October 10, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON f AGS nv2 Tell Your Neighbors About This Groat Dargain Opportunity An Opportunity To Save Money A M i Take Advantage At Once of The KLAMATH NEWS More Features! More News! More Comics! 1933 Smartness at Low 1933 Prices! here's What You Get for Only a Little More Than E A DAY! Associated Press United Press News Serrice Tha Associated Prase n Vnhew press, with their nnnlM fa cilities for gathering new from tlie fonr nmn of the globe, bring world new to Klamath News ree dees . II. B. A. news picture, through the madia of telephoto and air mall, firt News readara artaal scenes from big news events thousands of miles away wMhia low swsvs Timely Editorials BARGAIN DAY Editorial comment oa pullmal local subjects by Malcolm Kpley eontrtbatea macb to tba popu larity of. tba Klamath News. Day's News Editorials Comment on tha Day Raw, written by Frank Jenkins, m a G polar 'dally feat are. Mr. Jea ns entertainingly discusses tha news of the day and tells south ern Orrgonlans facta they don't know aboot tha country ta which they lire. Will Rogers' "Colurn" Subscription Offer By Mail Only Thw offer applied to mull subscribers only la Klamath, Lake, Mode and Siskiyou coun ties. I order to take advantage of it, all batk airbflcripUew must be paid" ap at tha reotar rata. The Klamath News, the great news paper of the Klamath' Basin, an entire year, by mail, for only n a 7 n J c v . , , w j, ... m u a alM' mbjc , s or .'. S M p :H viu . V s - - -: v t A v w 'I-V'Dl K W' V " V. 1:-' T..ling Editor- fMV, Vrll' kS, -U , - - I'l ff I J Jl$ 1 In this Interesting colamn, ap. VlVVJ JSi' V-VlHU 4' ' l A : - ' s i ii I V" -V 1 pesrlnn regularly on the edl. thltJ X&V iV l'UAV"' tifl tl ' "al page of tha Klamath News. mVi iiS16i.&"J: V-f4 1 f$'lS A render, "go, off thrlr chest." . m. VtT?JtlLiVi Afrajde"1 1- ,, v Xi'A t jUj 1 whatever happens to be there. 1 Vl ATJTtt; 4 Xm ; Irl t t. -"'t IhX column Is a free and open aMamVaMmUskfsTaTMsl" Anywhere in Klamath, Lake, Modoc and Siskiyou Counties . America' ' most lored writes for Klamath, News read ers each day. His "colyam," a mixture of wit and cotnmoa msm, I one of the Xews moat widely read feat area. Inside Political News . , ' The Maws Behind the Xew . . . Bach famous Washington Or respondents as Paul Mellon, giro Klamatk 'ewa leaders she "la side" oa affairs In the nation's capital . . . hint, at national and world happenings before -they happen. Joe Pigney's Sport Page tot Plgner Is an eathority aa sports. His page is a regular dally feature of tha Klamath Xews. It i growing steadily In popularity thronghont the whole Klamath Basin country. City-and Rural News News from all parts of tike Klam ath Basin appears dally la the Klamath Kews. A capable aews ; staff of rural and grange cor respondent, contribute their . aews bit. dally. The Klamath 4 . Xews i. the home aewflpaper of the- entire Klamath Basin, ear . ' rjing In It. page, the home news of erery community. Eight Daily Comics You Are Too Busy to coVne to the office, mail check or money order to Klamath New Publishing Co., Klamath Falls, Oregon, and receipt will be mailed back to you. The best of comic appear dally in tha Klamath Kews Ont Our Way, Major Hoople, Orphan An nie, Salesman nam. Boots and Her Buddies, Freckles and His Friends, the New Fangles and Flapper Fanny, You'll like erery one of tnem. Sunday Colored Comics Four fun page of comics appear In colors. In addition to the reg nlar comic strips each Sunday. There are 'some characters yon follow all through the week, presented la full color oa nan. day. Earlier Days Column Old-Timer and newcomers well get a lot of enjoyment out of these news Items from tha earlier days of the Klamath country, taken from the old files of the newspapers. Daily Continued Story Intereatlns; novels, written by outntandhig authors, appear dally In serial form In the Klam ath Xews. Sunday Society News Peg Hauge'a Sunday society and club news Is widely read throughout Southern Oregon and Xorthera California. Daily Cross Word Puzzle Cross word pusxle fans will de llirlit In riKurlng ont the cross word pussies In each Issue of the Xews.