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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1933)
October . 1033 PAGE SIX KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON cfrtk LOVV jfoSfa UKUIH HEM TODAI lOVR flAYI-RWS. pratly aaabtaal ta fc.Hl.fc: U.RM-:s. aSvrrfUias auirl af aiibia drMr1Mat ,!., until 1)1 ( K HAIIi:i. a aatrartlaa aaarlaleaara1. Ulcfc vu Kve to ! werklaa kl NfUfft VikMtii te Dick, Br elara rfcr .iork lanrket oa tamirrt IMoar-? ARI.:1K SMITH. ata Mavrnpkar at rllibr'a. bare atock am Kir'l advice bal lnra all fcai loara. It 11(11 IIIIIKiK. aa wvfrtlatol aiaa rmalarea k? aa-atb-t alara. to lalalaalra wltk rlr. MdA AI.I.rsM. ever writ, JlBlika Kv aaa to rcalhle fr arvrrat rrrara at tba eSaca Cot fiblrb Kve la klaaira. Tk kallalag oa wklrk IHrU kaa m ttorklna la raMalrtaa Bad ki raiployrr tell klai tfcry bavr aarr work far klai for at lonat two aKoalka. II trlra to Mink th art af tfcla altaa ttaa but Krr ta dlacoatralra. KOT (SO ON WITH TUB (TORI CHAPTER XXXI JUNE' rosoi h-1 faded and Mrs. Brooks garden took on k slight ly parched and neglected look. The Brooks boys were away tor the summer, working tn the kitchen of a lakeside camp. Hence tha en tire care of the place fell on Mrs. Brooks, who seemed tn need of a rest Dick noticed this and made It habit to sprinkle the lawn ones a day. either at sunrise or after sun set. He nerer wakened Ere until he had prepared breakfast and he Insisted a poo reUevinc her of aU details of the housekeeping. "97117 notr he asked. "Ms bad enough to b&ve yon cooped up ail day sb an office. You need all the time out-of-doors we can possibly m&OAce. Besides, I haven't any tfatnc else to do." He took her ta the office In the jteltow roadster and Ere found him waiting at the side entrance of Bixby'a at the dose of each day. Dick never seemed to mind the nftoage and usually took her home the tensest my, driving along the lake until they were forced, bo cut across toaaa. Ttiat cool drive was a Messing daring the My heat vjhteh settled at sultry monotony ewer toe est. a waul eeserhr to t found she must wast until August for it. Despite am Dick did to make things easier for her aha could not suppress a feel toe: of vexation when be put his off clubs In the ear and drove on to the tanks after leaving her at Bixby'a. Earle Barnes usually left the store early two afternoons each week tor a foursome of golf with some advertising men but Ere. who had enjoyed playing tn other years. found herself unable to leave the ofoos during the day and too tired tor such exertion after ttufdness hoars. More and mora responsl bility fen to her lot aa Barnes found her trustworthy and thus r Moved himself of additional bur dens. "gow Is Mekr Attene asked oae bmji uing. aVva answered bitterly. "Ota, he's busy! Busy playing golf and soli taire and reading technical stuff." "Why. Eve. dont you love him any more?" asked Arlene tn mock horror. "Of course," Eve replied, "bat .tea so stuffy In this ofaca right ow and it's so nice out-of-doors. Anyway men get aH the breaks!" Boa swallowed a tump la her throat, a a A RLENH reminded her. "But Dick doesnt want you to keep on working." "I'm going to yost tha same!" Eve announced firmly. "I'm going to find out what it's Woe to be an advertising manager and dont you forget It!" Jfona came In then and the con versation was dropped. That night Ere found a new treUis decorating the porch. Dick had made It. She went with him to the garage where be showed her a pergola for the garden and more trellis work tor the other porches. "Why Dick." she said, "those are lovely! Why dont you make these to sellT Dick's only reply was a look of forebearance. "But yor might as wea be earn ing some money," Eve persisted. Be merely looked at her again and this time Eva felt rather aoco in tertable. Dick finished making she treHises that week and set them up. They added considerably to the attrac tiveness of the bonse and Mrs. Brooks was overjoyed. The tour weeks of My dragged sa as though they were four months. Bee bad niver minded working daring the summer, bat this year ber diacomf- ; was chiefly due to the fact that she was work ing while ber husband was not. Ones aba suggested that Dick might look for work and be gave her a withering glance. However, be cheerfully did the housework, eonttnued to drive her to the office tad call for her at the end of the lay. Once each week