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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1933)
October 7, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAG2 Errvni I Wan t-Ads Bring Resu Its Phone Yours to 1900 , ggx Kates i 'apor word per day's insertion. 10s 201 m. eent dlaaount OD ad running on Hk. mt aant discount On ft 4 running o a niontb. All .U..lflm m A m r InaAPl. sd In bulb Tb Klamath News and Evening Herald. l the above rat. appMrlni In Tb lire- nl. limit fne elaaalflcatlon in lb following dar's pa pun I. I ut p. M. Ada desired In serted on (b same da; aa eub milled will ban to run 'Too i II ( iPnnJ.HA. uaie lu viaxsii' . lo-Cleaalfy aria r put In on paper only at tb eaino rata aa quoted abov. and classified or suooeeoing insertions. SI J Lost and Found STRAYED OR STOLEN Two cowi. on branded diamond on Tin lit rib, from Allamonl Thuredav afternoon. Notify M. O. Hat, car Pelican Buy t.nmncr t'n. qiiiiIi 3 General Notice RADIO SCRVICa of n kind. Wm. Long. 1405 Lookout St pnone p i n Personals EDITH MONA1IAN Readmits. Urey llotal. 1-K4 I1KAIHNHH delly tl Oak 60. 5 Transportation Trews. By SSImg Shortest Routt to PORTLAND $5.90 one way SEATTLE . $7.90 one way SPOKANE $14.00 one way Via Bend and Waplnltla Lear Greyhound Depot at 11:10 pnjnHyJMionetlO 6ft Saleemen Wanted vWANTKDThre young men. two young ladlea o( neut noponr- nre, good paraonallty, hy con . cern npenlnK new iMialness In Klamnlh Fella. Phone Mr. Rnoaevelt for appolnmtent. Hotel willnrd rnnm aiifi 7 Help Wantad, Female WANTHD-MIousokooper. , Pbntie 1847. 000 9 3ituaMofti Wanted EXPERIENCED dairy man want work. Box It, Merrill, Ore. ' 0?! 10 Contract Work Wanted WANTED Lou. lumber or other hear? hauling; contract. Be Claud H. Davis at Klamnth Furniture To. 1 14S 11 Furnished Roonn CLEAN slseplng room, modern home. 18 month. Phone 17711. 691 Jefiorson. 1284 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE cm rnunoa Tuarv bOkTT fa KNOW THAT I KNOW THtVVB Pfl A LAWVCPt ABOUT THB. CONTRACT- AND NVVBR KNOW 1 PICKED THB LAWVBH FOR THEM TO SB- MIOHT A WBLL HAVB IOMB FUN THEM KIT HOW M THB WORLD COULD MR. CHIZZLER HAVB FOUND OUT ABOUT our eeaiNo ' A l ail 1Q--3 AW, THAT 6IRO HBARS ALWAYS .LISTBNIN' AT KEY HOLES AND 8NOOPIN' LAWYBUt I aa.irrDisvi aa llN HALLB- I Furnished Room FURNACE HEATED bedroom to modern bom. 1'bon tiu. 1014 12 Koom and Board Fl R8T CLAHB room nd board, furnniu Inn I, (run garage, 1:7 in mi Hi. :i:iii Delia. nmii 13 Furnished Apartment rlinNimiKn apartmknth 112 nd up. 411 N. IOIIi. 0806 ItDYAL AUMH APTg. SI High , HI., or cull Hi. 1370 -ROOM furnished apartmnnta, furnace healed, (arm) aparn. Cull phone 014J, 11173 AKCADM APAUTMKNTS 110 up. I'l'iily hot. gnrnse. 110 14 Furnished Houm FOR RUNT Furnished modorn 1-room house, cloa In. Phone 111 or 607. 1111 Kill' It ROOM Aiodera duplex. 1'hon 111. 127 J-UOOM modern houao, .partly fiirnl.hed. (11.10 ft kionth. l'lmi" 4IJ4 1 27 1 IS Unfurnished Houki 4-IIOOM modern bouie. 