PACK UKiHT THE KLAMATH NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON October 7, 1933 HOMERS GET BENEFITS OF NEW OFFIC E Th Horn Owners Loan Cor poration of Oregon I function Inn In excellent fashion and nearly 3000 application! hare been received at the Portland office, to ear nothing of hun dreds ot application! In the throe other district! ot the Hate. Ac cording to J. P. Lipscomb, state manager ot the corporation, these amount to more than S4.500.000. Within a abort time manr of these loans will be closed. Titles hare been examined and mort gages will be recorded. Manager Lipscomb announces that the most urgent and acute cases will receive first consideration. Machinery Ready Interim certificates In lieu of the Home Owners Loan Corpora. tlon bonds hare been received and will be given to the erst while mortgage holders. Upon the arrival of the bonds they will be delivered to the holders ot tbe interim receipts. The advan tage of the interim certificates is that it is now possible to close loans at once. These certificates are in de nominations ot ISO, $100. 500. $1000 and 15000. Actual bonds will be presently on the way. ac cording to advices from Wash ington, and the machinery ot the corporation then will be In full swing. Manager Lipscomb has just re ceived word from J. F. T. O Con Bor, comptroller of the treasury, that receivers of closed national banks will be allowed hereafter to exchange mortgages listed among assets of closed banks for Home Owners Loan Corpora tion bonds. Decistoa Explained The decision on the part ot the comptroller was due to the reports from tbe receivers of the closed banks that it would be for the best interest ot their trust In many instances to exchange their mortgage assets tor the corporation bonds. Oregon has closed national tanks in the hands ot conserva tors at Salem. Toledo, Wallowa, Pendleton. North Bend and Clats wanie. The law requires, how ever, that such exchanges be ap proved by court order and that prior to the filing of the court proceedings the approval of the comptroller likewise be given to to exchange. WEATHER The Cydo-Storma graph at Un- der wood's Pharmacy is Tegister ' tag a very even barometric pres sure and Indications are for a continuance of fine weather. The Tycos recording thermom eter registered maximum and minimum temperatures Friday as loiiowa: High 8t low 4. Forecast tor next 24 hours: . Fair with moderate temperatures. The United States reclamation service reports no precipitation zor the zt boon ending at i p. xu. Wednesday, .00 for the sea son, sag normal, .00 last year. Portland Marches In Big NRA Parade PORTLAND, Oct. S VP) In a amrory-maKing demonstration of a people united to obtain a wotidj goal ior tne common good, nearly 60,000 persons xoarcnea too streets of Portland last night to demonstrate their laitn m tbe future ot the nation and to pledge whole-hearted co operation in the national recov ery pian. Tbe NRA parade counted the greatest marching throng in Portland's history. The parade took three hours and 23 minutes to pass a given point. Sign Installed At Men's Store Wayman's Inc., men's clothing, frrm at 833 Main street, is hav ing a large Neon sign Installed at their store today. - The sign was manufactured and is being installed by the local Pickering Sign company. The store, formerly Houston Wayman, Inc., recently changed tbe firm name to Wayman's, Inc. Klamath 20-30 Men To Attend Lakeview Meet A group of Twenty-Thirty club members will go to Lakeview Sat urday to atteud the convention ot the club's District No. . Selec tion ot a district governor and other bUKlness is scheduled to take place at the meeting. Those tentatively planning to attend from here are Sam Ult chey, president ot the .local club; Roy Premo. secretary, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knudson. Bonanta. Each conslita of a clasa room and a shop, and the average cost was about f 1800. Jens Svlncit has charge ot the Smith-Hughes work at Henley and Uonania, and J. S. Johnson directs the activity at Merrill. Socicl Service Workers Plan Trip To Bend Four members of the local re- Ulet staff will attend the Central Oregon cuuforeitce of social aorkers, to be held In Uend Uc io'mt 13 and 14. The local detonation will be heudod by Miss I'hyllls Hurting, relief director, and will Include Mrs. Kilna Ackley, . 