October 8, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pags nv: GITY BRIEFS I Saw A but (lock of ahixip b lug horded through town (lung th will rlr Saturday room lp. Th soli awuk mo. K, K, Wlllard (lueeie Those regist ered at the Hold WHIard Oclohur wr James M. Hoooovell tud wltt, Ban Antonio. Tesaa; M. II. Samuels, Portland: A. Vagstaff. Oakland: A. A. Kail, 1'orlland; D. O. Johnaton. city t (1. Bnrrle, Lakovlewj 1. K. Utultb. Sacra mantoi L. W. glinmertuaii, Han rranclaooi Kalph Yarlatt, I'urt landi F. W. Norrla and wife, Kuiana; H. L. Kraneiiherg, Chi cago; H. . Hovers. W, It. Mey. r. Bugonoi Itay W. Claud. Him Franclaooi D. K. Jones, Oak land; 1. Stanton, Eui'Mio; O, C. llaryar, Ooorg Hummer, Seattle; Mr, and Mra. N. H. Armstrong, Modfurdl H. Mllllaau, r. H. Ash burr, Loa Anialaa; Charlaa Luther and family, I'.ad Hluf(, Callt.i O. W. rincb and wl(a, Ban franoloco. Sponsoring Hala Tha Wednes day club ot Bt. I'aul'a Episcopal oburcb la aponaorlpg a rummage aala to ba hold on Saturday, Oolobar 14, at all Main atraat. Clothing (or adulta and ehlldran will ha on aala. and Mra, O. L. Williams will ant aa chairman o( tha commute In chnrgo. Aa alatlng har will ha Mra. B. J. Coull, Mra. Noal Stewart, Mra. Paul roatar, aire. Marvin K I.uraa, and Mra. Frank W. Humphrey. All mambora o( Bt. I'aul'a and (rlanda of tha par lab who hv old olothlng to donato ara ked to rail Mra. Coull who will eollaot tha dona tio na. Lravra for (lilrago Dr. George I. Wright left tha early part of th week (or Chicago wuvra h will attand th American College of gurgaona, beginning Octobar s. In addition to Ilia oongreee of anrgaona. Dr. Wright will atlrnd num bar of cllnlca. and do io elal obstetrical work with hl (urmar taachar, Dr. J. D. Do I.eo, at tha Chicago Lying-in hoapltal Arriving In Chicago on October 7. Dr. Wright will spend th wak-and with hit daughter, Hanrlatta. who la a aanlor at Northwestern university at Evan atnn. Dr. Wright la an alumnut of Northwestern. Ito) nubia Visit jaMn Knrl fternolde. earreiary of tna Klnm aih chamber of commerce, waa ripected to return to Klamath Falla Saturday night a'tar a -eMail to Lassen national park. Ray nolda aroompanlad other eerre- terlea on a tour of Iho park toi lowing th Haddlng meeting of tha Shasta-Cascade Wonderland association. Hurt In Scrimmage Rddle Wakuman ol East Main atraat la on crutch due to a broken an kle which occurred Tuesday- eve- nlng during (ootliall acrlmmaga at ttia nign ecuoot. . u -la nopoo hy hla (rlanda that h will im proT sufficiently to participate In basketball. Arrivoe From Albany Mrs. J H. ilarrett of Albany arrived Tuesday to visit (or several deya at tha home of Mr. and Mra. B. It. Uerry on Itet'latnntlon atreet. Mra. Uarrett la an aunt of Mra. Harry, Return from Mrdford Mra. Riley D. Hninn baa returned from Medford, where aha waa an honor gnaet at a lunrbean held by th Woman a Foreign Mlsslon- , ary society of th Methodist church. Itotorne Saturday .Mra. Will Wood, who baa been apendlng th paat 10 daya In Portland vlnltlng with relatlvae and frlanda. returned to her home In tbla city on Saturday. ftfturna from Redding E. B Hall haa returned from Red. ding, where he attended th meeting of the fthaeta-Cnarad wonderland aaaoclatlon. Hall prealdent of th organisation. Return noma Mr. and Mra 1. W. Bmylla, who have been the gueata of Mr .and Mra. Kiloy u Haneon, hav returned to their noma. ITnriargvHie Operation Dan Chuhlck of Pelican cur la a pa tlent at Hlllald hoapltal where b underwent an operation lor appendicitis Friday, Health Improving Mra. John B. Coan, who haa been vary 111 at har horns at 1006 High street la alnwly Improving, according to aa announcement (rani rrlenda, Relume Home M. Feury who haa been Buffering from a knee Injury tu" returned to hla home at Ply after receiving treatment at Hlllald hoapltal. Injure Buck Byron J. Van, tin of Tulelak haa been brought to III! side hospital to racoivo troat- ment for a back Injury austnlned som tint ago. Ittturna to llonnnaa David Turner haa returned to Ma home at Bnnnnaa aftor receiving medl' eal treatment at Klnmnth Valley hoapltal, Haa Minor Operation Mra, Ruaaell Morris haa returned to her horn after a minor opera' tlon at th Cottage hospital. Rogue River Patient L. Tre (rln o( Rogue River la receiving medical treatment at Hillside hospital where ha la a patient Hoapltnl Patient Mra. W, Nairn s of 178.1 Oregon avenue underwent a major operation at Illllsld bospltal Saturday. , Return to Work Mrs. Maude Propa hit returned to her work at Maglll'a drug atora after an Illness at th Cotlnge hospital. Recovrra from lllnena Mrs. Dorothy Darker of Lakevlew haa been dismissed from the Cottage hoapltal after an illness. Oakland Vlaltor Mr. and Mra. 0. Stanley Wood and two little daughters of Oakland, .'all'., are flailing Mr. Wood'a paranle, Mr. and Mra, H. B. Wood, at tholr him In HI. Prau- cla I'ark. Mr. C. Stanley. Wood la cliy attorney (or Oakland. They will return bora lata thla week. Atlendliiir (lame Mra. E. 0. Knleht a,ul Mra. O. 1. Reckard n In ('htm. Calif., where they planned to attend th Chlco-Bao- ramento football gam. Their aona, Jack Knight and Ulen Keck ard, are both on th Sacramento team. Tbey ar freshmen at th Hacramenlo Junior college. Cin-le to Moot lllabaa circle of th Methodist Episcopal church will he entertained Thure- day at a 1:00 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mra. Rimer H. Ualilger. Mra. W. J. Holier will act aa o-boatesa. All membere of tha circle are cordlnlly luvlted to attend. VI. I f.aiun Hnma-Mr. and Mre. r. W. Papa apant a weak vl.ltlnv at fh home of Mr. and Mra. William Laraeu on Ebar lain atreet. They ara anrout to Loa Angali'i after apamllng weeka In Minnesota wim remtivea ano frlanda. Illeraeee Keported Contagloua dlaeaaea In the count for th week ending October 7, nave been reuurted to th Klamath rounly health unit aa lollowc: Uphold (over, 6; amullpoi, l; ararlet (ever, 1, and tubercU' losls, 1. rw. all ii new atnre waa opened thla week at HO. Eitat Main atreit undrr the manag- mont of Aire, junn airamune, lormerly of Beatty. Il-urne to Horn Mra. Oenrge Lugnrt of North Eleventh gtreet haa nurned to her home after lllncia at lb cottage noe- pltal. Courthoute Record Divorce Hulu Fll'd vt n,linn va. Vera Don .i..n u.i.il Anrll. IftlB. Cruel and inhuman trratmmt charged One minor child whim piaintiu deelrva to remain in ma cuaiou; of the d-f-ndant. lllvorre IWree firantml Halrar H. Llndaaa from Iran It. I.lndaaa. noun grounda ol de sertion. e e m Court Order rirHer ennrovlna tha raoort of reoelpta and dltburaementa ot the Chiloqulu National bang, irora November 15 to May 15, algncd by Circuit Judge W. M. Duncan Oilier Bulla Filed M. 8. Johnaon va. Paulina Heneloy, allaa Iran Plka. Thr plaintiff aaka that tha above pert uerehlii for tha operation of the Log Cabin Inn ba dlaaolvtd, and that receiver ba appointed Alao aaka that tha defendant ha required to glv an account of all propartlea, moneyi, etc, re ceived alnca tha partnarahlp waa (ormed. Charlea Bennett tb. Jack Bru ehou at al. Suit (or loracloaure of mechanle'a Han to aatlafy plulntlff'a elalma aialnat tha property. e e e Marrbura Urnaea laeuevl Ilenuy Thomaa Smith, '23, la borer, to Barbara llarrla. SO, poatnl clerk, both ot Willow llaneh, Calif. William Jacob Burnett, 13. creamery worker, to Margaret Eleanor Plnelli, 