1410 Wnnilund avenue, $7. CO per nioiiin. I'uune iuuo. FOR RKNT Unfurnished boua. four-room, modern, full baMu- ment, clna In, lie ft month. Apply 100 Sit. Whitney afreet IS70 aaBftaaBaaawBBBaaaBaaeBBaMamaaaaaxBa 1 7a Real Estate Wanted WANTKU 10 or 15 acres Irri gated, with Improvements. Kriirier rourta. rvo. r. iutt 19 Automotive O(K)I) 1'HEt) PAR8 WITH A WltlTTKN CfAHANTEE LOOK AT TtlKhW I'RICEH 10IH Hmlann Victoria 1100 1UIS Oldauinlille Coupe 1276 1U2N Cliry.liT 71 Coupe.., liino Hulrk Hedan I lis I Chevrolet tiednn 192H Chevrolet Coupe w 11IJH Hod i a coun ..12B6 ....5R0 .I376 ....1176 ....I 10 inis proves tmu our prices are lower. AIlMSTItONfl MOTORS, INC. 1.111 Main Bl. CHRYSI.KIl and PLYMOUTH DKALKK8 11(1 WANTKU Two logging trucks. Call KUIngaoo, pbone 642. 1181 For Sale v Too and half CheTrolet trurk O'nil I'eoplea Werehnune 20 MiacelUrieous Por Sal ... SACKS Farmers attention. W hate need sacka for oats, bsrley and spuds. W buy pelts, wool hides and Junk. And w will treat you right. MAS Bag Co. 34 Market. Pbone 19S9W. 0i CIIANCH IN A LIFETIMHJ High greiln atmiilarn mnke hnhy grnnd piano. Will aell from alornee at Mnjealle Itetrlirera lion Co.. Ill A. eth HI. Barrl llro. Terms Ilk rent. 1374 HAItOAIN lll'NTKHS To mnke room lor new rndlos coming In will sell several pianos, one fine bungalow slse. Juat like new. Come make offer. Csah or terms. Ill 8. th BL 1371 FOR BALK Remington 10 gauge eiitomiitlc shotgun, like new 1427 Oregon. 0801 For Bnle Branded Folate Bags Twlno Lampblack Stencils 0S07 Peoples Warehouse For Kale Ktoves Pool Table Kleetrlc Steam Table . Meat Caaes Colls. Klca. s 1 Roll Ton Deak 0808 peoples Warehouse PASTURK FOR SALE Plenty eea ann water, v. u. cariaon, tihaala Way. 1J7K BAROAINB Bllghtly used furni ture. Ill Urond. 12SS THBVU. WITH Tf II II l,f . . wm r.v Klamath Business Directory Convalescent Horn A.hland for health. Lllhl Water. Cllmnt. Convalsscsnt Horn open to all oatlenla. renters, board- ri. Reduced price. 1SI Oran- It street Asblsnd. Doctors Dr. O. W. Weatllnd. Nsturopsthlc Physician. Chronic and nervous disuses spsoltlty. 111-111 L O. 0. F, Bldg. Dress Shoppe Visit Torgler's Upstairs Dress Hliopp for attractive dresses at reasonahlo prices. Til Main Bt. Plion Ul). 061v Hemstitching IIEMSTITCHINO, BUTTONS oov area, areaamgklug. Mrs. H M. Allander. 614 Wglnut. 0170 19 Automotive October USED CAR SALE Continues $185 $185 'SO Clicvrulet ..$195 Truck., 88 Ihxlire l'anel.M $215 $285 $285 $285 SO Font Coup m, '8I Pontine H-iln '87 I'Ackartl Victoria..... '87 f'aillllno $295 He dan.. 80 Konl Tudor... $295 $315 $315 $335 $335 i 81 Ford Coue. 1 Ford J'lrkup... 80 CMC Truck.. 80 Ford Sedan 81 Ford Tudor..- $345 0 Balsiger Motor Co. Main and Kitplnnnde By Harold Gray SPECIALS 80 Font Qf Truck PJV 87 Whippet t'oupe P '88 OveHand $85 '80 Cfcevrolet CQC 1'anel POJ '80 Kurd P-""! II! 80 Konl KelNn V4UMPH! I HIAR VOU'VB CONSULTED A CAWVER, ABOUT OUR CONTRACT CBTTINO CAOBV, ARB VOU MAYB.B. VOL) THOUGHT VOU COULD dRBAK THAT CONTRACT- YOU'LL LEARN IT OOBSN'T PAY TO TRY PUT ANYTHING OVER HA HA? THB LOOK ON THEIR FACES! LBT 'IM RBALIIB I'M WATCHINO BVBRY MOVE THEY MAKB THB SOONER THBY' PINO OUT I'M THB bQSB, AND THEY'RE JUST THB TRAINED SEALS, THB BITTER- US K. I-41 V'fiBWe .u.arc,c-?v.i.t,CT.-JV,,,-t Musio Z. Peters Piano. Violin, Pbont hum. Optic Ulsases fitted. Soul Sanitarium. Second Hand Store7 W pay cash or trad for nsd goods. O. L. Hembrea, 221 8. (tb. Turkish Bath Massage, Colonic Irrigation. Reg Istered Nurse. 117 Bo. Seventh Typewriter School Trained Mecbanle 14 Years' Eiperlenc Adding Machine and Typswrlter Sales and Service 610 Main Pbon 141 20 Miscellaneous For Sale WOOD THAT BURNS Oren fir, dry fir, dry pin. Phone 139111. 