The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 20, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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October 20, 1033
Toy Bulldog
Mickey Walker Will
Fight Max on No
vember 3. Old Strug
gle With Harry Greb
Recalled. "There
Wu a Man," Sigh
By Edward J. Neil
(Associated Press Sport Writer)
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. (fV
Mickey Walker, the Toy Bull
dog from New Jersey, may be
getting old, prlte fighter
go. Ring lights have glared
down on him at welterweight
champion, middleweight king,
heavyweight title contenders.
The bright lights o( other
places bar shone on him just
as long, leaving him an expert
both In the ways of the ring and
the wayward. He fights Maxey
Rosenbloom, who likewise ha
achieved some fame in both di
rections, for the light heavy
weight title In Madison Square
Garden, November I.
Now Mickey Is willing to con
cede Rosenbloom 's reputation
as a prlieflghter. A champion,
naturally, stand for progress
among the cauliflowers. But
a a flowering bloom among the
primrosos, Rosenbloom, he ln-
sists, cannot quality.
"Harry Grab," sighs Mickey
reverently, "there was a man.
"I fought him fifteen of the
tonghest ronnds anyone ever
went through In the Polo
(rounds In 19!5. I thought I
won. but they gave him the de
cision, and when It was over I
headed for Broadway and a
lobster shop I knew. I was all
bunged np.
'In walked Greb as soon as I
was settled, and he had a girl
with him. He insisted that I
Join hi party. Then when we
were through he wanted to go
dancing. I bad to go along.
Either that or tight him all
over again."
e e
"W must hare danced tor
hours. In fact we danced so
long Harry's girl disappeared.
Finally It was getting light and
' w stumbled out Into the morn
ing air.
"All of a sudden Harry grab
bed me by the back of the neck.
Up to that time we hadn't even
mentioned the fight.
'Just to show you 1 can lick
yon any time, anywhere, I'm
going to give you another wal
loping right now,' he laid. Be
fore 1 could even argue he
squared oft and made a rash
, tor me.
"I stepped back and let him
have a left hook on the chin as
he came in, and he staggered
some, but came right back
swinging both bands. In a sec
ond we were all over the street.
A cop came running down the
sidewalk, swinging bis night
stick. I saw him lift It high
ever his head.
" 'Hey,' I yelled at him. I'm
Mickey Walker and that's Har
ry Greb. We're just kidding a
little. Don't hit us.' "
"Well, there's the morning
newspapers full of tb fight
we'd bad the night before in
the ball park and of all the
people in New Tork who hadn't
heard about it we have to pick
one, this policeman. He didn't
hit os. but he bundled ns off
the block. Before Harry could
get at him, I shoved hfm Into a
cab and told the driver to take
him home.
"I was just getting Into bed
when the phone rang.
" 'Mickey,' ssys Greb at the
other end, "I'm sorry tor whst
I did, bnt don't forget I can al
ways lick you.'
"I gueBs maybe be could, at
that. But this Rosenbloom . .
pay no attention. He doesn't
either smoke or drink."
La Grande Team
Meets Lewiston
SCHOOL. La Grande, Oct. 19
(AP) The Mountaineer football
squad, 22 strong, left here this
morning by eara for Lewiston,
Ida., where they will tangle with
the Lewiston normal school
eleven tomorrow afternoon.
The E. O. N. squad was In fine
physical condition with the ex
ception of Pete Miles, flashy
The Dalle halfback, who may
not play because of a back In
Jury. He will be ready for the
uonege or laano game here Oct.
28, bowever.
Coach Bob Qulnn ha been de
veloping' extra strength In the
backfleld this week following the
recent return to school of Chris
Lassen of Pendleton, starting
fullback last fall.
The Army Air Corp Is having
46 new, all-metal monoplanes
built at Buffalo, N. Y. These
Dew planes are sometimes called
"flying fortresses" because each
carries flvs machine guns and a
Meal taken during long lr
trip are usually included In the
price of a passenger ticket.
Pbon for Ticket Reservation
Ticket Selling Teams
Competing For
Two Junior chamber of com
merce ticket selling teams were
at work in the city today. The
young men will compete for high
honors in rounding up spectators
tor the Southern Oregon Normal
school and University of Oregon
Freshmen football gam her on
October IS.
William Kurkendall will bead
one group of sellers and Pete
Lesmlester the other. The los
ing side will tak the winners to
a theatre.
Tickets Placed on Sale
Tickets tor the contest already
have been distributed to member
of the Junior chamber. Section
have also been placed on sale at
the chamber of commerce. Pelican
Tire company. Cliff Hogus sta
tion, Herald-News and the Wal
dorf. Posters advertising the contest
were placed In conspicuous down
town positions Wednesday.