11, houaewlfe. Both of Midland. Ore. Hepburn's Picture Opens On Tuesday Katharine Hepburn' new pic ture, "Morning Glory," In which Douglas Falrbanka Jr. aud Adol plie Menjou head atrong sup porting cast, la acheduled to open at the Pelican theatr Tuesday losa than 60 daya after Ita little anticipated aensatlonal world pre mier. Auguat 17. at Radio City Music ball In Now York. At that time houae reeorda were ahattared and a new kind ot plctur waa given to America to become a sen aatlon very where It waa to show. During Ita recent engagement In Portland th Rose City literally went Hepburn mad. "As inon aa 'Morning Glory' be came aurh a tramendoua aueceaa said H. W. Poole, manager of th Pelican theatre, "w Immediately begun Denotations for Ita presen tation to Klamath Falls aa nearly as possible nt popular prices . " Your Investment is protected after you buy a Used Car here.- Our used car stock Is not bo Urge, aa th demand for our guaranteed used care has kept the slock moving. But wa have on hand a few very desirable late models. licta CHKVKOLKT COl'I'K In very good condition. It you have an older model and want a modern car, t!1QC you can make a good deal s)4e70 I OHO FORD TUDOR A very almost new tires. Hot water 10UO CHEVROLET OOUl'K This car baa had - (tOCr, cellent ear. Original paint looka Ilk new sSOV inna CHEVROLET BKDAN Bid mounted tlrse. ETC ft Karl-Keen trunk. Driven only 1,600 miles........ apOOU Alao (overall late model Pickups and Long Whrelhna Tracks. Locke Motor Co. CHEVROLET BALES AND 8RHV1CK 62fl B. flth HU Phon e) NEW YORK GETS WORLD SEES WINNING 4 T0 1 (Conttnnad from page One) aecond base In their half of tha tenth but tha Olants, with vic tory at their finger tips, refused to give. - Tb serlvj ended as Adolph Luque, tha old, calm, eoil Cuban panatella, slammed fireball past th lettering on Joe Kuhel'a shirt, (or third strike. Aa tb ball plunked Into una Manouao'a milt tha gam was over, and th Olanta had won tha 19 world aerlca four (aim to on. Box Score ORirFITH STADIUM, Wash lugton. Oct. 7, UP) Th official bog acora of th flitb (am of tb world garlea: NfcW YORK All. 11. II O. 18 Moor, If I Crlts, lb 5 Terry, lb I Ott, rf I Davis, c( .. 5 Jackson, 8b H t Mancuao, 0 H 8 Hyan. aa 1 Hchumach'r, P 1 Luque. p . 1 Totala 87 4 11 10 II WAkiHIM.TON AB. R. H. O, Myar, tb ...... I Ooslln, rf i Muuush. If. - i Cronln, p .. ft Srhulte, ct 4 Kerr - 0 Kuhel, lb 5 Oluege. lb 4 Howell, o 4 Crowder, p I Russell, p 1 1 0 Totala ..! I 10 10 Ran for Bchulta In lib. New York .0 10001000 14 Washington 000001000 01 Huns batted In. Schumacher I, Maucuso, Schulta I, Ott 1. Two base hlta, Davis, Mancnso. Home runs. Scuulto, Ott. Sacrifice, Ryan, Jaekson. Double plays. Jackson to Terry; Cronln to Kuhel. Left on basea. New York 7. Waahlngton 0. Baaaa on balls, Crowdvr t (.Mancuao, Ryan); Schumacher, 1 (Ooslln): Luque I (Hussell, Schull). Struck out. Crowdur 4 (Ott t, Jackson. Schu macher); Russell 8 (Ryan. Schu macher, Moor; Scbumaohor 1 (Bluege); Litem (Rusaoll, Myer. Ooslln. Blueg. Kuhel). Hlta off Crowder. 1 In I 11 Inn ings; RuBHt-li 4 In 4 ll Innlnga; Schumacher. I In 5 ll Innlnga; Luau I In 4 ll Inning. Wild pitches. Crowder and Schumach ar. winning pitcher, Luqu. Los ing pitcher, Russell, Umpires, plate, Morun (NL); flrat base, Morarlty (AL); second baa, Pflr man (NL): third base, Ormiby (AL). Time. 1:89. Funerals CAR MAE JACKSON. Rev. Mr. Rradshaw will offi ciate at the final rltea ot Cara Mae, the infant daughter of Mc Klnley and Norma Jackson, which will be held Sunday after noon at I o'clock at the family plot In Chief Bconchln ceme tery to which frlenda ar spectfully Invltsd to attend. The aervlcea ar under th