12H5 20a Swap RKPAIK houae In Mills addition for winter rent. Clarence Par JMnoehrandMrlsng 21 Wanted Miscellaneous HIGHEST PRICE paid tor used furniture, heaters and ranges. Ill Hrosd. 120U 22a Poultry For Sale 8TATB Blood Tested White Leg- norns. Barred Kocka and Hed Chicks. -Nine Dollars 100 pre paid and guaranteed. J. R Ma gulre. 1411 N. B. Oregon St.. Portland 01 23 Financial $$ NEED MONEY $$ FOR New tires on your tart FOR Necessities of winter? FOU Pressing small bills? STATE LOAN COMPANY Oregon Bank Bldg. 110 N. lOtb Phone 768. Lie. Stat S-1U SAVE SAVE SAVE ON AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Lowest rates and easiest terms Investigate and be convinced. MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 101 8o. 7th. Ph. 14 vat License M-104 Necessities for Work FOR TRADE Cheat of mill wrlght tools for wood. 1141 Pine. 1141 WANTED Work by day or hour. Experienced in cooking and sewing. Best or. references. Call 602J. 1147 WHAT bar yon to trade for large size black broadcloth, mink lined man's orercoaL 1701 Oregon. 1210 AMUSEMENTS Vox Now playing, "Th Wom an J Stole," with Fay W'ray and Jack Holt. Pelican Now playing, "Ma dame Butterfly," with Sylvia Sidney, Cary Grant and Charles Ruggles. Pine Tree Now playing, "S crats of th French Police," with Owlll Andr snd Frank Morgan. Rainbow Now playing "King Kong." AT THF. VOX 1 ROBtRT MONTGOMERY d ritlEN rWES in "ANOTHER LANGUAGE' Hslan Hayes and Robert Mont gomery are th stars in "Another Language," a new Metra-Qoldwyn-Mayer' feature which opens Bun day at th Vox theatre for four days. The film, adapted from tha sen sational drama of family life by Rone Franken, ahows Mlaa Hayes and Montgomery as a pair of now lywsds who find the honeymoon is over when the husband's inef fectual relntlv tuk charge of their domestic affairs. Miss Hayes I magnificent In her role, and Montgomery'g porformanc leavea little to be deaired. They are a great team together and appar ently meet with th unbounded approval of th audience. Included In the east are Louis djosser Hale, Jolrn Beal, Henry Trarra, Margaret Hamilton. Wll lard Robertson, Irene Cattell, Minor Watson, Hal Dawson and Maldel Turner. AT TIIK PELICAN "Madam Butterfly," on of MM?, National, Local Markets DEMAND FOR FULLY STEADY PORTLAND, Oct. T, (P) But ter manufacture In the Pacific Northwest was holding up better than during any recent aeason for like period. Thrr continued a general mereasfl of offerlngg from eut-state points, and even local manufacture was Indicating a fractional gain for th week, In stead of th loss of normal peri ods. Demand for butter remained steady, but prices on tb open market were unchanged for tb day. Best demsnd continued for undergrades, which did not ad' vauce during a late session of the exchange. Advertised low resale prices to consumers were usually of thss grades. Buttertat prices were at least firm. Freeh F.gKS Stronger Fresh egg market was strong locally with full prices being real ised. Storage stock was snowing a wide spread with much stult coming from outsld th stats, which was bavins a baa ettect here. Generally steady situation con tlnued In the market for lir poultry and without price changes. This applied to turkeys chickens and even