A special section of the stands
will be reserved for high school
students at tb regular lnterscho
laatlc ticket price. The seats at
the (0-yard line along Modoc
field will be open tor the public.
Three thousand spectators has
been set as the attendance goal.
Beavers Map
Aerial Attack
For Trojans
Corrallls, Oct. It. Straight pow-
drlves. a flashy running stuck
and an ever-dangerous overhead
game will be the main offensive
threat of the Oregon State foot
ball team against Southern Cal
ifornia la Portland Saturday af
ternoon at 1:00 o'clock. Al
though the Orangs power plays
and running attack have brought
few score this year, Lon Stlner,
coach, has been spending much
time during the last week smooth
ing out the last rough spots in the
Orange attack.
Most of the Orange point have
resulted from a strong aerial at
tack which may cause the Trojans
no little trouble a the single
touchdown scored against the na
tional champions this year was by
tha overhead rout. While the
Orangemen hare used a combin
ed running and passing attack to
bring yardage, tha Trojans have
depended largely on their highly
tonted power drives on offense.
Although the Trojans bare a tint
class passing attack, they have
taken to the air only a few times
in early season games.
Trojans Aboard
Train En Route
To Orange Camp
L08 ANGELES, Oct 19. (AP)
Thirty-seven University of
Southern California football play
ers were en route to Portland
today for their grid gam there
Saturday with the team which
held them to a single touchdown
and a field goal last season
Oregon State.
The Trojans, seeking their
twenty-sixth consecutive victory,
were handicapped by injuria and
before they left indication was
that three of them, Capt. Ford
Palmer, Bob Ertklne and Curtis
Youel, might not be seen in the
Coach Howard Jones had a
workout planned this morning
on the Sacramento J. C. gridiron.
The team will continue north
Jnst before noon, and la due
la Portland Friday morning.
Kentuckiana Out
To Beat Home State
LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. 19,
(AP) When the Unlvrlty of
Kentucky Wildcat tangle with
the Generals of Washington and
Lee Saturday on the gridiron at
Koanok, Va.. alx Kentuckiana
will be on the opponent' team.
Barring Injury or illness, all
six ot the Kentuckiana are ex
pected to get in the game to at
tempt to whip their home state
Hunters Asked to
Contribute Birds
Police Chief 1. R. Shew Wrt-
nesauy asked hunters to con-
Hobson's Leading Lights
L ' " . I &
waud tovygn. -ervp '.' . ' ff $K $ .. j
Hers la a group ot football
mn on th Southern Oregon Normal school team, who will play
in Klamath Falls a week from Saturday. These Son will clash
with th University of Oregon Freshmen at Modoc field's tint
major contest.
Redmond, tb last school to
til an answer, informed tb ath
letic official ' at Klamath high
school Thursday morning it
would be nnabl to meet the
Pelicana Saturday. Th Pelicans,
Idle since th Corvalli game, will
practlc over th wek end In
Preparation for the October 2?
contest with Medford.
Klamath will enter tb Med
ford game undefeated. Two Sat
urday without competition will
leave the squad free from Injury,
and Les Avrlt, head coach, will be
able to throw the complete
strength of his team against the
rarely defeated to from th val
ley. Tiger Meet Pirates
Th Tiger, defeated once this
season by Crescent City. to 0.
mova into a difficult non-confer
ence game against Marshtleld
iii in i j
trlbnte bird tor tb use of
needy families.
If hunters have extra birds,
he said, the nolle department
will be glad to deliver them to
families where the barest neces
sities of life are considered a
S.n Francisco LEVI STRAUSS CO Lot Amele
player, some ot th outstanding
Saturday. These Pirates from
Coos Bay bav not been reversed
this season.
Unless there - ar further
changes in the Klamath schedule
next week's contest will b tb
team's final showing of th year
on Modoc field. Both the Grant
Pas and Bend contests will be
away from home this season.
Dwlght French, director of ath
letics, said Wednesday he believed
It possible the difference with Ash
land might be smoothed over to
permit a game In th vail on
November It.
Both Ashland and Klamath
misunderstood th term ot their
agreement for two games this
year. Ashland had scheduled
Lakevlew for last wk- while
Klamath thought th Grizzlies
would be here to meet tb Pel
icans on Modoa field.
luxury. There are a good many
families ot this type on the
chief list, be said.
Dogfish oil 1 th bass of a
preparation tor keeping away
LEVI'S are as tough as a cayuse
and as hard to wear out. Made of the
heaviest denim loomed copper riv
eted at erery point of strain so
strongly stitched that you get a new
palrjret if they rip. No other brand
wears half so long or fits half so well.