direction of th Klamath unrnl bom. WILLIAM ARROW8MTTH William Arrowsmlth. a native of Applegate. Ore., passed away at the family realdonce at Chllo quln. Ore., Octobar 0, following an Illness of laa than a week'a duration, H Nraa aged 48 yea re whan called. Hi wife. Meda Arrowsmlth, and step daughter. Zelma David, are left to mour his passing, aa well aa a half-brother. Lave Laws of Yreka, Cal. Friend ar Invited to attand tha services which will ba bcld at the graveside In the family plot In Chief Scon- chin cemetery Sunday, October 8. at 2:10 In the afternoon. The remntna are In the car of th Klamath funeral honfe, 825 High street where (rienda may call. WILLIAM J, BAKKR At 2:30 Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr. B. V. Rradshaw of tho good or wltb heater ................. $275 Methodist church will officiate at the dual rltea of William Joseph, the beloved Infant aon of Mr. and Mra, uincy inner of Haatyt, Ore., ' which will be held at the graveside In the fam ily plot In Chief Honrhln ceme tery, to whlb service friends are reapacttully Invited to at tend. The remains ar In th baby nook t( th Klamath fu neral home, III High atreet. Tourist Travel At Crater Lake Shows Big Drop (Continued From Page One) from California, followed br the state of Washington with Hit visitors, while Idaho waa fourth with considerably less. Foreign countries, representing all pur's of the globe, are credited wltb el cars and 110 visitors. Tha heaviest travel of th a son oocuried during th Labor Day week-end when 5,198 visitor entered th park. Th educational division at Crater Lake, under th direction of I). B. Llbbey, park naturalist, reported a uccesfu aeaaon. Fig- urea reveal tha one permanent and seven temporary members made 100, lil contacta wltb vll tore In rendering service In the way of auto carvana around the rim. Held and boat tripe, lectures al th lodge, Blnnolt Memorial Community house and at K. C. W campe and service at the Informa tion bureau and at the head of the lako trail. Tbla la an Increase 135 per cent over the pre ceding year with a total of 47,1)0 recorded contacta. County Survey Will Be Made (Continued rrom Pag On) apent for various purpose by governmental agenclca. C. C. Hockley, engineer of th public worka board, when here last Buaday aald that facta of thla type would be ot Importance In presenting pleas for1 money to bla organisation. A augaestlon waa made Satur, day that the local chamber of commerce might assist in an nn emnlovment survey, thus reduc ing the public expense of such an activity. Wilcox Wrltre Tha matter of pushing local relief contributions waa discussed In - a letter (rotn R. u. Wilcox chairman of th state relief som. mlttee. Wilcox aald that federal aid In relief work la baaed on the no dersundlng that municipalities have done their full ehara, and that locally raised futida are in' sufficient to handle the relief ait nation. He urged that the larg. est possible appropriations b made in county budgeta (or ro ller purposes. Failure to do thla, Wilcox aald may be prejudicial to Oregon's Interesta In obtaining (ederal re lief heln. The belief waa expressed by county officiate aud othera Sat urday that Klamath county and Klamath Falla will receive aub atantial credit for ' the money they put Into the armory to be constructed here. sV- -'f----iei m va'iii LHlwe;.eK. kKt$a ,Vi-Viti.