ducks. Country killed meat market was unchanged generally for tbe day, wltb stocks showing little change as to volume. Low prices bsve slightly stimulated demand tor real and beef. Kpnds la Demand Wltb Increasing offers of DeS' chutes potatoes there was a growing demand for these, but locals were still taking th bulk of demand. General price were unchanged. Market for tomatoes was grow ing weaker her, with growsrs rushing about everything avail able to market. Prices were lower In spots. Quality was not qnlte ao good, but some fancy packs were available. Prices were being well held In th market for fresh fish with both salmon and halibut quoted nnchanged at lat figures. Oysters were showing but scant improvement In demand as prices wer considered too high. Wine grapes wer showing a general advance her and In the south as a result of greater de msnd and the smaller crop, some of whjch was due to strik condi tions In California. HOLD VP AGAIN WASHINGTON. Oct. 7, (P) Today's newly mined gold price was announced b the treasury as 131.71. an Increase of 17 cents an ounc as compared with yester day's quotation. American manufacturers of expensive stationery articles, such aa high grade fountain pens and pencils, bar built up a considerable business In India. A new patented nicotine stain remover can now be obtained by women smokers. all time, now don Into motion picture, comes to the Pelican the atre today, with a cast headed by Sylvia Sidney, Cary Grant, tnarne uuggies, Irving Pichel and Helen Jerome Eddy. Miss Sidney, playing th title role a high-born Japanese girl niskcs her appearance in an en tirely new type of characteriza tion. Eyebrows and eyeg slanted, hair lacquered, her steoa minclni. draped from head to foot In color ful oriental robes, she Is anything but th American girl of "City Streets," "An American Tragedy," "The Miracle Man," "Merrily W Go to Hell," or other of her re cent screen successes. AT THK TINE TRUE French underworld characters ara of a different typ than the American, being more picturesque ana romantic ana not so standard ised, according to RKO-Radlo Pic tures' authentic and fascinating "Secrets of the French Police," at tne fine Tree theatre today. Th film, directed by Eddie Sutherland and featuring Owlll Andr, Frank Morgan, Gregory Katoff and John Warburton, I based on a serial, "Secrets of the surete," by H. Ashton-Wolfe. and "The Lost Empress," by Samuel Orniti. Ashton-Wolfe's series of arti cles In American Weekly recount ed the sure yet subtle methods which have made the "Surete." the French Secret Police, th moat highly respected body of secret service men In the modern world. AT TIIK RAINBOW King Kong, that super thriller tnat leads from th primeval Jungle of the giant ape Kong to riew York s skyacrapera, plays a return engagement at the Rain- how theatre today. Fay Wray, Brnc Cabot and Robert Arm- BUTTER HOLDS Potato Grading Equipment Of All Kindt Will take your potato sorting job by contract either la your field or warehouse. Also have th latest design POTATO WASHER on tb market. Can wash 10 cars datly with present equipment Ask for Fred Mayer In th Schwab-Stonebarger Wrahouti, Tnle Lake, or Phone 0401 Tule Lake, tor further dctalli. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Oct. (, (P) A late selling war swept over tb stock market today, when grains slumped around tbe full day's limit at Chicago, but liquidation dried up rapidly and many lead ers either pared or cancelled tbair losses la a last minute rally. The close wsfl Irregularly lower. Dull nesa was tbe rule In the final hour and turnover approximated only 1,460.000 (hares. Today's closing price: Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Al. Chern. & Dy American Can . American Coml. Alcohol American For. Pow. American BmeiL aV Ref, . A. T. 4k t. : American Tob. B 101 !( 117 tli (01 ! 4(1 110 1(1 1(1 (41 11 Mi 161 HI 111 141 11 (S 101 411 14 Hi (( HI 11 77 71 171 11 161 101 11 10J 1(0 11 11 II 621 221 2i 71 30. 20 20i J01 4(1 U 941 111 19 201 II 11 441 II Anaconda Copper Atchlaon, T. 8. F. , Atlantis Ref Baltimore lc Ohio Bendix Aviation Bethlehem Steel Hordes Co. Burr. Adding Machine California Pack Case, 1. I. Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Motor Col. Gas Electric Commercial Solvent Continental Can , ,., Corn Products . Curtlas Wright Dupont D N. Eastman Kodak Electric Auto LL -Oeaeral Electric General Foods General Motor Gillette Razor Gold Dust Homes take Mining International Harveater . International Nickel 1. T. T. Johns Manrlll Kennecott Con. Cop. Libbey-O-Ford Liggett si Myers B Liquid Carbide Lorlllard Tob. Co. Monty Ward Nash Motor National Biscuit National Dairy Prodncts National Distillers New York Central - North America Pacific Gas ft Electric Packard Motor ., Park Utah Penney, J. C. Phillips Pet. Public Service New Jersey . Pullman Co. Radio Corp Rem. Rand - Reynolds Tob. B Sear, Roebuck ,, 171 46 71 1 SO 40 I Shell Union Southern Pacific ,, Standard Brands - Standard Oil California Standard Oil New ersey . Studebsker Co, 22 241 411 411 (I Texas Corp. 17 Trans-America II Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United Corp , United Gas Imp. U. 8. Indus. Alcohol U. S. Rubber 44 110 321 II 111 61 111 4(1 3 1(1 U. S. Steel West. Elec. ft Mfg. Woolworth Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Oct. I, (Jf) Cat tle: Receipts, 75; calves, 15; mar ket dull and weak. Steers, common and medium, I2.S0 to (4.75; heifers, good, common and medium, (1,70 to (4.25. Cows, common and medi um, (t.SO to (3.25; low cotter and cutter, (1.15 to (2.50. Bulls, good and choice, (3.00 to" (3.(0. Vealera, good and choice. (1.00 to 17.60; culls, common and medi um, (3.00 to (S.00. Calves, good and choice, (4.00 to (5.60; com mon and medium, (1.00 to (4.00. Hogs: Receipts, 400; market steady. Lightweight, good and choice, (4.76 to (5.50; medium weighL good and choice, (4.71 to (5.60; heavyweight, good and choice, (4.15. Parking sows, medium and goed, (2.35 to (4.15. Slaughter Pigs, good and choice, (3.(0 to 14.00. Feeder and stocker pigs, good and choice. (4.00 to (4.71. Sheep: Receipts, 100; market steady. Lambs, good and choice, (5.00 to (5.71; common and medium, (3.(0 to (5.00. Yearling weth ers, (2.50 to (4.50. . Ewes, medi um to choice, 75c to (4.00. The bnrean of fisheries mad 7.071.