'uniioth Joe Plgney. volunteer worker. Members of ths county relief committee may also attend. Smitten, staff member, snd Mrs. an hour. Rscnlutors in the now llnl lioin '1'ulie station, London, travel at the rate of 1110 fei-t Primary Teachers Meet On Saturday A meeting ot Klamath county primary triirhura will be con ducted at Hie Allniiiont school Saturday, under the direction ol Mrs. laabolls llrlxner, county supervisor. The session will begin st :S0 o'clock. All teachers In ptllilK school primary grndns Hi the county are oxpnctid to atlend. Russain balloonist rose only 10 foet on an attempted flight to stratosphere. Another case where Inflation failed? Maybe there's something in a name after all. That Michigan police wno testified against those nudists was named Peek. A unique type of mualcale la announced for Sunday evening at the First Methodist church by the pastor. Rev. John B. Coan, to be presented by the choir un der the leadership ot R. E. Pat terson. The service is entitled "Celebrated Hymns snd Hymn Stories of the Centuries." Types and examples of Christian music and hymns covering 18 Christian centuries are included in this pro gram. , Some of the outstanding ot these hymns will be the oldest Christian hymn in existence, by Clement ot Alexandria, written In the second century: beautiful Greek and Latin hymns and hymn types of the early and middle centuries, including one by John ot Damascus of the eighth century and one by Ben ard ot Cluny ot the 12th century. One of the snblime and awe- 1 Inspiring hymns of the judg ment as sung by the medevial monks will be presented. Other presentations will in clude choice examples of Span- 1 ish, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Eng lish, German and American hymns. Two numbers will be given in tbe original German, and one ancient Hebrew mel ody Is included. This program has been selected and arranged 1 by Mr. Coan and the stories of each of the famous numbers will be told by him. The pres entations will be by solos, duets, quartets and full choir. The service is announced for 7:39 o'clock. This is the fourth ot the new evening feature services under the direction ot the pas tor of this church which are attracting a large attendance. Revival Service Closes On Sunday The revival services conducted by Bvangelist K. D. E. Smith for the Pentecostal Assembly of God, located in Moe's Basement, will close Sunday night with a sermon on "The Last Great Earthquake." The sermon will be Illustrated with stereoDtlcon slides of the Long Beach earth- I quake, with a few special views ot the San Francisco quake. The speaker, who was for a time a Los Angeles police officer and still retains bis police com mission, was active in relief work and had opportunity to get many views not generally published. One of the pictures to be shown Is a copy ot a newspaper photo graph taken of the burning fiery cross which stood hi the heavens above San Francisco during the 190S quake. County School Buildings Ready Three new Smith-Hughes build-1 Ings at county schools will bs 1 ready tor occupancy in a tew 1 days, H was snnounced by i County School Superintendent Fred Peterson. The buildings have been put up at Merrill. Henley and fi Mod Tm Drlnkersj) I Out of Man 8 mS Yor 090, few man dronfc Ha. Then India Ta b I cam widely known. Now ffion vrywnr or drinking Irvdlo Ua. Ifi a man's drink, comm it't rich, fu!Mlavomd.wlny. Whrot may 90! it for lhlr hvibondt by feotirvg for tho Map-of-lndla trodofMrk (ofaovo) In addition to Mto brand noma, on pocfcoQo of tea thoy buy. 1 A CAt NATION ALSIM MOT CtMAk 'tee- Try Cassation Oatj tomorrow tnd you too will rcslire why to nun? experienced housewives prefer them. The reason : their distinctive taste, theit uniform smooth ness. Lowest price in