-. V , lteeaewSjjfr! "w -i 1 I i .hiiijiiijii.ii. euijii liaraB Society of Week HAD Ci.i. D..n. a. -. . iaio awgcasi. To Visit Eulalona Chapter Soon. Mre. John Y. Richardson, f Portland, elate regent of th Daughter of th American Revo lution of Oregon, will pay her of ficial vsit to Kulalona chapter of the D. A K. in Klamath Colls on Thursday, October twelfth. Mra. Richardson baa been In vited by th Klwanla club to ad dress the members at 13:11 o'clock Thursday noon nt the revular weekly luncbeon at th Wlllard bote), and at 1 o'clock she will visit Klamath Unloa high achool and address a spe elul assembly, at tb Invitation of Principal Paul T. Jackson. Mrs. Richardson's talka will all te upon patriotic subject. A no-hostesB dinner honoring Mrs. Richardson will be given at St. Paul'e parish boua at :80 o'clock Thursday evening. Eulalona chapter of D. A. R. will bold Ita regular meeting Thursday vnlng at th bom ut Mrs. Warren Hunt at 1:00 o'clock. Assisting th boateaa will ba Mrs. Thomaa Hampton, re gent, Mra. D. V. Knykendall and Mlaa Virginia West. Mra. Charlea Wood Eberleln will be In charge of tb program hour, the subject of which will be "Constitution Hall," national headquarters of the Daughtera of the American Revolution In Washington, D. C. A formal reception honoring the atate regent will follow the regular chapter meeting, e e e Th marriage of Miss Mar garet Blondel Swan, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. G. Swan of Cor vallls. and Alton Knapp Efflnger son of Mra. Nellie B. Effingor of Arlington Heights In Portland, waa solemnised by Dr. Harold C Bowman of th Flrat Presby terian church at an Impressive ceremony on th afternoon of September 21 at the home of Mr. and Mra. Mentar in Portland. The bride waa given In mar riage by her father, Mr. J. O. Swan, and waa attended by ber alster, MUa Phoebe Elisabeth Bwan. Mr. Donald Efflnger, brother of the groom, acted ss best mso. Mrs. Effingor Is a gradual of th University of Oregon and le affiliated with Sigma Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Chi TheU and Sigma Delta Pi. The bride for merly made her home In Klam ath Falla. where she baa many friemle. Sbe la a niece o( Mr. and Mra. O. H. Carleton of Mer rill and of Miss Maude M. Carle- ton. e. Th Oreon Mother' club will nJoy a (all picnic Monday, Oc tober t, at the Leslie Rogers summer home at Lake 'e the Wooda. The picnic will b a no hostess affair, and all Oregon mothers In the city, especially mothera of freehmen entering the university thla year, are cor dially invited. The party will leav Klamath . . . aa. OrrUidd those featura which are exclusive In thd Ford T-8, aany ef our advanced lnrprovomdnts caa b0 found in ether cars PROVIDED you get aix or seven of the beat cars in America together and oonbine their partloular good points. But tha only oar In whioh you can find ALL thes advano0d iaproTaaants is Um Ford -8. To illustrata; Begin with tha T-type 8-cylinder engine. You can get an ordinary 8-oylinder angina in any of a dozen aakea of oars. But if yon want tho V-type engine of 8 cylinders or aore, aevaral othar makes of ears will give it to you, if you pay tho price of theaa oars whioh runs froa 2.245 to ,5.000. " Taka tha extra strong X-typo frajM. Ton can gat this in som other sore expensive Bakes of cars as well as in tbe Ford. But wo do not know of any car except the Ford, in whioh tha X-nembers continue the full length of tbe frame, making 4 full length side aerobe ra instead of two. Several stake a of oars will give you the floating rear axle if you pay fros $1,310 to $6,250. One maker of oars puts this axle in the high priced cars, but not in the low-prieed one. It is standard on the Ford. You can get the torque tube drive in six other makes of oars, only on of whioh oosts less than 11,000. It has always bean a part of the Ford. There is only one other oar aooording to S. A. E. rating that haa ore horsepower per pound of oar weight than the Ford V-8 has, and that is a famous