You'll find the same rugged qual
ity and excellent value in Levi Strauss
Nap Devore Scheduled to
Referee Legion Hall
Main Event
Al Ksraslck, outweighed and
disliked, mak another trip In
to Klamath Falls Friday to do
fend his Legion ball title against
a Creek, Harry Demslral ot
Th Russian Lion, only slight
ly heavier than a light heavy
weight, will be under a 15-pound
handicap. Th short, stocky
Grek will weigh around 104
pounds whll Karaslck will com
Into tb ring around 190.
Dr. Nap Devor, tb French
wrtwtler, still Is upected to
referee both matches Friday.
Devor has Just returned from
Honolulu whtr he was to start
an exhibition tour ot several
weeka. He came back to fian
Francisco, however, after a dis
pute with th Island promoters
and befor wrestling a atngl
Devor hss replaced Pat Bel
caslro as referee through th de
mands of Karaalck. The change
has not addad to tb frieudetiiu
of tb main eveut athlete Inas
much as Demetral was mor or
les favorable to Belcastro.
Pat Rcllly, ioi-poundar from
Boston, will make his first
atand In Klamath Fall against
Jack Kugat of Toronto, Canada.
Kugat, champion ot Canada, 1
also making hi opening appear
ance here.
Sharkey Planning
Boxing Campaign
It, (IP) Jack Shark.y I go
ing through with his scheduled
fight with Dan McCorklndale.
be said, but It probably will be
postponed to December 8 or 12.
"I'm not planning to retire
from th ring," he laid, "and
will definitely tight McCorkln
dale a soon as the date 1 et-
tled." Th bout originally was
scheduled (for November 17, It
was understood that McCorkln
dale' manager was attempting
to obtain another bout for him
before his meeting with Sharkey.
Eleventh Player
Walks In Sleep;
Schedule Dropped
WAYNESBURO, Pa., Oot. 1.
(AP) Football coaches who
worry about reserves "we have
only three . full teams" should
consider the plight of Morris
Township high school.
Becaus Paul Thomnson. star
halfback, walked In bis sleep
this week, fell from a second
tory window and severed an
artery. Incapacitating him for
tb season, tb team may bav
to cancel th rest of Its trhm.
dule. There ar only 10 regular
player left.
An unusual event that reads like a
page from last year's newspaper . . .
checked shirts, plaid shirts, white
shirts of fine tailoring and quality In
sizes up to 17.
Gabby Street
Signed To Lead
Mission Club
(AP) Charles "Uabby" Street,
slgnsd- aa manager of th Han
Francisco Minions, will bav
"complete control" of th Pacific
Coast league baseball cluo
Joseph Bearwald, president, said
here today,
Bearwald, who announced
Street had alined a one-yeur con
tract, said th former world's
championship mnnager ot the
St. Louis Cardinals, will com to
Ssn Francisco early next year
to tak charge ot th olub fur
the loss auaiou.
"II will be ' In complete
charge," Bearwald said. "1 In
tend to obtain for him such
player as h waul and ar
The Missions, on of San Fran
cisco's two home coast luasus
U'ums, finished seventh In tli
1933 pennaut race of the eight-
club circuit. They led tb league
In bitting, however.
Bearwald sold he will meet
Street at th auuuul mluor lea
gue meeting at Galveston. Tex.,
next month to discuss plana for
building np the club.
Jefferson Wins
From Commerce
PORTLAND, Or., Oct. U. (!")
Jelfcrson high cam bark last
night after thtlr defeat by Grant.
to overcome Commerce 18 to 0
In the Portland Intarscbolantlc
football race. Both teams ga
a fine exhibition of hard tackling
and clever- offensive work, but
the Blue and Cold Interference
mowed down the commerce enda
when It needed yardage for scor
ing plays.
Washington leads In the per
centage column, with Commerce,
Grant and Jefferson tied for sec
ond place honors.
Tiny Thornhill
Only Casualty
Of Chicago Trip
PALO ALTO. Calif., Oct. H,
(VP) Coach Claude E. (Tiny)
Thornhill was the aol casualty
aa the Stanford team returned
from Its scoreless tie with North
Thornhill dislocated his left
shoulder and tore some llgamants
on th depot plutform at Mon
tello, Nov. A playful grldman
kneeled behind the bulky coach
and another player toppld him
Ex-Tech Coach
Scouts Irish
For scouting duty Carnegie
Tech picks no minor figures of
Its coaching staff.
It was disclosed toaay mat
none other than Judge Walter P.
Stolen of Chicago, who retired
last year aa Carnegie coach.
scouted Notre Dame last week
for th Tartan and ant on his
observation lor use In this Sat
urday's gam.
A survey based on th tare
rates ot June 31) shows that the
average cost of a trip on an air
line in continental United States
la s 1-10 cent per mil.
Today' Stylet
At Last Year's
Canadian Champ
Jack Kugat,. heavyweight
champion of Canaila, who will
must Pat ltcllly ot Boston In th
enil-wlndup wrestling bout at
the Legion hall Frldny night.