he took her Is some resort slong the lake for t shore dinner. They usually fin Ished the evening with a swim In ihe lake or a dance or two before he long ride home. a a PVE was glad that Dorothy McEl hlnney was spending the stun ner with ber parents out of town, at least Dick would be free from her persistent wiles. Miss Leeds was on a European tour and Eve missed her. The cards which she ent from Swltserland and Italy .wakened In Eve a strong desire for such a trip. "I suppose we'll never be able to to to Europe together." Eve mur- mured discontentedly. "Why not?" asked Dick. "Look at all the money we are losing!" she pointed out. "The sal ary you might bars earned this tummer would have covered such a crip for us." "Yes and It might have made a down payment on the Empire State Building," Dick answered. "But "I'm not sure that Is ust what I wonld bars dons with It!" Thus he answered each of Eve's gibes concerning bis lack of em ployment. iiuwinlliia a tha twill f) I or s store, nuns nneu auu Penney did not receive vac Mrs. vacation because they bad worked mure lest than a year. Arlene departed for two weeks at a ? W. C A -Jimp. "I'll have some tan even If I dont meet any eligible admirers," she said good-hum oredly when ahe left the office. "It ft hadnt been Cor my little financial flyer I'd be starting out on a vacation thai would warrant a couple of inches' notice ta the Sunday Times," aaa TUIB following week Bva received A a letter from Arlene, She read excerpts from It to Dick that as nine. "Sam brought ma her ta E roadster " Arlene bad written, "1 dldnt want him to at first because well, you know. But ha Insists be stopped drinking the night he met me at Freda's party and baant touched liquor since. He says I am more Inspiration to him than the best gin on the market. Any how he brought jne a huge box of chocolates too, and there's always s letter In the morning malL "I love It here) I lead the "stair- ease' choir every morning after breakfast and now I'm working aa an act for Stunt Night Thanks for the books yoa sent. For the first time in my' life I have enough time to read. I'm leaving in a moment for my morning swim. Give my love to lions. . . ." Eve stopped reading and said, "Sam must be glad Arlene Is where she wont meet anyone to give htm competition." "You oM rocoantlciBtr Dick chal lenged. "Well. It'a a neat tittle triangle lust the same. Sam Irk as Arlene and Arlene likes George Bliss. I'm not sure who Bliss cares tor." "And I like you and you'll have to pay for looking as sweet as you do!" Dick told her, gathering her Into his arms. But their lite together was not always so peaceful. There waa the evening when Eve, looking up from s magazine, exclaimed, "Dick, 1 dont know why you have to keep puffing at that oM pipe al the time! That's the fifth time you've filled It sinca I came home." -Wrong! It's the sixth." be toM her cheerfully, knocking the ashes Into a low brass bowL "I think yoa smoke too much, Eve went on In a petulant voice. "Worried aboat my health. dearT" "No, rrn thinking now much ft costs!" she blurted out "Smoking la as expensive habit You arent working and yet yoa smoke Just as much as ever. "When a man Isnt working aa needs recreation mora than ever. And I take my exercise smoking," be teased. "Oh, you're Impossible!" Bve cried aa aha Sung herself Into a lounging chair. 'See here. Eve!" Dick said firm ly. "When I'm working 1 stow away all the shekels ! can spare and when hard times com around 1 guess I can still sftord to smoke if I feel like it!" He arose abruptly and a moment later the outer door slammed. (To Be Continued) Charlie Wendall and Mathew Smith, arrested by ths sheriff's office late last week, are being held under bonds of 1750 each on charges of larceny. Wendall and Smith were ar raigned on the count Saturday morning before Justice of the Peace W. B. Barnes and asked for additional time tn which to decide whether or not to demand a preliminary hearing. The pair Is charged with hav ing stolen a radio from the home of A. N Wenner, 441 Trinity street, on ths night of August 28. According to officers, the radio was taken to the home of friends for safe keeping and these people moved last week, notifying Wen dall to call for his radio. In the meantime the landlord saw the radio and notified the sheriff that he believed It to be stolen. Investigation revealed the fact that it waa the Instrument that had been taken from Wenner's dwelling. Smith told the sheriff that he knew nothing of the alleged lar ceny, having only driven the car for Wendall. HEMES' P.