(35,000 fish, flngerlicgs, fry and eggs available to th fishing industry and (,;;rtamen In 1931. A hotel near Maidenhead Bridge, England, has a nail driv en In the center of its counter; this marks the boundary between Buckinghamshire and Berkshire, strong head th caat that fac th horrora of Kong'a forgotten king dom In tbe South Seas. Bruc Cabot plays th hsrd-bltten sail or who alone plunges 'Into th Jungle to rescue Miss Wray from the 40-foot apa. Mime QUOTED SLOW FROM BOSTON BOSTON, Oct. (, (P) Tb Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: "Tb ' demand for wool ha alowed up noticeably compared with th big movement which ha been currant (or some week, but there 1 still euougb buslnes to keep prices firm, especially In Tiew of the restricted supplies of wool available. It Is estimated that of th 1(11 domestic clip there ar not mors than 10 mil lion pounds left in th band of dealers and growers. 'New buslnes at th mill un doubtedly Is slower, but th mill are running very full (till and consuming wool heavily. Report from th plecegoodg and clothing market srs encouraging, al though strikes sre a big fly In ine ointment for the moment 'Fall Texas wool Is moving moderately at, 15c and 27c to th grower. 'Foreign market bar been somewhat Irregular and prices have eased on tbe poorer wools. The London sales probably will be shortened. . 'Mohair Is quieter, with price little changed." Th Commercial Bulletin will publish tb following quotation bcoured basis Oregon, fine and fin medium staple. (0c to 82c; fin and fin medium French combing, 76c to 71c; fin and fin medium clothing, 71s to 72c; Valley No. 1, 74c to 15c. Mohair Oregon, 40c to 41c; domestic graded, first - combing. 10c to 12c; second combing, 10c to (5c; third combing, 46c to 60c; fourth combing. 40c to 46c good carding, 40e to 4(e; first kid, 75e to 71c; second kid, lie to fie. Stock Averages i (Copyright till, unaarl BUM. tics company) I 10 S Indi a RR s Ut a Total Friday SI. 4S.I T4.T 7S.I Prav. day SS.4 4.T 7t.i It. Weak ago 14 4 411 Tt.4 Ti t Year ago (7. It I IS li t I years in 141.1 110.1 ill 14T I High. 1I3I 10M SI. 111.1 II I Low. till 41.1 lit (1.1 IM High. Jill tl.I III 111 Til Low. mi hi in (i.i in High. 1S1I 140 I 104 I lot. 144.1 Low, lilt 40.1 10.1 III 1. Bond Averages (Copyright Ills. Standard Statke ties Company) 14 14 I M tadl'a RR s Dt's Totaj Friday 71 TI.7 Tl.t tl.I Prar. day 71.1 71.1 Tl.I 71.1 ago Tl.I Tl.I Tl.I Tl.I Year ago 11.4 17.1 II I Tl.I I years ago IS I 101.1 100 I 101. 1 High. 1931 T7.1 It I II I SI S Low. 1ISI 11.1 17. T4.1 III High, till Tl.I Tl.I II I Ti l Low. III! III 4T.4 TS.I III High, lilt 10.4 10I.T 101.1 fS.T Low, 1911 11.1 111 10.1 11.1 Banana oil contains neither ba- anaa nor oil. It Is composed of equal part of amyl acetate, ace ton and benzine, with a little) py- roxyline dissolved in IL Musical HORIZONTAL 1 Who t th Polish musi cian la th picture? (180MI4I). 16 Reproached. II Member of one of the foremost . native tribe In th Philippines. 17 Imitated. II The man la th plctur was a master Answer te Preyloes resale eBe Helen hici mm Jos i M Social insect. 40 Te affirm. of music. 41 Exclamation. 42 MorseL 43 To free. 4IVrbaL 47 To lamsnt 49 Auction, tl European blackbird. 12 To elude. (3 Star-Ilk flower. 14 Thing, tl Affirmative. 10 American Batboat. 11 B commence. 14 Collecting at on point 1( Folding bed. 18 Street (abbr.). 29 Company (abbr.). SO Cavity. 12 To think. 14 Yea 11 To lift np. 8 Myself. I li J U 16 lb I? I lb N IO fl I IIS. 1S IIA 1 " 175""'9 """I53" bt T J ss r-H-H JB 1-H 1. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Oct. I. Butter, prints, extras. Ilo: stand ards, lie. Buttarfat, Portland 4llvryi A grade, tic; farmer's door de livery, II per Is.) sweet sream, I higher. Eggs. Pacific poultry produc er!' selling prices: Overall, lae; extras, 17c; stsndards, 14c; ma dlums, I4e; pullets, IT dosen. Buying price wholesalers: Fresh extrss, lie dos.; first. Ilo; a Hums, II do.; undergrade, lie; pallets, 14c. Cheese. 1 score Ores on Trie- let lie; loaf 11 lb. Broker will pay Me below quotations. Milk, contract price 4 pet: Portland delivery. (1.71 ewt: B grade cream, 17 hit lb. Country meats, selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs. nest nutcnm , under no lb. s to lie; light and thin. 4 to c; heavy oslvss, 4 lb.; lambs, Is to 10c lb.; yearlings, 4c to ie lb.; heavy ewes, 1 to I lb.; me dium cows, fc to 6c; eanner cows. ie to ic; nuns, 4 to 4)0. Mohair, buying once: lilt, clip. 15c lb. Cascara bark, kuylag prtee, 1931 peel, IH. Hopa, nominal, 1111, IMM Ut poultry. Portland daily ry: Buying prices: Colorad fowl, 4 to I lbs, lie; over lbs, 11c; spring pullsts, 1 to itt lbs, 11c; roasters, oyer tVa lbs, lie; Leghorn fowl, ever t lb, (c; under ( lb, 7e; broilers IK to 1 lbs. 14c; lbs and np, lie; stage, go; roosters, le; Pekln ducks, lies colored docks, Ic; geese, 1 lb. unions, Yakima, (1.15 per cen tal; Oregon, 11.16 to 11.40. potatoes, local white and red, (1.25 cental; Yakima, (1.11 te (1.(0; Deschutes, (1.(0 to (1.(0. Cantaloupes, Dlllard, standard. (1.40-1.(0; Yakima, standard. (0-10 crate;. The Dalles. 11 erata. Wool, llll clip, nominal Willamette valley. It-I5e Ibfi eastern Oregon, 11-11 lb 5 southsrn Idaho, 11-10 lb. Hy. buying price from pro ducer: Alfslfa. No. 1, new crop. 111-11.60! retch, (16; Willa mette Teller timothy (II; t ern . Oregon timothy (17.(0r oats, (14 ton. CATTLE MARKET STEADY IN SOUTH SO. BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. (. (UP) Hogs: 400, Including 246 direct. Moderately actlTO, steady, abont 10 head sorted 141-171 lb. Callfornlas 11.75, top; common medium 1(1-1(1 lb. ((-(5.15. Cattle: 100, including 40 hold overs. Market nominally steady, better grades steers absent, few medium holdovers 11.71; desir able lightweight grass steers quoted to (4.(0, poesihly (4.71; load fed 145 lb. heifer (5.11; desirable grass cows quoted to (1.15, few dairy typ on sale. Calve: Nona. Lata Thursday, steady, largely medium 190 lb. Arisonas (4.75, common-medium 110-177 lb. (1.60-14. Sheep: 1(0. No early action on two decks shorn and medium wooled Oregon lambs, abont 14 decks due to arrive shortly, late Thuraday, lambs wsak to lower, four decks good 8(-!7 lb. wooled California l.!l sorted 10 per cent (5. -Genius smslL II Aa apish aetloa.' II To feel in. dlgnant dis pleasure. 11 Noisy sleeper. It Small (hark, KDealre. tl Besides Wing a popular publia concert play er, he gala lnternatloaal fame ass i 17 Seventh sot. M 1.141. tl But be en joyed most earning hi living as a VERTICAL 1 Combat, t Corded loth, t Equal. I Accomplished. I Deity. I To1 feel regret T Imbecile. PL I Less cosrse. 11 Spiked. I Having aa lr-84 Like, regular mo- It Each (abbr.). tlon, a a 17 Ascends. pasta. 10 Stop! 11 Wood om it Portion. 13 Writing fluid. 14 Organ of 41 Ruby spinet 44 Filthy. 41 To storm. 48 Cheerfulnesa, 60 Ocean. (1 Mala th moat treasured romance of