oar which sells for $4,825, Take the Ford V-8 aluminum oylinder head, which adds 10 horsepower to the engine without using more gas In faot, using less gas; it is stand ard in only two cars today, beside tbe Ford. One of these cars sells just under $800 and the other at $4,825. The radiator oapaoity of the Ford V-8 Is larger than that of any oar Of 30 horsepower or under, exoept one make of car, and that oar sells at $1,895. . Its crank case oil reservoir capacity is less than that of any other 8-cylinder oar. Five quarts, That speaks volumes as to oil economy. And so we oould go on with specifications, showing that every Ford oar oomblnea the advanced improvements whioh are soattered here and there amongst a number of other exoellent makes. And, of oourse, there are speoial points of quality that are exclusively Ford features. In the Hat of light 8's. the Ford is lowest prloed. Of tbe V-8's. the Ford oosts less than oae-fourta the price of the next car on the list October 6, 1333. Fall at o'clock In tha morn og Bd . wno , b able to make th trip to the beautiful lak ar asked to call Mra. Louis Bradford, at tele phone 4t. Football Notre Dame 0 Kansas 0. Prlncrtos) 0 Amherst O. Purdue IS; Otilo University . Columbia SO: Lehlgb 0. Dartmouth 80; Vermont . Duk aa Wak ureal 0. Iaafayetce 13; Frank and Mmrah 0. Harvard S8 Batea O. Army 84; Virginia MIL Inet. 0. Navv SSi Mercer 0. Waohlngton 1m T Will Urn and Mary O. Pluaburgh at west Va. 0. Wisconsin 101 MnrquetM O. Colorado College 0; Wyoaav lug U. O. Ohio University 0; Ponlue 18. Cornell U, Chicago 82. Bt. Lawrence O, Colgate 4T. Mlna 7.7. Vale 7-14. Connecticut Htnte 0, W fairy an IB. Anhland 0, Wooati 7. Michigan State 0. Michigan 31 Providence O, Ratgrra 21. Virginia O, Otilo Htate 70. I lutes O, Harvard 88. Went Virginia ' Wesleyam I Sew York Lnlverelty O. Temple 0, Carnegie Tec-fa 23. Muhlenberg O, porilham 07. V. M. h U, Army 82. Lehigh O, Columbia 80. M freer 0. Xavr 23. Waabingtoa College O, Johaa Honklna 21. Loyola (Baltimore) 0, Boeton College ST. Dickinson 0. Swart! more 0. Tart Junior College O, Univer sity of California Freshmen 0. To lane 18, Georgia SO. HlsxlMlpni mate o, On. Vlllanova IB, South Carolina 0- Maryland O. V. P. L 14. Catholic lnlverelty 7, Holy Croea 80. Amherst O, Princeton 40. Baltimore 0, Delaware 28, Lebanon Valley 8, I'enn State 82. Trxa 0, Nebraska 00. Marquette 0, W isconsin 10. At Palo Altoi Stanford Preoh. men 50; Armstrong Bueineea College O. Indiana 0; Minnesota 0 (tie) Richmond 7 Cornell Be). Vermont 0; Dartmouth 80, Alabama O, Mississippi 0. Boston University 0, New Hampshire 83. William and Marr 0, Waah lngton and Lee 7. llllnoie 21, Washington B, TELEPHONE OFFICIAL DIE8 ST. JEAN DE LUZ, franc. Oct, 7, (AP) Hornand Behn. president ot the International Telephone and Telegraph com pany, died bare today after protracted Illness. He wa It year old. -rlv-.i -i:i.. ik.t, li. nwaea id.. BJByev-Mwir"-;"1" jiijajemu. -BosaBianwBn, on. ies euiweaeaseweavaaj j is)eryeeaaeraareaer ' v " ' if ' 'it'' t - 1 , , . .Je-.wer V vi v t.v-. v r, ' it., ;. v m A ...-,Av.,.,,,,,i,t,nr rii lariiitiiai ait ate mmmmjmmmmmmmmmmmt - KLAMATH TIES SCORELESS TILT con m (Continued from Pag On) when Daltejr fnmbled Tabr punt on th 10-yard line. Jonee tried tbe line and (ailed and then five-yard penalty for baekdeia In motion set tbe Pall cane back to tbe 86. Barrows made one on a reverse and then pasa ever tbe goal spoiled any hopea ot a acora la tbe flrat quarter. Corvalll Threaten Corvallla marched on tb Pel ican In th second period. Again th scoring opportunity came from punt, but thla time it waa a Pelican mistake, Ta ber'a kick waa blocked by Xle- aer, substitute