many years. JIL. 33. QUICK S3R VICE Seasonable Bargain are just a habit with us let us fill your food needs, and best of all we give you your money's worth every day. SATURDAY AND M ONDAY SAVINGS Blue Rihbon BEEE Nationally known as the Best of the Bettor Beers. On sale at 1204 Main 225 So. 6th 123 Main 1710 Oregon Avenue (None to Dealers No Limit to Our Customers) CAENA1TIN MULES Here is a brand that you know is good. -Fresh Extra EGGS Dependable quality, doubly guaranteed and inspected. . Each carton has the seal of Crater Lake Creamery. BEST FLOUR Safeway-MacMarr High Quality It's waste to pay more, . yet dangerous to pay less. Thousands of satisfied users. BOTTLE TALL CANS DOZEN 49-LB. BAGS $fl.89 SUGAR MAYONNAISE Pure Cane 8-LB. BAGS Best Foods, double whipped. QUART ,q1 ff rint Jars 24c JAR mUmI' V oasts' Van Camp's New pack. " c PORK & BEANS 25 GRAPEFRUIT SALMON ack, bought 25 Columbia pack. "mure trie r Buy several. 2-LB.CANS 0LE0 HOLIDAY All Quality. Lb. 8c HONEY Packed in Klamath County. 5-Lb. Pail. 43 c RAISINS Fancy seedless. 1 "f -3-Lb. Pkg Li FIGS Extra choice white or black. OO 3-Lb. Pkg jC APRICOTS Extra choice dried. 2-Lb. o O Pkg sCOC FIG BARS White or Whole Wheat. 2-LB. T Ci Fill that lunch pail. PKG. it 4r GINGER SNAPS Fresh, snappy gingersnaps 2-LB.Tk it for hungry youngsters. PKCtnUsffJ' BANTAM CORN Country Kist Minnesota Golden MED, Tl ntokt Bantam Heat and add butter. CANS tl HsVr KLAMATH CHEESE Rcing made famous in LB. Tl J J California by Safeway. JX mr Balco MALT SYRUP Hop flavored. LC-XIO Oregon's best seller. CANfc DELMONTE PEAS Tender early garden. TALL Tl 1 it cans A 3)r Fancy String Beans Stokely'g garden fresh. NO. 2 Tl A Approved by Good Housekeeping. CAN l iyr TOMATO COCKTAIL Van Camp's full flavor. BIG J CAN BAKING POWDER 3B Royal Cream of Tartar, Note new low price 12-OZ. CAN FALL SOAP SPECIALS Crystal White, 10 Bars ..: 29c Pride Powder, Large Pkg ...12c Monarch Brooms, Each 33c Crystal White Soap Chips, 5-lb. Pk. 33c Bon Ami, Powdered, Pkg .......12c Clorox, Pint 9c; Quart 15c PEANUT BUTTER Max-I-Mum, smooth and delicious. PAKCAKE FLOUR Max-I-Mum extra quality. Serve waffles and bacon this Sunday. AIRWAY COFFEE The West's favorite coffee. The price is unusually low ior Airway a gooa couee round ISc. 2-LB. IAR LGE. PKG. 3-LB. PKG. BUY YOUR MEATS FROM OUR CLEAN MARKETS iuu ALWAYS GET Quality Meats At Low Prices Beef Roast Shoulder Iff. T T U " MVltt O Prammm ""o -a a viiiiuill BACON Pork Roast From Grain-Fed Porks lb. 13 v WeinerS fresh made 2 lbs. KRAUT New pack quart Link Sausage Pure pork lb. 1 LARD Pure fresh rendered lbs. HAMS Carsten Cured Lean Sugar V or Whole ib. i7v BACON Lean sugar cured lb. y2$ Extra Special Slab $2.05 Pork Steak 2 lbs. 29 Veal Steak 2 lbs. 29 JEL-WELL All fruit flavors. pkg ?. be CRACKERS Snowflake, Qregon made. vl 29c CHEESE Kraft assorted flavors. Pkg iic GRAPE NUTS Crunchy cereal, i j Pkg 1 C POST T0ASTIES You get tho new n Q package. 3 Plcg. 1 V C BEANS Red or whites. S-Lb. Pkg VANILLA Bunny Brand. 4-Ox. Bottle ... MACARONI Rose City curve f f cut. 3-Lb. Pkg... IZtC CANDY Teanut BHttbj. 25 55 23c SCOTT'S Finest quality tissue. 3 Roll.... OYSTERS Miss Lou fancy r pack, 5-Ox. Can . 1UC 23c 19c TISSUE Waldorf soft tissue, 6 Rolls.. 10c 25c A time-savins; pudding. Individual Plum Pudding Brand or cak. 1 egus crumbs cup Mincemeat . enp watBr M cup chop- or (rui, p e d wal- juice n," Julco of on lemon fill Individual molds, cas ta rd cups, or muffin tins with altnrnato layer of crumbs, mincemeat, and mils. Hrat all other Ingredlenta together and pour over contents ot cups. llnke In a moderate oven (3G0 V) tor about 80 minutes or until firm. Serve hot with hard sauce, 1 or awcrtenrd whipped cream. 8iTve MX. "" KornM "in household prob., ims.fklnnnlna: or special rtrlpes(ui In your request with a st-lt-iidilresseil. stemiM-d envelope' In' Julln, Le. Wrlaht, (llrecloT, 'ftotnomiikers' nurenu, Knfeway stores, Inc., Box 860. Oakland, California. Fruit Jars and Jar Fixtures On Sale Every Day BRING US YOUR RELIEF ORDERS WE FILL THEM QUICKLY 3QE