Bearcats Ready
To Meet Irish
Team On Friday
SALEM. Oct. 1. (,P) Ready
to "open np" everything, the
Wlllaniett University Bearcats
play Columbia Unlveralty In Port,
land tomorrow afternoon at 1:10
t Th halfback battle between
Xehl of Columbia anil nnwii
of Willamette I antlrlpated by
in lan i. Moth are triple threat
rrs, though Oravec la not the
regular Bearcat kicker.
With arveral first stringers on
th Injured list. Coach "8pe"
Koena Bald he arniild trw in Aim.
covsr new liackflild talent on
hi squad. Cannady, nagro half
back, la definitely out of the
gam and Olson, fullback, may
not nlav. Griblila anil KiL
regular and, are also out with
Rupert Squashes
Humors Of Switch j
To New Manager
New vnwir rw m
Col. Jacob Rupprrt, owner of
the New York Yankees, squelch
ed rumor that he planned mak
ing Babe Ruth manager of the
club, with this statement: .
I ten you positively that Joe
McCarthy will manage the Yanks
for the next two vnnni III
tract has two yeura to run, and
i jw never even (nought of re
placing McCarthy at tli mrA r
his contract.
I don't know wher people
got th Ida 1 voi planning to
use Kuth aa manager. I've never
even considered It."
Horse Wins Fight
With Rattlesnake
CRKSSWELL, Ore.. Oct. 1.
(P) -Dan, a 14-ycar-old bora,
suddenly Jumped Into th air,
tlited and landed with feet
bunched In the best rodso fash
Ion. Observers thought perhaps
Dan had entered hla uecnnA rhll,l.
hood. Investigation disclosnd,
bowevar, ths old hone had
fo'ight a buttle with a rattle.
snake and won.
Today's Style and Quality
At Last Year' Price
It's no kiddin' genu
ine suede jackets with
zipper front . . . leather
collar and cuffs . . .
an or
rown, all I QC
izes &)f'
only f
See Our Island Window
Here's something different
collegiate cut ... waterproof lj QC
. . . ideal for school or outdoor JL
wear. -
A complicated story of how Al
bert II. Wlggln, aa chairman of
the Chas National bank and th
Chaa Becurltlea corporation, dis
posed of larg blocks of stock
In th bank through a pool In
HIV wa unfolded today before
ssnst investigators.
Th tnry, told Jointly by Fer
dinand l'rcnrn, committee coun
sel, and Wlggln, the stocky wit
ness, showed Hi Securities cor
poration passed on to the bank
er's personal company the most
favorable price for the atock
and a share of th profit from
th pool.
This wss on ot a scries of
pool In tb btink' stock dis
closed to the Investigator at to
day' cession befor a crowd of
spsclators bswlldersd by th In
volved ftiuras,
Keilly, Edwards
Stage Fast Bout
In Portland Ring
PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 1.
(AP) After losing Hi first fall
In the main event of laxt nlght'a
wrestling progruni her. Billy
Edwards, IsR, Kansas City, took
th neit two lo win tb match
from l'at Kollly. 201. Boston.
Itelllr won lbs opening fall
with a body slant In minute.
Edwards took the second Id 11
minutes with a deadlock and the
deciding fall with a series of
flying lackle In minutes.
Noel Franklin, 1E.1. Portland,
and Buddy Howards, 140, Kan
sas City, llllly'a cousin, were
given a draw In th seml-wlndup.
Toby Chrlatlansen, 171, Port
land, won on a foul from Bailor
Fratis, 175. San Dlogo.
Bunny Martin, HS, Seattle,
took one fall and the opeur
from Bob Andoraon, 144, Okla
homa City. .
Rice Fullback
Quits for Lack
Of Recognition
HOUSTON. Tex., Oct. II,
(UP) Gordon Nicholson resign
ed from th Bice Institute foot
ball sound hecaua hi father.
once a football player at Louis
iana state, believed Coach Jack
Meagher failed to recognise the
fullback'a ability. It wa learned
-Gordon B. Nlcliolson aald ha
nad been urging hla son to quit
tha squad since th Hlee-Loiilst-ana
Htnfe game September 10.
when Nicholson played In th
second half but wa not per
mitted to carry th ball,
Th elder Nicholson played
football for the Louisiana school
In th 00' and wa dlssppolnt
ed when hi son wa denied an
opportunity to star against lb
furher's Alma Mater, h said.
Th aoronsutlcs branch ot tb
Department of Commerce has
abolished th grade ot solo pilot,
which wa an Intermediate be
tween th grade of atudent and
private plloia.
Specially priced well,
what do you think?
And they are Supar
man quality. Collegiate
cut elephant tan or
Ph. sta
Boots start 0 P. M.