left nd. on th 16-yard Una. Taber hobbled th ball on a bad pass from canter. Corvallla ran two playa and then paased unsuccessfully over th goal line. There were no brilliant runt- except, perhaps, a It-yard gallop by Taber In the last period and the game waa played chiefly through the defense. Both Klamath and Corvallla panted frequently, with the Willamette boye holding tbe advantage. Brown of Corvallla boosted one pant aonntlng (or 15 yerde He consistently kept the Pelicans on th dsfense. Th team were well matched. Corvallla and Klamath each mad on first down in the flrat period. Corvalll mad ' It aec ond In the aecond period and Klamatb mad ita only other in the fourth. Corvglllg completed two passe but tb Pelicans failed to make any galna through tb air. The lineups: Coeval I Is (O) KUama'h (0) Flint LB Propat LO Paatega LT Maxwell O Ht RO Olovanlnl RT Weeka KB Horn MeCready Varbo Lan Felton Martin Turner Datler Brown Edwards Patterson Q Barrow LH Perry RK Leslie f Taber for Corvallla, Substitute Kieeer, Goldsmith, Marlow. For Klamatb, Shulmlre, Mayfleld, Jonea, ghrt- Offlclala Jo Peak, referee: Frank Hall, umpire; Bob Thomp son, bead linesman. Four Accidents Caused by Deer (Continued from Page 0n) ahead of tb truck south of Lapine. The driver swerved to avoid craah and want into ditch. The truck caught fire and waa a complete loss. Both driver and deer escaped anhurt. Thursday night, three deer .-Va':... :4fcY war killed aaar tb same place. C. R. I haw and Claude Poet ef Rend, on their way to a (oreet (Ire, ran Into big back that Jumped from the timber and landed en the front of their ear. The damage waa about 1110 te the ear, but the men, both car rying hunting licensee, tagged the deer and kept th meat. Two Portland men. both driv ing meat trucks, killed deer the seme night within few miles of where tb Bend mea bagged their. County Library News Last Tuesday the Mall breach library moved from a balldlag en atatn street to a room In th com munity ball near th schools. Thl ehang will greatly faoilltato the work wltb tha achool, which I an Important part of th library' service. . Th mor wa made noaalble ba the co-operation of County Super intendent Fred Peterson, who had a small room In th community ball enlarged ao it would b big nongh to house th library. A new bookcase waa donated by the mayor, Mr. Kallna, a new desk la oatng Bought for th librarian. and th branch I all ready (or th ever - Increaalng patroaag which it enjoys. Th library la In charge ef Mra. I. M. Kotora, who report that (he baa over 800 registered borrow ers, and that her elrcalatlon tor tn yer that tha branch baa been functioning waa ITU books. The Malta branch library la one of th aeweat in tbe county, and when thl (act la considered, th num ber of borrower, th elrcalatlon and th Intereet that tb eom munlty 1 shewing k K nt rerr re markable. Marriage Rumored Between "Tartan" And Mexican Star. HOLLYWOOD, Oct. T, (AP) Johnny Welaamuller, an ef tha taraana ot th films, and Lap Vela. Tivaelou little) Mexlcaa aetreea. had Hollywood gne in today. Miss Velea was authority for the atatamant ahe would marry the actor, a former world's swim ming ebamplon, within four daya. Aa for Welaamuller, wbo only yesterday had hla final divorce decree from Bobbe Arnat official ly entered in eourt record, he eonntered with the slat em eat: "I'm Jnat ent at troabl and believe me, I'm (mag te May ont." TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUND On pig. Owner nay have earn by proper Identifi cation, proof at wnorahlp and payment for thla ad. H. B. Bbortgea, 111 Adam Be. LOST Check book on Mwrlll bank. Money. Reward. Lear at Nwa office. 145 7 t- . i 4 & . .