among lb. more i
abundant species: j
Most ot the hunters ar. finding I
good abooting. according to the
gam. .protector. In spit, of weath
er conditions.
Worcester said that on. of the
most flagrant violations of law
he has discovered is the shooting
of ducks with rifles. This has
been practiced by persons along
the Lakeshore drive, he stated.
Boys have been bothering the
ducks Inside the city limits near
the Fremont bridge, h. said, cit
ing the case of two boya who shot
a coot with a rille Parents should
Instruct their children that shoot
ing is not permitted In th. cly
limits, he ssld-
Covernor Rolph
Orders Whishey
For Doomed Man
NKW YORK. Oct. 19, A)
Dallas Kgau, condemned iunvl.1
of San quenilu, Calif., prison, to
day was urged by th. Moil's
League of Mercy to "fuc. legal
murder brnvely."
Governor Jnmos holph Jr., of
California has ordered Hint Kuun
b. given "all th. whiskey he
wauta to drink" before b. Is
banged on Friday.
Th. leagu. aent this telegram
to b'gnn;
"Face legal murder bravely
Die trusting God."
It was signed by Ernest white-
horse Corlls, executive secrotary.
"Apparently they want to gel
Kgnu blind drunk befura banging
nlin," declared a league spokes-mau.
In n survey of American-operated
airlines on July 1, 1933, II
was found that thes. airlines
employed (907 persons, of which
number bit were pilots,
The Roosevelt administration
is accused by Dr. F. Scott Mc-
Bride. general superintendent of
th. Anti-Saloon league, of using
the public works fund to coerce
state. Into taking immediate ac
tion on prohibition repeal
Aaaressinx a raiiy oi arys last i
nignt. or. .vcuride told of visit
ing the governor of a western
state, who complained he was
forced Into calling a appeal con
ventlon by President Roosevelt
and Postmsster General Farley.
It waa Implied the governor's
state would run the risk of losing
the $50,000,000 loan it action on
the prohibition question were not
taken. Dr. McBrlde said. He did
not name the governor or the
Varicose or Swollen
Veins Ulcers
You poor sufferers from bad
legs! What misery you have en
dured! What crippling discom
Rut here at last Is help for
you! ;so operations nor injec
tions. No enforced rest nor time
off from work. A simple home
treatment with Emerald Oil heals
your sores like magic, reduces
swelling, ends pain, and makes
your legs as good -as new while I
yon go about your dallv routine
as usual. '
Follow the easy directions
you are sure to be helped o
, money back. Star Drug Co
yt- 5th and Main Sts.. and
druggists everywhere.
Problem. Solved
A Skin Analysis
and Facial
By La Vela Holbrook
Iaia Laboratories
And Make An Apiwlntnirnl
. s s Kolly-Springfteld Fatigue Proof Tires see.
Don't Risk
Old-Tire Hazards
pUT your mind at on tho danpurg of win
tor driving. Old tires ure novcr safe, and
always expensive to run und winter driving
demands tho of non-skid tread. Save
money and insure your safety by replacing
your old tires with new ones.
The bijr trade-in allowance we give on used
tires can not bo beaten.
Kelly-Springficlds are six times fortified against
wear and road hazards. You can save money
by exchanging now.
Pelican Tire Co.
Howard Ralph, Mgr.
Sixth and Walnut
Phone 1680
Choice tobaccos
rolled right no loose ends
ALWAYS Aeinest tobaccos
ALWAYS the finest workmanship
Always jWW please When 8mok;ng , LucIcyi have you
noticed the long white ash? That's
the sign of fine, choice Turkish and
Domestic tobaccos. And have you
noticed how fully packed Luckies
are with these choice tobaccos rolled
right so round so pure with no
. loose ends. Luckies always pleasel
CesmsM, ins, Tiis leu tssmsi onar.
..-. ee
it's toasted
I f VrejscajuHMii
1 mxuah HKWO
r ,
I Only $39 fov a rcalh 'individual lookinn
pj ur-trimmed
I fW winter eoa
Jf ft f" these days ' hiKher Prices, it's
' X small sum to pay for so much
. ) mt. zoat chic. All of the new fash-
( ions are het-e. Flattering new col-
j . lars, new yoke and epaulet treat.
jfi n ments, the latest sleeve details.
L fffi Jfe ' And there is a wide ranee of lux-
Lrr ury furs from which to jnake a
jJwJgm clion'
1 ' mm Children's Coats
Mr" i $M:$ ere you w''' children's fine
'MM winter coats at Prices vou wil1 en"
iff iz!tQ ,oy PflyinS- Fabrics of fine wool
fu;jff m " tweeds . . . heavy interlining to
! ! 4ff P"T W I insure warmth and comfort,
j 1 ' 3mal't'y trimmed in fur.
!, I Prices iip fo $.75