-T. A. MEET The Parent-Teacher associa tion of Henley will hold a meet ing Wednesday at the Henley grade school at 3:30 o'clock. A discussion of children's litera ture will be carried on. All par ents of children in the district are urged t oattend. Flapper Fanny Says All a wallflower needs to blos som Is some son. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. William. OUR BQA Pn'MQ HOUSE By Ahem f mtLRt HeS, V f I SAYI KKION VJVW K I SO.THtffS VT? S HE GLUED rAfcV ie 1Uf , T Qoitu Awws TrV rVA.30R tS GCKtV 1 ' AN THOSE TURKEV$ ) FOR 12 LAST VUT V4n& ser-oon a A awxjnd acto? uk h calling, hereto M JJ$L I " . I iS.-T? 1 y TWO OUNVVa PiHcru or 5tt HltV,M?t MntW vww-, " V 1 I M A SQUIRREL. I OVER- j ATOUOT vVAMTI OLTK I V -T V . jrr f ucAnr. uiuvMiiki' if rnrnn rr-rn.kl' ( LOADED WIT HI PfiLu? -""""S Zr&te'AlJza tf-?, fSt I V AN HE DOE&NT WANT HIM ONTH HOB W IT U vsww, fw ncjt-iiki'. . z7--a& j LJ12!fSBA'-l " Cts:tr.r U SALESMAN SAM By Small S . .. .. ! "A i . T" ' m i , n s r 11 1 . ' si r-r-N. i f ieuu,m piacg is lookim ierh'.but Awe.aoNe. f wcce.-s tcm bucks: &tcr i OKpKe .saca'. t knoo th' r l bouout gca vroc fx fR.ewo o'rMtiE nl l (SEITV Nl,n; J tOW.11 PWSIN, t.mK-eiT. . RUNOUT N BUV R FEW, t VtRV rt-rXCUL' ot tHXCK. (MHO'S PrXMIM STR.tS.T l " - , . uie. weeo SOCA6. LfxwttERMs K oVrv im 3i"! ,V . L. rv mMuiim mmsmm mwmm BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin I f OF (UJ. Trt' OKfc-.0EO OMTMa TWINS', f o ,80Tt,' c'moN. II OKI '.J,' 0 TrKBT: j t I J!K U00X 1 THtBt' TW - I VOtU. , Of .C ( V kAv' rt's TIME VK0llO II i c.fcw rtta.w wr : oust Btuw ii www in un ii rwi i I 1 f I "OUKiO r 1 lr TMVUw II tip1 V PQorA(.co I WX 1SMNIM BOLtS .TrV' mfc TWMk h Of JI MEM TOO VT: J I - I i IUWX uros A'nvac " coMt W'Twiw twuk or o- gfc . ,4 3. tOL I " THREE. rltjKJK WASH TUBBS BV Crano I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " if IljCsJ rwiC riAJ liiacu y-.Cr " I assaTax-' aBrwa.. aw, bniifVI aUT I f UM.WCkk! I I lt f'"'"! T vv MJVV nutj 1 f , , . - " ... .. .. - I VTJP ZkW- I A HC DOESN'T ACK " FrtHIMO. . r - . r TTw II TV UKE rlfS STBUCK waamaaaaa i ' . Half-heartedly, wash, epsv, DAVS PIGGIMG AkOUnP AC&S FRECKLES AND HIS me KEEP 60IN3, BOTCH.... I'LL TAKE THIS MILFORD- 5HADYSIPE FELLA SAfsT OUT" ft IS ON A AMLFORD , BOY HAS SMAOVSIOE'S KICK-OPS AMD 6 TEARING DOWN THE FIELD BEHIND GOOD INTERFERENCE ' THE NEWF ANGLES 1 1 1 I X sbT asafc. C FX. thtit W. ISN'T THS VCSTS. flVTIW-N VHU vjTT?7 1 .ONC DfcOV.lG" 1 THAT'S THE PLrsi 5j&? 1-'SS- Iil ANO W CAN BE I KGULA WmW$WL' S0tFim, BOUGHT FOP 430 I I MONTHLY J mfWM )hck ano glmy "---'' ' A NCW HOME. gjSSOja tffTT " I ano sail speno several. hrJJwwPTiw i-wi CLAIM, BUT WITHOUT wiLui.yh FRIENDS (JET THOSE DOSS VfJOBKIrl MOM'N POP , , , , . , lj i tmu w 1171 -t e- jww, - - UNNIN45 THtWOSH TH6 EMTIB6 SdUAO, AAILR30D RETURNS Tue FOB A TOUCWDOWH tiBHiwk.MaciwiitMl.ST. SMA0V3IDE J QPENINO UICK-OFF SSJ'WAT A . SURPRISE ! TUE T6A THAT WA9 EXPECTED TO BE SOFT PICKIkl' TAKES THE LEAD IKI THE FIRST WALF-AMMUTE OP PLAY'J THE STANDS So . wild OF COUDSE, THEBE'S A SMALL CAWV3 CHAPOC OF 168 A VEAO-A.NO THE 41000 DOWN WWMGKT THC LDWC3T WE EVCB HAVE HAD! SITS AMO HE SIT5, SHIVERING AMO &RUM6LIWQ. f-TU LITTLE REALIXiMe THAT BI666ST, TH6 LUCKIEST ,THIMGS H6 EtfeR PlO. CLEAN FOOTBALLS ff-wEm pop was J f ) V RIGHT -A3 OUST CArTf IS USUAL j BUY OUO Y TMEOE.TMEOE, ..1 LITTLE HOUSE A NEVER MUD - 601WC1 F1SH1MG rSTO BE ONE OF By Blosser JOCK SUTHERLAND FAMOUS PIT f COACH ILLEGAL inleifffctx with ihe nrtivd of 1 (orwvd put oftrn itsulu in Kfioui mjuiyto ahf IKFIVCI. Coadxt atlempt to tnilnxt thni umii with the ifJra ihal thtry ilwuld play the ball father than the jpaii receiver became: If a tWemive man make a true attempt to bat the ball down and in thu way bump the receiver unmlentwnally, hit actioni are leldom drrtned as mterferencc. However, ihould he clearly show hn inlerfenng actrom by remaining on the pound and atlnrtptrnff to prevent the receiver from reaping into the air for paia by bumptng him none too gently, he it guilty of a foul and a1 Knout often annul dean (oottxiO. Penalty lot (hit action, at ifluttrated al left, b pmtettion of the ball by the ofTentive team at the1 tpot where the roul waa commiltcd. By Cowan